Member Reviews

Overall I really enjoyed Court of Claws and consumed it in less than a day because I just had to know what happened. The plot was propulsive and it provided more world building on top of Queen of Roses which ws fabulous (could still use a little more, I want to know everything about this universe!). I loved the supporting characters and feeling of found family but I felt the main female character lacked some depth. I expected to see her mature and grow more, especially considering the character development of the male lead. There were times I really just wanted to shake Morgan by the shoulders and tell her to grow up and stop trying to throw away what is clearly the best thing that has happened to her so far. I hope we see this character development happen in the third book this fall, which I am definitely looking forward to reading!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I received an advance copy of this for my honest review.
I'm so in love with this world! This is such a great second book for Draven and Morgan. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for providing me with an eARC of Court of Claws in return for my honest opinion.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the Blood of Fae series, Queen of Roses, and was really excited to read Court of Claws. The cliff hanger ending of the first book left me desperate to jump straight into the second book and Boleyn did not disappoint.

The pacing in this book is brilliant. Again we get action, fae magic (much more of this), more world building, a fae hunger games (?!) type situation in the battle for the throne, lots of character depth and back story development, introductions to new characters and so. many. plot. twists. I honestly struggled to put this book down, I devoured it.

The big plot twist/reveal of our MMC's (Draven's) past? Shook me to my core.. I had half expected something along the lines of what was revealed with a couple of hints I had picked up, but holy moly was I surprised at the the full twist reveal. I'm talking mouth hanging open, wtf just happened reveal.

The banter between Draven and Morgan is top notch. Draven is the epitome of a morally grey love interest and I'm so here for it. Could he have been a hell of a lot more honest with Morgan? Definitely. But it's so easy to look past that when you can see how desperately that man is in love with Morgan and is doing everything to protect her. I found myself getting a little frustrated with Morgan at times, I really don't love the miscommunication trope, but even when all the signs were lining up with what Draven was saying, the girl still wasn't getting it!! I could forgive Morgan at the start of the book as her whole world was thrown upside down but then she does it again at the end?! Girl no!! It was incredibly frustrating and I'm hopeful that history does not repeat itself in the third book.

For the lovers of spice there is a good level of pay off for the torturous slow burn in the first book. We get forced proximity, one bed, touch her and die,he falls first and a complex morally grey MMC. But be warned it's an absolute roller coaster of a romance, we go from friends to enemies to lovers back to enemies so buckle up. I also did appreciate that the spice did not take away from the plot or pacing of the story at all.

Again I am a big fan of the side characters in this book, I don't want to spoil anything but I think they all really add to the story and give us insight into who Draven really is. And the Epilogue? I was not expecting that (tiny spoiler: it is not told from the POV of Morgan) but loved it so much and cannot wait to see where this development takes us in the third book.

My final thoughts on this book? ... Book three cannot come fast enough.

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I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this more than the first book but I was pleasantly surprised!
The pacing of this felt much better than the first instalment and once again, the ending has left me needing more! Very much looking forward to the next book!

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Copy of book was given to me courtesy of NetGalley & Starwater Press as an ARC; all views are my own and weren't compensated for.

A Court of Claws continues the journey Morgan Pendragon began in Queen of Roses but very quickly diverges from the King Arthur legend of the latter. We're brought immediately into the trials & tribulations of court politics completely foreign and antithetical to everything Morgan knows and experienced back in Camelot while held in the threshold of terrible grief.

Morgan and Draven's relationship up to this point has been an odd source of comfort that is ripped away from her as she discovers the bevy of lies he's given and truths he's held from her, and Morgan has to hold her own as she becomes the target in, and possible savior of, this new royal court she's been thrust into.

Some things of note that I enjoyed in the novel: the presumably non-binary character that we get to see multiple pronouns used for in reference, Morgan pot calling the kettle black over so many things (like you're a princess, lady--you should be more aware of how fucked up royal courts are especially when you've resided in one that is messed up in its own ways), precious Beks, and more that I can't think of at the moment!

The slow burn was enticing & worth the wait: ALSO! The worst "virgin's first time having sex" trope ever was D E C I M A T E D, and it healed a decade's worth of cringing reactions to a plethora of awful smut.

Thank you so much, Briar Boleyn. We are forever in your debt ❤️

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This is the second book in the series. From the very beginning, I was hooked. Morgan Pendragon's journey in the treacherous court of Siabra captivated me. While I adored the intense bond between Morgan and Kairos Draven, I did find myself frustrated with Morgan's constant miscommunication and immaturity. Nevertheless, the character development was good, and the addition of Beks and Javen was intriguing. The ending left me yearning for the next installment, eagerly hoping for love to conquer distrust. If you are a fan of enemies-to-lovers, Arthurian retellings, and morally grey characters, this might be for you.

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I really enjoyed this book, I loved the subtle references to Arthurian legend, and the little breadcrumbs that were dropped throughout the series. I was gobbling up the clues to try and predict where the story was going and it was so gripping!

Kairos Draven, I don't know what you think you're doing but I can't be mad at a guy who falls first AND hard! I loved the way their relationship evolved, and my heart was breaking for him throughout, I need to know they get a HEA ASAP!

