Member Reviews

Fantastic read! A dystopian novel set in the near future.. the writing draws you into the web of political intrigue, action adventure with an entertaining smattering of futuristic gadgets. A really enjoyable read and I will be seeking out the author’s other novels. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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I finished a book by Anne Mortensen, and it was an exciting read. It was set in the year 2030 and was dystopian, and I found it really engaging. The plotline was totally unique and unlike anything I've ever read before. What was really scary about it was that it felt close to reality with the way social media is on the rise and the potential for countries to have systems based on popularity. The book was fast-paced, and the characters were really engaging. It was definitely the best book I've read this year, and I couldn't have predicted the outcome. It was really refreshing to read something so different.

Thank you to Puente Press and NetGalley for letting me read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved how the story was wrapped up. I'm always sad to see stories end! I feel like we got good closure on this though. Can't wait to see whatelse the author has in store.

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