Member Reviews

Things We Left Behind is the final book in Lucy Score’s Knockemout trilogy: this one returns to the small town to focus both on the second-chance AND enemies-to-lovers romance of Lucian, a successful businessman, and Sloane, the town’s librarian.

Lucien and Sloane had a strong friendship and almost-love story when they were teenagers until a falling out ended their relationship. Now, they’re brought together only by their mutual friends, Knox and Waylon and Nash and Lina (the couples from the first two books of the series), sniping at each other during every encounter.

Of course, their chemistry is there from the beginning, and their mutual past is revealed through flashbacks that are interspersed through the novel, while they’re desperately trying—in their present—to uncover the source of peril that has plagued the community from book one.

Several subplots enrich the book: Sloane is mourning the death of her father, who was also a mentor for Lucian; Lucian is running his business, employing several characters from previous novels; Sloane is working to help an innocent woman win her freedom from prison; and more. I didn’t mind these little offshoots from the main plot, as they all serve to flesh out who these characters have become. There were two plot developments that I didn’t care for, but they’re in spoiler territory, so message me if you’re interested!

Overall, I found this to be a satisfying, steamy romance and a solid conclusion to the plot that had been developing throughout the trilogy: fans of Knockemout will, I think, be pleased.

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I've read quite a few books/series by this author, and while I've always enjoyed her writing style, I feel like this series is at a whole new level. I have been anxiously awaiting Lucian and Sloane's story since first meeting them in the first book, and I am so pleased to say that the wait was worth it. The backstory for these two is heartbreaking, and I was rooting so hard for their HEA. I can genuinely say that this book--heck, this whole series--has all the feels. I joke often with my family about how I'm dead inside, but this one had me both tearing up and laughing out loud. I love to read, but I rarely feel so much emotion. If you haven't read this series yet, you are missing out. I recommend that you start with the first book; you'll be hooked right away and will devour all three books.

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"You are always my business. You always have been, and you always will be. The only difference is, now you know it."

Well, this book did not disappoint!! Hands down, it's the best one of the series and I loved the first two. I have been anticipating Lucian and Sloanes story since book 1 and I am so happy to report that it really delivered for me! Lucy Score just does it for me, I love her writing style, her humor and no one does found family like her, which is one of my favorite things ever and this book was no exception. The banter and the chemistry were WHITE HOT! And the epilogue and the extended epilogue was like a present wrapped up in a bow for those of us that have followed this series from the beginning.

"Loving you has been a touchstone for more than half my life. But being loved by you? That's a fucking miracle. You, Pixie, are my miracle."

Lucien-I love this man so much, definitely my favorite Knockemout man. Getting answers into his background and his feud with Sloane was so heart wrenching. I felt for him and his struggle to manage his trauma that shaped him and grow as a person. He seems so icy but he really just wants to care for and protect everyone he loves. He is also really funny; I love how his employees/friends force their friendship on him and he acts like he hates it but secretly doesn't. But his back and forth with Sloane is so funny, they are seriously in a league of their own when it comes to volleying insults back and forth and bickering. And can we just talk about how SEXY this man is?! Soooo HOT!

"He was tall dark and evil. I was short, fair and awesome." 😂I love her.

Sloane-She was just my kind of FMC. She gives as good, and she takes and does not give Lucien an inch. She is stubborn and sassy, and her wit is unmatched. They are perfectly matched, and I loved how they both evolve and grow together.... stubbornly and reluctantly but together nevertheless! She is strong and confident, and she is a fighter, but she has her vulnerable side and they both finally let each other in it's so beautiful. 😭

"Christ. Baby, I need you to relax. You don't have all of it yet." 👀
"Shut up and take my cock like a good girl." 🤭

The chemistry It was hot guys, really, really hot.

"You're mine and I'm yours. For better or worse."

The found family-My favorite part of this series! Everyone is there, although I wanted more Waylay bc my girl is just the best, but we got more of Stef and Jeremiah which made my heart so happy bc I love them so much. And we got some new characters but most importantly we got all the CLOSURE with everyone's story that really wrapped up this series so perfectly. I'm actually kind of sad bc this is it for these characters and I am going to miss them and this sweet little town so much!

Thank you to Bloom Books, Lucy Score and NetGalley for the gifted arc

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Book 3 in Lucy Score’s Knockemout series has been my most anticipated release for the second half of 2023 since the moment I finished book 2 in February. The way Lucy Score built up the tension between Lucian and Sloane in both of the first two books really set the stage for an epic enemies to lovers arc and she really delivered it in Things We Left Behind!

