Member Reviews

If you are looking for an opposites attract troupe that has the main characters dealing with loads of grief but coming out the other side with a HEA than this is the book for you. Karla Sorensen combines lovable characters in Burke and Charlotte and surrounds them with a home renovation that pulls on your heart strings with every paint color that is picked and every bit of plaster that is filled in. With the proverbial one step forward and two steps back the storyline will leave the reader with a bunch of emotions that at times feel like the highest of highs and at others feel like the lowest of lows, but in the end the book is a definite must read.

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The Best Laid Plans was such an incredible story filled with emotion and heart. I loved Burke and Charlotte and their entertaining banter. It was just as fun and sweet as it was heartfelt and somber. A truly great read!

I was immediately pulled into the story and caught up in everything Burke was feeling. I liked learning about him and his internal struggles. He seemed like such a gruff guy and I loved learning the why behind it and watching him open up and become vulnerable. I loved Charlotte. She was likable and fun and had a passion for what she did. Their first meeting was fantastic and I loved the feelings it brought out in them. I enjoyed the growth of their relationship, their verbal sparring and building chemistry, and all the sexual tension. I love the deal they made and how it evolved into so much more. They both had a lot they were struggling with because of their past and it was emotion-filled. I loved the build to them coming together at the end.

I enjoyed the storytelling and development. There was a solid start that had me invested, it did drag a bit in the middle for me and felt a tiny bit repetitive, but the ending was spectacular. I enjoyed all the characters. Charlotte’s aunt was awesome and crazy all rolled into one and Burke’s sister is a spitfire, both were instigators which brought some nice humor in. I loved the relationship Burke had with his sister, and how they were there for each other. I loved meeting Liam and am hoping he gets a story.

This was a wonderful read that was genuine and real with a nice balance between the emotional and entertaining scenes. I absolutely enjoyed it!

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I love a good grumpy, taciturn hero and an upbeat but determined heroine.

This book was a good depiction of both along side a good dose of renovation porn and a small dose of football. A well written story that had a great deal of feels in it, but be warned there is a lot of grief in this and both characters are laden down with a significant amount of childhood trauma. This isn’t a light sports romance, it’s a heavy story of a man overcoming a lifetime of emotional abuse and the recent tragic death of his best friend and a woman struggling with attachment issues.

Overall I liked the relationship between the two mains here and it felt very realistic. But often I felt like the hero was too broken and the heroine was often required to deal with his lack of emotional intelligence. This is a little too much reality for my romance I think. I don’t love the idea of a woman having to do all the heavy emotional lifting in a relationship. She had issues too but he rarely helped her with them and even in the narrative her trauma was not often addressed.
This might be a personal preference thing, 2023 seems to be the year of the actualized man for me: the male character who can process his emotions, get therapy and not burden his woman with them and hurt her constantly because of them.

So this was quite good and well written overall but in terms of personal preference, it was a little too sad and the hero a little too broken for me to love love it.

I would have loved if these two had gotten therapy though, they totally needed it.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy, my opinions are my own.

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Burke's friends died in a car accident and left him grief and a dilapidated old house that Charlotte was in the process of renovating. The house is rotten from the roof to the foundations and should be torched but Charlotte is very invested in its historical value, and for Burke, it represents his late friend's dream. He's always lived somebody else's dreams. He played in the NFL because it's what his father wanted him to do. Now he's retired after a knee injury and for the first time, he's looking for what he wants himself. But besides his friend's death, there are a lot of things that he hasn't been able to grieve, and it has stunted him emotionally.

What worked: The writing flows generally well and there is entertaining, bantery dialogue. Some of the grieving thoughts felt very real, and I was invested in the outcome. The powerpoints were a nice touch, very corporate, I didn't expect that.

What didn't work as well: In the beginning, Charlotte got quite unreasonably angry that Burke wasn't over the moon about inheriting this historical hovel that was going to cost a fortune to renovate.

