Member Reviews

Angela Terry's third novel, The Palace at Dusk, kept me company during a very long week, as it was my first time in the ring with Covid. Jae felt like a friend, albeit one who made some questionable choices for her life. This novel shows the gritty and not-so-glamorous sides of having an affair and being a lawyer. Plus, it was an armchair adventure in San Francisco.

I didn't know where things were going to go from one moment to the next and that kept me turning the pages. I also felt angry and frustrated on Jae's behalf many times. While I don't condone affairs, it was interesting to see what the experience was like for Jae and to learn why she would choose that path for herself. I also understand why it was difficult for her to end the affair. And her corporate law career was cutthroat and intimidating, to say the least. I felt bad for Jae when she was being undermined at work.

My only concern is that I felt like Adeline Turner (who was the protagonist of Angela's previous novel) seemed more standoffish and a bit rude in this novel. I can't remember how Jae was made to look previously, but it seemed like Jae was trying to be friendly to her in this story and Adeline wasn't reciprocating.

Overall it was both honest and gripping and I had a hard time tearing myself away. It's definitely a worthwhile and riveting read. Also perfect for fans of the TV series Partner Track. I am eagerly awaiting Angela's next novel!

(Trigger warning below)

Movie casting suggestions:
Jae: Lucy Hale
Brad: Jake Lacy
Maya: Sarah Steele
Matt: Steven Strait






TW: Miscarriage

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As a busy new lawyer, Jae has very little time to meet people, much less date. The few dates she has haven't been great. So, when her co-worker Brad invites her out for a drink, she accepts, beginning several years of an affair.

I was torn about this book. I know that young, high potential professionals are driven and Jae's situation wasn't unusual. She didn't know Brad was married until after their relationship started, so no problem there. Could she have stopped it? Yes, she could have. But to what end? It is controversial, but in my opinion, Jae has no obligation to Brad's wife, he does.

This is a book that gets you thinking, and will likely polarize readers to one side or the other.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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I received a digital ARC from Girl Friday Productions, Girl Friday Books from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I have mixed feelings about this book. The writing did hold my interest in that I wanted to find out how it all worked out. However, I never really connected with any of the characters.

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The Palace at Dusk is the story of Jae, an attorney who breaks her rule of dating a coworker, only to learn after sex that Brad, the coworker, is married. Jae continues in a multi-year affair with him before moving away to San Francisco for a fresh start. I have mixed feelings about this book. The writing is good, and the story kept my attention. It was a tough book to read, but all love stories are not happy, and some are toxic. Jae and Brad's definitely falls into the toxic category. Thank you, NetGalley, for the advance reader copy of this book.

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This is the first book I have read by Angela Terry's and it won't be my last. I feel like most people don't like the cheating trope but this book had more to do with the character's growth. There are some heavy topics but it will keep you engaged throughout the book. I thought his was an enjoyable read and I would recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Girl Friday Productions, Girl Friday Books for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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Okay, but.... I love a good office romance, and this totally hit the spot! I was lucky enough to receive an ARC copy from NetGalley and I am so glad I chose this one!! If you are on the fence, pick it up and give it a try :)

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💼 The Palace at Dusk 🏰
✨By: Angela Terry✨


The Palace as Dusk was such a captivating novel; the author developed the main characters beautifully! I felt as though I knew them and each of their personalities—without feeling like I had a ton of unnecessary filler information. I LOVED her writing style. I found it easy to read and concise (this is so important to me—too much verbiage and I zone out). Terry provided the perfect amount of information/description. Also, I love that this book had just a FEW main characters, much easier to keep track and stay absorbed in the story. 😅

This book is organized into three parts—background/beginnings of an affair, 7 years into the affair, and Jae’s happily ever after (but with WHO?? 😉) I could honestly go on and on about The Palace at Dusk, but I don’t want to spoil anything for those who may have it on their TBR (and if it’s not on your TBR…ADD IT NOW…you will not regret it). 👍🏼

If you are looking for a book that is going to make you feel all the feelings, then this one is for you! #emotionalrollercoaster

Terry did an amazing job representing multiple aspects of a women’s life and real struggles that we go through, such as people making you feel like you need to choose between a fulfilling career and a family, trying to ward off an office romance, and dealing with unexpected pregnancy/loss.

