Member Reviews

I received a copy from the publisher through Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

I really like this science fiction romance series and was so excited for this third book in the series. One of the main characters Miri was introduced as a child in book 2 and one of the main characters from book 2 makes some appearances, but it can be read as a standalone. I liked seeing what happened to the children who were genetically modified and this book focuses on how those kids are doing now when they're all grown up and adults.

Miri can see emotions as auras around people, but when she keeps accidentally influencing people's emotions she loses her job. She's afraid of influencing people with her powers and unsure how to control it. While she's visiting her friend, a crime takes place that the dragons didn't see and she teams up with her childhood crush Leo to solve the crime.

I thought this was an interesting read and I liked how it dealt with the kids who were part of the experiments and the moral and ethical questions surrounding their powers. As well as bit of a murder mystery plot line. The tension increases later in the book and I wanted to see how it all played out. The epilogue was great and I appreciated the unusual shape Miri and Leo's happy ending took and how it worked well for them.

I liked Miri, her powers were interesting to read about and I liked how she was always aware of the danger her powers could pose even though she struggled to control them. I liked seeing her interact with Leo and I liked their romance. Leo seemed a bit less interesting of a character at first, but the more I got to know him the more I liked him. His sunshine personality, but also how he could be a bit reckless with his heart of the right place. They made for a great couple and fit well together. I liked seeing them find their way back together. There is not much drama and I liked they cleared things up relatively fast.

I liked how this book expanded on the topics the previous books had introduced as well as some new interesting twists and characters. The world comes more alive with each book. It also was nice to spend more time on Halcyon in this book and see more of the communities there, but also showed how they aren't perfect either.

To summarize: This was another great read in this series. I wanted to keep reading and see where the plot and romance would go. Miri and Leo were close until Miri pushed him away and now they have to team up to solve a crime. The murder mystery style plot combined with Miri's fears about her powers made for an interesting plot. I liked Miri and Leo together and I liked how their happy ending took a different shape than I see in most books, but a shape that was perfect for them. I liked how this book continues some of the topics that got introduced in book 2, but also works as standalone read. The world gets expanded in each book in this series and I liked seeing more of the world and more time spend on Halycon in this book as well as reading about the powers of the genetically modified kids who are now adults.

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A fun and charming sci-fi romance. Miri and Leo were great protagonists, each starting out mostly content with life, but not entirely fitting into the world of Halcyon. Miri in particular can't quite find her place because of her secret abilities to see and influence people's emotions. As she and Leo reconnect, they both learn new truths about the world, about each other, and about themselves, allowing them to rekindle their relationship and grow into the people they are meant to be. The external plot moved along at a nice clip, growing increasingly exciting and high-stakes as the book progressed. High five for asexual representation, with both MCs falling on the ace spectrum. I had no trouble jumping into the world at this point in the series, and I enjoyed the glimpses at the backstory from the previous installations. I'll be moving books 1 and 2 up my TBR.

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