And Burke with a crowbar. I think I was meant to think, "Oh, how hot, an alpha male who will do anything to protect his lady!" But instead I thought, "Red flag! Your boy will end up in prison some day, he's got no self control." I was expecting for the police to come calling but it looks like nobody reported his actions this time. Apart from more immediate lack of anger management, there was a pattern for premeditated violence as well. Previously, he'd flown across the country in order to break somebody's nose for calling his sister names, and apparently he got away with that as well. One of these days, Burke is going to do something that he'll get arrested for.

Steam level: Some sexual content.

Series status: This story stands alone but I am expecting another book about the football player who inherited the child.

I received a netgalley copy and this is a voluntary review.

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"The Best Laid Plans" is a heartwarming and emotionally charged romance novel that explores the power of love, resilience, and the unexpected turns life can take. The story revolves around Burke Barrett, a retired football player who finds himself facing major life changes and mourning the loss of his best friend. When he inherits a rundown house in northern Michigan, he encounters Charlotte Cunningham, a spirited and optimistic renovation manager with her own dreams and aspirations.

The chemistry between Burke and Charlotte is electric from the start, with their contrasting personalities creating both tension and undeniable attraction. The author skillfully captures the push and pull of their relationship, as Burke's tough exterior clashes with Charlotte's unwavering optimism. Their romantic tryst, initially intended to relieve tension, soon becomes much more, challenging both of them to question their own desires and priorities.

The backdrop of renovating the dilapidated house adds depth to the story, symbolizing the potential for renewal and growth in both the characters' lives and their budding romance. As Burke and Charlotte navigate their own fears and vulnerabilities, they discover the healing power of love and the importance of embracing unexpected opportunities.

The writing style is engaging and evocative, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the story and connect with the characters on an emotional level. The author's ability to capture the characters' inner struggles and personal growth adds depth and authenticity to the narrative.

"The Best Laid Plans" is a tale of found family, friendship, and the transformative power of the heart. It reminds us that sometimes the best-laid plans can lead us to unexpected joys and fulfillment. Fans of heartwarming romances filled with genuine emotion and a touch of vulnerability will thoroughly enjoy this captivating and uplifting novel.

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This was such a sweet story. At first glance I thought it was just going to be a cute little romance with some renovation undertones but it was so much deeper than that. We have Burke and Charlotte who seem like complete opposites (and give a grumpy x sunshine vibe) but they both have much deeper issues within their own lives.

While the romance part of the story is first and foremost, there's an underlying theme of grief and overcoming its challenges which I felt was written into the story so beautifully.

Definitely recommend if you're looking for a love story that will tug at your heart strings while you root for each main character.

Oh! And her godmother/aunt is just the best. We love Daphne!

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This book was a bit too heavy for a steamy romance novel. I knew grief was a central background plot for Burke but I didn't expect it to be that heavy. I loved the romance between Burke and Charlotte but this book fell a bit short on the spice and character development.

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Oh my god. This is one of Karla’s best books, I loved it so much!!! The slow burn was immaculate. It was such an emotional story too. I really resonated with Charlotte and her parents’ divorce + Burke and relationship he had with his father. And it’s true that you don’t realize how messed up it was till later on and it’s eye opening.

I’m hoping for more books in this world!

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Loved this story!

I loved the characters and the storyline. My favorite types of books involve shy, quiet heroes that disguise as grumpy and the sunshine heroine who loves to get to know him and push his buttons. Karla delivered with this book plus much more!

Does have some triggers- death of a friend, grief, spousal abuse, death of a parent

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The Best Laid plans has Burke an former Dallas football player now retired due to injury. He is grieving the loss of his best friend Chris and wife Amie who have died in a car crash. Finding he has been left a dilapidated old house in Michigan in his friend’s will Burke decides he will see to the renovations and then move on.
Meeting with Historian Charlotte they immediately rub each other up the wrong way, she is determined to honour the wishes of Chris and Amie, whilst Burke just wants to renovate and move on with his life settling in Florida where his sister and her children live.
Obviously his plan is stymied by Charlottes insistence they do changes according to how her and Amie discussed. They continue to bang heads and argue which in turn turns to mutual attraction. With a failed marriage behind him, not great childhood and wanting to be near his divorced sister and her children to give support he feels he is being pulled in different directions to his plans.
A lovely story, full of well rounded good characters and very sparky dialogue, entertaining and a very enjoyable read.

