Member Reviews

Home renovation meets a cozy murder mystery!

Jaime is recently divorced and taking on a challenging renovation when she finds a body in the wall. The mystery ties back to the people around Jaime and it is an entertaining whodunnit in which suspects number quite a few.

I found this to be a perfectly cozy read. But, don't expect tea and crumpets, this is a cozy for people who are into a bit more detail when it comes to home renovation. Jaime sure seemed to know her stuff, and I liked her confidence.

The mystery was satisfying and there was some nice tension with the various threads that tied to the suspects and secondary characters. This story kept me engaged and I wouldn't mind reading the next book, because I like Jaime, I want to see what mystery plot pops up next, and I am curious to see whether the potential romance turns into more.


Thank you Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley for the opportunity to respond to this book with my honest opinions.

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Some books just click with you and this was one of those books. I really liked Jaime and her determination to move forward. The home renovation was really interesting and I loved how passionate Jaime was about her career.
The investigation did develop organically and I liked that Jaime really cared about the victim. There were a number of viable suspects and all kinds of possible motives. I was really clueless about the who and the why until the final reveal.
Along with the investigation the author created a cozy community around Jaime. I enjoyed meeting her family and her friends as well as seeing Jaime find her footing after a nasty divorce. The house Jaime is renovating is interesting and I loved the appearance of the cat.
This was an easy read that I enjoyed and looked forward to reading it from beginning to end. This is a series I'm excited to watch develop. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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The first in a new mystery finds contractor Jaime reeling from her divorce. The only thing she really got out of her divorce was an unrenovated house. As she starts to renovate it, she finds a corpse in a wall. She sets out to investigate so that she can continue fixing up her house.

I really enjoyed this debut! I found the characters great, and we get to see Jaime get her feline companion (instead of just starting with a pet). I think that there will be a lot of good books in this series because Carpenter did a good job setting this one up. I also thought there was good pacing and a good balance of clues with Jaime's real life (like having to work, etc.). Can't wait for the next one!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great start to a new series! I loved Jaime – she’s smart, savvy, is in the process of starting her own renovation company so she’s driven and crafty. Aside for one “I just have to check one more thing” moment, I enjoyed everything about this mystery. The setting was quaint and I’m a sucker for home renovation shows and mysteries so this was right up my alley. The mystery itself was well-paced and definitely kept me guessing. Can’t wait to read the next one!

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Terrific start to a new series. Several interesting characters. Potential for romance. A cat! Love that the main character is a capable woman. She may need to be rescued, but she doesn't wait for help. I look forward to reading more in this series. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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‘A Home Renovation Mystery’ series debut. This is a very enjoyable start to this series! Jaime is trying to find her path forward after her divorce from her cheating husband. Home renovation is all she’s ever wanted to do and since the dilapidated Queen Anne was the only thing she got in the divorce, it was the perfect project to start with. Too bad the monstrosity came with a body entombed behind a wall! There is much to like in this debut. In addition to Jaime being an appealing main character, there is murder, mystery, a BFF that always has her back, characters that you love to hate, a little potential romance and a skittish, stray cat who just might be looking for a home.

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I really enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down. I like that the main character, Jamie, was able to realize how strong she really is after escaping from a toxic marriage. And there’s a good cast of supporting characters. The writing style was easy to read and the story was well paced. I would have liked it if the author had included more of the actual home renovation though. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Jami’s and Henry were the perfect couple they run the most successful construction and interior design company in all of Charlotte, North Carolina. When Jami’s catches her husband in an affair she realizes he is not the man she married. The divorce is equally gutting due to a prenuptial agreement, Jamie receives only one thing a historical house in disrepair. Know anything she attempts will be tedious and costly Jamie believes that things can’t get worse until she finds a dead body in the house. The questions are who killed this person and why put it in a recently renovated wall. Furious the house is now a crime scene Jamie decides to investigate the murder herself with her resident cat she calls Demo and the handsome hardware store owner who happens to be her neighbor they are ready to find out who did it. This is a very enjoyable story full of lots of twist and turns. I would recommend to everyone to read.

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Jaime and Henry ran a successful construction and interior design company – until Jaime catches Henry in an affair. The only thing she gets in the divorce is a dilapidated historical house in need of major work before it can be lived in, let alone sold. When a body is found behind a recently renovated wall, it raises more questions than answers... and delays her renovations, leaving her with nothing else to do except conduct her own investigation into the murder.

