Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I did not gel with the writing style despite the interesting premise, and my desire for more widely impactful LGBT stories. DNF.

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The concept of this book was a great one but unfortunately it was like a book written for children but with mature content. I don’t know if the authors first language isn’t English because I notice this book is set in Tayland and if that is the case and she is a new writer learning the English language I would encourage her to stick with it because this was a great idea for a book and everyone loves thriller romances I would just work on your grasp of the English language and maybe read other books from the genre to get a helpful tips on good writing styles. I really think learning how to write descriptive prose in a more action based sentence would’ve made this book much better. As for the book now it really was badly done. I am sorry but this is my honest opinion. I want to thank NetGalley and Net Galley for my arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Great premise, extremely poor writing quality. The sentences were clunky and the vocabulary used was awkward. I only finished the book because it was so short.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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I was a bit disappointed by this book. It had a fantastic story idea, and I was invested in it but I simply could not get over the writing. I got this as an ARC off netgalley, and was disappointed to find it was only 28 pages. There was just so much more that could have been done with the story. The writing wasn't great, there were grammar problems and so many run on sentences. It also just moved a little too fast for me to get fully invested in the story. But, the concept of the book is fantastic and I would love to see it better written, or just more thought out. I did quite like the main character, the teacher, and the student I thought they were quite cute characters.

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This was an excellent story although a bit sad for me as it hit close to home. I’m glad there was a HEA to make it more fiction-like and less real life.

Top recommend!

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