In the first few chapters I did think a bit of "um where is this going why am I learning a new world and race when I don't understand the previous one yet" but actually I appreciated that some of the secrets from the previous book were revealed, and done in a way that did work into the new story that was unfolding.

Overall I really enjoyed this story, and I can't wait for the rest of the series, I will definitely be following Morgan and have a few theories about her that I need answers on!

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Squeals are hard and sometimes they can get a little lost in the sauce sort of speak. Happy to say this didn’t loose itself. The imagery was still top notch to understand this new world we are in for this book. We meet a lot of new characters and also hear of new creatures that add a lot of amazing depth and heart to the storyline. The amount of friendship and love that is throughout this story really makes it a great read.
We finally are given more background on Draven and his story. Which was heartbreaking but you start to love him even more.
Thorns :
With that being said, I didn’t like that Draven didn’t talk much. His story was given up by another character rather than him sharing it with Morgan. I think it would have been nice to have his pov in this book just to help get to understand him better being that this takes place in his home. Lastly Morgan. She really came across as a young girl in this. In the first story she seemed more mature. Now in this book she acted like a 20 year old and it really dimmed her to me. I had high hopes for her coming off the first book. Not saying there wasn’t parts that she showed the same maturity has she did before but there was so much more indecisiveness with her internal thoughts than she had before. Which lead to my opinion of her to fall more whiny then just the run of the mill sorting through her feelings.

I still found this story to be really good and enjoyable! The series overall is great and I highly recommend for friends to read! I’m excited to see what book 3 brings to this adventure with Morgan and Draven.

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Wow!! Wasn't expecting anything like this book!!

Draven saves Morgan's life after she was stabbed and betrayed by Vesper in book #1, what we find out later on in this story is what Draven did in exchange to do so. He sheds his glamour, becomes his true self, a Siabra, and takes her home under the guise of his mistress. The one thing I didn't care for is Morgan acting like a spoiled child most of the book.

Draven brings Morgan back to his kingdom that he was banished from over 20 years ago, but he doesn't tell her why. She's stuck there until he conducts long awaited business. Every piece of information Morgan finds out about the secretive Prince is through others. She learns right off that Draven doesn't have any problems manipulating any situation to his needs, through lies and deceit. Yet, she still lets her guard down time and time again.

When she learns that the Blood Games, a contest for others to try to become the Emperor, was just another manipulation, I didn't blame her for leaving him in the end. No matter what he claims was out of love, lying isn't the way to go.

Can't wait to read the last book!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the pace of this book. I read this book in about 2 days. I was not able to put it down past 50%. As soon things were a little predictable, most plot twist caught me off guard.
I loved the friendships blossoming throughout the court with Morgan.
I did find the communication skills with Morgan and Draven frustrating. Everytime they took one step forward, something launched them two steps back. All I knew is this morally grey asshole better be end game.
Also, I would like a pet exmoor now.
Cannot wait for book 3!
Thank you netgalley for the free ecopy!

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This book put me through a loop. There trials, zombies?, battle,lies, love, spice. Amazing and the epilogue really got me I wasn't expecting that. Can't wait for the next book thank you netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read this.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

I think I enjoyed this more than the first? The action (and spice!) definitely picked up in this one and I liked the new characters that were added. (Well, most of them.. for obvious reasons lol.) Though I do think I need to stop starting series that aren't finished yet because after that epilogue I would like to read the next one now lol.

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Here are some typos I noticed if it's not too late to fix them:
loc 1237 : it says 'I turned to my fight to where.." I think it should be right not fight.
loc 1815: it says " that sound incredible dull" it should be incredibly
loc 5508: it says " take her hand in mind" it should say mine.

I loved this one a lot more than I did the first one!!
I honestly can't get enough of Draven and I really hope there is a lot more of him in the third book because if not, I might have to throw a temper tantrum...
Morgan really upset me this time around. Honestly, I thought she was so ungrateful and her attitude towards Draven really annoyed me. I wish I could've reached into the book and shake her or smack her behind the head. There were a lot of feelings... which is a good thing right?
The pace was faster than the first book, which I really appreciated and I really loved discovering this part of the world and their inhabitants. The trials kept me on the edge of my seat, and the end of the second one?? My jaw literally dropped!
Once again, the end was completely insane and now I find myself hoping the third book releases very soon.

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I couldn't wait to read book 2 after the cliffhanger ending of book 1. Book 2 didn't disappoint with the slow burning romance of Draven and Morgan turning into a spicy, but complicated relationship. Morgan improves her magic wielding abilities while discovering who she truly is and the power that she inherited. She fights between her love for her friends, her love for Draven and her love for her country - Camelot. The third book 'Empress of Fae' comes out in November of this year and I can't wait to see how Morgan and Draven's story continues.

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Briar Boleyn's "Court of Claws" weaves a gripping tale that combines elements of fantasy and romance, earning comparisons to beloved works such as "From Blood and Ash" and "Plated Prisoner." With its captivating storyline and intense relationships, this book proves to be a riveting continuation of the series.

