Member Reviews

I was so excited for the last book in the Knockemout Series and it did not disappoint. Although the first and second book felt very standard romance for grumpy sunshine with the girl obviously being too good for the man, in this book we had 2 characters we had already seen interact in the last two books and therefore were more familiar with their stories. But never did I think I would find Lucian and Sloanes story to be the best of the series! It was so well connected to not only the town and their relationships with their neighbors, but to the overall arcs from the first book that set all these events in motion. I loved Lucian’s POV because I think we got a lot more of his side of the story and we’re able to sympathize with him, I do think they were both too stubborn to get over themselves and fall in love , but they got there in the end. Also thanks to Lucy for the extra epilogue. It was so nice to see all our couples doing well and thriving.

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I am all about honesty so I will let you know I have liked, but not loved the previous installments. Then I read Things We Left Behind, and wow this one is amazing. Lucy Score sure left the best couple for last and this book is a triumph!

Characters: From the first few pages of Things We Never Got Over I wanted to be in Sloane’s and Lucian’s heads. Sloane, I just adored her and her sexually frustrated librarian vibes. Lucian is most definitely my favourite leading man that Lucy has written. He has a bit of the grumpiness of the Morgan men but mixed with a heart of gold especially when it comes to Sloane. I really enjoyed the chapters that looked back at their past as teenagers, I enjoyed them so much I would have loved even more.
Setting: Knockemout, Virginia is a town that has been growing on me over the course of the three books. I was not as invested in previous instalments about the everyday people around town, or the wider mystery that was afoot. In this book though I was happy to read the conclusion of the mystery plot line, along with loving all the time we get with the previous couples as side characters.
Pacing: I must admit that I do find Lucy Score’s stories to be a bit long. This time I enjoyed the ride as I was more invested in the characters and the relationship so that helped with the length, it did not feel as daunting. I recommend reading these stories as eBooks if you find looking at a block of pages quite daunting.
Romance: Sloane and Lucian’s childhood friends to enemies to lovers story hit exactly right. Their chemistry was electrifying, I loved all their scenes together whether it was their bickering or their hot sex scenes. I was so attached to the idea of these two together before the story even started, which was definitely a strategy to get me to read through all three. I was even brought to tears a few times as I just wanted them to work out so much through every hardship thrown at them throughout the story.

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This story did not disappoint! It was an absolutely enjoyable read from beginning to end with characters you will love and hate. I absolutely loved the main characters Sloan and Lucian, but I also loved their friends, Naomi, Knox, Lina, Nash, Stef and Jeremiah along with Sloan's sister Maeve and her mother Karen and Luc's friend Emry. This story is full of moments that will make you smile and laugh out loud. The back-and-forth banter between Luc and Sloan is one that I looked forward to because they never disappointed, but I also enjoyed the banter between their friends and co-workers. This story has love, betrayal, suspense, romance, anticipation, steamy scenes, surprises, pets and more and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more books from this author. This is a story I will be recommending to all of my book loving friends, co-workers, family. It's one I'm sure they won't want to miss. This story does have sensitive subject matter such as physical abuse so if you prefer stories without it, this may not be the story for you. Other than that, I think it's a story romance readers will enjoy.

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OMG....this book was fantastic. Things We Left Behind is my first book by this author and I was hooked from the start and couldn’t put it down. This story was the definition of enemies to lovers as Sloane and Lucian couldn’t be in the same room without fighting. Add in second chance, billionaire and small town romance tropes and I was in my glee.

I went into this book blind and I was captivated with the story. The enmity and bickering between Sloane and Lucian was at an all-time high yet you could feel a tension simmering between them. I loved the found family/friendship aspect to the story as well as the mystery suspense element.

I was taken on an emotional roller coaster ride with this novel as we are given all the feels and so much more. The back and forth banter between the main characters and their friends had me so amused and there were some scenes in this novel that had me laughing out loud. However there were some difficult scenes so do check the trigger warning.

Lucian has to be one of my favorite book characters. He was a flawed, complex character and as the story unfolded, we get more of his personality and his relationship with the others characters and we realize why he did some of the things he did, I fell even more in love with this broody alpha.