The backstory of what really caused Sloane and Lucian to live as enemies for so long was heartbreaking. It all made sense as it unraveled but my heart definitely ached for both Lucian and Sloane and all of the years they lost.

That bonus epilogue was truly the perfect cherry on top of the Knockemout series. I loved learning where all our faves ended up, and it was a beautiful happily ever after that they all earned throughout the course of the series. I sobbed my way through it and will forever remember this unforgettable cast of characters.

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4.5 Stars The much anticipated final book in the Knockemout series, Things We Left Behind, lives up to the hype! TWLB follows two of the most mysterious characters in this series, Lucian Rollins and Sloane Walton, who we know have a contentious relationship but no one knows why. It's a steamy enemies-to-lovers romance!

Not only do we finally find out why Sloane and Lucian hate each other, but we get to see plenty more of the eccentric citizens of Knockemout, Virginia, including the main characters from the past two novels in the series. I'm definitely not one to complain about reading more of the Morgan brothers. The novel also has a few suspenseful elements to it and it wraps up the ongoing conflict surrounding crime boss Anthony Hugo. This one isn't a perfect 5 stars for me because the bickering and general conflict between Sloane and Lucian at the start of the book went on a little too long for me. It was a great way to wrap up the series and I LOVED the epilogue.

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If I could have given this book a 10/5 I would have. I cannot express how much I loved the story between Lucian and Sloane. I absolutely devoured the other two books in this series and was thrilled beyond belief to get to read an advanced copy of this one. Lucy Score is a master of the slow burn romance book with lots of steamy parts thrown into the mix. Through the other two books the story between Lucian and Sloane always intrigued me and boy oh boy did this book deliver of them. I laughed and cried more times than I can remember reading this book and loved every page I read!

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Best in the series!

Sloane and Lucian are enemies. But they didn't start out that way.

Wow! I've been waiting for Sloane and Lucian's story and it didn't disappoint! Sloane is a spitfire and I adore her. She's loud and hilarious. She also turns into a mamma bear when one of her people are in trouble. Lucian is the opposite, yet exactly the same. He is grumpy and quiet. But also possessive and fierce is someone he cares for needs him. They are literally perfect for each other but they have a history that makes them hate each other.

The way Score lays out their past in little snippets works here. I was so curious what lead them to be the way they are, but I was also so invested in them getting together in the present. But the past chapters really crack Lucian open and exposes him for the reader. The love story between these two characters is just perfect. I wanted nothing more than to see them together but also loved hearing them bicker.

The scenes with the whole friend group were perfect as well. Seeing all of them together was hilarious and heart warming. Honestly, the humor of this book was on point. I laughed through so much of this!

My only thing is I wish it was shorter. It is very long and I did enjoy it but it might have been a bit too long for me.

All in all, this is an amazing small town, enemies to lovers story that is filled with humor and heart.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC. My reviews are always honest.

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This is the third book in the Knockemout series. It follows the the story of Sloane and Lucian. It was an entertaining enemies to lovers story for those that enjoy the trope!

For me, this book was long awaited! I’ve been dying to learn more about Lucian and Sloane’s backstory and why they hated each other so much. Lucian had a heartbreaking childhood and events from that time led the two of them to break their friendship. After that, they couldn’t be in the same room without bickering. They’re pulled back together because of their friends, as well as the death of Sloane’s father, and watching them reconnect was amazing. I will say that the relationship did move very fast in the end but I guess that happens when you’re making up for lost time.

I’m sad to see this series come to an end! I loved these characters and their town. It all wrapped up very nicely! If you’re a fan of this series, run and get this book tomorrow because you will not be disappointed!! If you haven’t read this series, I’d highly recommend it!

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Lucien and Sloane have known each other since they were kids but as adults they try to keep their distance. They grew up next door to one another but their childhoods could not have been more different. They were friends at one point and even though they claim to despise one another, the sexual tension between them cannot be ignored. In this third installment of the Knockemout series, we finally get to the root of it all.

Loved!! This book was everything I needed it to be and more! I loved Lucien and Sloane’s story and them as characters - especially Sloane! She’s amazing. I can’t even count the number of times I laughed out loud during this book and I may have even shed a couple tears. And the spice in this one, omg.

I loved returning to Knockemout once again and getting the conclusion we all needed. I love how present all of the characters from this series are in the each book and I will seriously miss them all so much! This series is definitely my favorite romance series and I can’t recommend it enough!

