Member Reviews

It’s always worrying going into the second book in a series that it won’t live up to the first. I adored the first book in this series but I had no reason to worry. It doesn’t just live up to expectations, it exceeds them. Everything I loved about the first book, the second book expands on it and does it better.

The cast of characters is expanded and I love them all. They are so diverse and there is more found family plot. The magical world is also expanded, including new realms, races and magical creatures. I was so happy that there was more exmoor involvement in this book. There is a lot more action in this book as well compared to the first. So this book isn’t just for the romance fans.

Of course, the relationship between Morgan and Draven is also built upon. The slow burn romance really begins to sizzle in this one; expect spice! Particularly as the ‘only one bed’ trope is in play.

There are still lots of unanswered questions at the end of this book and it makes me so excited to read the next one. Amazon currently says it is due out in November!

This book is such an easy read and it’s so gripping. I highly recommend it for fans of romantasy and books like ACOTAR. This has easily become one of my favourite book series (and I don’t have too many), that I know I will go back and reread. I don’t understand how more people aren’t talking about this series!

Thanks to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn and Starwater Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
(A review has also been submitted for approval on Amazon).

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This book is completely different from the first one. A complete different story, characters and land. And… I liked it.
The story though was a little predictable, but still enjoyable. I didn’t feel much chemistry between Morgan and Draven, not much chapters in which they interact and you can feel there’s something between them. And then something happens, and doesn’t feel completely right.
I like Morgan as MFC. She’s strong and doesn’t let people tell what she has to do, but she’s willing to sacrifice everything for the people she cares about.
I wanted to see more of the other SC, they were really nice to read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for this Arc.

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This is a fabulous sequel to Queen of Roses! The writing style is much improved from the first book and I am so excited to see how this develops in the next book in the series!

I found it hard to visualize many of the scenes which is where my 4 star rating came from. I would love more details in some of the scenes, especially ones involving the trials and battles. It was hard to understand what was happening sometimes without the aid of vivid descriptions.

The development of Morgan’s character throughout this story was great! She had such a full arc and left us wanting more by the end. I literally need to know what’s going to happen next immediately…speaking of that…when is the sequel???

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I’m obsessed with this series! I need the next book right now! I just love Morgan and Draven. The story just pulls you in and you cannot stop reading! The ending was such a cliffy! Also loved one of the surprises at the end! I love the magic of this world. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I was absolutely hooked by this fast-paced, action-packed book in a way that I haven't been hooked by a fantasy romance since I read ACOTAR. It was stunning. The ending had me absolutely fuming and I can't wait to see where the third books takes the characters.

The only things that marred it were, like the first book, the few issues with grammar, typo, and misplaced or missing words (including an instance where a character was given the wrong name). Again, I feel the fault here lies more with the editorial team / publisher than the author.

I also felt that with Draven's character there was quite a big jump in his feelings, which sometimes made this version of him feel disjointed from the version of him in the first book, which could have been fixed by more hints in the first book. I also felt that his character again jumped at the ending - I still don't really understand why he acted the way he did. Nonetheless, I loved this book.

Thanks NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the ARC!

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Court of Claws is the second book is the Blood of a Fae series and it immediately picks up where the first book left off, so you have to read Queen of Roses to know what's going on. Morgan Pendragon wakes up in a strange place surrounded by strange looking people only to soon find out she's not at all where she thinks she is. Kairos Draven is the only person who looks familiar. He however is not who Morgan thought he'd be and spends the rest of the book grappling with that.

I honestly liked the first book better than this one, which is honestly shocking for me because it's usually the other way around. I gave this three stars as opposed to four like I did with Queen of Roses strictly because of Morgan. Even though she's the narrator of the series, I could not stand reading this from her perspective. She is sooooo hardheaded and has major survivor's guilt, so she won't allow herself to be happy. She lashes out at everyone, especially Draven, and it was incredibly annoying. Literally 50% of the book is Morgan raging about how much she hates Draven and how she wants to kill him. There is a moment where things are looking up and my feelings about her began to change, but then she returns to her angry self so I've lost all hope for her. I can't stand characters whose personality is just self-loathing.

I will say though that this book is incredibly action packed and has a good amount of spice. The twists are also amazing, which is definitely the redeeming factor. I will be reading the third book because I have to know what happens, but I'm really hoping that Morgan is better. She's so powerful and has a chance to represent something, but she has to let go of all the anger that encompasses her. Otherwise, she won't make it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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*May contain accidental spoilers!

