Member Reviews

I have read all three books in this series, and this final book is just as wonderful as the first two. Tagg continues to paint a beautiful picture of Maine as she unravels the complex stories surrounding members of the Muir family.

I was very satisfied by the ending that she provided for the characters, and I think that she tied up all of the threads in the various books.

I would highly recommend this book to someone who enjoys a modern Christian mystery/romance.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for the free e-arc

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This was the first time I read a book by Melissa Tagg and the first book of this series. I could not put the book down as I wanted to find out what happened next with Lilian and Wilder.
As I wasn't familiar with the family or the story, it didn't take me long to figure out what was going on. I did find myself having to reread certain areas though as it confused me. Overall I found this an enjoyable read.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from Larkspur Publishing through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Wedding at Sea is the third book in the Muir Harbor series that follows Lilian Muir as she investigates her heritage and the Muirs’ family friend Wilder Monroe as he continues a years-long investigation into the lost grandchild of Lilian’s adopted mother, Maggie. At the same time, Maggie is preparing for her wedding, and Lilian and Wilder work together on both wedding plans and their respective investigations.

I really enjoyed this book, and I do not think that it’s necessary to read the prior two books in the series (though it could be helpful). I have not read the other books, and I was still able to really enjoy this one.

I found Lilian and Wilder to both be likable characters. Some members of the extended cast were difficult to keep track of at times (this is when reading the first two books would become helpful).

The mystery was also engaging, though it took a very long time to reveal details. I wish they could have been revealed more gradually throughout the book.

Overall, it was a good read, and I would definitely read more by this author in the future!

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I enjoyed the final installment in the Muir Harbor series. I would highly recommend reading the whole series as we have the same characters in each. This final book is about the mother planning her wedding after all these years. Maggie asks her daughter Lilian and close family friend Wilder to plan her wedding together. She has an ulterior motive as Lillian and Wilder never got along. Always insulting and antagonizing each other. Wilder has been faithful to Maggie in trying to find out what happened to her missing grand daughter, but now feels like he should just give up the search. It seems to give false hope to Maggie and heartbreaking when it all comes to a dead end. Of course Lillian does not let him forget his failures. Wilder is tormented over his father’s death and questions haunt him as how he really died. No one could have predicted that these two who have been at odds for two decades would end up being each other’s friend and more. Suspense builds as the mysteries of the story begin to come to a head. I loved this series and especially the ending. All is well that ends well….thanks to the publisher and author Tagg for the chance to read and review this interesting book.

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This much-anticipated conclusion to the Muir Harbor series is one I could hardly wait to begin reading and then dreaded coming to a close! I know I will reread this series again. Melissa Tagg's development from an author of funny rom-coms to amazing family sagas is one I've delighted in watching. There is something for everyone in this book: the kind, caring Maggie, beloved family matriarch who is getting her own happy ending; the baffling decades-long mystery; loveable workaholic Lillian; and of course Wilder who is both haunted and hopeful. I highly recommend this book and series!

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Wedding at Sea is a great book. I couldn’t put it down. I stayed up way too late in order to finish it last night.

The characters all really relatable and the story line is so compelling.

Even though this wasn’t the first book in the series I had no issues with storyline continuity.

Please give this one a try.

I did receive a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg was so much more than I anticipated. Yes, there is romance. With such a title, there has to be. But there was also mystery, suspense, danger, surprising twists.....

Definitely worth staying up late to read (got within 30 pages of finishing and eyes would not stay open).

A copy was provided for my review, but all opinions are my own.

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Wedding at Sea is a beautiful conclusion to the Muir Harbor trilogy. I was looking forward to seeing Lilian and Wilder fall in love since their first case of banter in book one. The journey to get there was lovely and seeing them slowly realize their feelings for each other was very realistic. All of the loose ends and mysteries that had been going on during the series were concluded in a way that felt very satisfying. This was one of those books that I was very sad when it was over.

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Wedding at Sea is the final installment of Melissa Tagg’s Muir Harbor trilogy. I am sad for the series to be over, but am so glad to get all of the answers I’ve been waiting for. If you haven’t read of the rest of the series, stop reading this review and read the series first. You will not be disappointed.

This book was amazing. Of course I loved the romance aspect of the story, but the twists and turns and the mystery of it all is really what made this book great. Melissa Tagg was able to seamlessly weave together a story of forgiveness, redemption, love, family, mystery and so much more.

Definitely one of my favourite books I’ve read recently. Make sure you don’t miss this book or the rest of the series.

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A sweet, heartwarming and heartbreaking romantic mystery. This is the first I have read in this series. Now that I have met the characters I want to read their stories too. Family can be of the heart not necessarily blood. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Wedding at Sea was a gripping tale of enemies turning into lovers. As the hero and heroine navigate the growing romance between the two, they must also solve mysteries that have haunted them for many years. Tagg's description of the charming town and characters adds wonderful color and depth to the story.

I loved watching Wilder confront demons from his past and learn to heal from the emotional wounds that have left him scarred. As Lilian learns to let go of some of her fierce independence and open up to her family and friends for help, she blossoms into a lovable and memorable character.

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I absolutely loved this book. I am going to have to read all the previous books in the series. I could not put this down! I am obsessed now! I quickly went and bought all the other books. Loved this!!
I just reviewed Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg. #WeddingatSea #NetGalley
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Melissa Tagg has quickly become one of my favorite authors. Her Muir Harbor series is a wonderful set of works with excellent characters, plot and vivd imagery to create a beautiful setting. In this 3rd book of the series, the plot of the series ties itself together wonderfully! It's best to start at the first novel in the set Autumn by the Sea then book two - Seaside Wonder and finally finish with the latest Wedding at Sea. It a truly precious series that is fun, charming, heartfelt with a cozy mystery. I highly recommend all three! 5+ stars

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A gripping novel with details in both the characters and the plot. Such an exciting story about family and friends that was hard to stop reading.

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This was the relationship I was most excited to read about since book one. And it did not disappoint. These two found their new rhythm in just the right way. It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t overly messy, and it just felt right. The final threads of the story found themselves sewn together in ways I didn’t quite expect, but loved nevertheless.

Of the three books, this was my favorite. I enjoyed reading the entire series right in a row, and am eager to read more from this author. These books had romance and mystery and a slight bit of faith woven in to them as well.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Every book I’ve read by this author is heartwarming and inspiring. Wedding at Sea is no exception. Each chapter was captivating and interesting. I was sad to reach the end. I definitely recommend this clean romance read.

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This was a great conclusion to the Muir Harbor series, even though I hope to see more of these characters in future books. The connection from Maple Valley near the end was great too! As always, the writing was engaging, the characters were strong, and the action kept the story moving until all was revealed at the end. Thoroughly enjoyable!

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Since I have not read the first 2 books in this series I feel constrained as to what I can say. What I will say is the character growth in the main characters was very moving. I read this in 2 sittings. It was definitely a page turner from the beginning. There were a few twists I never saw coming. I will definitely be reading the first 2 books ASAP!

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What a wonderful book to wrap up a special series. I couldn’t have loved Lilian and Wilders story any more than I do. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! Muir Harbor is a place I won’t soon forget and the heart felt story of this great family.

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Was sooo excited to read TBD next book in the Muir Harbor series! I love how it built upon the stories of the other books and it just became and even bigger story. I lobe how it weaves in mystery, love, and hard questions and experiences of life and gives the reader permission to ask their own hard questions. I highly recommend this book!

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