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<b>2.5 stars</b>

*<i>I have received an ARC of this book through Netgalley in exchanged of an honest review.</i>

Grief. There's so much grieving in this one. Heck, I was expecting just some straightforward home reno plot. But the heaviness of these characters really threw me off the loop.

Anyway, good things first. The home renovation plot! I'm a sucker for that. I love the whole process of ripping things apart, restructuring and the choices that come with it. Paint colours? That's a turn on. Backsplash tiles? Oh ho, now we're getting serious. Breaking walls? We're getting married.

Oh and, the Burke's PP scene. This woman has balls. That whole scene is just *chef's kiss*. Though I have to admit, considering the outcome, kinda brilliant. I have an excellent PP skills. Might want to whip that one out.

Next, this quote:

<blockquote><b><i>A woman's ownership of her pleasure was ultimately her responsibility. But when she trusted you with it, her comfort level become yours... It wasn't something to be weaponized, something to hold against her...</i></b></blockquote>

Can I get a man like this irl please????

And now, onto the things that didn't work that well for me. In the first half of the story, I can't help but notice how it felt a little formulaic at times ---> referring to the progression of their relationship mainly. I would've liked it better if things flowed more organically and did not fell into these pre-designed tropes-hole.

Also, the home reno plot wasn't exactly the center of this book. It was the grief. Oh guys, the grief. It hang upon all of us. These people need therapy. Stat. The grief is not bad, but sometimes it feel a little suffocating. I didn't get that head-clearing moment, the resolution moment, in this. You know that feeling, that liberating feeling as you find your first step away from the burden clinging on your ankle. But hey, that might be only me.

All in all, I think it was an okay book actually. It might be my expectations vs reality kinda situation. You just need to adjust your expectation, and you might enjoy this more than I do.

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Absolutely breathtaking!
Oh my heart! My Interior Designer self absolutely loved the restoration of Campbell House! My book-loving self never wanted this book to end. What a wonderfully written breathtaking story about love, family and grief.

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Karla Sorenson has done it again. I'm a huge fan of all of her books and this one did not disappoint. Grumpy/sunshine, enemies to lovers, close proximity tropes. I was rooting for Burke and Charlotte from the beginning. Grumpy ex-football player Burke inherits an old house from a friend and his wife who passed to soon. Charlotte was already hired by the couple to restore the historic house to it's former glory. They butt heads from the beginning as Burke struggles to figure out how to honor his friends' wishes and go after what he wants in his own life. HEA. Karla Sorenson goodness.

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4.5 stars
I loved this. The writing style is warm, fast moving and engaging. I loved the character development for both of them.
I loved how he was kind of grumpy but not really, he was just unsure of himself and his place. He just warmed my heart.
Her job was so interesting. Loved reading about the house.

There were a few tiny things that meant I didn't give 5 stars
- no safe sex
- no discussion about his ex wife
- she didn't have any friends and he seemed to have just one.

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If you're a sports romance stan, you need to be reading Karla Sorensen. She's been an indie romance author for years at this point and is making the transition to traditional publishing with this book, "The Best Laid Plans."

The hero is Burke Barrett a recently retired football player who inherits a beaten-down historic home in upstate Michigan from a friend and former teammate. The heroine, Charlotte Cunningham, is the project manager to restore said historic home.

The feel of this romance meanders more than other romances, that is, the trajectory of the main relationship doesn't jump out and grab you. This, my friends, is a slow burner. Burke and Charlotte dance around each other teasing and fighting while Burke works through his grief and figures out his life post-football.

Present here and in Karla Sorensen's most recent books, is her command of romantic writing. As the reader you can feel the burgeoning love and intimacy grow between Burke and Charlotte. Plus there's excellent humor and comedic timing. It's not the deepest romance, but it is a joy to read.

