Member Reviews

A much-needed book for me. If you struggle with setting boundaries, have been a victim of narcissistic abuse and find yourself accepting bad behavior from others, you should read this book.

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This is a book I’d recommend getting a physical copy of, rather than a digital copy, unless you’re good at taking notes on the kindle app. It’s a great workbook that you’ll want to be able to mark up!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own opinions.

I definitely have porous boundaries. I'm an oversharerr thst and invest myself in the problems of others. I found the book helpful, and it has many activities to help the reader explore their boundaries or lack thereof and get to know why they are working for you (of not).

It's a solid workbook, and I recommend it.

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I am 30% into this workbook. (I'll update the review when I'm finished) I didn't want to rush through because Teri says NOT to skip ahead and I also want to give the content time to absorb.

So far it is:
- very well structured
- accessible to anyone through clear and simple language. All key terms are defined and nothing is assumed.
- definitely a work book. The text sections are short and always include a quiz, reflection question or journal prompt.
- not overwhelming

Be ready to get writing if you pick this up!!
I've read another book on boundaries and have completed Teri Cole's guided meditations on Insight timer on this topic (and have done therapy) and I have found the workbook has brought a more clear understanding of, and my challenges with, setting boundaries.

Negatives? Not much.
- Someone who has spent a lot of time on this area may find the first sections too basic. However new questions and new ways of looking at a topic can be very helpful in my opinion.
- One section so far has been quite broad which made it difficult to engage in the topic.

Happy release day!
I received an ARC from Net Galley.

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There is some good stuff here. It was very easy to understand and follow and there are some great exercises that could be pretty helpful for anyone who's just starting their boundary setting journey.

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I thought this was a really good, in-depth workbook for those who are new to the idea of setting better boundaries. I do wish it had advice geared more toward people who have good boundaries but are up against REALLY pushy people.

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I was introduced to Terri Cole through a podcast and when I saw that NetGalley has her latest workbook available, I HAD to check it out. I am so glad that I did. I have struggled with boundaries, having very controlling parents. Through the teachings in this workbook, I was able to recognize where I was not so great about having and maintaining boundaries and also gave me the tools to help me create and enforce my boundaries. I am on my way to living a more fulfilling life because of what is taught in this workbook.

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The cover and subtitle of this book really caught my attention. The workbook itself is extensive but not too demanding. I didn't think I had an issue with my boundaries but after reading through some of the questions this workbook has I identified that I do have some issues which need resolving and I feel that working through the rest of the workbook will help me with those. I would prefer to do this physically in the workbook so I have added it to my Wishlist and will purchase upon publication!

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Boundaries are a popular topic these days and we are in no short supply of content about the skill many of us were never taught. From books, workbooks, and Instagram accounts filled with practical advice on the best ways to tell people what we need, one might think "The Boundary Boss Workbook" is just another resource in a large pile. But you'd be missing Terri Cole's greatest strengths in her teachings about boundaries - her no-nonsense and empowering attitude - if you skipped this.

Packed with checklists, self-reflection activities, and what many readers are arguably most interested in: scripts to communicate boundaries. Even if you've read Cole's Boundary Boss book, this is a great companion recommended to all hoping to learn about themselves, build healthy relationships, and practice boundaries.

Thanks to Sounds True Publishing for a copy via NetGalley.

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I was sceptical when I decided to read this but I thought, "can't hurt, maybe I'll learn something." I'm delighted to report, I did learn something, a lot of somethings.

I found this book to be incredibly helpful, and quite insightful. As someone that has issues setting boundaries, it was eye opening. Setting boundaries is definitely an issue with which many people struggle. I related to this in a new level and was inspired to rethink my approach to many aspects of my life. Anyone with poor boundaries will read the book can be inspired to approach interpersonal challenges with a better understanding of themselves and hopefully learn how to better handle themselves.

"Boundary Boss" is written in a friendly, conversational style that is easy to digest.. While I could have done without some of the trash talk, it didn't really take away from the message. I found it unnecessary and that is my only negative comment.

Despite that, this book addresses how many women struggle to set boundaries, and outlines practical steps and exercises on how to challenge your boundaries in all aspects of your life: whether you have set for yourself with others, or other people have pressed upon you.

Terri Cole is a psychotherapist who has dealt with personal experience of boundary issues herself and now helps her clients with their own boundary issues.

I thought I had a handle on setting boundaries, but after reading this I can do better for my own self preservation. Other readers may respond similarly It can help reveal where you may need help and how to approach it.

I've already started to apply this to my life and I'm happy with the results. The exercises really helped.

I highly recommend this book.

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This wasn't quite what I expected in terms of a boundary workbook, but I think it'll be a great tool for some readers.

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This is a comprehensiveworkbook on setting boundaries. It is set up. In the following sections:

Get ready. Look inward and raise your awareness by defining boundaries and the boundary blocks you may be experiencing right now.
Get set. You will get prepared for what could go right.

Get prepared for what could go wrong as you practice boundary setting.

Go. You're ready for the big step. Take your new skills into the world and learn to read boundary setting scripts that follow your natural style. In thr back of thr book, you will find sample scriptd.

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The title of this workbook is what caught my eye when I was browsing NetGalley. I am a therapist and enjoy reading self-help books not only for my own interests but also because I’m curious about what’s being published out there for consumer use.

This workbook is a great tool for individuals who are looking to learn about their boundary styles and try to shift them more towards healthy boundaries. It’s easy to read, has good information, and would likely be helpful for many.

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