Member Reviews

Things We Left Behind is the conclusion to Lucy Score's Knockemout series and boy does it deliver! When I first read Things We Never Got Over there were things I liked about these characters, but there were other issues I had with book that made me not fully invested in it. I wrote then that many of the characters (Knox, Nash and Lucian particularly) were in need of a good therapist. Well, it seems as though they have all done some work. Things We Left Behind takes everything Lucy Score does well and brings it to another level!

Lucian and Sloane's story is both an enemies to lovers and a second chance romance. Their affection and unresolved tension goes back 20 years and it was a wonderful ride to see them deal with their past and their connection to each other (not to mention their undeniable attraction). We know Lucian is a domestic abuse survivor but here we see how it shaped him and what actually happened. Score doesn't pull punches, so be aware of this content going in.

However, in the midst of some serious themes, the banter and dynamic between the couple and the entire Knockemout family still give us some super funny and heart warming moments (dogs and cat included). There is also still some unfinished business with the organized crime arc that runs through all three novels. In the past I felt this was the weakest part of the story and seemed to interrupt or be an add on to the relationships at the heart of the books. That is not the case here, as events move at a much more even pace and are woven into the story seamlessly.

In short, this conclusion is excellent! It made me want to revisit the first two books and do it all over again and it's one of the best romance novels I have read this year!

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Omg this book is everything. My favorite one in this series so far and favorite couple. There’s so much depth and history with Lucien and Sloane, you feel the tension and emotions as if you were there! This is an incredible childhood friends to lovers and a well done then vs now story line. I can’t wait to reread this story over and over

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Thank you to Net Galley and Lucy Score for providing this ARC in exchange for my review.

I have never been so blessed, or had so many friends jealous of me. I have been waiting for Lucien and Sloanes book, and it was well worth the wait.

The longing and tension was so fiery between these two, I just knew their backstory was going to be juicy. And lord was it.

The growth Lucien made in this series was incredible to witness, and Sloane was the librarian badass of my dreams.

A fantastic conclusion to the Knockemout series, now excuse me while I drown my sorrows at leaving this town in a bottle of wine.

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Five Stars for Things We Left Behind. The third installment of the Knockemount Series by Lucy Score!

I couldn’t put this book down once it landed on my kindle. Lucian Rollins is one character that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. And what an absolute heartbreaking masterpiece we got!! Once again Lucy Score tears our hearts out but slowly puts the pieces back together again. Chapter by chapter.

Lucian is intense. Sloane is feisty woman who is so film of heart. I loved their back and forth. The sexual tension just simmers on these pages. Mystery, romance and a friendship like no other.
I loved this book!

Highly recommended.

NetGalley read

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Knockemout has come to such a beautiful close, I did not want to say goodbye to this series. Since the beginning of the series, I have been most excited to read more about Sloane and Lucy. Friends to enemies to lovers? Sign me up!

Lucy clearly loves Sloan and broke her teenage heart causing town lore to be spread on why these two cannot be in the same room. Both have a lot of childhood trauma to work through - Lucy and his toxic view of what love looks like and Sloan trying to live up to her dad's lawyer image. When paths cross and the anger turns into lust, we see them slowly work through their trauma and confront their shared past. Although a little disappointed by the shared past, by the time it was revealed I was invested enough in the relationship to not care.

I am a sucker for second-chance romance and Score delivered with this one. We get tension, character growth, the friendship. Everything was such a joy and it wouldn't be a Knockemout story without a justice storyline. I loved watching the mystery unfold, but I mostly loved seeing this crew be together, poke fun at one another, and root for each other. Also, SUIT DADDY?! Love it.

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The fans of this book are split 50-50. Those who love the entire series, and those who have strictly been waiting for Lucian’s story. I’m from the latter group and while I wouldn’t say I am disappointed with this book, I definitely don’t think it was the story Lucian and Sloane deserved. I’ve read several reviews saying the same, mostly because the story was dragged on for 600 pages and it was trying to be both a romance story but also a thriller with several side stories going on - and that just didn’t work for me as a reader. Not every side character needs a name and a back story! At one point during reading, I started focusing on what could be cut to make the story move along faster.

What I loved was seeing Lucian and Sloane’s high school past most of all and how it led them to become the adults they were. For me, that was the highlight. Two words: cherry tree. The epilogue was fine and everything was neatly wrapped up and ended.

