Member Reviews

An enjoyable tale switching between past and present, a dash of historical romantic interest interlaced with an unexpected aspect of Blackbeard's character. I knew nothing about the pirate history of that area prior to reading this book and I always appreciate a book that teaches me something. I received this as an advance copy from the author via NetGalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I received a free ARC of this book from Netgalley. Many thanks for allowing me to read and review this book.
At first I was drawn into the book, but about a quarter of the way through I started to struggle with finishing it. I found the romance aspects between characters forced,and the dialogue between them felt flat and highly stereotypical in a way that made me cringe. I didn't feel like the present day romance belonged in the storyline. If it had to be there, I would have enjoyed it more if it could have been developed in a nuanced, mature way that felt more natural.
I loved the historical switchbacks to the journal entries and I would have loved to see these become more developed and a larger part of the story. They were really what kept me going to the end of the book..
I enjoyed the crime/mystery aspect of the book and also wish this has been developed further.. I only really knew Blackbeard's name before reading this book and I have been inspired to find out more about Blackbeard and his history.

Some of the characters felt forced and flat, Overall, the book didn't feel like a loved project. That said, it gave off strong "daytime TV drama" vibes. So it may be a good match for readers who want a book with a simple storyline, obvious good and bad guys, a stereotypical romance and a neatly wrapped up ending. May also be good for readers who struggle to keep track of complex storylines or need something easy to pass the time with.

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absolutely incredible. heart warming, and just all consuming. this book gave me all the feels and I will be sharing it widely.

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"The Seafarer's Secret" by Carol Ann Collins is a delightful and enchanting read that truly captivated me. The atmospheric setting drew me into the world of seafarers, and I felt transported to their adventures on the high seas. Collins' writing style is beautifully crafted, with elegant prose that painted vivid images in my mind.
The way the story unfolded kept me engaged from start to finish, with unexpected twists and turns that added to the excitement. The characters were well-developed and relatable, making their journeys even more compelling.
I can't wait to read more from Carol Ann Collins; her storytelling is a true gem. "The Seafarer's Secret" left me yearning for more of her enchanting tales, and I eagerly anticipate what she has in store for her readers next.

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After the initial pages, I found myself not connecting with the story or characters, so I decided to pass on this book. Did not finish

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Thank you @netgalley for the early read!

I enjoyed this so much! The first 20 pages had lots of characters & background and then I was immediately sucked in! I had to know what happened. Lies, treasure, history, love & friendships… what more could you ask for. The entire book was worth the read for the last chapter. I will be purchasing a hard copy for my bookshelf as soon as it’s released.

“That's the burden of love, isn't it? Being tied to something and not being able to let go?"
"No," Eva said. "That's the best part of love. Being tied to something and knowing you're finally home.” BEST LINES EVER!

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Thank you to Beaufort Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

I would say my rating right after reading was a 3.5 but keeping in mind this was a debut novel and the fact that I genuinely feel the potential of Carol Ann Collins' future works, I gave The Seafarer's Secret a 4.

For me, I thought it was a little slow to start and I found it a little hard to get hooked, I think part of it was just a lot of background of setting the scene and Catherine's story. I kept at it (because of course I still had to know who did it) and once I hit around 40% I got absolutely hooked.

The book really does have you rooting for William and Eva to get together. I do wish we could have had an "aha moment" of Eva realizing William was the one to pick the locks but that's just a minor thing really. Their relationship didn't feel forced at all and felt very real throughout.

On the mystery side of things, Carol Ann Collins had me guessing for a little bit who committed the murders/crime. There weren't any crazy or unnecessary plot twists which I do appreciate. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of a Hallmark Mystery movie in all the best ways. I also liked the Blackbeard subplot. I thought it was really fun and unique.

Overall, I really enjoyed this read and really hope there's a sequel. I would love to see what happens between Eva and William, if Blackbeard's treasures are ever found, and anything else that may happen in the town of Eden. I would also dare to say this would be a great beach read!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Beaufort Book Publishing for letting me read the ARC from this book.
I really like the opening sentence of the chapter, "For anyone who ever dreamed about growing up to be a pirate, fighting a pirate, or falling in love with a pirate."

This story opens with the conflict over the discovery of a woman's body which was found in the cave when people were fishing. Not only that, because a gold coin was found in the corpse of a woman named Gabby Clark. The same gold coin was found a year ago from the body of Catherine Harper – the wife of an Eden, police officer named William Templeton.

Gabby is a cleaning service who likes to clean an office and Doris's house. Gabby's death is still being investigated as to whether she was killed or drowned. Meanwhile Gabby really hates the sea, so it's impossible for her to swim. Moreover, Gabby's relationship with her very toxic boyfriend named Hamilton. Hamilton is suspected of having a hand in Gabby's death, but he is out of town.

