Member Reviews

Good thriller, very compelling. A couple of the characters and relationships felt a bit undeveloped, but overall, loved it.

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I absolutely loved reading this book. I was completely drawn into the topic and could not stop reading it.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the copy of Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead by Jenny Hollander. The writing style was great and made me want to read more of Charlie's story. I didn’t find her very likable. I’m so tired of female MCs who turn to mixing pills and booze when they're going through something, especially when they admit it’s a bad idea every time they do it. I wish Charlie and Tripp’s relationship had been explained more because they seemed like such an odd couple and Tripp didn’t seem to have much of a personality. Unless of course that was the point in which case he was great! The book started strong but started to peter out and get repetitive. There were also things that didn't really make sense, like Charlie’s interaction with her therapist near the end. Charlie needs help to remember what happened, but the therapist doesn't really help her! This is a great debut though and look forward to the author’s future stories!

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Wow! This breathtaking debut had me hooked with its intense psychological thriller and gripping mystery from the first page. The story revolves around Charlie Colbert, an unreliable heroine with a distorted memory, as she tries to piece together the memories of a tragic event that occurred 10 years ago, resulting in a bloody massacre with three deaths. This captivating storyline immediately drew me in, and I couldn't help but concoct my own theories about what happened on that ominous night.

Charlie, a survivor and the last girl standing from the incident known as the "Scarlet Christmas," has undergone significant mental and physical changes. She has reinvented herself as a powerful editor-in-chief of a major magazine and is engaged to Tripp, a wealthy individual in the publishing industry. However, she still sees her psychiatrist, Noor, as she continues to struggle to remember the events of that fateful night. Guilt consumes her because she passed out during the incident and lied during her testimony. Now, she must confront her blackout and uncover the truth of what truly happened that night, especially as Cate's twin sister Stephanie, one of the victims, plans to make a movie based on the real events. As new clues and discrepancies emerge in the case, Charlie's lies are on the verge of being exposed. She cannot let everything she has worked so hard for crumble. She must protect her life and her family, including her sister Felicity, who requires special care.

With time running out, Charlie pushes herself to the limit to remember the events before someone else takes action and puts her behind bars. Deep down, she fears that she may be involved in the killings and that she may be more dangerous than she ever imagined. Racing against the clock, she does everything in her power to halt the movie production while also attempting to recall the forgotten pieces of that tragic night and confront the ghosts from her past.

Throughout my reading, I couldn't help but think, "OMG, this is amazing! I'm so curious to see how the big mystery unfolds and how everything will conclude." The riveting pacing kept me engaged, and as the pressure mounted, it urged me to turn the pages a little faster. However, as I reached the last quarter of the book, the magic slowly began to fade. I started questioning if the author could tie everything together in an appropriate manner because several plot holes began to surface. I found myself going back to reread sections to ensure I understood the events correctly.

While the conclusion wasn't bad, it wasn't as earth-shattering as I had expected. It left me with lingering questions and a few unresolved plot holes. I had set my expectations quite high, which made it difficult for me to fully appreciate the answers provided, considering the investment I had made in this riveting journey.

I'm still rounding up my rating from 3.5 stars to 4 because it remained an intriguing page-turner. However, I do wish that the last quarter of the book had been written with greater clarity. There were moments when I lost myself in Charlie's foggy thoughts and dreamy state, causing me to reread certain pages to grasp the revelations.

Overall, this was a promising debut, and I am genuinely open to reading more works by this author in the near future.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a digital review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This book is the best kind of thrill ride ever! Charlie (Charlotte) and Tripp are engaged but Charlie is worried about "fitting in" with his wealthy family. She sees a therapist, trying to unravel the past which she has blocked because of terrible events. Noor tries to help her slowly unravel the events, but in the meantime Charlie is confronted with the news that college-friend, Stephanie (a big-time anchor woman) is doing an expose about that horrible time. Charlie attempts to speed up her progress but it's too terrifying to remember. Told in a "then" and "now" format, the novel ramps up the action until I was breathless waiting to know the truth! And I may still be hyperventilating a little! Wow!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead is my favorite kind of thriller — the type of book where it's too good to speed through, and every time I put it down, I can't wait to return to it. I won't say too much for risk of spoiling anything, but I do want to call out that I love how the author did the flashbacks. They didn't seem as formulaic or forced as a lot books often do. Instead, the present plotline teed them up so that when the timeline did jump, the reader was already antsy to see it play out.

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Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Colbert seems to have a pretty good life. A wealthy fiancé she adores, a great job, and well, even though she doesn’t have any friends, I mean really, who has the time. But looks can be deceiving. When she finds out a movie will be made about a tragedy she survived, everything in her new perfect life quickly starts to fall apart.
I’m not going to delve deeply into the plot, but the story is told in the now and when Charlie was a student(and something awful happened). Figuring out not only what happened,but also the role Charlie played kept me flipping the pages. I flip-flopped between feeling sorry for her and being sure she was hiding a lot and I mean a lot. Did I guess the ending? Well, yes and no, only because I change my mind after every chapter.
This is the kind of book that normally I would just read in the morning on my treadmill(fast paced and a perfect read while getting morning exercise ).However, when I came home for the day, and I was ready to settle down with a book, I went right back to this one. I just couldn’t wait to find out what was going on with Charlie. 4.5 stars.

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A quality thriller with a good amount of twists and turns. I do not think that the story was anything special, but I was not at all disappointed in reading it either.

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Thank you to Minotaur Books for letting me read this early.

So I ended up finishing this in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down, told in past and present you follow Charlie as she struggles to recall one of the worst nights of her life. It’s fast paced the writing is fantastic and the ending completely surprised me. Highly reccomend!

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