Member Reviews

Arthurian inspired fantasy romance was not on my 2023 Books I'll love Bingo Card - but here we are!! A captivating, enchanting adventure that will immerse you in the most magical world.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press, and Briar Boleyn for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

As much as I loved the first book I loved the second one even better!

The tension between Morgan and Draven only kept getting hotter and hotter throughout the book.

The battle for the throne kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I was not able to put this book down! I had to know what was going to happen next! I finished it in under 24 hours!

The side characters in this book provided so much more depth to the story and they were so easy to like.

I’m not sure how I’m supposed to wait for the next book to come out! I’m so excited for Empress of Fae!

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The second installment of Blood of a Fae, Court of Claws, Boleyn continues the fantastical journey of Morgan. While Artur has Eskira literally on fire, Morgan is an ocean away in the Court of Umbral Flames. Draven embarks on the three trials of the Killing Throne in order to claim the throne that is rightfully his and to right the wrongs in the kingdom Siabra. The Three trials are deadly, but so are the members of the court itself. Morgan will face new enemies and make new allies in this twisting story of love, intrigue, and danger.

Boleyn really hit her stride in this book. I literally couldn't put it down. There are so many twists and unexpected turns you will be hanging on to every word. I love the slow-burn enemies-to-lovers and Morgan finally showed growth. The end really hit me and I can't wait to see what will happen in the next installment.

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Morgan Pendragon is back, and she is now in Draven's court! I thought the storytelling was very good, and I felt the pull to keep reading in order to find out what happened. I did get a little tired of Morgan telling herself she hates Draven when we know she doesn't. Also, the Epilogue was a little abrupt for me. It left me with more questions than answers, which I guess is the point of a cliffhanger! Overall, I still liked the story and I will for sure read Book 3.

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Interesting sequel to Queen of Roses. I enjoyed this book a lot more than the first one because the pace felt better and I connected with the characters more. I really enjoyed the excitement level and the book and can't wait to read the next one!

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Without spoiling to much.. I am OBSESSED with this book series. The moment I started reading Court of Claws I could not put it down. The plot is very fast paced, but in a good way as it keeps you on the edge of your seat. There is a perfect balance between action, intrique, romance and banther. This book gives you a good back story of Draven and why he is who he is, so you understand and love him even more.

Sometimes I want to scream at Morgan, why she isn't listening to Draven, but I understand where she is coming from. She needs to finds herself again, accept who she is, trust herself before she can allow herself to trust others again after what her life has been like. And I can't wait to find out what she will do when she does.

Briar's writing drags you into the book and the world of Morgan & Draven and doesn't let you go, I mean it.. even after finishing this book I am now pacing around in a corner because the 3rd book has not been released yet.

*I received a reader's copy by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Okay so this book focuses more on Morgan & Kairos Draven's relationship. While I admit that they had good chemistry, the character development just fell flat. While trying to portray Morgan as a defiant female lead, she came off as an immature brat. And if there's anything I hate in a book is the miscommunication trope especially if it is done wrong, which was the case in this one. So it was a little frustrating to continue from that point and I did not feel very connected to the characters. The end was rushed in my opinion
a lot less intriguing than the 1st book. Don’t think I’ll read the third..

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Great continuation to this story! I love Morgan and how her character has progressed in the story. The banter has me 🥵 I’m also here for the morally grey male main character! Need book 3!

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I loved this one more than the first. It was filled with action, adventure and of course spice!

This new world we were in was cruel but captivating. I loved the new characters, loved learning about this fae court. I also love learning these pieces of memory that Morgan had suppressed.

The trials were gruesome and had me on edge the whole time.

I love Morgan and Draven so much 😩 I hate that Morgan fought her feelings so hard though. I am ready for more of them in book three, I refuse to believe this is the end of them.

The betrayal at the end broke my heart but loosing beks was a heartbreak I won’t recover from 😩

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If you need an example for the miscommunication trope, take this book. There is so much of it in these pages. And I hate it, it’s one of my least favorite tropes.

After the ending of the last book, Morgan is now discovering a whole new world and at least that was something I really enjoyed. I liked to learn a little more about the different kinds of Fae. Some major aspects of the first book seemed to be mostly forgotten in this book, which kind of irritated me, but I guess we’ll see where this story will lead us in the future.