Thank you Bloom Books for copies of the eARC and physical copy!

A couple things:
1) you definitely need to read this series in order;
2) this is now my second favorite book in the series behind the first book;
3) I’m so sad it’s over. 😭

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If you've read books 1 and 2 in this series than you know something is going on with Lucian and Sloan, but their truth knocked me sideways! This book broke me, made me laugh, made me cry and in all of those pages it put me back together again. Lucy Score has this ability to write these huge books and at the same time have you devouring them because you NEED her words. We will always want more of her words in these amazing worlds like Knockemout, but this book gives you all the closure you need with these characters and to be honest I can't wait to read this series over and over again!

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The final book of the Knockemout series did not disappoint. It continued on with the same mystery/action that was featured in the first 2 books with some new twists and the conclusion. It also had a great enemies to lovers romance between Sloan and Lucian. This book was long, but as always with Lucy Score’s book it read quick and held my interest easily. I am sad this series is over for sure! Thanks to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the ARC.

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I have to start off by saying this book is a part of a trilogy. While I'm sure you could read it by itself, you would be missing out on the full potential of this book. With that out of the way, Things We Left Behind is Amazing. It is everything I hoped it would be after having read the first two books. There has been this amazing build up between Lucius, aka Lucifer, and Sloane. The biggest question on everyone mind coming into this book is What happened between these two. The way that the author delivers this information is perfect. The Spice level is HOTT! and don't even get me started on the Dinner Party chapter. I laughed so hard I was crying. I had to try three times to read that chapter, because I couldn't see threw my tears.
This book has everything. It's sad, a soul bearing. It's hilarious, and competitive. It's realizing that the one you think you hate, is actually the person you love most. I absolutely recommend this book.

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Out tomorrow (Sept. 5)! (Thank you SO MUCH to the publisher for providing me with an early copy!)

Rating: 5/5 stars

Sloane and Lucian have a long history filled with secrets, but when they finally give in to the tension that has simmered between them for years, it just might be the start of something very different.

This is the third book in the Knockemout trilogy, and if you read my reviews of the prior two books you’ll know that while I enjoyed both, what I *really wanted* was always Sloane and Lucian’s story. He’s been an intriguing character to me from the very beginning—a shadowy businessman who may just have a heart of gold—and the enemies to lovers vibes and banter have been top tier throughout. Needless to say, my expectations for this book were SKY HIGH.

I’m here to tell you that THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND lived up to every expectation. Everything about it was absolute perfection—the tropes, the relationships between the characters, the found family friend group that is the townsfolk of Knockemout, the absolutely iconic friends-to-enemies-to-lovers story of Sloane and Lucian. This book was the PERFECT way to wrap up this series and I cannot wait for everyone to have the chance to read it.

Recommended to anyone, but especially if you like: enemies to lovers; small towns; romance with a hint of suspense

CW: Domestic violence/physical abuse; gun violence; stalking/harassment; discussions of incarceration

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Oh Lucian, the bad boy to end all the Knockemout bad boys. Lucy Score yet again gives me 24/7 intrusive book thoughts, even when I’m already neglecting my whole life to read. I’ve been waiting for Lucian + Sloane since their “hatred” was burning in book one. Not surprisingly, their explosive chemistry also IGNITES their spicy scenes. Lucy Score masters the spine tingling suspense + romance sub genre, and the Knockemout series will be one of my forever favorites. Lest you apply some helpless romance stereotypes to this, Lucy’s female MCs are the women aspire to be - headstrong, fearless, emotionally mature, and unrelenting in what they desire.
#smalltownromance #badboyromance #lucyscore #enemiestolovers #secondchanceromance

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I’ve loved all the Knockemout books, and this one did not disappoint! I’m pretty sure she had me when Sloane was reading one of my favorite books…the one that made me love reading my junior year of high school…title Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss. This book was action packed, swoony, and so funny!

What I love about these books is the mystery twined into the fabric of the love story. (Just like Woodiwiss did with hers). Lucian was mean at times, but Sloane could hold her own. The flashbacks twenty-two years previous helped me forgive “Lucifer” for his actions in present day!

All in all, I’ve been waiting for this book, and loved reading it… in about 3 days because I couldn’t put it down!
Thanks, Lucy Score!! At the end of the book, you said you would miss these characters, and so will I!

