Member Reviews

After loving @amaliehoward’s first book in her Taming of the Dukes series, Always Be My Duchess, I was so excited to have received an arc of her next novel from @readforeverpub!! This book was so much fun to read and the tension was so so good! This book has a great balance of focus on the main love story, both main characters different passions, and friendships. Vesper is a strong and caring main character, I really admired her and how she went out of her way to help others less fortunate than her. Her scenes with Aspen were so much fun, had palpable chemistry, and I just loved how their relationship evolved. My heart hurt for Aspen as we learn more about his past, his dedication for exposing the truth and determination for societal changes added another layer to his character that I appreciated.

Gosh, so much to love about this novel! Great mental health representation and really fun characters. If you are a fan of Bridgerton, this is a series you should check out!! Thank you again to Forever Pub for the free arc copy of this novel. Pub Day is November 14th! 😍

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Vesper has liked Greydon since childhood and becomes furious with him when he snubs her on her debut and heads to the Americas. When he comes home to rain in his evil mother, he and Vesper can’t stop swiping at each other. A known matchmaker, will Vesper be able to see her match which is right under her nose? I received an ARC from NetGalley and Forever for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publishers for this Advanced Readers Copy of Never Met a Duke Like You by Amalie Howard!

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The was an Emma/Clueless retelling in the general story line, as well as some Pride and Prejudice points, plus spice! This story added a lot more depth to the FMC than just her matchmaking skills, which I appreciated. She is not as naive, and holds her own in a world of men, but still needs to grow and realize what she really wants. The MMC is guarded after being away for several years and has to reckon with past traumas while dealing with the aftermath today.

I loved the childhood friends to enemies to lovers trope. Though they are drawn to each other from the beginning, it takes them awhile to get past their shared history and get to know each other again as adults. The development felt natural and I enjoyed their journey. There was no big third act break up and the epilogue was satisfying.

Overall this was a quick, fun read and drew me in. It is told in alternating POV within the chapters and was easy to follow. Some of the chapters jumped forward without any transition and I found myself lost for a few pages, trying to figure out where they were and get back into the flow again. I have not read the first book in the series and not sure if it would have added anymore depth to the friendship dynamics, but there were a lot of references to two of the past couples so I feel like I caught up quickly. I can see where the next book may be going too and would read the first and next.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for providing an eARC for my honest opinion.

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Gosh I love Amalie Howard’s books! After loving Always Be My Duchess, I was very excited to read this one. And it did not let me down! It was funny, the banter was so good, and it had me swooning many times.

The way that these two had so much dislike towards each other but were still attracted to one another was such a good mix and had me furiously flipping the pages. Their chemistry was instant and I was dying for them to get together.

I loved the development of their relationship. They could push each other’s buttons and irritate each other, but they also cared and would do anything for the other.

My one wish for this book was that Aspen’s mother was properly punished for her behaviour. She was deplorable and thought she could get away with her manipulations, but what she got was not enough to me.

I highly recommend this book if you like spicy historical romances!

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I loved the story of Lady Vesper, who had many charitable causes and the Duke of Greydon, who was a paleontologist, who had just returned to England.
They had been friends as children until an incident happened.
There was a lot of banter and sarcasm between the two.
There were also some other very interesting characters in the story, including one evil mother.
I loved the fact that Lady Vesper's father treated her with respect and allowed her to be her own person.
This was such a fun, entertaining read.

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This was a fine regency romance, with characters I quite liked. Unfortunately it started to drag in places and I was a little bored before we got to the good stuff. A lovely way to spend an afternoon, but not a favorite.

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I’m loving this series so much! I truly enjoyed this book and the characters. I really want Briar to be next but I understand that Effie gets to go next which is fine. I want her to find someone that will love her and her animals as much as I do.
I enjoyed getting to know Vesper better and Aspen’s backstory was really interesting. I kind of loved how Aspen batted Vesper and she came after him every time. I also appreciated that there was no 3rd act break up!
Oh! And Cat was one of my favorite characters! So much energy and drama in one small animal

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Never Met a Duke Like You
Amalie Howard

The Hellfire Kitties are back at it again in the second installment of the Taming of the Dukes. Never Met a Duke was described as Clueless meets Bridgerton and I adored it!

Enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes and Amalie stepped it up another notch with childhood friends to enemies to lovers in this historical romp! Vesper and Aspen were strong dynamic characters full of so much passion. I adored them both as a (sparring) couple and as individuals fighting for their causes. They were so much fun to read.

This was such an entertaining story full of top notch witty banter, tension, and absolutely undeniable chemistry. Howard’s stories pack a surprising level of 🔥 and I am here for it! I flew throuh this one in a day.

Mental health played a large role in this book, and I thought Howard handled it all with authenticity and grace. Her research shined through in her words. Don't miss her author’s notes at the end.

