Member Reviews

This one took me awhile to get through. The beginning was solid and then it kinda dropped off and became much less interesting so I had a hard time getting back to it.

Around the like 40% mark it picked up again and I was all in.

This reads like a slasher movie and is so much fun.

I would absolutely read more books by this author.

Check this out if you like 80s-90s slasher movies because it’s one of those books that once it gets going you almost forget you’re reading.

I am looking forward to reading more books by this author.

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This was great book for the slasher genre! It's nostalgic for another era. An unputdownable book that would make an excellent beach read. I loved this book!

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Whisper by Brian Dearborn was excellent especially if you love a good horror story and especially if you love a good slasher movie like Scream!!! this is a book for you!!!!

Young biotech professional Madison Parker is fresh from a break-up and finally coming to terms with the death of her father and is trying to grieve. But, is ready to move forward with her life in California.

That is until, her hometown best friend from affluent Connecticut is viciously murdered.

With Madison still reeling from the tragedy, the killer begins to target other members of her inner circle, and she finds herself at the center of a string of increasingly brutal murders that span coast to coast. She struggles to understand the killer’s motive and tries to protect her remaining friends, she realises it’s only a matter of time before she becomes a victim of the deadly game.

However, catching the killer once and for all means uncovering alarming secrets within her own life. Secrets she might be better off leaving alone. But, secrets have a habit of coming out in the open.

Brilliant book and a great holiday read, I highly recommend Whisper.

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I really liked the 90s slasher vibes to this book, and that it was a fun and quick read. I found the ending to be a bit predictable, but still enjoyed the ride!

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I saw Whisper compared to Scream, and I am a sucker for slasher films. This book did not disappoint. It was one of those books that you inhale in one sitting. I really enjoyed this book.

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“You have Madison to thank.”

The prologue to the book "Whisper" by Brian Dearborn blew me away. Amy and I hid together and hoped that we would survive until the police arrived. Did that happen?

I met Madison at the moment when she was making an important life decision. She wants to leave her partner Kylem because she doesn't feel good in the relationship. Her partner either plays games all the time or works all the time. Will it be that easy to break up after three years in a relationship?

Our heroine has two wonderful friends, Bradley and Jessica. She used to party hard with them. Will they also take her into the dance whirlwind now? How will it benefit?

Her childhood best friend is Amy. What will happen when Madison finds out that her best friend has been murdered?

Our heroine has a brother named Zane. Will the tragedies that befall her family bring the siblings closer together? I was worried about them. They recently buried their father, and now they have to say goodbye to Amy. How many more tragedies will there be?

While reading this short story, I had the impression that I was taking part in the movie "Scream" or "I Know What You Did Last Summer".
This story is perfect for those who love thriller books. It was a very good read. A short story, but so many emotions. The author has a unique imagination. You absolutely must meet his. He builds tension very well. Interesting plot, good action with amazing twists and unique characters. I wonder if you will discover the truth before it reveals itself.

I recommend.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. This book encompasses the best aspects of horror/slasher films that I love and it was one of those books you want to read quickly but also savour in the horror as it unfolds. This book hits you straight from the first chapter with an absolutely amazing opening. I loved the short, fast-paced chapters they kept the pacing moving along nicely and made it all too easy to just read one more chapter. I was dying to know who the killer was and I was not disappointed. Madison is a professional working in San Diego with a good job, a loving family, and great friends. She recently lost her Dad, and she is trying to grieve and process it all. When her best friend is found murdered she decides to return to her hometown to see if she can help find out who did it. A well paced edge of your seat horror kind of thriller. #whisper #briandearborn #netgalley #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #thestorygraph #getlitsy #bookqueen #bookstagram #horror #thriller #slasher

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Now, I’m normally not a horror book fan, but when the author mentioned that this was his ‘love letter’ to 80/90/00s slasher films, I had to give it a try. And as a slasher film lover, this book hit all the spots that every cliche slasher film had and it was great.

Was fast paced and an easy read and really sucked you in.

Madison is just having tragedy after tragedy while trying figure out who is doing this and why.

I was able to figure out who it was pretty early on, but I was also always able to figured out the killer in the movies as well.

I can’t talk about to much without giving anything away, but if you’re a huge fan of the og slasher films, definitely give this a go.

Thank you NetGalley and Brian Dearborn for the ARC!

Review will also be up on my Instagram Sept 1rst 12pm ADT

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After struggling with the death of her father, Madison is finally getting a hold on her life. She's broken off her long term relationship that wasn't right, she's applying for a promotion at her job, and finally dancing again, one of her past hobbies. Life is going in the right direction, until her best friend from high school is found murdered. After that death, multiple people in her life start dying in horrific ways. Madison is the prey at the center of someone's sick game, but who is it, and why? I loved this book. It reminded me of all the teen horror movies from the 90s. While I felt Madison could use a little more character development, I still felt the plot moved quickly, and I was invested in the storyline. This would be an excellent book for getting out of a book slump. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This one was incredibly nostalgic and brought me right back to the 90's slasher film days.

Madison is living in California when she finds out that her best friend was murdered. Someone seems to be targeting her inner circle of friends. As she tries to figure out what the motive is, it is clear she is dealing with someone smarter than she anticipated.