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the eARC of Court of Claws in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5
Spice: 🌶️.5/5

Oh man, oh man…when I tell you I feel strongly about this book, I mean it. Let’s start off with the good stuff shall we?

I absolutely LOVE the story of this book, it kept me completely interested and entertained the entire time. I love almost all of the characters, especially Draven, Beks, Crescent, and even Hawl. The villains were amazing, i thoroughly detested them which always makes for perfect antagonists. And I really love the whole Hunger Games/Squid Game vibes that it had going on.

But on the flip side…I cannot stand our FMC for the life of me! She is the most insufferable, whiny, immature brat and she irritated me TO. MY. SOUL. Which is so wild to me because I really liked her in the Queen of Roses, but her character in Court of Claws really drove me crazy. She really brought the book rating down for me, if it wasn’t for her character development (or lack thereof) this book would’ve easily been a 4.5. I get having a defiant, bad ass FMC but she didn’t come off that way, she really just came off as an ungrateful, spoiled brat that I very clearly cannot stand lol.

But aside from our FMC, Court of Claws was a fantastic read and I cannot wait for Empress of Fae to come out!!

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This is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series. It’s a retelling of the Camelot stories with a fae twist. Heads up, you need to read the first book or you wouldn't understand this one.
Draven is still morally grey, but now we get to understand why (at least I did so).
Morgan's will is, once again, not heard even if it is for her own good... or at least that's what Draven thinks (he should already know that Morgan hates not being able to choose her own path at this point, right?)
We will get to know about Draven's people in this book, and we will love and hate them equally.
I would love to read the last book of this saga.

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Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn (pen name of Fenna Edgewood) is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series. It’s a retelling of the Camelot stories with a fae twist. Morgan finds herself in an unfamiliar land bonded to Draven and battling her mixed feelings about this. The story unfolds with an intense elimination-style competition to win the crown of the kingdom. The new ruler is announced and more chaos unfolds via some unexpected plot twists.

I enjoyed this book about the same as the first one. I liked getting to know the characters more, particularly Draven and his court. There were a lot of twists and turns throughout the story that kept me wondering what would happen next. The third book in this series comes out in November 2023 and I plan to read it.

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"Something about his touch on my skin felt more right than anything I have ever felt before."
{I was gifted this ARC in exchange for an honest review of the work, these opinions are my own.}

Spice rating: 5/5

Awakening to memories of devastating truths, in a bed that is not hers, and a land unknown Morgan must figure out how to move forward and defeat her enemies... All with the help of her "kidnapper" Kairos Draven.

When a book can you pull you out of a book slump that another book is putting you into you know its more than good. I was an ARC reader for book 1 of this series and was pining for this second ARC, and it honestly couldn't have been dropped at a better time; I had been forcefully dragging myself through a read that I ended up DNFing after having picked up this book.
The plotline revolves around King Arthur but its done so well that it seems like it own story entirely! The characters develop in the perfect way, the first book was slow at getting to the main romance but let me tell you aha OOHH BOOYY does this book make up for it

* Kairos Draven is THEE definition of a morally grey MMC and at times has you wanting to pull your hair out while other times he makes you want to fall to our knees and worship everything about him. And yes he does in fact use the "Who did this to you" line in both book 1 AND 2.
•Morgan Pendragon is a badass FMC. She doesnt hold back anything, her opinions, her fighting, her love, her hate, everything is all out in the open for everyone to see;Which also makes it even better when she continues to have character development.

Once again there are characters who are secondary who are brought in for you to love.... And to hate.. Briar Boleyn is also next up in line for Queen Of Cliffhangers so get ready to turn to the last page and just stare at it willing more words to show up that wont.

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2.5 ⭐️ What the hell was that?

Omg, I'm so proud of myself. I can't believe I didn't DNF this. The book was bad, like really bad. I know dark romances aren't my thing, but seriously, what was this? Queen of Roses wasn't dark, and the realisation that this second instalment was... well, it was unpleasant. This wasn't even a dark fantasy romance, it was just dark fantasy with toxic af characters. Both MCs suck. She's a doormat and he's unhinged, trying to convince her that he's the one for her, but also not(?). It was as confusing and frustrating as it sounds.

Things I enjoyed in this book include:

- The fact that I was absolutely right and this is absolutely inspired by ACOTAR with the three trials/ games and the fact that the romantic lead from book 1 is now dead and gone, and the MMC is Draven, not Vesper.
- The exmoors, duh.
- Beks and Hawl.
- I appreciated that the list of triggers is available at the end of the book.