Read if you like:
🩷Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers
🩷Regency Romance
🩷Forced Proximity
🩷Opposites Attract
🩷Mental Health Rep
🩷Clueless Retelling

Pub date: 11/14/23. I cannot wait for more from this tight-knit group of friends. Pretty Woman, then Cluless. What retelling will be next? 🤔

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for my gifted digital and physical copies!

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Lady Vesper and Aspen, Duke of Greydon…long ago childhood friends from neighboring estates, opposites in personality, both with an unacknowledged and unstated lust and love for each other….frienemies. Vesper loves matchmaking for others with her unwavering believe that she’s always correct, subsuming her zest for life, possible ADHD and unconventional personality to the ton’s view of proper behavior for a lady. She has a loving family and a supportive group of friends. Aspen became Duke at 12 when his egocentric and amoral mother had his father committed to a hellish insane asylum by bribing doctors to lie about his mental health. After school, Aspen left England to get away from his mother and pursue is passion for paleontology. After years away, he’s back to reign on his mother’s schemes and see is ward settled in marriage. Although Vesper has never forgiven Aspen for giving her the “cut direct” during her first season, she still harbors feeling for him even though she claims to hate him. He hurt her and she’s proud and stubborn to admit anything. Aspen didn’t cut her but was too stunned by her beauty and poise and was tongue tied. Now, the bicker, snipe at each other and try to deal with their simmering longing. Fun slow burn with intrigues, schemes and scandalous behavior.

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*Insert dreamy historical romance sigh here*

If we are going to have childhood friends to lovers, lets make it childhood friends to enemies to lovers which is exactly what Amalie Howard does in Never Met a Duke Like You. Goodness I love that animosity between characters which builds to that delicious inferno of desire. Pair it with one character being unable to keep their composure around the other; how Vesper's shell that she has created to protect herself from the ton is no match for the teasing/egging on of Aspen, and I completely enraptured with the story.

Yet again with the second novel in her Taming of the Dukes series, Amalie Howard takes the subject of mental health, in this case Vesper's ADHD and gives us a glimpse into how mental health was viewed during the time the novel is set in. Along with the story line of Aspen's father being committed to an asylum in order for his mother to control the finances, Howard always takes great care highlighting the facets of mental health as well as Neurodiversity within a Victorian era backdrop. As heartbreaking and difficult it is to read about the realities people suffered during this time, there is a hopefulness and a care in Howard's writing which really showed how much the subject matter means to her. And as someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, when it comes to novels with mental health in any form, it is so important to have an author, like Howard, who truly cares and shows it on the page.

I cannot stop thinking about the billiards scene along with the crystal gardens dinosaur statues... my cheeks are ablaze and I was filled with giddy giggles reading it. I loved how once Greydon was able to allow himself to be honest with his feelings towards Vesper, how relentless he was in his pursuit of her. When she got stuck under the table at the ball attempting to rescue Cat, goodness that also made me blush. Howard's writing is always filled with these moments that make me smile so hard my cheeks hurt and make me so excited to discuss her book with others who I know love her writing as much as I do. I always find myself forcing myself to slowly read her novels so I can savor every chapter and plot point.

And I cannot forget to mention the Emma/Clueless connection in the book. I always enjoy being able to spot those similarities of plot within the matchmaking schemes, to the connection with her father and being unable to leave him, to the fact that Vesper was a woman of the time whose social status made it easy for her not to be forced to make a match with anyone who was not of her choosing. I feel like Amalie Howard provided a wonderful nod to the source material which was part inspiration for her in writing this book.

As always I adore Amalie Howard's writing. If you like tropes which include retelling/inspired by popular/well known stories, brother's best friend, childhood frenemies to lovers and mental health reps I would definitely suggest reading Never Met a Duke Like You!

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This was my first Amalie Howard book and it was a a cute, historical romp. It was said to be based of the movie Clueless but I did not feel that there was much matchmaking going on. Also with historical romance there are some authors that bend the rules a bit and this story had some less than accurate situations (which were fine but some might find that it’s not accurate).
Vesper feels she is a matchmaking genius but feels she won’t ever find someone because of here personality (great adhd rep here). Real problem is that she only wants one man. The man and old best friend from childhood who jilted her: Aspen. Of course things can’t be easy and the witty banter and sexual tension throughout the book while Vesper helps Aspen with his ward is fantastic. Easy read but not my favorite. Had some issues with the two leads that dealt with way too many misunderstandings and an overly cruel mother that did not get her due. Otherwise not bad.

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Reading Never Met a Duke Like You is like having a kitty snuggle with you in the autumn sun. It's slow, soft and with just the right amount of heat. It's a caress, a whisper— punctuated with fiery bursts of passion that will leave you breathless.