This is the first book in a new series and the author’s first novel. I like Jaime, her resilience and her refusal to let a bad situation defeat her. Her connections in the construction industry are a huge help in getting back on her feet, and the support from her family and friends keeps her on the right track as well.

There were several characters on my list as possible murderers, and I really hoped that one of two people (or maybe even both together) would turn out to be the killer, but that was not the case. I didn’t figure out who the killer *was until it became obvious in the book, and then the confrontation scene kept me turning pages until its resolution. I’ve already made a note to look for the next book in this series when it’s released, hopefully next year.

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DIY Cozy Mystery in which a recently divorced North Carolina contractor and interior designer turns sleuth after finding a body behind a recently renovated wall in her new home.

5/5 stars: This is Carpenter's debut entry in the Home Renovation Mystery series. With plenty of twists and turns, Carpenter's mystery balances the suspects, clues and red herrings deftly and will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. I have to say Carpenter's characters are incredibly likable. It's great to see Jaime's coming into to her own after her divorce and I can't wait to see what she does next. Additionally, I very much enjoyed her extensive family and her relationship with her best friend Lara is a joy. And very much look forward to seeing her budding relationship with Mike grow. Oh and I adored Jaime's grudging journey as Demo, the cat's, caretaker. Their interactions are spot on and hilarious. I also enjoyed reading Jaime's experiences working on her house... the construction, DIY and furniture making content. If you're looking to get in on a great DIY Cozy Mystery series from the very beginning, be sure to pick up this great read.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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Death by Demo is the first book in the Home Renovation Mystery series by Callie Carpenter. The book introduces Jaime Moore, a home renovator, who is working on a dilapidated Queen Anne house after her divorce from her cheating ex-husband and former business partner. When she starts to demolish a wall, she makes a terrible discovery.

The book is a cozy mystery that keeps the reader guessing until the end. The characters are likable and realistic, especially Jaime, who is a strong and independent woman, but also vulnerable and relatable. Demo, the cat, is a cute addition to the story. I look forward to spending more time with Jaime and Demo in the next book in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for an ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Death by Demo by Callie carpenter is a cozy mystery centered around home renovation and marks the series debut. Apart from Jamie and other characters, the story also introduces readers to Demo, the cat featured on the book cover. Disappointingly, the feline character adds little to the plot with only a silent Mmww!

The initial quirky charm of the characters waned in the second half, making the story a bit dull and repetitive. While the first half kept me piqued, the killer's identity lacked surprise, aligning with the protagonist's suspect list.

Overall, a hit-and-miss read with some enjoyable aspects. I am looking forward to reading the next installment as I liked the series-theme and the main character.

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After her divorce, Jaimie has only an old house to restore. Her husband Henry manages to take all the money and the business – King Contractors – they built together. Then, once she starts demolition inside, she finds a body hidden in a wall, and her house becomes a crime scene.

For her Home Renovation series debut, Callie Carpenter constructs a fascinating mystery that introduces well-developed characters, a good, evenly-paced story, and suspects and twists that keep readers interested. Ms. Carpenter adds a little fun when she becomes attached to the cat she finds living in the shed out back. She adopts the feline and names him Demo for demolition. And she finds herself, much to her amazement, conversing with Demo quite regularly as she continues her renovation and search for who killed and planted the body in one of her walls. Intriguing start for a new series.

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A nice start to a new series. A body- really? That's the last thing Jaime needs because she's got to renovate this house and get it sold asap. It's the only asset she got in her divorce. But wait- turns out the victim was a classmate and now she's truly inspired to find out what happened. This is classic cozy territory in many ways (woman starting over, murder, bff, cat, hunky neighbor romantic interest) and as its the first one, the characters are less fleshed out than you might like. Lara makes a good side kick, Demo the cat is a treat, and I liked the renovation aspects of the story. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Looking forward to the next one.

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Jaime thought she and Henry had the perfect marriage until she caught him making love to another woman. The divorce left her with only a derelict mansion in need of many repairs because Henry's father had had her sign an ironclad prenup when the two married. After going into a depression and crashing on her best friend's couch, Jaime is starting to come around.

Sure, it would be best to sell the house for whatever she could get and start over, but Jaime helped her former husband start a home renovation business and she is eager to bring this wreck back to life. Only things start to go wrong immediately when she finds a body behind a hastily built wall that she is demoing.

