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Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the arc! Another great cozy mystery novel. Enjoyed all of the characters! The author did a great job pulling this reader into the story. Will recommend!

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Loved reading to new book. I couldn't wait to finish it. I loved all the books this author has written. I suggest reading this book.

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Having previously managed a cidery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kate Driscoll Mulligan has an opportunity from an inheritance to make a dream come true. Excitement is tempered to open a cider house as it was a dream by two, husband and wife, Brian and Kate. A devasting auto accident took Brian's life, and Kate has endured a long recovery. Can she do this? Is she holding onto the past or taking steps forward for a new beginning?

With the atmospheric writing, I could easily imagine the vista of the setting of Orchardville, near Gettysburg, especially as the fruit orchard vistas of Pennsylvania are familiar to me. I loved the cidery's name, Red Barn Cider Works, befitting the renovated barn exterior, and the irresistible gray feline, Apple Blossom, dubbed Blossom. Apple cider is an annual autumn delight that I've always considered synonymous with "Autumn in Pennsylvania." Thoughts of enjoying cider any time during the year awakened my taste buds, especially descriptions of Kate's creative plan for new weekly offerings.

I was engrossed in the interior renovations in the barn for the cidery, especially the delight of Kate's construction knowledge that gave her independence to be an integral part of bringing planning to fruition. As Kate met various individuals on arrival at the homestead and within the town, I suspected a different character would be the crime victim. The mystery of the investigation into the loss of Carl Randolph, the orchard manager, gave Kate a vested interest and red herrings offered twists for motive, means, and opportunity.

I can't wait to read the future of Kate's Red Barn Cider Works.

Recipes are available at the end of the cozy.

Thank you to Joyce Tremel, Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an eARC of this book.

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Another new to me author with a new series and another hit. Thank you to #NetGalley for the introduction! I really liked Kate Driscoll, life has been hard for her lately with the death of her husband and her physical injuries, from a car accident, but when an opportunity presented itself she decided to try to live out her original dream to open a cidery. Discovering that her Uncle had left her the family orchards, she was determined to return to a place where she had spent some happy hours as a child and persue her dreams. When her farm manager is murdered and a mystery company is bound and determined to buy her family farm, Kate is determined to find out what is going on so she can begin again. An interesting mystery, an intelligent main character and a lesson in opening a cidery all make this a good read!

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Deadly To The Core has the features that I enjoy in a cozy. Kate is putting her life back together after the death of her husband. Her uncle dies and leaves her an apple farm, right outside of Gettysburg, Pa. She comes up with a seemingly dynamite idea to turn the land into a cider house. There are, unfortunately, many objections.

She soon discovers that her uncle was receiving large sums of money - source unknown.
Her neighbor, Daniel, has some hinky vibes so Kate has to figure that out as well as the money supplier.

an enjoyable cozy

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Pennsylvania, widow, grief, grieving, new-beginnings, new-business, new-series, first-in-series, rural, small-business, small-town, friendship, friends, ex-cop, recipes, amateur-sleuth, cider, murder-investigation, murder*****

Very interesting to learn about the making of cider for a small operation while trying to solve the murder and enjoy all of the hometown characters. The man who was murdered was a transplant but the reason was unknown. Unraveling the motive was very convoluted and more interesting than many. Good sleuthing.
I requested and reviewed an EARC from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

A Cider House Mystery

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

After surviving a horrific car accident that left her a widow, Kate inherits a farm house an orchard, and an entirely new community that welcomes her with open arms. This cozy mystery kicks into here when her farm manager is murdered within days of her arrival. Kate teams up with her enigmatic neighbor in the opposite orchard to investigate the crime and its subsequent developments.

Tremel delivered on the assignment of creating a cozy mystery — no gore, true heartwarming moments about camaraderie and new beginnings, and even an adopted cat! I was able to sit down and read the entire book from start to finish in under three hours. It was very readable and I never tired from flipping to the next page to hear more about this mystery.

There were a couple of narrative points that didn’t gel for me as I was reading however. Daniel’s background and former occupation are purposefully kept from Katie at the beginning of the novel, but the reasoning doesn’t feel real or compelling to me. Additionally, the explanation around why Katie’s mother no longer had a relationship with her extended family seemed like a lost opportunity to create narrative tension — what the explanation really that simple? I hope as Tremel continues the series she can expand on it a little bit more.

Finally, the unravelling of the mystery was neat and quick, with all the loose ends seemingly tied up in a few sentences of exposition. If you are looking for an Agatha Christie level point by point review of the murderer’s planning and psychology, you won’t get that here. Fortunately, that’s necessarily what cozy mystery readers are expecting the author to do.

Tremel’s novel is an excellent start to a new series. If you are a seasoned cozy murder veteran, this is right up your street. I would recommend it as a quick and satisfying read.