In "Court of Claws," readers are thrust into a dangerous and treacherous court, where Morgan Pendragon finds herself bound to a man she despises. Boleyn expertly conveys Morgan's conflicted emotions, painting a vivid picture of a protagonist torn between her desires and the harsh realities of her circumstances. The loss of her beloved and the presence of a stranger in his place adds an intriguing layer of tension and uncertainty to the story.

Boleyn's writing skillfully immerses readers in the treacherous court of the Siabra, where deceit and danger lurk at every turn. The author masterfully creates an atmosphere filled with liars and hidden threats, enhancing the suspense and keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The sense of impending danger and the unknown heightens the stakes, compelling readers to eagerly turn the pages to discover what lies ahead.

The complex relationship between Morgan and Kairos Draven is a central focus of the story, showcasing both the tension and the unspoken connection between them. Boleyn adeptly navigates the intricacies of their evolving bond, delving into their shared past and the sins that haunt them. The emotional entanglement and the growing chemistry between the characters add depth and intensity to their interactions, leaving readers invested in their journey.

As the sins of the past come knocking, the suspense escalates, setting the stage for further exploration and revelations. Boleyn keeps readers on their toes, expertly balancing the elements of fantasy and romance, and delivering twists and turns that leave a lasting impact.

In conclusion, "Court of Claws" by Briar Boleyn is a gripping blend of fantasy and romance that captivates readers from beginning to end. With its compelling storyline, complex relationships, and an atmosphere of danger and deceit, this book continues the series with a bang. Fans of the previous installment, "Queen of Roses," will find themselves engrossed in the treacherous court of the Siabra, eagerly unraveling the sins of the past alongside Morgan and Kairos Draven. Boleyn's skillful storytelling ensures that "Court of Claws" is a must-read for those seeking an immersive and thrilling fantasy romance experience.

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4.5 stars
To say i enjoyed this book would be an understatement, I went into this book not knowing what to expect considering I struggled through most of the first however I had the opposite problem with this I hardly wanted to put it down!

I think I've been spoilt with being able to read the first 2 back to back and now I have to wait for book 3 to be released. 😭

-Now was this book perfect? No
-Did the lack of communication/honesty between Draven & Morgan frustrate the hell out of me? Absolutely, quit it with all the secrets already and save yourself the headaches, perhaps then she wouldn't hate you half the time 😅
-Did the last couple of chapters make me wish I had a physical copy that I could throw dramatically because of what happened? 100%

The book picks up from where the last ended and we get to see and learn more about Draven and his history and meet a whole bunch of new characters for us to love and in some cases hate.
The character development in this book is a bit all over the place I feel at some points Morgan and Draven are beginning to find themselves and work through things and then they seem to take 3 steps back and have to start all over again. That being said Morgans interactions with other characters has me impressed as they end up becoming her found family in a way and support her as they get to know her and not just because of her relationship with Draven which I loved.

That twist and cliffhanger at the end?!?! I did not see that coming at all but I had a sneaking suspicion that wasn't the last we seen of a certain character which makes a re appearance at the end.

Thankyou netgalley for the free ecopy in exchange for an honest review :)
Seriously can't wait for book 3 to be here!

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Again, thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an e-book copy of "Court of Claws'" in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this review may contain spoilers.

This book picks up right where we left of with the adventures of Morgan and Draven, the story follows Draven as he fights in a blood-thirsty competition for his throne.

Personally, I love how realistic the writing is in this novel. The reactions from Morgan seem like how a normal, everyday person would react to the twists and turns - with a lot of confusion and questions! I enjoyed how the story developed and Briar has definitely nailed the twist/cliff-hanger endings.

My only complaint - and it is a small one - is that the pacing seemed to be slightly off towards the end of the novel. The final round in the competition, the introduction of a new rule, the final battle scene and Draven's sister's choice... it all felt a little bit rushed, and I personally feel it would have benefitted from another 100 pages at least to really flesh this out and make it super well-rounded.

Filled with spice, mystery, and an awesomely built-world... I cannot wait for the third instalment in this series.

4.5 stars rounded down to 4. Definitely worth checking out!

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Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for this ARC of Court of Claws.

5 stars!

This is what I've been waiting for. I enjoyed Queen of Roses, but wasn't hooked. But now I cannot wait for the third instalment.

Found family, forced proximity, battles & love. All the things I love and need in a good fantasy book.

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This book kept me up late into the night reading! It kept me engaged and wanting to see what happened next. I loved the world building in this book, where we get to see what Draven’s court is like. The intrigue and adventure was well done! I continue to struggle with Morgan sometimes though - she is outwardly saying mean things to Draven while thinking about how much he means to her and how much she wants him. Not uncommon, but the way they difference between what she was saying and what she was thinking were almost too different from each other to feel believable. It just left me frustrated lol. I still very much look forward to reading the next installment this fall!! Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for the copy of this book!

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Court of Claws is book two in the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn.
Boleyn did an amazing job on this Arthurian legend retelling.
I loved this dark romance story and the characters inside this book were so damn entertaining.
The action, the romance and the magic was out of this world!
This book pulled me in and kept me up so late!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Starwater Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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