The police declare the house a crime scene and Jaime's plans for her new future are in jeopardy if she can't determine who murdered the women behind the wall and get back to work on her renovation. She has a number of suspects including the oh-so-helpful and hot next-door neighbor, her lawyer, and her ex-husband. The suspect pool enlarges when the identity of the victim becomes known. Jaime had known and liked Cilla ever since she helped her out once while the two were in high school. Now, besides wanting to clear up the crime so that she can get back to work, she wants to find justice for the woman who was once her friend.

I enjoyed this mystery. I liked watching Jaime reclaim her life after her ex did the best he could to make her feel useless and stupid. I liked the way she was determined to rebuilt both her life and the business she loves.

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I loved this book!!! I'm a big fan of House Hunters, and all things HGTV. I have always been interested in home design and everything that goes with it.

This book is about Jamie, who gets a old run down house as part of a divorce settlement. She quickly sees the positive sides of fixing up the whole house, but while in the process of knocking down a wall she discovers a dead body. The dead body turn out be Cicila, a native and loved member of the community.

What struck me as odd is the amount of times that Mike (the neighbor who Jamie falls for) came over. He didn't notice anyone over at the house.... WEIRD

Hoping that there is another book to this one.

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Death by Demo by Callie Carpenter is an inspiring start to a wonderful new series.

Will Jaime figure out who killed Cilla?

Jaime Moore
Our sleuth is Jaime Moore; she is recently divorced. She is starting over with everything, as the prenup for her marriage left her with nothing but an old house and her reputation. She is living with her best friend and confidant. We see a lot of character growth with Jaime as she navigates the renovation and investigation in which she gets wrapped up. Jaime works in construction, which we all know is a male-dominated field. However, she is good at design and the construction side of things. Jaime has a great reputation, and most people prefer to deal with her instead of her ex, even though they were partners in the business. I like that Jaime isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She jumps in and helps wherever she can.

Jaime has a fabulous family that she didn't hang out with much. Although, now that the rose-colored glasses are off, she can see more clearly now. Her ex was only out for himself, and he used her ideas and designs to help further himself. Now, Jaime is healing and moving forward to a better life, even if that life will suddenly be filled with dead bodies showing up at her work sites.

The Mystery
Jaime is renovating the old house she got in her divorce. The home has been empty for quite a while. At some point, a false wall was put up in the dining area. Jaime decides it will be the first thing that she takes down. However, when doing so, she finds a body. Immediately, the renovation has been stopped, and she doesn't know how long the sheriff's detective will keep her out of the house. Her friend talks her into investigating the murder. For Jaime, it goes from trying to get back in the house faster to figuring out who killed her friend.

The scary part is that some of the suspects are people that Jaime knows. Can she distinguish between the suspects? I pegged the culprit when introduced, but it took Jaime's digging to uncover the motive.
She also adopts a gray and white cat, which she names Demo. Honestly, the cat will be a better companion than her ex.

Five Stars
I enjoyed the story. The characters are well-defined, and the mystery is plotted nicely with clues that are easy to follow. I see many possibilities for Jaime and future love interests, friends, and renovations. She may have to get creative to stay on budget, but she seems capable.

I look forward to the next installment.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Death by Demo by Callie Carpenter.

Until the next time,

If you would like to see other reviews like this one, check out Baroness Book Trove.

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Oh, what a fun read! I'm a sucker for HGTV meets murder and this did not disappoint. It was good enough that I downloaded it at a doctor's office because I didn't want to wait until I got home to find out what happened. The most important thing in cozies is getting to catch up with beloved characters in each book and Jaime and co are people I look forward to following in the future. (I'm also eagerly awaiting the next death-hopefully her ex-husband is next up! *evil chuckle*)

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A well-written mystery. The characters are fun and well-developed, the setting is quaint and beautiful,

Thank you to Callie Carpenter, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the arc of this book.

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New author and the first in this series for me. Death by Demo offers you a great, murder mystery. If you like a strong woman as a leading character then Jamie will hook you in from the start. I enjoyed that she is taking on remodeling an old Victorian herself.

There were a few things that didn't add up for me when it came to dates and ages, and the quick romance seemed to be a bit much to tackle for the first installment. I did enjoy the storyline, setting, and characters. The fact that I never could guess the murder was a bonus for me.

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