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This book had me drawn in from the beginning. I felt like I was living in the community myself. I enjoyed the twists, and really enjoyed the book as a whole!

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If you love cozy mystery books with a tight knit community, a sprinkle of humor, and a twist of cider, you’ll want to read Joyce Tremel’s latest book, Deadly to the Core. In this review, I’ll tell you why this book is a must-read for mystery fans and apple lovers alike.

Cozy mysteries hold a place among mystery enthusiasts. It’s no wonder they have become a favorite subgenre. These delightful stories often feature a detective, set in a knit community, and carry a light and humorous tone that makes them an ideal escape. Today, we are diving into the world of “Deadly to the Core” written by Joyce Tremel, known for her Brewing Trouble Mystery series. With her experience as a police secretary, Tremel offers us a perspective on police investigations.

Transporting us to a quaint town nestled outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the narrative centers around our protagonist, Kate. As fate would have it, Kate has suffered the loss of her husband in a car accident. Finds herself inheriting a remarkable fruit orchard from her great-uncle. However, as the story unfolds, complications arise when her orchard manager is discovered lifeless, plunging Kate into a web of mystery and suspense. Adding fuel to the fire, she becomes entangled in a web of pressure from a buyer who seems determined to acquire her property at any cost.

One aspect that truly sets Joyce Tremels writing is her ability to captivate readers with descriptions and engaging prose. Through her words, the characters come alive. Her descriptive prowess allowed me almost to taste the apples, feel the cool autumn breeze, and hear the rustling of fallen leaves. Tremel’s meticulous attention to detail enriched my reading experience and immersed me completely in Kate’s world. With its unique setting and interesting characters, this novel follows the conventions of the cozy mystery genre by featuring an amateur sleuth, small town and a light tone. Tremel takes it a step further by incorporating a theme of overcoming loss and finding a new purpose.

The characters featured in the novel carried interesting personalities and made me, as a reader, care about them. We meet Kate months after a car accident that claimed her husband of several years and she is still suffering the physical effects of the accident. I enjoyed her journey from healing to a brave orchard owner. There is also a hint of a budding romance, loyal friends, and an adorable cat named Blossom who round out the story. Since this is the first in a new series, we’ll get to know these characters more as the series progresses.

Kate’s story tugged at my heartstrings. I was intrigued by the mystery of who killed her orchard manager and why someone would want to buy her property so bad. In the novel, Kate has “conversations” with her deceased husband as she struggles to move forward in her life. We see that Kate is someone who is brave, resilient, and kind. The theme of the story is about finding new beginnings after a loss and embracing change. The pacing of the story was good, though the beginning seemed long. The novel picks up towards the middle and I care more about why things are happening. The ending was abrupt, but satisfying. I would love to read more books in this series.

I would also love to explore Tremel’s Brewing Trouble Mysteries after this read. I believe “Deadly to the Core” would be a great addition to any cozy mystery lover’s book collection. It combines a heartwarming narrative with a puzzling mystery and delightful characters. The delicious recipes included at the end are also a great bonus!

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Deadly to the Core is the first book in a new cozy mystery series, A Cider House Mystery, by Joyce Tremel.
 Kate Mulligan learns that she inherits a fruit orchard from her late Uncle Stan in a small town near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. She lost her husband in a car accident and is learning how to manage on her own. Kate has plans to open a cider house on the orchard property. Things do not go as planned when she finds the orchard manager, Carl, dead. Kate must find out what happened to ensure she is able to open her cider house. Does the history of the orchard have anything to do with why Carl was killed?
I was instantly brought back to my childhood within the first few pages. Kate was remembering her grandmother and buttercups. It made me think of my childhood and how I used to hold buttercups up to my chin too. It put a smile on my face.
This book did not have a lot of action but there was something about it that had me keep reading until I finished it. I just had to know what happened. I found that Kate’s character was relatable. I could easily picture myself in her shoes.
I love the small town and the characters. I hope there is more in store for Kate and her cider house. I can’t wait to see if there is a romance starting to bloom between Kate and her neighbor, Daniel.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
My Rating:

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Newly widowed Kate has inherited a fruit orchard from her great Uncle Stan. At her opening of the cider house, she finds the orchard manager Carl Randolph dead. Kate sets about trying to trap a killer. Good solid mystery with plenty of red herrings to keep the reader guessing. I enjoyed this book. Thanks #Netgalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine.

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Love the background to this story. Was filled w a great story line and fun and free spirited characters. The author background also gave her enough info for this to be a great story. Love that it takes place on an apple orchard. Looking forward to more the author has to offer. Would highly recommend this book

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I absolutely love the way that Joyce Tremel writes! I am clinging to each word and getting zero sleep! I need to know what happens and sleep isn't that important right? I couldn't put this book down! I would give this book 5/5 stars!!! Deadly to the Core is such a wonderful title that also drew me in!