My main complaint with this book has to be about Morgan herself. I was so annoyed with her for most of the book. At some point I was convinced that she intentionally misunderstood everything just so she could be more annoying.

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Really enjoyed this book! I loved learning more about Draven and his back story. I am super curious to learn more about Morgan’s though. We got a big reveal at the end of the book which has me super curious and excited for book 3. I really enjoyed this world that Briar has created. It is different and interesting.

In the first book I thought Morgan was too trusting of the wrong people and this book I thought she may have been too argumentative and defiant with everyone but by the end of the book I think it may have been warranted.

I love Draven. I don’t agree with some of his decisions and yes he should have been more forthcoming with Morgan but he thought she didn’t trust him or like him so I understand why he would not just trust her with his thoughts and plans. Everything he did was to protect her even if she can’t see it yet.

I am super curious to see what happens after that ending and excited for book 3!!!!

If you like Fae, magic, Fae courts, lovable characters, slow burn, steam, curses, enemies to lovers, women warriors, morally grey characters, then this book is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Briar Boleyn for this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Book two was packed full of action and adventure. After almost dying, Morgan wakes up in Siabra, where Draven is the prince. She faces betrayal, loss and trials she has never seen. She must help Draven win the blood trials to make it home to Camelot to stop her brothers war. As she learns more about the world Draven is from, she struggles to reconcile the kind man she is getting to know with the brutal world she is from. Morgan must master herself and learn as much as she can about this new world and the man she is tied to in it.

This book required you to basically learn an entirely new world, with only some knowledge from book one coming over. While this could definitely have been daunting, learning everything along side Morgan made it manageable. I never felt behind or like I didn’t have the information I needed because every time something new came about, Morgan was also a little clueless. I loved getting to see and learn more about Draven. The first book he felt like a mystery, so getting to see his world and learn who he is was awesome. It was so fun meeting his friends and watching Morgan become a part of his circle. His friends became her friends, and she slowly began to fit perfectly into her place with him. As Morgan began to embrace her relationship with Draven, you also got to see her start to embrace herself. The two went hand in hand. Draven helped her see her worth and the power she held and believed in her more than she believed in herself.

I absolutely love Morgan and Draven together, so I need her to forgive him asap because they are so good together. I know he messed up lying to her, but he really thought he was doing what was best and he truly cares for her.

Briar, I will never forgive you for Brek. Ever. My heart was ripped from my chest and stomped on.

This book was so much fun to read. I loved every minute and I cannot wait to read book three.

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The second book in the series was even better than the first! More spice, more action and just MORE! This story was so amazing I didn't want to put it down! The author does such an amazing job describing the environment that you almost feel like you are there yourself. This was such a good book I am so sad I have to wait until November for the 3rd.

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First of all, let's get out of the way the bad stuff and be super objective. For book 1 I mentioned how at certain points the characters could feel very inconsistent and their reactions not as genuine/ personality not as established.

And sadly, this book suffered from the same, when it came to our main character. She went from hot to cold in a super exaggerated way with, I'm sorry but, zero reason or at least certainly not enough justification. I can see how that would made her seem annoying and immature for people.
Now, the issue here is I actually love the type of attitude she had, and the angst it created... so I completely overlooked my issue with it and still enjoyed it. But I do wish it was better planted on the story... even explaining things before her reactions instead of after at certain times would have been enough.

The story got so much better and bigger, I enjoyed this new place even more than book 1. I really loved the love interest as well, he got so much more depth and chemistry with her and I'm very happy. Some other secondary characters earned my love too and that made me connect with the book so much more.

And my biggest reason for loving this so much, as I said before, is the angst and her attitude to his slights against her. When I read betrayal or groveling or similar stuff, I'm always pissed because the main character doesn't react the way I want her to. And Morgan was almost perfect here. I got the cold shoulder, I got the ignoring him, I got the empty, numb attitude to his vulnerability, and the ending gave the best thing ever but I can't say without spoilers, but I've reread those final chapters like 6 times already. I just loved her so much here. And I liked him too, I liked that he showed grief and vulnerability and emotion and regret. It was delicious.

I am so so excited for book 3 but at the same time so nervous about it. I want this angst to continue just enough and just right and I hope it delivers again.

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I enjoyed this book quite a bit more than the first in the series, and I’ll be honest, if you read a summary of the first and then skipped right to this one, you’d probably be just fine.