Overall this book packed a lot in 600 pages and I’m exhausted from reading it honestly haha. It was a solid 250 pages too long and I don’t think I will continue to read Lucy Score’s books from here on out. I just don’t click with her writing style, especially writing in the past tense. I’m pretty sure none of the conversations in this book would pass the Bechdel test. Mild spoiler: Sloane’s borderline obsessive behavior about finding a husband and starting a family felt excessively annoying because it was one of her most important focuses but also took away from the idea of being a powerful, single badass that she was in book one and two.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Sourcebooks for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score
Rating: 5 stars
Steam: 3 chilis
Pub date: 9/5

This book is everything! The chemistry, the banter, the angst, the SPICE! It’s definitely my favorite of the series.

Lucian Rollins, aka Suit Daddy, is a vengeance-seeking mogul on a mission to erase his father's tarnished legacy. His dirty mouth and undeniable charisma had me swooning from the start. Watching his walls crumble and witnessing his transformation was pure perfection. But it's Sloane Walton who stole my heart. She is such a feisty, intelligent, hilarious character. She’s a great friend and supporter and proves over and over again that she would do anything for her friends. We all need a Sloane in our lives!

The chemistry between Lucian and Sloane was off the charts, and their witty banter had me laughing out loud. Their enemies-to-lovers journey was captivating and full of steamy surprises.

A huge reason why I love this series so much is the found family connection, and I loved seeing all of my favorites from the previous two books. And while there is an abundance of banter and humor, there are also a lot of emotional moments that brought tears to my eyes. The mystery woven into the storyline added an exciting element that kept me on the edge of my seat.

And let's not forget that epilogue—it was the perfect cherry on top of this remarkable story! Even though I’m sad to see this series come to an end, this is the perfect conclusion. Thank you so much to NetGalley, Edelweiss, Bloom Books, and Lucy Score for my early copy to read and review.

Read if you like:
*second chance
*friends to enemies to lovers
*small town
*touch her and die
*romantic suspense

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Job 👏🏻 well 👏🏻 done 👏🏻

I feel like I have been waiting for this since I read Naomi & Knox’s book, and even more with Nash & Lina’s. Lucian always piqued my interest, and this did not disappoint.

Lucian is tall, dark, broody, dangerous, and HOT. But there’s so much under the hard exterior. Sloane was such a good FMC, and I related to her character so much. I really loved that this book dove into their childhood past, and it was so heart wrenching. This book is an emotional rollercoaster, as many of Lucy’s are. So get ready to laugh, cry, scowl, throw the book/kindle, but also grab a fan because those steamy scenes are 🔥 🥵 All the loose ends to the Knockemout series were wrapped up, and I’m sad and want to wallow by rereading all three in quick succession.

Thanks to NetGalley, and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for the

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What a perfect ending to a perfect series! Lucy Score’s Knockemout books have it all — humor, spice, heart, suspense, and so much more. After reading the first two books in this series, I couldn’t wait to find out why there was so much animosity between lovely librarian Sloane Walton and powerful, cold Lucian Rollins. The history the author builds between these characters, using flashbacks from 22-23 years ago, creates a beautiful but heartbreaking story, one that explains wonderfully how the two characters ended up where they are in the present day.

In addition to the amazing love story built between Lucian and Sloane, this book also manages to nicely tie up all the loose ends we’d ever need tied about Knockemout. We learn about minor characters’ relationships, We see an epilogue of ten years later that is so satisfying. We also get all the details about the crime and danger that has faced this town, and that’s resolved in such a satisfying way.

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This was the most perfect ending to this incredible series! I’m very sad that the Knockemout series is over, but Lucy Score definitely knocked it out of the park with this conclusion. The story between Sloane and Lucian was everything I wanted and hoped for. Lucy Score always delivers!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for the arc of this book.

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A worthy conclusion to the Knockemout series. Lucian and Sloane’s story was everything I wanted it to be—and boy was it an emotional roller coaster. Like all Lucy Score’s books, the end left me feeling all warm and fuzzy (and sad, because it’s over.)

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On the day of her beloved father's funeral, Sloane Walton wants only to grieve and drown her sorrows in her morning mug of wine. She has no desire to encounter her childhood nemesis amidst the people who have come to support her family. Fate, of course, has other plans, and Lucian Rollins arrives to share his condolences. Attractive though he may be, Sloane is determined to look the other way, no matter how intensely her biological clock may be ticking. Fortunately for them both, just as time can heal the hurt that comes with a loved one's passing, so too can time mend the wounds of the past to invite in a brighter future.