Kate has experienced more loss than anyone I know. She is recently widowed after a tragic car accident took her husband's life and left her in intensive care. After a year or so of heaingl and recovering from injury, Kate finds out that her Great Uncle Stan had passed. Uncle Stan had left a decent sized piece of land, an orchard to be exact and the home that he built with his own hands that Kate's grandmother had lived in.

Kate had ambitious dreams of running and owning her own cidery since she used to manage one. Those dreams were lost after the tragic car accident. Kate decided to take a huge leap of faith to move to her Great Uncles property to make Brian proud and start the cidery. Along the way Kate connects with old friends, makes new ones and learns so much about being an orchard owner. She soon finds out that the neighboring orchards have been sold or being sent offers for purchase by a mystery company.

Kate starts the search to find out if the death of Uncle Stan could be linked to the purchase of these orchards. She stumbles upon a death and inserts herself right into the ongoing investigation. Does Kate ever find out what bad apple murdered her uncle or was this a natural passing of a loved one? Only time will tell.

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Recently widowed, Kate Mulligan, inherits a fruit farm from her great uncle. She decides to open a cider store. She returns to the area, north of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where she spent much of her childhood. Everyone is friendly and supportive, especially the owner of the orchard next door. Well, almost everyone. It's clear that someone doesn't want her to open the cider store. And they want the land that she is living on.

Her grand uncle's attorney definitely isn't supportive. He wants her to sell out. Her manager wants her to stay. Until he turns up murdered. And Kate is a suspect. She and her friends set out to find the real murderer.

This well-written book gives a glimpse of the life of the small farmer and orchard owner. The characters are well developed and engaging. The plot is intriguing. I highly recommend this book.

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Kate Mulligan survived a horrible car crash and lost her husband, but now that she’s recovered she’s starting a new life. With the loss of her beloved Uncle, Kate inherits fate family orchard and decides to start her over and open the cider business she and her late husband dreamed of.

With her orchard manager killed with her own cane and someone trying to buy up the farms around the area, Kate will not only have to figure out the orchard business, but also why Carl was killed and who/why someone is so eager to get the farms in the area. At least if she wants to keep her family’s legacy, and her life, in tact.

A great start to a new cozy series! I love the small town setting, the kitty who finds her how with Kate, and the orchard and cider house. It’s a welcoming setting for the series and delivered a mystery which has you scratching your head for awhile, but when that one clue drops, it all clicks together and you’ve figured it out along with Kate and Daniel. I’m looking forward to more in this series….and hoping at least one entry will cross over into Gettysburg and add a ghostly theme. Fingers crossed.

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Deadly to the Core is the first book in a new series called A Cider House Mystery. It follows Kate who just inherited an orchard from her uncle Stan and plans to open a cider house and start a new life for herself after a tragic accident claimed the life of her husband and nearly killed her. I really liked this book but I’ll say it could have been shorter. It got a little boring in the middle, especially when talking about maps and farmlands, discussions about who potentially owns what, etc… also I wasn’t a fan of any of the men so I hope Kate continues to focus on her cider house and not date. It did pick back up by the end and although the ending was abrupt, it was satisfying.

I received an advanced copy in exchange for review and opinions are my own.

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I received a free copy of, Deadly to the Core, by Joyce Tremel, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thirty-five year old widow Kate inherits a fruit orchard. Kate is glad to have something to focus on besides her grief, when a body is found on her orchard. I really like Kate and Marguerite, they are wonderful characters, good story line, and love the recipes in the back of the book.

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A good, fun read! This book felt very Stardew Valley meets murder mystery to me, and I really enjoyed the overall vibes of this book! No high standing literature - but just a very nice escape from reality in a very cozy setting.

If you like Stardew Valley & the Glass Onion movie, this book is for you! The book could have done with slightlyyyy more character building, but overall it was still very nice! My very first murder mystery & certainly won’t be my last :)

I think I did spot one little error in the book though, on page 122 (and I do want to mention it so maybe it can be corrected for!). On page 122 it says ‘Scott says ‘…’, however, Scott is actially not present in that scene and it makes so sense really. I reread the scene a few times and I do think it’s a typo and say Daniel! Just wanted to add that in :)

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I enjoyed it but wasn't as engaged as I might have been. Possibly because the MC was detached and diffident. I received this as an advance copy from the author via NetGalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Katie went home after losing the love of her life in an accident that almost killed her too. She needed to focus her attention on the legacy willed to her by her uncle. The death of one of the locals brought to the forefront some sneaky scheming surrounding her property. It was imperative to find out who did it, for she wasn’t about to allow anyone to stop the launch of her dream business. It was an enjoyable, captivating, and intriguing read.

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