Member Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed this final book in the House of Falconer series. I had read the other two books and so this book closed out the story for me. As always the characters were very real and the story was heartwarming.
Even if you have not read the first two books, I still believe you would enjoy this touching story.

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Adored this installment in the series! Characters, plotting, pacing, and twists combined perfectly to keep me engaged and ignoring adult responsibilities! Easy recommendation to the library for purchase.

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I received a free copy of, The Wonder of It All, by Barbara Taylor Bradford, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book number three in The House of Falconer series. I have not read the first two books in the series. War changes people, and that certainly happened to James Falconer. Not the same since the war, and the loss of his wife. Georgiana Ward used to love James, but does not anymore, James want to build a relationship with his daughter, but that is not what she wants. I thought this book was ok, the characters were ok.

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I never read the first two books in this series, but I read other Barbara Taylor Bradford books years ago. When I saw this was available on NetGalley, I asked for it because I know anything written by Ms. Bradford is worth reading. This book was excellent! It starts with James Falconer in the trenches of World War I and is quite descriptive. Then it moves forward in time to James' relationships and his work, which are very compelling, of course. I'd say this is another must-read, and now I have to go back and read the first two in this series. Thank you to Ms. Bradford for reminding me of her books/series!

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"The Wonder of it All" unfolds as the latest installment in the House of Falconer saga. James Falconer, recently returned wounded from the war, finds himself facing not only physical wounds but also emotional ones. His ex-partner, and mother of his estranged daughter, offers him a place to recover, setting the stage for a complex journey of healing and self-discovery.

As James embarks on this path, he grapples with his desire to rebuild his relationship with his daughter and the uncertainty surrounding rekindling his romance with Georgia Ward. Meanwhile, his businesses are grappling with post-war economic challenges, forcing him to devote his energy to preserving them for the sake of his workers and the community.

During a holiday gathering at a friend's house, James encounters a captivating young woman who sparks his interest. However, the age gap between them and the specter of his daughter's youth make him question the feasibility of pursuing this newfound attraction.

As the story unfolds, readers are left wondering whether James will successfully reconnect with his daughter and whether he will find a new love. Barbara Taylor Bradford, as always, delivers a satisfying conclusion to this historical saga. Special thanks to #StMartinsPress and NetGalley for providing the opportunity to read this ARC.

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wonderful STORY! lOVE THIS AUTHOR and books Enjoyed the story line and the ending! LOVE IS continue to read Barber is the best

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This concludes the Falconer trilogy and it was worth the wait. It did not disappoint. The story of his returning injured after the Great War and his making amends to Georgiana and his daughter Leonie was both poignant and heartwarming.

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I have so been looking forward to this book!! This did not disappoint. It was the perfect ending to the trilogy. This was better than I expected. I love her attention to detail and to the time period. On of my top 10 favorites of the year!!!!!
I just reviewed The Wonder of It All by Barbara Taylor Bradford. #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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I had a hard time getting into this book. It just didn't reach me like I wanted it to. Not my cup of tea.

I just reviewed The Wonder of It All by Barbara Taylor Bradford. #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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I have always enjoyed Barbara Taylor Bradford. This is the third book of the Falconer series which follows the life of James Falconer after he is injured in WWI. I read this as a stand alone and not knowing the backstory put me at a great disadvantage. Though it’s good, I would suggest to others that they read the preceding books before tackling this one. I thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Full disclosure I did not read the prior books of this series. But I did not find I really needed to. The book is mainly about James and his life. The book starts when he is in the war. There he is injured and sent home after a long recovery. The story of his life was interesting. His circle of family and friends was heart warming. His was a life well lived but he sure put pressure on himself. A good story

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The House of Falconer #3

This is the third book about the Falconers. James Falconer is healing after injuries in the war. He is almost ready to be released to convalesce at home. But whose home? An ex has offered her place but the optics aren’t great. He knows he needs to heal from the war and would love a better relationship with his daughter.

The ex and the daughter aren’t having it however. James has a lot of amends to make there.

This is a story that follows this family from the Victorian times all the way to the 20th century. It is a sage, for sure.

I have read all of them and this one was a bit too descriptive for me. It rather interrupted the flow and didn’t give me the opportunity to come to my own opinion of James.

NetGalley/ St. Martin’s Press, December 05, 2023

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. James is injured in the war. He returns home much later than he thought from his injuries. He wants to have a relationship with his daughter, when he's home he meets a woman who makes him happy. I cant wait to read her next book.

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The Wonder of It All

Barbara Taylor Bradford books are noted for having interesting plots, settings, and characters and this one will not disappoint. Peter Falconer, a self-made tycoon, survived horrific injuries fighting in WWI, and was traumatized by battle experiences. This was in addition to a number of tragic personal losses. So he was leery of making a new commitment to his old love, Georgiana Ward, or a new love. Meanwhile, his businesses were facing many challenges in the postwar London environment. How he resolves his challenges and finds happiness makes an enthralling story.

Please note this is the last book of a trilogy. Some readers may want to read the first two books first.

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I received a temporary digital copy of The Wonder of It All by Barbara Taylor Bradford from NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and the author in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

In the third installment of the House of Falconer series, James Falconer returns from WWI wounded. In his road to recovery, he wants to focus on growing his relationship with his daughter and improving his business. Can he find a way to heal all wounds?

Unfortunately, I found the The Wonder of it All to be very two-dimensional. Throughout the entire novel, Bradford would write sentences as such: "Because James Falconer was an imposing and powerful man, many people were in awe of him. Yet his affability and easy-going manner drew others into his orbit. Once they really knew him, they became his friends for life, and cared about him and his well-being. He was known for being even tempered, rarely displaying anger or raising his voice." This style created a false narrative for me. I was constantly being fed these perspectives, instead of seeing the character actually live up to these high-standards. For example, women would ask him questions they had genuine questions or concerns to, and Falconer would get annoyed or upset she had this concern. The woman would feel "stupid for bringing it up." I cannot even count how many times the author wrote that the women "felt stupid" in Falconer's presence. His reactions don't make it seem as if he has an easy-manner or even tempered. In addition, a problem or conflict would occur and was completely resolved within five pages. It was almost infuriating to read.

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I wanted to love this book, and did love parts of it. But I felt like the storyline was all over the place. There wasn’t enough of James’ back story, we were just kind of thrown into his life and issues.

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James fights in the Great War. He has a love. Years later, he wants to start over. Love and romance, along with historical fiction keep this novel intriguing. This book was sent to me electronically by Netgalley for review. Thanks to the publisher and gifted author. Be transported back in time.

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