“I know what people say about her, and I saw how toxic her relationship with Hamilton was, but there was more to her than that. She was one of my best employees. Probably the best.” Doris said.

Because the coincidence is the same as those gold coins. Gabby's death is also investigated by William. And William is assisted by Eva who is a historian who works at the Historical Society. They investigated the gold coins, whether they belonged to Blackbeard's treasure or Devil's coin.

So, each chapter must end with one or two sentences from The Journal of an Unknown Woman, Early 1700's. So he talks about Mery and Blackbeard in the past, about Mery's married life and the birth of his son.

I really like Carol's writing, because since the beginning of the chapter there has been a trigger for conflict that keeps me interested in turning every page and makes me wonder who the real culprit is. The lack of writing is not too detailed in writing narrative, I feel I have lost the integrity in several places and the interactions between characters.

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The Seafarer’s Secret by Carol Ann Collins is a very well-written, straightforward, small-town whodunit with a twinge of romance in the background. I enjoyed reading this book as much for its setting as the carefully constructed plot – not too many clues, timed and released well. William Templeton is a widower and the police chief in Eden, North Carolina. A dead woman’s body is found with an old gold coin in her pocket – identical to a coin that was discovered on his ex-wife’s body more than a year ago. Her death then was treated as an accidental drowning but now, similar as it is to the recent death, her case is reopened. An historian, Eva, is brought into the investigation team to identify the coins which are assumed to be part of Blackbeard’s pirate treasure. Eva had visited Eden as a young child and is gradually reunited with the friends she made back then, one of whom is not as he seems and that’s where I should stop. A highly-recommended summer time read.

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When a second woman is found dead on the banks of a small town in North Carolina with identical old gold coins, the local police chief and a historian and Blackbeard expert team up to figure out whodunit.

The book focuses on Eva the historian and William, the police chief whose late wife was Eva's friend. Catherine's death a year ago was originally thought to be a tragic accident, but this new body reopens that investigation.

The mystery is fun, and the characters are well-developed. I like how their backstories intertwine and how their slow burn romance plays out, too. As a debut novel, I was very impressed with this. I'll be looking forward to more by this author!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book had a very intriguing plot as well as a great looking cover but unfortunately this one didn’t work for me. A historian who’s into the infamous pirate Blackbeard and his treasure, a Chief of police who lost his wife a year ago to an accident that may or may not be linked to a recent murder.. All the ingredients for a good thriller is there but alas, I found this one less than satisfactory.

While this may be classified as a romantic thriller since there was an underlying romance between the two main characters, I expected it mainly to be about the mystery. But there was little mystery, the romance, though took more center stage than I anticipated, wasn’t all that great, and the untangling of the mystery was underwhelming.

I liked reading about Blackbeard but it wasn’t enough to save the story.

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Title: A Riveting Pirate Treasure Hunt Murder Mystery - "The Seafarer's Secret" by Carol Ann Collins

"The Seafarer's Secret" by Carol Ann Collins is a delightful and engaging tale that effortlessly combines elements of pirates, treasure hunts, and murder mysteries, resulting in a quick and easy-to-read adventure that captivates readers from start to finish. With a plot that keeps you on your toes, this book is perfect for both beginners and those looking for a fast-paced, enjoyable read.

Set in a coastal town with a rich maritime history, the story follows when Catherine and Gabby drown within a year apart. The temptation of untold riches and the thrill of adventure lead Eva Knightley, Historian and Blackbeard expert along with William Templeton, the town cop to embark on a journey filled with danger and intrigue. Along the way, they encounter a cast of well-developed and mysterious characters, each with their own motives and secrets.

What stands out about "The Seafarer's Secret" is the author's ability to maintain a steady pace throughout the narrative. The story never loses momentum, making it an easy page-turner that keeps you hooked until the last chapter. Carol Ann Collins does a fantastic job of weaving together elements of history, suspense, and subtle romance, adding layers of depth to the overall reading experience.

One of the book's major strengths lies in the vivid descriptions of the coastal landscape and maritime ambiance, which transport readers to the world of salty sea air. Furthermore, the mystery element is skillfully crafted, keeping readers guessing and speculating about the true nature of the treasure and the identity of the murderer.

Overall, "The Seafarer's Secret" is an enjoyable and entertaining read, perfect for anyone seeking a thrilling pirate treasure hunt murder mystery that doesn't demand an extensive time commitment. Carol Ann Collins has crafted a captivating tale, showcasing her ability to tell an engaging story while leaving readers eager to explore more of her works. Whether you're new to the genre or a seasoned mystery enthusiast, this book promises an adventure that will leave you satisfied and eager for more.