Well done!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. I have been dying to read Lucian and Sloane's story, and it did not disappoint. I cried, I belly laughed at some of the exchanges between all the characters. This book is an absolute masterpiece, and such a beautiful ending to the Knockemout series. I'm so sad there won't be more to the series. 5/5 stars for me, and I can't wait to discuss it with all my friends once they get their hands on this beauty.

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I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to reading this conclusion to the Knockemout series!

Sloane and Lucian are all the things we love, enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, and a touch of second chance romance.

I loved finally getting to see a different side of Lucian and get a deeper look into why he is the way he is.

Sloane is a badass who wears her heart on her sleeve and I love that about her! You know what you’re getting and she doesn’t leave you guessing.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bloom
Books for this advanced copy!

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Ok I'm not crying you're crying. Seriously. This series could not have ended better. Lucien flipping from aloof and broody to total sap was everything I've ever wanted in a book. Sloane has always been a heroine I was excited to read, and I loved how she stuck to her morals and beliefs and kept him in check!

Their chemistry exploded off the page; I laughed, I cried, I was genuinely shocked at the infamous dinner scene, I hated Lucien, then I fell in love with Lucien.

This series brought me so much joy over the past year and a half, and it will definitely be a series I reread again and again. The Easter eggs were abundant and beautiful and so much fun to find. Lucy, pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

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Oh my freaking goodness... get ready for a whirlwind of snarky and flirty banter, suspenseful and spicy moments and ALL the feels with Sloane and Lucian!

Things We Left Behind is the third book in the Knockemout series by Lucy Score- and while yes, you could in theory enjoy this book on it's own, I personally think with how much these stories interconnect not only with characters but with a thread of a bigger storyline you really will get the best experience by reading them in order. Plus, Lucy is just a phenomenal story teller that blends emotion, sexy and humor is such fabulous ways that you should just read all her books anyway 😉

4.5 ⭐

I have loved each book in this series but I've been desperate for Lucian and Sloane since the very first book. Lucian with his very mysterious but effective capabilities and of course his sexy dark overlord vibes. Pairing that morsel with Sloane Walton, the small town librarian that is a hilarious blend of sweet and clumsy with a dash of boss lady who has nothing but utter disdain for Lucian "Lucifer" Rollins and I just could NOT wait to see how their past and preset would mix to find happily ever after.

This book does contain some threads that might be a little difficult for some readers including: death of a close parent, domestic/child abuse, as well as snippets of danger and injustice from corrupt people in power. All these moments are essential to the story as a whole, so if you are sensitive to this just proceed with care 💜

Now really... this book 😍 I did not want to put it down. Sloane and Lucian have this connection that neither one of them can shake. They were friends once upon a time but that friendship was severed and they spent the next 2 decades despising each other, trading jabs and insults but there is still that tension that simmered just below the surface. It's fairly obvious early on that their childhoods were not the same and the writing was on the wall for what the demons that Lucian faced- though the full scope of their past isn't introduced all at once but in little snippets of flashbacks throughout the story.

My emotions volleyed all over with the heartbreaking loss of a one of a kind type of father, followed by humor and confusion when these two would bicker and infuriate each other all while also looking out and subtlety taking care of one another. Experiencing Lucian struggling with human connection and feelings outside of wanting to "run his evil empire" as Sloane would say- was just an all consuming heart stutter. The way he would allow Sloane these little glimpses past his cold and robotic facade only to completely shut down and shove her away broke me at times. But so much of their interactions also also left me in hysterics- especially with Sloane's plethora of nicknames she saddled him with. And once they hit that moment in time where they thought they could remove each other out of their subconscious with one night... well that had a big ole "you sure about that" sound bite running on loop in my mind 😆

Good heavens- suit daddy did not disappoint in that department either. Lucian was exactly as I would have guessed- possessive, dirty, intense and while I probably shouldn't have been I was surprised at his need to control.

And just like the rest of the series, the twists and surprises just never stopped. I'm thankful that Lucy wrapped everything in this book and while I would have loved more Knockemout books the bonus epilogue gave me all the warm happy feels for this found family and I just simply couldn't imagine a better way to say goodbye.

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What a great ending to an amazing series! I was hooked from the moment I started this one! I didn’t ever want to put it down! I loved Lucien and Sloan so much! If you love enemies to lovers, small town romances this is a must read! I found myself laughing and feeling all the feels throughout this book! Lucy score has definitely become one of my must read authors! The only part of this book that bummed me out was that it ended! I loved the little world of knockemout! I felt like I was right there in the story! The book played out like a movie in my mind! To understand some of the plot better I would say that this series should be read in order!

Received a arc for a honest review.

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