I loved Sloane and how she stood her ground. She was stubborn, smart and sassy and was so perfect for Lucian. The chemistry and angst between these two was off the charts intense and their steamy scenes were scorching and I loved their transition from enemies to lovers.

This is without a doubt one of my top reads this year. It was a well written tale that had me fully engrossed and captivated with the characters and the plot. I loved it and would highly recommend it.

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This is one of my FAVORITE books of the year! I didn't think Lucy could make me love another book as much as I loved TWNGO but this one MADE ME FALL HEAD OVER HEELS. Omg I could scream! That's how much I loved this one! I can't wait to see where Lucy brings us next!

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Hands down my favorite book in the series. I. Loved. This. Book. The chemistry between Sloane and Lucian was insane. I knew they would be good together, but I couldn't get enough of them. Their bickering was hilarious and they were constantly riling each other up. There was a pull between them whenever they were in the same room together. The tension made for an intensity and passion that blew me away.

Sloane was an incredible heroine. She was smart and feisty. Constantly challenging Lucian and he pushed right back. Lucian was grumpy, protective, bossy and let me tell you I was here for it! I really enjoyed the flashback chapters that were sprinkled in so we could find out exactly what happened when they were younger. The deeper storylines throughout helped me to connect to the book on an emotional level.

I actually think this might be my favorite book by this author. The chemistry and humor is exactly what I love in a rom-com and this one excelled at it. It felt like a comfort read. It was so good to be back in this world and revisit the characters from the previous books.

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I completely devoured this book… I am a huge fan of this author and this series, and I was patiently waiting this the third and final book in this trilogy.
I loved, loved, loved, loved it… And I honestly am going to miss this series… It was everything I could hope for anymore… And while it is the third book in a series, I am going to strongly encourage you to start at book one and enjoy every single minute of this town, these people, and all the love and laughter you can fit in to three books !

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A truly beautiful ending to the Knockemout series! Lucian and Sloane take us on a journey that is full of heart, emotion, drama, chuckles, eye-rolls, intrigue and heat. Their push/ pull keeps you guessing what could they possibly do next.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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I absolutely loved this book. Wow! I laughed, got teary, was a little angry, and overall enjoyed every page. The characters are so well developed, they are like friends you get to visit. The plot was captivating from the start, and I couldn't wait to see where it was going. While this is a great conclusion to a wonderful series, it can be read as a stand alone. Some of the relationships won't have the history if you had read the previous books, but honestly you will still love this book! Sloane and Lucien worked through a mountain of issues to find their happily ever after. They learned that life and people are never perfect, but finding someone to share your life with is priceless.
Cannot recommend this enough!
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Margaret rated a book really liked it
Things We Left Behind by Lucy ScoreThings We Left Behind (Knockemout, #3)
by Lucy Score (Goodreads Author)
My rating:
1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars[ 4 of 5 stars ]5 of 5 stars
This was my very first ARC and also a book I have been anxiously awaiting! Some extremely light spoilers up ahead.

I have been waiting for Lucian's book since the very first one - I was picturing a mysterious James Bond type and he didn't disappoint. This was my favorite of the series yet - fun, funny, super duper steamy (honestly, the steam is worth 5 stars) and a lot of great banter.

My only real complaint is the length, as it's coming in hot at a whopping almost 600 pages. The first 20 percent moves a bit slow and the pacing feels a little off as you don't find out the ~big secret~ and real reason Lucian has stayed away for two decades until you're almost halfway in. I would've loved for the reveal to happen a bit earlier so they could start working on their relationship because the hatred did get a bit old after awhile (and I say this as someone who loves enemies to lovers).

After the reveal is when the book really heats up. I did love the flashbacks and felt like it showed how sweet their friendship was when they were growing up. Once I was mid-way in, I truly could not put the book down. It moves so quickly and nonstop hijinks ensue. It's also a sweet look at the other couples if you loved the first two books in the series.

