Member Reviews

After all, what city girl would want an orchard and an old farmhouse?

A promising start to a new series. Is the premise new? Not exactly when I can name at least two other authors that have set their series in orchards...however the hard cider angle is attention getting and the fact that the heroine is a widow still recovering from the horrific accident that stole her husband from her. I’m curious to see where this one goes.

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Kindle ARC
2 Stars
While I liked certain aspects of this book [the premise was intriguing], most of it just fell completely flat to me. While the murder doesn't happen in the first chapter [which is refreshing], the rest of the book was just an attempt to keep my eyes from continually rolling [the cop who demands to interrogate her after the murder and then seems to want to date her after she is cleared {OH the eye-roll}the inner dialogue moments, the idea that someone who owns a business would hire people with only another orchard owners recommendation and not looking into them further, going into semi-dangerous situations, A LOVE TRIANGLE????] and the absolutely lazy writing that happens in the middle of the book [I will say that the fact that Kate was savvy enough to realize what was being told her was just so fake was encouraging - she wasn't just some pushover and again, I had hope for the book, then in the very next chapter, all that hope was dashed] just made this such a slog to get through, though I had hope for the ending, which was dashed when I realized that I had 14 minutes left in the audiobook and there were still 4 chapters AND no reveal. Seriously? Rushed much? And the ending was so tepid that...well, again, this book just wasn't for me [and I am disappointed because I was truly looking forward to reading this one] and I will not be searching out any more should they be written.

Audiobook ARC
Hillary Huber - Narrator
4 Stars ♥
I was granted the audiobook for this book as well, and I will say that that was a pleasant surprise. I don't always like the narrator, but in this case, she did an amazing job and at certain points, HER NARRATION was the best part of the book. She is now back on my "great to listen to" list and I look forward to my next book with her narration.

Thank you to NetGalley, Joyce Tremel, Hillary Huber - Narrator, Crooked Lane Books, and Dreamscape Media for providing the eBook and audiobook ARC's in exchange for an honest review.

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Deadly to the Core is first title in Joyce Tremel's Cider House Mystery Series. After her husband dies in a car crash that left her severly injured, Kate Mulligan decides to move to the orchard farm outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that she has inherited from her uncle. She hopes that the orchard property will be the perfect place to fulfill her dream of operating a cider house. Her lawyer, Robert Larabee, isn't in favor of her idea and keeps urging her to sell. Carl Randolph, her orchard manager and helpful neighbor, Daniel Martinez assure her that it has great possibilities and do all they can to help her get ready. After Carl is murdered Kate and Daniel try to figure out why. When Robert is also murdered the urgency to find the killer increases.
A good start to a new series with engaging characters and a well developed mystery 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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[ thank you @netgalley for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own! ]

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

PUB DATE: January 16, 2024


A great start to a new cozy mystery series!

I love that the beginning of the synopsis says: “perfect for fans of Amanda Flower & Julie Anne Lindsay.” I love both of those authors so this was a no brainer to read!

After losing her husband and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, she finds out that she inherited an orchard farm from her great uncle Stan. And she knows just what to do, open a cider house! But not long after she arrives, the orchard manager, Carl is found murdered. 🔍

I really liked our main character, Kate. I liked how the community welcomed her back with open arms (she hadn’t been back in almost 20 years) and was so supportive of her idea with opening up her cider shop, Red Barn Cider Works. I loved her friend, Marguerite. And I also liked the potential love interest, Daniel. She would investigate and be a little nosy but it wasn’t too over the top to solve it!

Overall, I liked the mystery. It had me guessing till the end! I’m excited to see where the next book takes us! Oh, and there are a few recipes in the back as well. 🍎

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This is one of the worst cozy mysteries I have ever read. All the characters are barely tolerable, the protagonist is uninteresting and the whole small town feel is just one suspicious person after the next. One of the characters tells Kate, the protagonist, in the beginning to accept help from small town folk when offered because it can be seen as snobbish if she does not accept and then they all finger point at one another and keep secrets.

I only gave it two stars instead of one because I was intrigued to see how bad the ending was as I was hoping for redemption. I didn't find it. The whole book read like someone got an outline for what was needed for a mystery and then added bits and bobs to it without any real substance. The dialogue felt canned and the whole whodunit premise was thin at best.

Thank you Netgalley and Crooked Lane for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The first book in a new series called A Cider House Mystery.

Kate inherits a fruit orchard and sets up a cidery. She has knowledge of the industry, employs a manager for the orchards and prospects look good. However there appear to be some financial shenanigans going on as all of the local farmers begin to receive outrageously high offers for their land. When a murder occurs close to Kate she decides to investigate and see if all the issues are linked.

The mystery worked well and I enjoyed the fact that Kate's prospective love interest was an ex cop who had a good relationship with the local police. This meant that the investigation was practical and made sense. An entertaining read and I will look out for book 2.