Things I didn't enjoy:

The list of TW to take into account for this book is literally longer than this review. I'm going to leave here the list, and I will add new ones since I think there are some missing ones. Triggers include: abduction, abuse, alcohol consumption, amputation, animal abuse, animal death, cannibalism, child abuse, child death, decapitation, deceased family member, domestic violence, drug use, homophobia, infant loss/death, infertility, murder, physical abuse, poisoning, slut shaming, violence/gore. Also, child abandonment, amnesia/memory loss, fire/burning of people, forced marriage/mating, lies/deception by SO, imprisonment, forced paralysis on someone fully aware, parental alienation... Is the fact that the fmc's f*cking stupid a trigger? Because I think it should be. This woman is the least believable character I've read in a while. And it's not because she's supposed to be half-fae trapped in a magical far away land. No. I mean she's the whiniest, most insufferable person ever that, when given the choice to get the situation that she hates and is constantly complaining about reversed, she says no! She says no and decides to just go with the flow and keep taking it. Seriously, wtf?

I could keep complaining about this book for hours. The MMC is horrid. He's supposed to be the hero, but all he does is lie, hide vital information from her, force her to do things against her will, he DEFENDS CHILD ABUSE (that part is ingrained in my memory), and is constantly, overall, unbearable and an absolute fraud.

I might've been able to defend two/three characters within the hundred, give or take, that are in this book (including side characters AND animals)... but I'm not going to. Read this at your own discretion, but I would not recommend this book. You might enjoy it if you like dark high fantasy books with extreme violence/toxicity with a hint of romance.

This review has already been uploaded to Goodreads :)

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Four and a half
In this book we catch up with Morgan as she finds herself apparently the paramour of Draven in his home court. No she definitely didn't sign up for this but if she wants to return to help save Camelot then it looks like she has to play along as wicked games are afoot !
Ok hands down this is even more exciting than the first book Queen Of Roses and yes that promise of romance is realised . However believe me Morgan has Serious ( yes it deserves a capital S) trust issues which admittedly made me want to shake her more than once. You will Oo and Aa for Draven though as he's almost a perfect hero. The situations the couple face are truly vile and the Fae can be as heinous as you imagine. They do terrible things and yet Draven thinks with Morgan he can change things and I seriously have doubts. What is interesting though is that we get more about Morgan's antecedents and history, well technically just snippets. Plus the supporting characters added greatly to the proceedings and as a lover of He Man I adored the nod to Battlecat ! That epilogue though is everything I wanted, whoop whoop so roll on book three.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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A big thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author Briar Boleyn for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review. This book picks up right where Queen of Roses ended. The book provides more information on Draven and his backstory. The story takes place in his home and he is fighting for his throne. The story explores his attempts to regain his throne so he can return Morgan home with an army. Morgan learns more about her power and her past. Her relationship with Draven continues on a roller coaster with ups and downs. The book’s ending is interesting and sad. It does end on a cliffhanger and the epilogue is insane! I cannot wait for the third book!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press, and Briar Boleyn for an ARC of the second book in the Blood of A Fae Series!

In this sequel, Morgan finds herself in a dangerous new court where enemies surround her and her only protection is a man she despises. Desperate to return to Camelot, Morgan must learn how to survive the cutthroat Siabra court while honing her magic in the chance that she will be able to escape to return to her own kingdom. As time goes on and Morgan finds friendship and love in the darkest places, the question on her mind is: does she even want to escape?

This was a stunning sequel to the first book, Queen of Roses, and I DEVOURED it in a day! The author does such a fantastic job weaving in mystery, treachery, action, tension, and danger that no portion of this book dragged for me.

Like the first book, I really enjoyed watching Morgan’s journey as she learns more about her heritage and powers. In many ways she was like a child when she left Camelot and had to grow up very fast in a short amount of time so I really felt for her in this book when she was back in a place where she had no control over what happened to her. She has such potential to be an epic independent badass and I can’t wait to read the rest of her journey.

I absolutely love the character of Kairos Draven as he is the legit definition of morally grey. He’s so dark, mysterious, and deadly that I was literally swooning every time he was on page. I admire how much he wants to protect everyone, especially Morgan, and and all the little things he does to ensure that made me absolutely melt. The miscommunication is strong between him and Morgan and normally I’m not a fan of that trope but I get it after knowing more about both of their characters and I’m really looking forward to the point where they can be more open with each other.

I could go on for ages about how much I was loving the side characters in this book but I don’t want to spoil any of them! I will say that they’re so beautiful and complex and I hope to see more of all of them in the next book.