Like many of Lucy Score's novels, this one has serious Susan Elizabeth Phillips vibes in the best possible way. A small town that we've now grown to know and love with a whole lot of back and forth banter. Unlike the great rom-coms of the early 2000s, there's a background mystery thrown in for good measure and it's extra spicy. This is a truly great end to the series and ties up all the loose ends in the epilogue.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Another Knockemout Takedown!

I loved Knox and Naomi.
I enjoyed Nash and Lina.
I adored Lucian and Sloan.

Sloan and Lucian grabbed my attention from the first time they came onto the pages in this series. The mystery of what happened between them when they were younger, kept me wanting them to tell their story. I am so glad that I got to read it.

Lucian didn’t have the best life growing up but he lived next-door to Sloan, and they formed a friendship of sorts. Although they didn’t broadcast that friendship, when they were at school, it was theirs to cherish. Then a situation arose, which caused Sloan to do something that broke Lucian‘s trust. Thus began their animosity towards each other.

Fast forward to this book , where their friends are in loving relationships, and each of them are technically a fifth wheel. Whenever they are together in the same vicinity, sparks fly. As a reader, you know it’s more than not liking each other, it’s something deeper… an attraction.

A situation arises, which causes Lucian and Sloan to make the choice to get it all out of their system one night. As expected, that doesn’t work too well, because they don’t get it out of their system. They enter into a pseudo-relationship. Unfortunately, danger lurks all around them, danger that started in the first book of the series. There are several situations which Lucian chooses to deal with in his way, but unfortunately one of his choices makes Sloan make a choice of own.

Toss in some well-meaning friends, some employees/friends of Lucian‘s, and you’ve got a lot going on in this book. It was a wonderful ending to a great series. I’m sorry to see the series end, because I would like to know more about all of these characters, even with the epilogue we got.

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The Things We Left Behind
⭐️: 10/5. I should warn you, I’m very biased when it comes to this series. Knockmeout is my favorite small town and this series is all in my top 20 books I’ve read this year. (Things We Never Got Over + Things We Left Behind are top 10). This book was the perfect end to the knockmeout series. The Epilogue and the Bonus Epilogue truly had me in tears. When I first started this book I wasn’t sure if i would like this one more that TWNGO, but I honestly did. Sloane’s feisty personality and Lucian’s “Touch my girl and die” vibes went together so well. Their chemistry was undeniable and I loved the sneaks back into their past. It really helped you understand both characters. Also, both Sloane and Lucian’s character development was just so good. It’s honestly so hard to pick a favorite of this trio… but I think this one takes the cake for me.

📖: “Lucian Rollins is a lean, mean vengeance-seeking mogul. On a quest to erase his father’s mark on the family name, he spends every waking minute pulling strings and building an indestructible empire. The more money and power he amasses, the safer he is from threats.

Except when it comes to the feisty small-town librarian that keeps him up at night…

Sloane Walton is a spitfire determined to carry on her father’s quest for justice. She’ll do that just as soon as she figures out exactly what the man she hates did to—or for—her family. Bonded by an old, dark secret from the past and the dislike they now share for each other, Sloane trusts Lucian about as far as she can throw his designer-suited body.

When bickering accidentally turns to foreplay, these two find themselves not quite regretting their steamy one-night stand. Once those flames are fanned, it seems impossible to put them out again. But with Sloane ready to start a family and Lucian refusing to even consider the idea of marriage and kids, these enemies-to-lovers are stuck at an impasse.”

🌶️: 3/5 Love sloane. Love Lucian. Lives up to the hype 🥵

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There are so many good things to say about the third book in the Knockemout series, and I don't even know where to begin. I loved every 'Who did this to you?' moment with our 'sinful suit daddy' Lucien, and our sweet-in-her-30s-book-loving-heroine Sloane!!!

As a fellow gal in my 30s ... it takes me some depth to truly enjoy romances these days. I think I need that depth to fall in love with the characters truly? There are some hateable moments, and then the fist-pumping triumphs that make you believe in love - The Things We Left Behind has them ALL.

It was exactly what I needed them to be, ya know? I've loved the other two books -- but I wanted to hug this book to my chest the most! Second-chance romance vibes are forever my favorite, and this was probably one of my favorite examples of that for a very long time.