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A fun easy read cozy mystery set in small town USA. The cider brewing side of things added a nice touch as it is something a bit different to the norm. Otherwise a fairly standard mystery with the usual hint of romance to come. The mystery let it down a little as the reason and person were obvious quite quickly. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Joyce Tremel's "Deadly to the Core" presents a satisfying cozy mystery with a tangy-tarty bite, marking the start of a promising new series. After inheriting her family's orchard following her husband's tragic death, Kate decides to make a fresh start by moving to a small town outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and opening a cider house.

The plot thickens when the orchard's manager is found murdered, revealing a possible blackmail motive and triggering Kate's sleuthing instincts.

The small-town atmosphere contributes to the story's charm, with everyone knowing everyone else's business. Kate's neighbor, Daniel, adds a layer of suspicion, and the plot takes an unexpected turn with the introduction of a mysterious developer eyeing Kate's and her neighbor's farms.

While the story excels in its orchard-themed mystery, Kate's overly exaggerated curiosity and the somewhat underwhelming conclusion slightly detract from the overall experience.

Despite some shortcomings, the book lays a strong foundation for the series, leaving readers looking forward to the next installment to delve deeper into the engaging characters and the evolving plot.

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DEADLY TO THE CORE is the first book in the brand-new Cider House Mystery series by Joyce Tremel. As with the case of the start of a lot of new series, the beginning is a bit slow as the reader is introduced to the characters, the setting, and some backstory for reference. However, I couldn’t help but find protagonist Kate Mulligan sympathetic and can’t help but want to see her succeed in her new life and new venture in running a fruit orchard and cider house. After experiencing the devastating loss of her husband and recovering from her serious injuries from the accident that took his life, Kate finds herself inheriting the orchard from her great uncle. The strong descriptive voice of the author brings the delightful setting and the close knit community to life and the reader is there, from the ground up, as Kate builds her business. I enjoyed the tidbits of information about building out the cider house and “brewing” the cider. It’s obvious the author has done her research, which gave the story an authentic feel.

Relying on the orchard manager, Carl, to teach her what she needs to know, Kate is tenacious and dedicated to making a go of it. Except before he has a chance to impart his wisdom, Kate finds him murdered, her walking cane the weapon. Becoming a suspect wasn’t on her long to-do list and she’s determined to clear her name. Asking questions around town isn’t all that easy when you’re a newcomer, and it doesn’t take long for her to join forces with her neighbor. I liked how well they worked together and enjoyed the hint of romance that seems to be developing between the pair. Between the murder, a mysterious buyer snatching up all the land surrounding her property, an unscrupulous lawyer, and an abandoned mine, there was plenty going on to keep the plot moving at a fast pace once the introductions were over. The way the various threads of the plots came together ramped up my appreciation for the story. And, at the final reveal, all was explained and tidily wrapped up. Deadly to the Core is a great start to the series and I look forward to reading more about Kate and her cider house!

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Kate is a particularly unique lead character, both a widow & physically hurt by the accident that took her husband. This really makes you want to root for her & the adventure she’s taking on. I really liked the cider house as the theme behind the book.

I think this is a really great start to a new series & I will be looking out for the next book.

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A very good introduction to a new series that promises to be entertaining for cozy mystery readers. While the young widow/fruit orchard/cider shop tropes are not terribly unique, they do provide a backdrop for a multitude of stories. Kate is a likeable, strong, intelligent main character who does not seem to be prone to TSTL moments - always a plus. The supporting characters are equally engaging, and all are people that I want to get to know better. This first mystery was well plotted, and kept me guessing for most of the book. I know it is a good read when I finish and immediately want to read the next book.

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3.5/5 ⭐️

The first in a new cozy series featuring Kate, who has inherited an orchard from her uncle and decides to open a cidery. However, before she can really get started, a worker is murdered. Kate is determined to find the truth.

Overall, I thought this was a decent first book. I do think it took a while to get to the mystery for a cozy, but I do understand the need to build up more backstory for this first one. I also think the cidery came together way too quickly. It felt like it was within a month that Kate had it up and running basically from scratch. I do think this series will continue to get better as Tremel finds the footing for the series!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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When Kate inherits an orchard from her Uncle Stan she decides to open a cider house on the property. But shortly after she arrives her orchard manager is killed. Of course Kate get’s involved in the investigation.

This was a good book. I liked the characters, the story moved, and there was enough going on to make the mystery interesting. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Great start for a new series! I loved getting to know Kate and her new neighbors as she sets up her new cidery. The setting was beautifully described and the characters were so likeable, I felt like I was right there with Kate as she establishes herself in her new home. The mystery was well-paced and had me guessing until the reveal. The ending did feel a little rushed but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story overall. I can’t wait to visit with these characters again!