I would recommend it as a fun beach read, especially if you like the slasher genre. It was very fast paced and keeps you gripped the entire time.

It is hard to say too much without giving it away, but I really enjoyed it.

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I am not a huge fan of horror films or books but I did like this book. Enough twists and turns to keep me going. Nice thriller.

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Brian Dearborn

This book starts with a quick, slasher style murder that is slightly predictable and I think because that happened so soon, I found the rest of the plot a little underwhelming. There wasn't that build up throughout the book until the first victim was murdered and I didn't really feel the suspense.

I still don't understand why the killer chose to murder people Madison didn't get along with, as well as her friends. I did predict who the killer was, it seemed really obvious.

Sometimes the dialogue between the characters seemed a little corny or awkward and forced.

The pacing was fast so I did finish reading the book in a few hours.

I can see how other readers might like this book but unfortunately, it was just "ok" for me.

*Thank you to @Netgalley and the publishers for providing this ARC. This is my own opinion and an honest review, which I am leaving voluntarily*

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Whisper is good if you are looking for an easy read, classic slasher premise. Madison is a young professional getting started in the world of sales. She recently lost her father and now has to deal with the brutal murder of a childhood friend.

Book starts off with an intense scene of the first murder. Very reminiscent of Scream, which is listed as an inspiration in the author's afterword. Young female alone on the house, strange noises and phone call that turn out to be the killer and help around the corner but too late. Enough clues and characters to give options and I like how the point of view changed whenever the killer was about to strike. Again, gave that slasher movie vibe where you knew what was coming and wanted to warn the future victim.

Characters were a little goofy and there were odd relationships. Seems every time they communicated, they were just so excited, lots of exclamation points in the prose, which got a little annoying after a while. I am still not sure why people Madison didn't get along with were targeted in a revenge plot and odd that of all the people in the world, her ex was dating one of the co-workers that was a "frenemy", and how they all wound up at a party across the country. I guess that was an attempt to give multiple killer options.

There was also a point where I thought the reference to the Whisper book draft of her youth was going down a strange supernatural route, and I am glad that was not the case as I was rooting against that turn. Did turn into that classic redemption opportunity for the final girl.

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Sadly I was not greatly impressed with this novel. It was cited as a fast paced, summer beach read, but this is certainly not my choice of holiday entertainment.

Overly graphic and fanciful, as the book progressed the characters seemed to be dropping like flies. So much so, I was betting with myself as to how many would be murdered chapter by chapter. I thought the ending was somewhat predictable and the twist didn't really turn!

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Wow! This book is absolutely incredible! I love a great horror story, and a good slasher movie. This book encompasses all of the best of both of these things. I flew through this book!

This book hits the ground running from the first page. It has an absolutely amazing opening. It has short, fast-paced chapters. I felt like I was watching this story as a movie - I couldn't wait to get to the end. I had to know who the killer was - it was hard not to peek at the end!

Madison is a professional working in San Diego. She has a good job, a loving family, and great friends. She recently lost her Dad, and she is trying to grieve. I really don't want to give away any other details. Madison's life takes some unexpected twists and turns. Her life shifts from San Diego back to her home in Connecticut.

Brian Dearborn has written a true horror/slasher story. I don't think horror writers get enough credit. It is hard to write a story that moves fast, scares the reader, and keeps them on the edge of their seat. He does this here. I read this book in one day, and I lost track of the number of times I had to stop and catch my breath. The imagery he writes here is perfect - it goes right up to the line of great horror. He never steps over it. I was even peeking around the corners while reading this.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this incredible book! I cannot wait to read what Brian Dearborn writes next! If you are looking for a story reminiscent of the great horror films of the 90s, pick this one up!

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Attention 90’s slasher fans, this book is for you! A quick, bingeable read that is a horror fans dream! It includes so many gruesome murders and some great, thrilling scenes! It honestly felt at times like I was reading a screenplay from an upcoming horror movie! If you enjoyed I Know What You Did Last Summer or Scream, I think you will like this one!

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I loved this book! I'm a fan of slasher films and this book reminded me of them. I think the characters are well developed and the story moved at a good pace. Special 'Thank You' to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of the book prior to publication in exchange for an honest review. 10/10 highly recommend!
This review will be posted on Goodreads July 18,2023.

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How do you make a review of a book you are too stunned to turn the dark corner in your own house. What a thrill ride of intensity! It was chilling, gripping and all of the above nuts! I was on the edge of fear for the entirety of this book! Just when you think you have it all figured out it’s twisty and pushing your idea to the back burner! I loved it and can’t get enough of this authors tale! I loved it

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This was definitely a love letter to the slasher films I grew up with. Think scream, I know what you did last summer, valentine...... those are the vibes. A serial killer targeting a group of friends and rooting for the final girl to solve it all before he finally gets to her. It's a really easy read and not one that has you thinking too hard. It's just perfect light hearted horror without getting too bogged down with logic or reality. I loved every page of this and with there were more films and books that brought this genre back!

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I LOVED this book. I have read many slashers and for the most part have found them rather boring. This was not. It had all the elements I loved and Brian brought all the nostalgia of Scream into his own story. This book was a page turner and one you will sit and read all day and forget all other responsibilities. I cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy! 5 out of 5 stars!

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