Book two brings us to a Fae court, where we learn more about our main characters’ backstories and the current state of the fae. A lot of questions from book 1 are answered here without raising a ton of new questions, so you get some nice resolution.

I enjoyed the development of Morgan and Draven’s relationship. The secret magic bond trope isn’t always a favorite, especially when it goes on for soooo long, but I didn’t hate it. It’s at least thinly explained. Things continue to worsen in Camelot, but the scenes are not set there and for most of the book, it’s not even a secondary concern. Morgan wants to go back for her brother but is a lot more focused on discovering who she is, who Draven is, what’s up with the fae competition, and fae politics. The fae lore is interesting enough and fits well into the plot.

It really felt like the author hit a much better stride with this book versus the first. I’ll be happy to pick up the third to see what happens next.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you love a steamy romantasy with a fake relationship, magic, frenemies to lovers, fight to the death competition, and characters that rip your heart out? If you answered yes to any of the above, this series is for you.

Let me start off by saying, @briarboleynauthor DID. IT. AGAIN. The rollercoaster of emotions that I experienced in fact gave me whiplash. These characters have such a special place in my heart. Morgan is MY GIRL (we are all allowed to be a little insufferable at times, okay? Give her a break 😂) I think Draven is a fantastic mmc and I also adopted my first literary son, Beks. I laughed, I cried, and I was sad when it was over, BUT THE PLOT TWIST AT THE END… no words. I’m impatiently waiting for the third book. A huge thank you to @netgalley, the talented Briar Boleyn, and Starwater Press for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own although I think everyone should be a Morgan stan.

PS: This series is on Kindle Unlimited! Run, don’t walk! ✨

#bookstagram #bookreview #bookrecommendations #bookworm #readersofinstagram #bookcommunity #bookblogger #booklover #courtofclaws #netgalley #romantasy

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“You’re Mine, Morgan. Here, now, always.”

Hunger Games meets Court of Claws.

Morgan is awakened in a bed that’s not hers, in an unknown land with her kidnapper, Kairos. Get this he’s not the person he says he is, known as the Prince of Claws of Siabra. Will Kairos be able to complete the challenges or will it be the death of him? War is happening in Camelot, will Morgan be able to put an end to Arthur?

Thank you NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Starwater Press for the opportunity to arc read the second novel “Court of Claws” for an honest review.

I couldn’t stop reading I was so engaged and there was so much action involved in “Court of Claws” that left you wondering what would happen next!

I loved the relationship between Morgan and Kairos and all the sexual tension. Let me tell you the spicy scene did not disappoint! ❤️‍🔥

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Book two blew me away! Getting to know Draven’s people and way of life, was a great way to learn about him and the environment he grew up in.

His people are savage and they are unforgiving, and I was all here for it.

It was a great turn away from the retelling and into the fae world.

You also learn a lot more about Morgan and I cannot wait for book three to learn more about her! Ugh, I cannot wait for the next book.

The smut was amazing and it was slow burn and it was just perfect. I melted.

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley again for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book had much more action than the first. I thoroughly enjoyed Morgan’s time in the Court of Claws! There were so many interesting characters to meet. Hawl was easily my favorite. They were witty and just the right amount of sassy. Surprisingly, I ended up really liking Lyrastra a lot more than I thought I would, too.
There were a few times I just wanted to shake Morgan and tell her to pull herself together and admit how she felt about Draven. The spicy scenes were hot🥵 we love a man who goes for the praise kink and calls the FMC a good girl.
There was a lot of background revealed about both Draven and Morgan that has me excited to see what happens in the next book. That ending has given me soooo many questions! I have no idea how I’m going to wait until November to find out the answers.

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This second book in the Blood of a Fae series was non stop gripping action about 1/3 into it. Once the trials started, I found myself clutching my kindle. Continued fantastic world building and court politics were engaging. I have to admit this almost felt like a completely separate story because we hear very little about events from the first book. But that's ok, because this one had little bits sprinkled in revealing more of Morgan's unknown history. I have to admit, I was little frustrated with Morgan's continued defiance. I get it at first, but after while it became tiresome, just admit your feelings already! As for Draven, I liked him, but wanted to see/feel more of his point of view. I also hope to see more of all the side characters in the next book.
Overall great second book and that cliffhanger has me hanging on until the next book. I received an ARC of this book, all opinions are my own.

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