This romantic novel includes all the important features of an enemies to lovers romance. Humorous supporting characters, just the right amount of heartache, and predictable yet enjoyable plot arcs help to guide the protagonists toward their happily ever after. The quality writing enhances the narrative, as well, making it easy for readers to fall into Sloane and Lucian's fairy tale. As the third in its series, this novel ties up several loose ends in the collection, though readers do not have to have read the previous installments to enjoy this one.

Told from alternating perspectives, readers get a first-hand look into the thoughts of both Sloane and Lucian. Because the reader knows more than the characters do in some cases, the dramatic tension increases as the novel unfolds. But the characters have their own secrets, as well, and readers will appreciate the moments when they are trusted enough to discover the characters' hidden pasts. Steamy romance scenes, occasional strong language, and adult themes of love and loss make this book best suited to mature audiences. This is a charming and enjoyable romantic journey for fans of love stories with a happy ending.

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I love Lucy Score and her Knockemout crew. I’ve been waiting not-so-patiently for Sloane and Lucian’s book from the first time they interacted. While it doesn’t take the crown as my favorite of the series, finally getting the history of these two and their HEA was worth the wait.

I’m not usually a big fan of flashback scenes, but the ones that were included in this book to take is back to Sloane and Lucian’s teenage history were among my favorite parts. It provided a beautiful background to who they were when they were at their most genuine with each other. It made me root for them even harder to figure their crap out as adults to get that connection back. Their dynamic as adult enemies is really just tension building to its breaking point, and when it breaks it’s explosive. I wanted to shake both of them at times (more Lucian than Sloane if we’re keeping score) out of sheer frustration, but there’s no denying the heat between them.

I do have to note that the action/suspense/criminal element didn’t feel as exciting or as tense this time around, and bringing a legal case into the mix slowed things down even more. I understood how the legal case was meant to drive certain plot points and there were pieces I liked, mostly in connection to Sloane’s dad, but it felt like too many external factors going on.

I loved getting to more spend time with the whole Knockemout gang because their whole found family dynamic is one of my absolute favorites. I’m sad to say goodbye to them, but it was a satisfying and happy conclusion to this series.

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I’ve been waiting for Lucian and Sloan’s story since the first Knockemout book and let me tell you, Lucy Score did not disappoint!

Friends to enemies to lovers, Lucian and Sloan’s backstory, banter and development were on point. I mean, who doesn’t love a damaged book boyfriend with a heart of gold, despite at times misguided decision-making, and a downright snarky queen?

This was a satisfying ending to the Knockemout series; all loose ends were wrapped up and the ending was not copy and pasted from TWNGO - looking @ you, TWHFTL.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks, Bloom Books for the ARC.

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This book was super interesting to me! There were parts that I absolutely loved and then aspects that I didn't love. I loved the Lucian/Sloane flashbacks and learning about their past. Personally I found there to be slightly too many storylines and characters to keep up with, so I got a little lost at times. Overall I did enjoy it, though!

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I ate this book up, Things We Left Behind is everything I had hoped for and then some. Sloane and Lucian are a powder keg waiting to explode and their story will have you reading well past your bed time.

I am a sucker for an enemies to lovers story, throw in an alphamale, broody a-hole and well I am all in. We meet these two in book one of this series and as this series continued we got little glimpses into the dynamic between these two characters. That dynamic being a serious hate on for one another but beyond that you could clearly see the underlying tension between these two. It's clear there's a history there and we finally get to find out what that history is in this book. It's sad and it gives a bit of insight into Lucian's prickly behaviour. Not enough to excuse some of it but certainly enough to make me say yeah oh this man has his damage and it's rough.

Sloane and Lucian trade barbs throughout this book, their back and forth seriously entertaining and the more encounters these two have the more you could see that sexual tension between the two. Their love - hate relationship grows stronger as the book continues and I was here for every second of it. Dare I say this might be my fav of the series.

If you are a fan of enemies to lovers, second chance romances this book is an absolute must read.

