Member Reviews

-Fake Dating
-Single Parent
-Different Worlds

Oh, this book. This book. This book. This book.

I absolutely love Emmaline. I fell in love with her after the incident in the beginning. She is a badass for realizing that the life she had was not the one she wanted and taking her daughter somewhere to start fresh. She’s absolutely killing it as a single mom.

Here comes Ethan Greene and his sexy Australian accent. Sigh. Who can resist? Em certainly can’t. Ethan comes with a daughter as well, and their girls are determined to become sisters. I loved reading about the girls scheming behind their backs to get them to come together.

I love how Em realizes that just because someone is in the same situation as she experienced in the past and ended up hating, does not mean it’s going to be the exact same song and dance. Different people make different decisions, and for Ethan Greene, the people he loves come first.

Read this one. You won’t regret it.

I want to extend a huge thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this wonderful novel!

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Emmaline Eaton left her famous husband because he made her feel as though her only purpose was to make him look good. Now she's moved back to Denver to be near her family. Okay she has a soul-destroying job creating website bio pictures for a real estate firm instead of the fine art career she once dreamed of, but at least its a job. Having been out of the saddle for a while, Em gets herself a battery-operated friend, which promptly catches fire. Terrified that her daughter Fiona will come in and ask awkward questions she throws it in the dumpster outside the house - no surprise she sets that on fire too!

The ruckus introduces her to the celebrity chef next-door, who also has a daughter the same age. Ethan took time out from his TV career when he was given the care of Annie and is now trying to persuade the network to let him come back with a new show.

When Annie posts a shirtless picture of Ethan on his social media with the hashtag DateMyCelebrity Dad it goes viral, but Ethan is drowning in a sea of unwanted attention from women desperate to be become Mrs Ethan Greene, but his agent loves it ... could the solution be to find someone to be his fake girlfriend? Em owes Ethan a favour for trying to take the blame for the dumpster fire so, against her better judgement she agrees to be his fake girlfriend, but it can never be anything more because Em is holding out for a normal guy, she's over famous guys for good. But it seems Fiona and Annie have other plans as they scheme to get their parents together for good.

I liked the basic premise of the novel and I thought Em and Ethan were cute. However, my rating was brought down by what I call the Janet Evanovich factor (you could just as easily call it the Goldie Hawn factor or the Diane Keaton factor) where there is a whole raft of supporting characters who give kooky a bad name. There's Em's parents and brothers (maybe three of them) who seem determined to put her down all the time. Then her plethora of kooky friends Cress, Lauren and Barbie (just typing her name gives me hives), I predict the next book will be about Barbie and Em's brother James BTW. I wouldn't be surprised if each of Em's friends that isn't already married ends up with one of her friends either. Just generally, I think the comedic effect was overdone which spoilt it for me.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I fell in love with this book from the cover alone and this book was it for me. I had to read it and was not disappointed. I enjoyed this so much. read it now. you will love it.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I couldn't get enough of Ethan and Em! I loved the celebrity angle but how down to earth he was. The first scene was so funny and I couldn't put it down! And, as usual, I need more books about the side characters! Her friends and brothers were great! And the girls were exactly how young girls act. I liked the crazy scenarios Em came up with, and the way she found herself was perfect!

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Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC, this review is my personal, unbiased opinion.

What makes this stand out from the general fake romance plot is the author’s sense of humour. Main character Emmaline is very funny, frequently speaking her thoughts out loud to her own embarrassment and the amusement of others.

When Celebrity chef Ethan Greene‘s young daughter decides her father is lonely and needs a girlfriend, she creates a video #DateMyCelebrityDad. The successful video causes Ethan unwanted female attention and his answer is a temporary fake girlfriend, who better than his neighbour Emmaline.

Em's not ready to date anyone, especially Ethan who‘s in the public eye. Divorced from her controlling celebrity husband and returned Denver with her daughter, she's enjoying her single life with family and friends.

Ethan and Emmaline’s respective daughters are certain their parents are a match and the two girls are determined to succeed.

Very entertaining, especially the beginning, and definitely worth reading.

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I enjoyed reading this book about two single parents daring to fall in love again. I liked the characters and the story, it was well-wriiten, sweet and very entertaining (how Em keeps getting herself into situations where she needs help getting unstuck is hilarious).
I am already looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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This is the first book in the new series Mile High Heat by Christina Hovland. Emmaline and Ethan's story is sweet, some spicy pieces and lots of laugh out loud moments.  What adds to the entertainment is both Ethan and Emmaline's daughters. You will be hooked in just the first chapter and find yourself not ready for it to end. 

