Member Reviews

This was the first book I ever requested on netgalley. I was super excited about it the bio sounded right up my alley. The problem is this is book 6 so I'm so lost with all the different characters and trying to keep track of them all. My review will only be posted on netgalley.

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If you’ve followed the series from the start, this ‘episode’ is a twister. As this book is through Gary’s POV, we get to know him more intimately and realise his importance in the series. We see his perspective on Kit and the relationship they have found themselves in.
Tully is on tour with the band and that seems to going well. We catch up with Spike and Felice and see how their relationship has impacted the group.
The mystery and mythology is all still there, choice is still the main focus, Aongus is still stirring, the characters are still just as engaging and captivating and the story has taken an unexpected turn and left us hanging, wondering where to next?

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okay so i requested this book without realising it was a part of a series, but i was so interested in the plot that i’ve started the series! I’ll be sure to update my goodreads with thoughts on this book once i get to it, but im loving the books so far!

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I didn’t realize this was part of series when I requested this book but it was a good read. Gary’s recovering after an accident that almost killed him and starts to believe the worst is behind him. Meanwhile, Kit is faced with a decision that could change her life and starts to lean on Gary. I liked the characters and storyline but feel like maybe I would have enjoyed this more if I had readthe others in the series.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Indie Ink for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. I didn’t realize this was part of series when I requested this book but it was a great read. After an accident that almost killed him, he’s recovering and starts to believe the worst is behind him. Meanwhile, Kit is faced with a decision that could change her life, she leans heavily on Gary to help guide her and figure out what she should do. Whatever she decides, Gary knows that he has to accept her decision, but how will they handle the challenge?

Kit and Gary are adorable and I loved their story. This is making me want to go back and read the previous 5 stories in the series. This was a quick but fun read. Highly recommend it.

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The series keeps making an unexpected turn and keep me at the edge of my seat.

Through Last Chance we got to see the mundane life of Kit that somehow ended up with Gary. The story was told through Gary's POV--which is a breath of fresh air to see how an outsider with little to zero connection with the core 4 characters and their crafts. It amazes me to see Kit's character growth to someone else's eyes that is not her bestfriends or Tully, and it's worth to see how Kit finally being able to realize what she wants. Among all the books of this series feels more cozy and homey compared to the other.s.

Of course, the eerie mysterious feelings of Aongus keep emerging everytime Mike Meara appears and surely never left the atmosphere. It's one thing to see how everyone gathers around together for one night, but to realize what happened at the aftermath and the cliffhanger??? I really can't wait to see what's happen next

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Woah, what a next chapter to their story! I started to think with some of the others that it was seeming less like a Kit & Tully series and more like a Kit series that heavily featured Tully at the beginning because it definitely seems like she's heavily involved the whole way through with not much about Tully anymore, but then every time I think that he's right there again! And we do get to hear how some of his life is going, we know how the tour is going for the band even if we don't know how the rest of his life is. There's definitely a lot more going on in Kit's life though when they go their separate ways so it makes sense to be her side we follow during these times.
I really loved Gary's perspective. Again I thought could potentially be a weird choice but knowing how close he was to Kit early on in the book and from the blurb it made a very good perspective choice for us to hear how everything was unfolding. And the ending, wow! I actually got a little spoiler when I read the blurb for the next book a while ago thinking it was the blurb for this one (do not do that!) but even still I didn't quite expect that ending. I'm so so looking forward to the final set of three books to find out what happened and what's been going on because honestly I don't even know anymore! This book was a crazy turn but I loved it and I love this series so much. I can't wait to finish it but equally don't want to be finished reading it!

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Last Chance by MochaVonBee is the 6th book in the Kit and Tully series. In this book, we follow Gary as he recovers from a tragic motorbike accident where only Kit visited him in the hospital during his recovery. As Gary could not go home on his own, Kit moves in with him and they instantly form a deep connection. Kit gets a job before becoming pregnant and Gary prepares to propose to Kit whilst doing a computer course. A few marriages and a party later and it instantly goes downhill!

This is another good book from VonBee which in some areas is very gripping and the cliffhanger at the end of this book really is phenomenal. As this book is set in the 1980s it adds more excitement and mystery for the young adult readers who themselves have grown up in a very different world full of technology. The romance elements were also a good part of this book without it going over the top and there were hints at the supernatural as has been the case in all of the books so far in the Kit and Tully series.

Sadly, I haven't been able to read a number of the books following the last in the series which has made this book challenging to read. This is because all the books in the series start where the last one left off and so having the book being told from Gary's perspective having never met Gary in these books before can make it rather challenging to understand. There are a large number of new characters and not just Gary who the reader would know nothing about unless they have read all of the books in the series in the correct order.

Altogether, I rate this book 3 stars making it a good book as it was gripping with an exciting plot and an overwhelming sense of mystery throughout. The romance and warm feelings from this book really stick with the reader and make them feel part of the story and the families involved. I very much look forward to reading the next book in the series. I would like to thank both NetGalley and Indie Ink for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book in return for an honest book review.

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