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I would like you all to introduce you to my new favorite couple Burke and Charlotte. I apologize that you have to wait until October to meet them but they are worth every second of the wait! So add them to your tbr and preorder so you’re ready.

If you can’t tell I’m a little obsessed with Burke and Charlotte? Burlotte? Charke? Hmm anwaysss let’s get to it! 😉

A tragedy brings Burke, a retired football player, and Charlotte, a restoration expert, together. Due to Burke’s rough exterior and their, errrr, interesting “meet cute” (ie- first encounter 🤣), had this relationship off to a bumpy start. While these two try to make sense of their lives, separately, there’s a turn of events that had our two MCs having a little change of heart with each other. In return, it melted my own heart. 🤍

Karla Sorensen always brings the best tension and banter to her characters, and this one was no different. I couldn’t stop and I didn’t want to put my book down! I cannot wait to reread this one over and over!

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I absolutely love Karla Sorensen books, so The Best Laid Plans became available on NetGalley, I hit request immediately. This book does not disappoint! The Best Laid Plans is filled with emotion and steam, plus amazing forced proximity that brings the love story of Burke and Charlotte to life.

Recently forced into retirement unexpectedly, ex-NFL star Burke only wants to spend time with his sister in Florida and finally live the life he wants. But with the recent passing of Burke's best friend, he's shocked to find out he's been left a historical home in complete disrepair in Michigan. Burke must decide if he's going to finish the plans his best friend had for bringing the house into its former glory or selling the house off so he doesn't have to face his own grief.

Burke and Charlotte were such a fun couple! I loved their enemies to lovers vibe, especially as it was mixed with the forced proximity of the pair living together while they work together to fix up the house. This built the sexual tension incredibly well and when they finally got together, it was explosive in all the best ways.

Charlotte is a woman after my own heart, running her life on PowerPoints and giving witty one-liners involving history. I also always love when there's a tall heroine. Charlotte's quirky meddling aunt had me cackling every time she was on page. Burke was her perfect match, even though he thought he wanted nothing to do with her. He was sweetly protective of Charlotte, which made my heart swoon. I also loved all the nods to Michigan football.

One thing that Sorensen does so well is portray heavy topics with care. Both Burke and Charlotte are dealing with their grief different, which rings so true to real life. There were several scenes that had me in tears, and even though grief is a process, I absolutely loved how everything was resolved in the end.

I highly recommend The Best Laid Plans! I read this one in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down!

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Love her books-they have a good storyline and keep you entertained all throughout. Love the steamy scenes too! Get your read on!

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A very emotional introduction into a new series. The Best Laid Plans definitely took me through the ringer.

I struggled with my rating for this book because it’s well it’s alot! Let me explain what I mean by that.

I loved the personal journeys that both Charlotte and Burke had to undertake. Their growth and strength was inspiring and I truly felt for them both. The story though really takes you through it all and at times that felt a little drawn out in the story. For some low angst and a lot of internal battles don’t really catch on but what kept me hooked was their back and forth banter. I loved how I didn’t know what to expect when they were on the same page. They had such great chemistry and though it’s low angst I still found myself completely riveted by them.

I loved seeing a hero who wasn’t so sure of himself. Burke wore his heart on his sleeve and he loved so fiercely you couldn’t help but fall for him.

I also loved how chaotic yet put together Charlotte was. She was a tornado in the best way possible. She had a vision for things and I loved that she didn’t let others stand in the way of that.

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CW: death of a friend, grief, spousal abuse (verbal, and of side character), death of a parent

Home restoration project, forced proximity, grumpy x sunshine vibes, and a slow burn? Yes, please!!

That was more emotional than I was expecting, and I loved it! Grief was such an integral part of the story, and I really appreciated how Karla handled it with so much care and heart. Watching Burke navigate all that, and seeing how Charlotte just understood and supported him was really special. I loved them.

I also really loved all the side characters, especially Daphne and Richard! I hope to see more of all of them again.

Definitely recommend this if you want to feel all the feels!

Thank you for the ARC.

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