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A nice start to a new series. Inheriting her uncle's orchard comes as a balm of sorts to Kate, a widow who is herself still dealing with injuries from the accident that killed her husband Brian. She's got plans to open a cidery, which not everyone in the area supports because someone wants her land. And then her orchard manager is murdered and she discovers he had big secrets. Big bad things that got him killed. No spoilers from me but fans of the genre might recognize the issues at play. This is a set up novel so know that you're getting to know Kate, that she talks with Brian in her head, and that she's adjusting to life at the orchard and with a new cat. And with the possibility of a future romantic interest. Or is he? Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Looking forward to the next one.

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When Kate Mulligan inherits her great-uncle's apple orchard in Pennsylvania, she's hoping for a new start. The loss of her beloved husband in the same accident that greatly damaged her makes her long for a new start. She and her husband had dreamed of opening a cidery and now the chance has become possible.

She has been in correspondence with her orchard manager Carl and with Robert Larabee who is the lawyer managing her great-uncle's estate. When she arrives, she is pleased to reconnect with old friends from her childhood of happy summers spent at the farm until her mother and grandmother had a falling out which ended the visits.

Her lawyer is trying to convince her to sell the property to a mysterious buyer who is offering more than the property is worth. Her stubbornness and her dreams of her cider house keep her from taking the very attractive offer as some of her neighbors have. When Carl is found beaten to death with the cane she left at his cottage after one of their meetings, she briefly becomes the chief suspect in his murder. When her alibi stands, she decides to look into the crime herself along with neighboring orchard owner Daniel Martinez who is a former state police officer.

Her childhood best friend Marguerite who now runs the local diner is trying to do a little matchmaking between Kate and Daniel but Kate isn't ready for a new relationship and Daniel is moving slow too. However, the two are quick to from a partnership to determine who killed Carl and who later killed Robert Larabee.

I enjoyed the setting of this cozy mystery and enjoyed the information about making apple cider. I also liked Kate who is slowly moving on after a heartbreaking loss. The other characters - Daniel, Marguerite, and various new local acquaintances - were all interesting people too. I look forward to more mysteries even though Kate would be most content if she could just concentrate on making her cider.

The story also includes some recipes of dishes mentioned in the story with the Tomato Bisque being the most interesting to me.

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“ Deadly to the Core” by Joyce Tremel the 1st instalment in the "A Cider House Mystery" series. I enjoyed this book and I can’t wait for book 2!

Kate Mulligan inherits her great uncle’s fruit orchard, she quickly realizes that apples aren’t the only thing that can have rotten cores.

I found the story to be a promising start to a new series. I liked Kate and her childhood friends, and it
will be interesting to see how things develop in book 2.

It was entertaining, full of twists and turns and I didn’t completely guess whodunnit until Kate did.

I recommend this series to all my cozy loving friends and I can’t wait for book 2 to come out!

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A huge thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Crooked Lane Books for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun cozy little mystery that I would suggest to anyone who likes mysteries and novels that feel like curling up next to a warm fire to read.

We follow our main character, who is recovering from a tragic accident that took the life of her husband, as she takes over her recently passed uncle’s orchard and decides to make a cidery on the property. However, by refusing to sell her property to a mysterious unknown corporation, she soon realizes that there’s more danger to this small Pennsylvanian town than expected.

I liked that there were hints of a potential romance, but nothing that was actually explicit nor took away from the story. There’s nothing wrong with romances in mysteries, I just personally wasn’t wanting one this early. I liked that she takes her time to get to know her potential love interest as friends first, and she waits until she thinks she’s ready to move on from the loss of her husband. I also liked that she was a disabled main character, with multiple mentions of her difficulty walking, as well as her use of a cane.

This book starts off slow, and I was considering DNFing it, as it started to look like there was more of a romance focus than on the potential mystery. However, just when I was losing interest there was a murder and then the novel really starts in earnest. I liked that the main character spends a great deal of her time investigating the murder, as well as the mysterious unknown trying to purchase her orchard, in addition to her day-to-day life. I know nothing about cideries or orchards, and it was interesting to see the entire project come together as the novel progresses. I also liked how this book captured that small town feel really well, with everyone knowing everyone, and by simply visiting and talking with people you can learn a lot about the history of the area. (Also, not related, but it was also fun as someone who lives in Pennsylvania to know the locations of the places mentioned - it really made the feel of the book really organic.)

This book is a fun little mystery that I think anyone who would like something described as “cozy mystery” would enjoy. The romance in this novel (the little that is there) develops naturally, and is not the main point of this book. The investigations feel natural, as well as the figuring out who the culprit is and its resolution. All-in-all this book really captures the vibe of the cover, and I think if the cover looked like something you’d be interested in you’ll like this novel.

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An engaging cozy mystery. Many interesting characters. Potential for romance. I am delighted to see it is the first of a series. I look forward to reading the second one. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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I received this book for free for an honest unbiased review from Netgalley.

A unique take on paranormal cozy. Fun and light.

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