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The Palace at Dusk by Angela Terry published 10/24/23 by Girl Friday Productions. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC 💜! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions are my own.

I have mixed feelings about this book because it hits close to home. Harvard educated, corporate attorney Jasmine " Jae" Phillips wants to become partner at her firm -Levenfield LLP. She is a workaholic with a lackluster dating life. She even has a no-dating-coworkers policy that's tested and eventually broken. Brad Summers -a handsome real estate associate-asks her out for a drink and they eventually start dating. Little does Jae know that Brad has a wife and child. Jae goes through a lot of moral dilemmas leading a double life with Brad. These "entanglements" never end well. My father was married with a wife and 3 kids, but it wasn't enough. He ran through his office, abusing his power, and sleeping with women. Everyone knew except his family at home. He was so selfish thinking about himself and his needs. He thought financial support was all he needed to provide. Jae and Brad circumstances are different, but the feelings of guilt, desperation, and love are all the same. I was triggered by the story but felt Jae's struggles within and her fight for a HEA.

Rating: 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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The story was slow moving. The book is written in the first person. Jae (Jasmine) has a relationship with a married man and wanted to tell her side of the story. It did not gender a lot of emotions in me, which is something adultery should do--whether negative or positive. Trigger warning: women who date married men. Thank you to NetGalley and Girl Friday for the digital ARC. This review is my honest opinion.

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Choose between your heart and your head - I can definitely relate to that
However, this wasn't as heart wrenching as I'd hoped it would be - An okayish read but nothing more to tell

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Wow, this was a very toxic read. This book follows Jae who wants to become a partner at a law firm but meets Brad. They sleep together but it turns out he’s married. I did not read that part of the summary and wish I did. I’m not a huge fan of the cheating trope especially as it gives off some major red flags for the character. The story was greatly written though with a good storyline and heartwarming moments. I enjoyed the main character Jae as I thought she was well-written but I did not enjoy her character development. I was not a huge fan of Brad so I will leave it to that. I didn’t truly care for their romance and this book gives off that vibe where Jae could have been left alone. Not a bad read though if you enjoy Sex/Life and Maybe In Another Life, this would be your read.

*this arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*

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This book was so incredibly toxic! I kept thinking ok now is the time she's gonna make a break and be done with this dude for good but nope.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Great read. Characters are believable and well thought out. Great happily ever after. Overall an intriguing and interesting book to enjoy and recommend.

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I think the line that best summarizes this book is that the heart is hard to understand but I listen to it anyway. Yes, Jae and Brad's relationship was messy and complicated and at times Jae felt isolated and wary of revealing their secrets but the one thing she did know was that she truly loved him. He was the one who made her feel whole. Running away to a new city and job is simply that. Running away. I felt sorry for her with respect to Maya as it is amazing how "friends" can be used so loosely. She definitely went through very hard times both personally and professionally in San Francisco; however, it made her stronger and determined to have the life she wanted. A great read.

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This book follows Jae, an attorney who is working to make partner at a law firm. She is attracted to her co-worker Brad, but doesn’t want to mix work and relationships. He works his way into her heart, and they sleep together. She finds out he’s married. Will she break it off or stay?

I understand love and what Jae must have been going through, but I really was excited when she decided to make a move to break things off. I would have loved to see that book, and see her really work to get over these feelings. Instead, he messy married ex-lover Brad kept hanging around. I thought she’d seen the light… but they weirdly got their happily ever after. The real lesson of this book should have been that Jae didn’t need a man, especially a married one.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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