The ending of this book had me REELING. Like MAAM my heart is already weak enough and you throw this at me haha needless to say I will FOR SURE be binging the next book the second it comes out!!

Read if you like:
Enemies to Lovers
Slow burn romance with spice
Forced proximity
One Bed
Morally Grey MMC
Touch her and die
Powerful FMC

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Okay so this book focuses more on Morgan & Kairos Draven's relationship. While I admit that they had good chemistry, the character development just fell flat. While trying to portray Morgan as a defiant female lead, she came off as an immature brat. And if there's anything I hate in a book is the miscommunication trope especially if it is done wrong, which was the case in this one. So it was a little frustrating to continue from that point and I did not feel very connected to the characters. The end was rushed in my opinion but I guess I will read the third book if I'm in the mood to.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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I want to thank the author and publisher for allowing me this opportunity to read this early for an honest review.

Plot: ⭐⭐
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
World-Building: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Character Development: ⭐⭐⭐

To say I was excited for the second installment of Draven and Morgan’s story would be an understatement. The story picked up right where the first ended, adding in a few side-characters right from the start. The author does an amazing job creating an instant like/disklike for some of these new personalities, and then shifts your feelings towards rooting for them above all else. Finally, we see Draven and Morgan’s relationship grow and mature, and it was everything I wanted it to be.
I’m still swooning over it all.
He had to make a choice. Risk Morgan dying while he sought out a mediocre healer that’s close by or bring her home to the best healers and risk her life everyday, she stays there. He chose his home, and this sole decision plays a vital part in this entire story. Not only has he brought Morgan to a place where she is a total outsider, but she also finds out that he is the prince of this hidden world. We watch him fight to ascend the throne amongst a world of treachery, stating Morgan as his “lover” in order to keep her safe from those who seek to wreck everything she stands for.
She not only woke up in a strange place, where everyone seems to dislike/trust her, but her powers grow with each passing day. Now, she not only needs to learn how to control her powers, but now lies and reality are starting to blur. Draven has seeped under her skin more than she wants to admit, even though she hates being his “lover”, she’s starting to find that there are some major benefits to it. In this second installment, she gains some faithful new friendships, and even the surprise of old ones.

This book was such a good read! It made the long trip to Colorado fly by, I couldn't put it down. The epilogue absolutely sent me, and it has me chomping at the bit for the next book.

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Cleverly crafted fae fantasy loosely based Arthurian legends. The second installment expands on the first novel by unfolding in a new realm full of its own dangerous and political turmoil. There’s a lot of emotion to unpackage as Morgan matures into herself. Morgan and Draven begin rocky with a slow burn, semi-fake relationship, forced proximity, and enemies to lover feel.

The powers at play keep the plot interesting as secrets and curses pan out into events. The book’s strengths are within the characters themselves, while the story needs a little more work. There are a lot of themes and layering events that don’t always feel cohesive. For sensitive crowds you should be aware that it includes violence, undead children, and spicy intimacy.

All in all, though it is a solid story with world building and depth that help the fantasy seem real. The author’s work has improved, and I look forward to the next chapter.

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The second book surpassed the first, delivering an engaging enemies-to-lovers plot with a delightful slow burn and forced proximity that added depth to the romance. The spice in the story heightened the overall reading experience, making it a captivating and enjoyable read. I highly recommend it to fans of the romantasy genre. I can genuinely say I can’t wait for the next book and this series has become one of my favourites.

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OMG! This story just gets better. I am so impatient though I need more I need to know what is next!
Ugh I cannot wait for book 3. Morgan has grown up so much into herself she will make a magnificent ruler!

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I really enjoyed the first book; however, this one--THIS ONE RIGHT HERE... I found myself holding my breath, gasping in disbelief, and getting goosebumps throughout the trials. There is plenty of deceit, heartbreak, and foreshadowing throughout the book. I loved the playful banter and flirting between the two main characters. It was nice to see the relationship between them become more intimate and burn a little faster than the first book, Queen of Roses. I was a little disappointed Morgan would often lash out and default to "I hate yous" and that Draven withheld so much information from her. Here's to hoping they learn lessons in the next book! Otherwise, I was devouring this story. The writing has definitely improved. It was action-packed, immersive, and paced so so well.

If you love fantasy romances with the single bed trope, slow burn romance, Hunger Games vibes, and spice then I highly recommend. This is my second time reading an unfinished series this year and I was once again reminded why I shouldn't torture myself with them. I NEED the third book and cannot wait for it to be released!

I received this title as an eARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read this treasure!

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