Member Reviews

This is the second book in this entertaining series, probably better if the books are read in sequence. Adelais has escaped, but the threat to her life is constant as those in power search for her. She now knows she has much magical power, but to control it she has to truly understand the use of runes to access it. Thank you to Second Sky Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I had feared this might suffer from middle book syndrome but those worries proved unfounded. Adelais is the tree that draws lightning to itself, and sometimes that power hurts and destroys those she holds most dear. This is another powerful read, one that explores many themes including misogyny, racism, religion, oppression, greed and corruption. Adelais' journey is not easy, death dodges her heels whilst the risk of capture is ever-present. Knowing friend from foe is a constant worry for it seems the whole of Galmandie is keeping watch for her. Whilst there was perhaps a little less action involving confrontation in this book, there were still some very dark moments and many trials for Adelais, her friends and her companions to overcome.

Some threads come full circle, others were left loose to be woven into the closing acts of the trilogy. Adelais remains determined, brave, and spirited though we pleasingly see her grow and mature too. She loves strong, she loves hard and would go to hell and back to protect those she cares for. Barthram, the anakritis-general, uses this to try and capture the Vriesian witch, with unexpected consequences all around. We get to see more of Pateras Malory d'Eivet, a man greatly changed by his last meeting with Adelais, more Guy, more Agnes, and more Humbert Blanc.

We also meet some interesting new characters, Whilst Adelias set her cap at a former knight I rather hoped she and Rossignol might make pleasant music together. She certainly deserves her dream of a quiet life in Vriesland but I fear Adelais has at least one more battle before she can leave war behind.

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Really enjoyed this emotionally thrilling and suspenseful adventure filled with interesting and engaging charters, witty dialog and heart racing twists. Highly entertaining and exciting journey from beginning to end.

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Adelais is back! Follow her adventures on Runes of Battle, the second book in G.N. Gudgion’s The Rune Song Trilogy. Old and new friends and allies and foes, adventure, battles, learning and growing and fulfilling her destiny.
If you like adventure and chivalry, give this series a try. Loving the characters, the story and the plot. I was really afraid for Brother Humbert and Adelais in the first book, so much so, that I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going on, but I didn’t want to keep reading because I was afraid to realize it. Both books made me cry. And that’s good, because I really was into those stories.
Thank you, THANK YOU for the chance to discover Adelais’ world.
Looking forward for the next book.

¡Sí! ¡Adelais regresó! Sigan sus aventuras en Runes of Battle, el segundo libro en la trilogía The Rune Song por G.N. Gudgion. Nuevos y viejos amigos, aliados y enemigos, aventuras, acción, batallas, aprendizaje y crecimiento y un destino que cumplir.
Estaba asustada/preocupada por el Hermano Humbert y por Adelais, tanto así, que quería seguir leyendo para descubrir qué pasaba, pero no quería seguir leyendo porque me daba miedo darme cuenta.
Muchísimas gracias por la oportunidad de descubrir el mundo de Adelais.

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