I liked how this book shared single parenting, humor, strong female lead and a great HEA.  The characters build emotionally in this book and hopefully we will continue to see them in the following books.

What can you expect from this book:
❤️Fake Romance turned real!
❤️Strong female lead
🤣Laugh out Loud moments
🔥Sexy Banter
❤️Happily Ever After 

Christina Hovland writes masterfully. I have enjoyed her previous series and can't wait for the rest. I had the pleasure of reading an eARC copy courtesy of NetGalley and the author.

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Before I start, this is Emmaline's book from the Mommy Wars series, previously titled Everything's Fine, Emmaline. The title and series have changed. I wanted to note that in case anyone has been waiting for it like I have.

Emmaline's book was fun. She has no desire to be involved with anyone near a celebrity after dealing with her divorce. Em's trying to rebuild her life with her daughter and let go of her insecurities. Celebrity chef Ethan needs to fake date someone who doesn't want to be with him. He can't think of anyone better than his daughter's new best friend's mother who isn't interested in him at all. Em and Ethan start out on what should be an easy fake dating scheme between friends. It's all fun and games until the fake daters fall in love. Em and Ethan both have some stuff to work through and I enjoyed how they did that. This was an entertaining, sweet romance.

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Great if you're looking to pick up a cheesy and silly RomCom! Their meet cute moment was hilarious and their kids were adorable. The spice was minimal so definitely pick up for some cute giggles, but be warned that although there is some on the page spice, this one didn't feel like a steamy romance. Was definitely a great pellet cleanser(pun not intended).

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆
When Emmaline moves back to Denver after her divorce from attorney to the stars Tony, she’s determined to find herself again, maybe date someone like a plumber and spend time with her family. But when her “battery operated boyfriend” sets alight and she meets her new neighbour by the dumpster, all her plans go out the window. Aussie celebrity chef Ethan’s daughter Annie is the same age as Em’s daughter Fiona, and soon the two girls are plotting how to get their parents together. At first the fake dating is to help Ethan who has all the ladies falling at his feet, but when they both catch feelings, their heartwarming relationship just gets better.

𝗠𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀
Christina Hovland’s writing is witty and fast paced, filled with humour and the reality of single parenting. I adored both the clutzy Em, who is determined to change her life and who is slowly accepting of her talents. Ethan is kind and genuine and not at all what Em believes him to be. With fun friends, supportive family and a hint of lust, Em and Ethan’s story is such an adorable read! ❤️

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First thought: This book just didn’t do it for me, the characters were likable but the story just didn’t develop enough for me to connect.

Emmaline is a divorced mom who just moved back to Denver to escape a life where she faded into the background of Hollywood’s elites. She put her dreams on hold and is ready to start over with her daughter and find out who she is. She wants a less complicated normal life where she doesn’t have to give up her dreams. She loves drawing but has never really had the confidence to make it her job.

Ethan is a celebrity chef who lost the spot light when he stepped back to raise his daughter as a single dad. He is trying to get his career back on track, his daughter could care less she just wants him to find a wife. She hacks his social media and post him on the kitchen shirtless with the #datemycelebritydad and it definitely stirs up some interest.

So how do these two meet, well Em moved onto the street where Ethan lives and she accidentally set the streets dumpster on fire. Things moved fast and their daughters were suddenly best friends, oh and they are fake dating!

This is the point I kind of stopped loving this book. The initial story and grab to like the characters was great, but the actual story and development just was lacking for me. It skipped huge chunks and it felt rushed like it was just checking the boxes vs really telling a story.

Overall this book is a quick read that has some really great parts, just don’t set your expectations to high.

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Ethan and Em. Such a great read! ‘Em and her daughter have moved and are ready for a new life. Ethan and his daughter, the same. Em keeps finding herself in some odd predicaments and the handsome neighbor Ethan, seems to witness them all. Before long, favors are owed and Em is pretending she is Ethan’s new love interest. It’s hard to pretend though when you have real feelings.

This story was so sweet and entertaining. Love the side characters and love the two girls and their antics. The chemistry between Ethan and Em was steamy. I want more! So excited for the extra Epilogue, to find out I have to wait until release day. Very good read..definitely recommend.

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I just love the premise of this novel. I feel so.many novels are repetitive and dotnofder any interesting or new content. I love the chef aspect and the single dad troupe. It just is so perfectly out together I think it would make a great movie. I'm so excited to add this one to our romantic women's fiction section. I know our readers are going to live it

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