P.S. This book made me laugh out loud WAY too many times, and my coworkers stared at me so much today while I finished it.

<i>**Thank you to That's What She Said Publishing & NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. I received this book for free, but all thoughts are my own. – SLR 🖤</i>

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I just KNEW Lucian and Sloane's story was going to be my favorite in this trilogy, and I wasn't disappointed.

-Friends to Enemies to Lovers
-Grumpy X Sunshine
-"Let's get it out of our system" (I don't know if others consider this a trope, but I do!)

Things We Left Behind is the third installment in the Knockemout Series and it follows Lucian and Sloane who absolutely hate each other and no one knows why. Sparks fly when they're together, but it's not normal kind, it's the kind that will set everything in a ten mile radius on fire. TWLB finally tells us what happened to bring about all that animosity and hate between the couple and it also shows us how no matter how much you think you hate someone, there's a fine line between love and hate.

Lucian Rollins (aka Suit Daddy, aka aka Lucifer) is everything I knew he would be and more with all the angst and trauma. He grew so much in this book mentally and emotionally. The love that he has for Sloane is the kind of love that people dream of. I also just KNEW that he was going to be a praise kink guy. God, that was good. His story in this book was heartbreaking but it just went to show how much he grew from the circumstances that he was stuck in for so long.

"You remembered," she said softly.
I remember every second of us."

Sloane (aka the best librarian in the area, aka Pixie) is spunky, sarcastic, quick witted and an all around wonderful FMC. I want to be her when I grow up. She puts Lucian in his place every damn time and he NEEDS that. She is selfless to the extreme, and I loved how she always stands firm in every decision that she makes. Her love for her family and friends warmed my heart, she would go to battle for the people she loves, and she proved that time and time again.

"Maybe I couldn't make her smile, but I was the one who made the color rise in those smooth cheeks. I was the one who started the emerald fire in her eyes."

This book was action packed, steeeeaaaammmmyyyy (5/5 on that to Lucy Score), full of character growth and so much love. God, I love this couple. I loved every second of this book. I loved that we got to get more from previous characters. I loved how Lucy wrapped the series up. This book was just wonderful.

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My favorite out of the three books. Suit daddy was everything I hoped he would be but damn this book was long.

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Lucian and Sloane ignite in Things We Left Behind. As the 3rd and final book in the Knockemout series. I know I am not the only one who has been anticipating their story. We finally find the why of their relationship with a renewed focus on a new chapter for them. The love story is electric. Their nicknames, the banter and the steam makes this book one you cannot put down.

Suit Daddy Lucian has a vague backstory and the people of Knockemout regard him as a loyal friend to the Morgan brothers and ruthless businessman that has deep pockets. Sloane, the local librarian, is short, fair and awesome. She is also a loyal friend that cannot stand Lucian. When they are at the same events, which is often, their verbal sparring exhausts everyone around them. Situations arise that will force them to their emotional breaking points, we see if that hate can morph into something more. Strong emotions lead to heightened experiences. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the spice. This novel was blushworthy and perfectly spicy. Don’t let the flowers fool you, be a good reader and dive in.

Things We Left Behind is hands down the best book Lucy Score has ever written. I LOVED IT. I really enjoy Lucy’s books, so to have this easily be the best means you need to run out and grab this book now. I laughed so hard I cried, I cried, I highlighted so much. I’m off to the store to pick up my copy now.

My review is my honest opinion and wasn’t influenced by me receiving an advanced copy from Rick, Lucy or Bloom Books.

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🔥 wheeewwwwwwww Sloane + Lucian’s story did not disappoint. SO. DAMN. GOOD. The way they heal each other. The snark. The 🌶️. Personally, my favorite of the 3. The epilogue is beautiful, as they always are, but the bonus epilogue. Be ready. Sobbing. 4.5 ⭐️

Thank you so much Bloom Books, and NetGalley for this ARC, in exchange for my unbiased review.