Lady Vesper is back! Our resident matchmaker returns as her childhood crush, a paleontologist no less, returns from a dig to set things right in his Ducal estate.

Do you love things like:

💕a neurodivergent heroine
💕 WITTY banter
💕a kitty who brings everyone together
💕forced togetherness in a rainy attic
💕steamy outdoor scenes (next to FOSSILS!)
💕Antony Bridgerton vibes

Because if you do, you will LOVE THIS BOOK!

I also love this book because of Howard’s focus on the Lunacy Acts of 1845 & ’53 and how Aspen, Duke of Greydon, works to dismantle the corrupt system that confined his father. Howard put a great deal of time into the research for this book, and it shows.

Howard is a longtime favorite of mine, and this one continues to impress.

Thank you to the team at Forever and NetGalley for an advanced copy to review! 💕

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Fun banter and a little spice, combined with a few serious issues make this a good read. Lady Vesper, who has adhd, and Aspen, Duke of Graydon,, haven't seen one another for years but now they're locked in an attic together at the beginning of this second chance/enemies to lovers novel. Their repartee, both while in the attic and after, is a hoot. Aspen however, much also deal with the death of his father in an asylum, a place he was sent by Aspen's mother, which adds a bit of gravitas to what is otherwise a light fluffy tale. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Well, this wasn't my favorite by Amalie Howard. I love her writing style and her books are usually a lot of fun for me to read. This one, I just didn't connect with as much. I thought the spicy was a little cringy, but maybe it was just the characters? I'm not really sure what happened there. As with all historical romance, I'm not one for accuracy because I didn't live in the time period, so I don't really know what is accurate. I've heard this one isn't the most accurate, but that didn't bother me. It was a very quick read. I loved Cat. Probably my favorite part of the entire book. Overall, it wasn't bad, just not amazing as I had hoped.

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(3.5 Stars) The author must be having fun with this retelling Victorian romance series. The previous book in the series, Always Be My Duchess (July 2022) was based on Pretty Woman. This book, which can be read as a standalone, is based on Clueless, which is also based on Emma. Lady Vesper Lundhurst is the daughter of a duke and is pretty, popular and loves matchmaking. Aspen, Duke of Greydon grew up next door to Vesper and while once friends they like to poke and prod each other now. Some of their banter is fun, but at times it seems too biting. They also use modern language at times and Vesper has progressive ideas which takes me out of the story. Vesper is interesting as she has ADHD.

There is an important side story of Aspen’s father. The older Duke spent time and died in an asylum. Aspen's mother was instrumental in getting the Duke committed. I know noble people seldom pay for their crimes. But when you have someone who is truly a villain I want to see a big comeuppance. The author mentions asylum laws and conditions in her notes at the end of the book. I think the book is at its funniest when Vesper calls him Lord A$$ and he refers to her as Lady Viper when they banter affectionately. Looking forward to the next in the series. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC and I am leaving a voluntary review.

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A knockout, Ms. Howard always delivers on a wonderful story. I can't wait for her next masterpiece. The characters were charming and I loved the connections to both the Film Clueless and Austen's Emma.

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After reading Howard’s other book set in this time and place, I was looking forward to reading this new one. However, I just couldn’t like the characters. Duke Greyton was an entitled jerk who I never started liking. We never really understand why he and Aspen had a falling out and started to dislike each other before reconnecting.

This was an ARC from NetGalley.

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3.5 stars.

Never Met a Duke Like You is a play on Clueless, or more accurately, Emma. Vesper and Aspen (which don’t feel like historical names, frankly) were childhood friends that had a big falling out but haven’t seen each other in years.

Aspen was hard for me to like. I can appreciate his vehemence towards his mother and his love of paleontology…but he was downright rude to Vesper for no reason. His explanation of his reasonings toward the end was a little too “boys will be boys” toxic mentality, so I am still holding a bit of a grudge.

Vesper was so very clearly Emma, matchmaking everyone to avoid her own romantic life. Why she was hung up on Aspen, I’ll never know. But I confess, Vesper and I share a weakness for a man in glasses, so I understand. Their steamy scenes together almost made me forget about Aspen’s rudeness, their chemistry was clear on the page.

Overall, I was just a little disappointed. I really loved the side characters and Vesper herself was a likable heroine, but her choice in romantic lead had much to be desired.

Thank you to Forever Publishing for the review copy.

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This was a fun new adult historical romance. I love Amalie Howard, and this was exactly the seratonin boost I needed.

Here’s what you can expect in this book:
-neurodivergent representation (ADHD)
-matchmaking (I guess that’s why this is considered an Emma/Clueless retelling?)
-a bit of steam! (With sex in public spaces!)

Steam: 2.5/5

Cw: ableism, sexism, fraught family dynamics

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