Member Reviews

Honestly, I wouldn’t have finished this book if I hadn’t received it from the publisher. The more I read, the less I cared about what happened on the fated night of the crime. There are much better thrillers out there, and this is a title that can be skipped.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the ARC! Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead was unfortunately a miss for me but I know this book has potential for other readers.

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I was given access to this book and once accepted, the SMP boycott was in full swing. I am standing with the boycott and not offering feedback at this time.

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DNF. Will hopefully come back and try again at another time. I really wanted to enjoy this but I struggled to get into it.

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I had a hard time getting into this one and just did not love the last third of the book. I was not engaged and it made me sad.

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I wanted to like this book more but sadly it took forever for me to get to the end. I guess this genre is not for me.

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I’m a huge fan of an unreliable narrator - it’s my favorite twist. Such an emotional rollercoaster as the author drags you through the highs and lows that the characters are going through. The twists and turns left you second guessing everything right up until the end.

I was given a copy of this story to read; but thoughts and opinions are all my own. Thank you to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for the chance to read this book!

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This was a really fun debut novel! It was really twisty and the reveals were fun. I am such a sucker for unreliable narrators that keep you on the edge of your toes. Wealthy families and dark academia vibes in this atmospheric read!

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I was able to read through this one quite quickly, with indicates that it was a compelling enough mystery - I just had to be in the right mood to pick it up. I felt myself wanting to know what happened to Charlotte, but I can’t say that I cared that much about her. Her relationship with her fiancé was very superficial (and much more one of convenience) and she kept people at a distance - even those she considered close.
Charlie can’t remember what happened on ‘Scarlet Christmas’ and lied to the police giving a full account of the events. The story takes place 10 years after the tragedy and the reader is taken from past to present while Charlie tries to piece together what happened.
The ending was a little anti-climactic, which made me a bit sad. I think it could have been more interesting if it actually held tru to the thriller vibe that the story had the potential to be. It felt that too much was based around miscommunication for my liking, but I did enjoy the story overall.
I would recommend this book to people that are looking for a light mystery read where a character pieces together their memories in order to get the truth behind a traumatic event.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for an e-arc. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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I really wanted to love this one, but it just missed the mark for me. I know so many others loved this book and I'm so glad!

I just found myself not connecting to the characters and I kept mixing up who was who because I couldn't tell the characters apart. I also felt like this read very childish and so I would zone out while reading it. I think the premise of this is great and is an easy bingeable read, it's kind of forgettable.

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DNF @ 25%

I have been struggling lately with thrillers not holding my attention and this one fell victim to that. I just could not seem to care about any of the characters. I also tried listening to the audio versions and that didn’t help

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I am withholding my review in solidarity with the boycott against St. Martin’s Press. #SpeakUpSMP Please address the concerns about your employee’s postings and the security of influencer information.

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Wow. I was drawn in by the cover and especially the title instantly and I was absolutely not disappointed at all. The story was twisty and full of turns and I recommend it.

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This book was frustrating but also I couldn't stop reading. There were a lot of twists and reveals but I wasn't expecting the outcome to feel as underwhelming as it did. Miscommunication is very heavy in this book which is a personal annoyance of mine so that could have contributed to my overall feelings.

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I love the format of this book. It had so many things I LOVE in a thriller (unreliable narrators, wealthy families, dark academia). Nicely done! I very much enjoyed this.

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This was such an enjoyable read!

I thought the author did a great job of letting the reader get to know the characters. I liked the mixed media or chapters, emails, texts, etc. I always feel like when those things are included it adds a little something etra to the story.

There were so many twists and little reveals that turned out not to be reveals. It kept twisting and when I got to the end I was still surprised at the way it went. I didn't see it.

This will be one that is easy to recommend!

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Jenny Hollander's Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead is a psychological thriller that delves into the haunting aftermath of a tragic event. The novel follows Charlotte, a woman grappling with repressed memories of a horrifying incident that occurred during her college years. When a film about the event is announced, Charlotte is forced to confront her past, a decision that sends her on a perilous journey of self-discovery.

Hollander skillfully builds suspense as Charlotte's carefully constructed life begins to unravel. The author's exploration of trauma, guilt, and the complexities of memory is both thought-provoking and unsettling. The novel's pacing is deliberate, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in Charlotte's world.

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I read this all the way through, because I thought the twist would be bigger than it was.... The first half felt SO much like a copy of Luckiest Girl Alive, which did what I think this book was trying to do but couldn't quite execute. It could have used a lot of paring down. The characters felt flat. It felt like a lot was missing to make this suspenseful. The end was saccharine and the whole thing just didn't work for me.

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Jenny Hollander’s debut novel, *Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead*, is a psychological thriller that will grip your emotions and keep you on edge from start to finish. Set in a small town filled with secrets, this story pulls you into a world where the past is a haunting presence that refuses to be ignored.

As you follow Kate, the protagonist, you’ll feel her deep sense of dread and guilt over a tragic event that has shaped her life. Returning to her hometown after many years, Kate's journey is one of confronting buried memories and old acquaintances, each interaction charged with tension and unresolved emotions. The mysterious letter she receives at the beginning of the novel hints that her past is not as buried as she had hoped, making you feel a growing sense of unease as the story unfolds.

Hollander’s masterful character development makes Kate a deeply relatable figure. You will find yourself empathizing with her inner turmoil and rooting for her quest for forgiveness. The supporting characters are equally complex, each with their own hidden depths and motivations, which adds to the intricate web of the story. Their interactions are so realistic and emotionally charged that you can almost feel the weight of their secrets.

The writing style is evocative and atmospheric, creating a palpable sense of place that enhances the story’s mood. Hollander’s prose captures the eerie landscapes and claustrophobic interiors with vivid detail, making you feel as if you are right there in the midst of the town’s dark, brooding atmosphere. The suspense builds steadily, with perfectly timed revelations that keep your heart racing and your mind guessing.

As the themes of forgiveness, guilt, and the inescapability of the past unfold, you will find yourself reflecting on your own experiences and emotions. Hollander challenges you to think about the nature of guilt and redemption, pushing you to consider how communities and individuals deal with shared traumas. The novel’s exploration of these themes is both thought-provoking and deeply moving.

By the end of the book, you will feel as if you have been on an emotional rollercoaster, experiencing the highs and lows of Kate’s journey. The twists and turns of the plot will leave you breathless, and the emotional depth of the story will linger with you long after you’ve turned the last page.

Jenny Hollander’s *Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead* is a thrilling, emotionally resonant read that will captivate you from beginning to end. This debut novel is a must-read for anyone who loves psychological thrillers and stories that explore the deeper, darker corners of the human psyche.

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The plot is all over the place, taking the most silly turns and using lazy miscommunication to keep Charlie on edge. The constant reminders that Charlie is British, when it has nothing to do with anything? But Charlie in particular is the worst. Ironically, her Main Character Syndrome was off the charts. Combined with the constant guilt-plaguing, her emotional stupidity and the fact that she abandoned her friends for a decade after a shared trauma that she wasn’t nearly as affected by? So unlikable. She got not an OUNCE of sympathy from me.

The only part that worked for me was the mystery. It kept me reading to the end when all the missing pieces of Charlie’s memory fall into place. But the whole thing is just a little… off.

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