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I’m not crying, you’re crying. 🥹⁣

Ugh those extra bonus epilogues. My heart. Cannot. 😍🥹⁣

This beautiful series is over and I can’t put into words how much I loved it. I loved each book more than the last and I’m not even sure how. Knox with all his Viking gruffness and Naomi’s sweet soft heart. Lina and her badassery and Nash and all of his protectiveness and now we have Sloan our sunshine bestie who loves books as much as the rest of us and her dark broody childhood friend to mortal nemesis to eventual lover and hero Lucian. We also can’t forget our favorite side characters Stef and Jer, Nolan, and Wayley, the parents and old folks in town and all the funny pets. ⁣

“Everything I did was for you, Sloane. Because it was always you.” ⁣

This entire series has woven from start to finish these beautiful friendships and relationships that just had me in a puddle of goo, unshed tears in my eyes, hopeless romantic just like fanning my eyes to stay dry. The struggles, the love, the suspense and adventure, the rollercoaster ride of emotions, the laugh out loud moments, just perfect. ⁣

But back to our current nemesi. Is that a word? The BANTER. The CHEMISTRY. Sloan and Lucian are top tier yall. I am always here for the hate banter with enemies to lovers and @lucyscore knocked this out of the park. Their verbal sparring sometimes had me cackling, the face to face and the texts. ⁣

While Lucian is domineering and alpha as ever, petite librarian Sloan held her own and always made sure to put this gorgeous man in his place.⁣

The freakin sexual tension was SCREAMING. I was about to combust waiting for them to combust and man when they did. Full freakin explosion, scorching, feral, primal, AMAZING chemistry. 🔥⁣

The protectiveness and even though they hate each other, way they go at bat to protect each other, even if it’s just in secret, made me swoon. ⁣

The way Lucian could sometimes be soft with Sloan and just absolutes adored her. Just friggin swoon. ⁣
All the stars for this one. 👏🏻⁣

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Freaking amazing!!

Every Knockemout book I read becomes my new favorite, but as much as I love Knox and Nash, Lucian was the absolute GOAT! The broody, moody, powerful energy was just so freaking hot. The way he and Sloan went at it all the time was so entertaining! Her calling him Lucifer and telling him “Not today Satan!” along with the clever and absolutely hilarious insults she’d reel at him were awesome! The tens unit scene had me literally laughing out loud, which earned me weird looks from my family, but nothing compared to my boohoo crying when Lucian told her “Broken men break women, Sloane.” 😭😭😭
The back story of Lucy and Sloane was something I was dying to know more about since book 1 and it was so worth the wait. Their history. Their connection. Their chemistry. I just loved how feisty and wild Sloane was and finding out how caring and good Lucian was under that tough persona was just the icing on the cake.

I didn’t expect the book to start off on such a sad note, not sure what I expected with Score though, the book in this series literally destroy you emotionally and then pick you back up and give you a warm hug and I love it! And the sex scenes!! 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Lucian Freaking Rollins is packing and freaking delivers!!

This book was everything I expected it to be and so much more! I loved getting one last glimpse into the lives of the Knockemout couples!

“There are some things we never get over.”
I will never get over this series and how it made me feel. I wish Score could write a dozen more books for this series because I’d totally read them all! 😝

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I can’t seem to find the words for this one.

It was perfect. By the best of the entire series (in my opinion.) Lucian has been my favorite since day one. He’s been such a mystery and I could have never dreamt up a story this perfect for him. I didn’t think I could love him any more than I already did- I was wrong. I was so so wrong.

I laughed. I cried. I gasped. I got a little hot and bothered. It was everything I could ever want in a book. I think it’s my favorite Lucy Score book to date and one of my top books of the year.

I’ll reread this one over and over because I will never get enough of Lucian and Sloane.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Will be posting my review on Instagram and Amazon on release day, Sept 5.

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I have been waiting to read this book since I was partway through Things We Never Got Over. I knew Lucian was going to be my absolute favorite. Brooding, morally gray, and tailored suits? Couldn’t join his fan club fast enough.

His story with Sloane was all of the things I thought it would be. The tragedy and trauma in their lives made their connection and repulsion so much more compelling. I will never be over the amount of time they spent apart, but I’m glad they moved past it.

The ending felt rushed. It’s a long book (which I’ll never complain about if the book is good and I definitely enjoyed this one) so I felt like there was time for things to have been a bit more spread out. I mean the two huge events that happened on the same day at the end (won’t spoil) felt like they could have occurred more separately. We had the time for their milestones.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading about these characters! It was a book I had been looking forward to for so long and I’m happy to have closure with Sloane and Lucian. Will be thinking of him for quite some time! 😉

Rating: 4.5/5

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