#TheSeafarersSecret #NetGalley

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I absolutely loved this!! Police procedural/thriller that has a pirate theme. Yes please! I loved how the pirate aspect was woven into the murder mystery! So perfect! I can't wait to see what comes next for William and Eva.
I just reviewed The Seafarer's Secret by Carol Ann Collins. #TheSeafarersSecret #NetGalley
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The cover and title of this story immediately grabbed my eye before I had a chance to check out the description. Admittedly, I knew almost nothing about the history of Blackbeard but enjoyed getting to learn about it as the mystery of the coins and deaths unraveled. I liked the balance of realistic and mythical stories, as well as the mix of suspense and romance. This book feels very well-written for a screen adaptation that I’d love to see in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley and Beaufort Books for the opportunity to read the eARC of “The Seafarer’s Secret”! All opinions are my own.

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"The Seafarer's Secret" is an interesting idea that links murder and piracy with a bit of romance. I enjoyed the way it brought in the woman's journal from the past, adding a quirky little turn of events to a cozy mystery. If you enjoy light-hearted mysteries that don't follow the typical plot twists, this book could be for you. I'd also recommend this story to fans of folklore, hidden treasure, and Blackbeard. It was really fun to have the historical connection with the modern setting.

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Many thanks to both Beaufort Books and #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of The Seafarer's Secret, by Carol Ann Collins.

Expected Publication date: January 30, 2024

In a holiday seaside town in North Carolina, a woman’s body is found with a mysterious gold coin. When it is revealed that there had also been a mysterious coin found on the body of Eden’s police chief’s wife the year before, the town starts to speculate.

This is an interesting mystery novel with a side of slow burn romance. I must admit that mystery surrounding some pirate coins didn’t particularly call to me but I was gripped. I don’t think I’ve ever read a mystery/thriller inspired by what little we know of Blackbeard’s life. I would have however liked some more of the diary entries throughout, expanding the story in bigger chunks than the little snippets we were given. I found myself looking forward to learning more at the end of every chapter. This plot line does get more developed towards the end but not quite enough to leave me satisfied!

Another interesting and amusing point is that we learn a lot of information from a group of 4 town busy bodies at the local diner. Although a bit convenient to move the plot along, I did find their conversations quite funny and reminiscent of a comfort show where everybody knows everybody’s business. At points the writing did fall into the category of telling us and not showing us but those four characters were funny enough that I didn’t mind horribly.

The story has quite a few twists and turns, a few of which I predicted but didn’t necessarily stop me from wanting to finish it. I do enjoy a plot that is slightly faster paced and unpredictable but I recommend this as a nice story that’s easy to ease into and enjoy. I think more for fans of a cosy mystery than dark thrillers and mystery.

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Many thanks to both Beaufort Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of The Seafarer's Secret, by Carol Ann Collins.

Expected Publication date: January 30, 2024

With the entire town whispering about Blackbeard, cursed coins, and lost treasure, it becomes hard to separate what is true and what is a myth. Sounds like my kind of town! And even though The Seafarer's Secret differs from the type of books I usually gravitate towards, I really liked it!

I loved reading about Blackbeard and I'm glad those parts were included in the book. (Not to worry. It was more of a sideline and didn't take away from the primary story at all.) The Seafarer's Secret has murder, unidentified coins, buried treasure, long-lost friends, and more! I recommend it.

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This was a lovely mystery story. It's not usually my favourite type of novel regarding the sea focus and historical elements. But overall it was an enjoyable read that would be great for anyone who enjoys a mystery and pirates in thier books as this centres around the Blackbeard treasure and follows a police chief and historian as they try to uncover the truth.

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This book didn't have me on the edge of my seat. It was more a grief/redemption write with the murders at the background. I wish there was more drama or tension. There was too much focus on William's grief and new relationship and moving on. I wish the book was quicker paced and mroe happened.

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3 stars, a fair/good read. A small-town mystery revolving around the death of two women who were both found with a gold coin in their possession. The story that follows has pirate's treasure, murder mystery, and romance.

The romance between the main characters was a slow burn and very sweet; I think the word sweet could be used to describe the entire book, despite a recurring theme of the book being grief. I personally prefer a more dark and gritty book that comes across as very realistic, but this was a nice change of pace, and I took the book for what it was, which is fiction.

In my opinion, the references to Blackbeard gave the book a slightly more childish feel, but it doesn't distract from the story too much or take away from the enjoyment of the romance aspect.

If you like slower paced, lighter stories, this book is a nice read.

Thank you to NetGalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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