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I am so sad to see these characters go but I was so pleased with how Lucy Score rounded out this universe! When a series is ending and the book is so hyped up I get nervous that it won't live up to my expectations, but I can confidently say that this book was everything I wanted and more!

I was so excited to get to know both Sloane and Lucian's characters more as they have been teased so much in the previous 2 books. I loved the flashbacks to them as teenagers as it gave the reader a fully rounded picture of their relationship and their conflicts with each other. Both of them have hearts of gold and are loyal to those they love, I think although they portrayed as opposites they have a lot more in common than first meets the eyes.

This book delves into the complex, intertwined lives of Lucian and Sloane, childhood neighbors who grew incredibly close during their teenage years. However, their strong connection led to decisions meant to protect each other, decisions that left both wounded. Sloane held onto her hurt, while Lucian erected walls of anger and kept his trauma hidden. Despite his efforts to avoid her, he maintained ties with her family. But a devastating loss forces them back into each other's lives, and the looming threat from the previous books that still shadows the Knockemout gang keeps them in close proximity.

Tension is the name of the game for this book, simmering and building until it finally erupts. And let me tell you, the wait for Lucian was absolutely worth it. The intensity, the scorching attraction, and his profound desire to protect those he cares about are nothing short of remarkable. But what took me by surprise was the humor in his internal musings—it had me laughing far more than I anticipated.

Sloane, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned with. While Naomi and Lina are no slouches in the goodness department, Sloane is a fierce protector. The jokes about her being intimidating finally come to life in her emotional fortitude and her approach to protecting her people and her town. As the sole native Knockemout FMC, her love for her roots and her dedication to serving her community are commendable. She's a get-things-done kind of woman. While a significant part of the book sees her broken and hurting, we also witness her healing and unapologetically demanding what she wants without compromise.

The overarching mystery that has threaded through the series finds its resolution in this installment. While I had some predictions, there was a twist at the end that blindsided me and had me anxiously awaiting how it would all conclude.

What sets this series apart is the perfect blend of profound emotions and genuine laughter. "Knockemout" is a place you'll always want to revisit, but this book, in particular, holds a special place. It's a story of two people who make sense to everyone but each other, discovering that a little vulnerability can lead to immense gain.

I cried, I laughed and I said goodbye to this wonderful characters and this hilarious and relatable world that Lucy Score has created for us, this book will not disappoint!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for the ARC!

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Adult • Romance
592 pages

📚friends to enemies to lovers
📚small town romance
📚romantic suspense
📚neighbor romance
📚morally gray MMC
📚titled chapters

Happy PUB DAY 🥳
And happy tears-trailing-down-Jess’s-face day 😭

In all honesty, the tears started with the dedication. How could it not?👇🏼

“To 12-year-old, 17-year-old, 21-year-old, and 30-year-old me. You were never the disaster you thought you were. It’s all going to work out.”

Then I laughed. I swooned. I raged. I smiled. And then I was crying all over again. Specially reading the letter to the reader. Lucy Score grabbed my damned heart and squeezed it hard. Things We Never got Over changed me. Things We Hide From the Light held me. Things We Left Behind kept me.

“Sometimes in order to build things back up, you gotta tear them down to the studs.”

Lucian and Sloane were fire. Burning in a beautiful fireplace to keep us warm; blazing to lead the way. And I was there for all of it. The dual timeline was also the stuff from dreams and the cure for every broken heart out there.

“There are some things we never get over. Some things we hide from the light”

And the romantic suspense… finally having closure for all the mysteries that have been haunting Knockemout since TWNGO was brilliant 🤌🏼 absolutely brilliant 🤌🏼

This is one of my forever favorite series.
This is one of my forever favorite casts.
This is one of my forever favorite HEAs.

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Wow, wow, wow. This was fantastic. And hot - the characters were literally burning off the pages, but in a very classy way. This was a great story that managed to put an original spin on the plot, and the dialogue was sizzling. The hero and heroine were both very likable (always a plus) and the romance, even though hot, was also quite sweet. Altogether this was a VERY enjoyable read and one that I will read again and again. Thank you Netgalley and publisher!!

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