Member Reviews

This book definitely didn’t take the path I expected. It was really interesting to discover Draven’s court and his fellow Sabria, a cutthroat race of fae, as well as learning more about him. However, whilst I thought he had a lot of potential in the first book, he didn’t come across well in this one. I was looking forward to seeing his relationship with Morgan develop but he humiliated her, gaslit her and kept big secrets where he should have been communicating. After the bad experiences Morgan had with the abusive and violent Florian and with the hoodwinking Vesper, I wanted Draven to be different and to show the side of him we’re given hints of in the first book but it wasn’t to be. I would also have liked to see Morgan develop some maturity and also stand up for herself more rather than forgiving and angering on repeat and allowing so much disrespect from Draven’s actions. Alongside all this, though, was a very interesting world and an interesting competition underway in a very bloodthirsty court where unexpected friendships (or allyships) bloom. Morgan’s a bit of a loose cannon but it was fun watching her sneak around with Beks and navigate the court politics.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Thank you netgalley and author for the arc. Here goes:

If I liked book1, I loved book2. It kicks off right where book1’s cliffhanger left us. Draven isn’t who he says he is and it upsets Morgan. The world building works and it was imaginative for me. I’m always down for challenges for a throne and these were fun to imagine while I read.

These characters were better developed in this book than in book 1. That being said, this book was not a five because Morgan was not showing enough character growth. Instead of hardening and enveloping herself in her strength, she’s still acting a bit immature and childish. I gave her a pass because even through book 2 she hasn’t fully learned who she is and her whole life has been a lie. It’s understandable she’s hurt. I hope I see her character become strong.

Looking forward to book 3.

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Looks like is the queen of cliffhangers!!!!
This sequel to Queen of roses was amazing. I loved this more than then first book.
So much world building, and so many new characters! If I had to choose a favourite new character, it would be Beks!
This book is action packed and kept me guessing. Loved Morgan in the first book and loved her even more in this one. The banter between Morgan and Draven is 👌🏽 (although I kinda feel like I want to be their therapist so they can just talk their sh*t out) 😂

Also…. I need a cook bear like ASAP!
Thank you Netgallery and Briar for this arc!

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I received an ARC of this book and am writing this review on my own volition and without compensation.

Freshly fished out of the lake where Morgan was attempting to retrieve the fabled blade Excalibur, Morgan finds herself whisked away by the devious Draven to his realm, where a deal is struck; they play at paramours while Draven attempts to win his throne. A breathless series of trials ensues, where Morgan and Draven can't ignore the draw between them, even as treachery grows and not even the closest of friends is what they seem.

I positively flew through Queen of Roses and was so excited when I heard Court of Claws was coming out. The fresh take on Arthurian legend drew me in, and I love how Briar Boleyn continues to be inclusive and diverse in her writing. The story in Court of Claws has many of the elements which made the first Blood of a Fae so successful; slow burn romance, high adventure, engaging characters, and maybe even a few tears. Boleyn's strength is in her realness, and ability to give the reader what they want without sacrificing the story or the vision. This story is also significantly spicier than Queen of Roses and the scenes are excellently well done and thoroughly satisfying!

Court of Claws is a fun, fast-paced adventure, perfect for fans of Laura Thalassa, Danielle Jensen and Claire Andrews. Thank you so much to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Morgan has learnt a great deal over the last few months. Not only did she realise that her brother is a evil as she thought he would be but the fae kingdoms that she thought were only myths, are actually real. What she is still learning is how much Draven will sacrifice for Morgan. However, Draven continues to hide information and this frustrates Morgan. Can she trust him? How does she feel about him?

Dravin has brought Morgan to his home, the court of claws. Now he must face the consequences of his return. His banishment due to the death of his brother and his Aunt on the throne. These consequences includes the Blood Rise to determine the rightful heir to the throne. But Draven has done much to get this far and made deals that will impact the way Morgan feels about him.

Will Morgan ever forgive Draven? Will Draven be able to convince Morgan that all he does it to protect her? Who will become the king and will Morgan ever get back to Camelot?

This is the second novel in the Blood of the Fae series. The first book was wonderful and this was a fantastic follow up. Again, there is a major cliffhanger. One that I did not even glimpse coming! I love Morgan and Draven. How Morgan is maturing and coping with her trauma is lovely to read. However, Draven really does take a lot of liberties. I get that Morgan would not have lived but come on dude! The spice was really nice. I loved it. Bring on November and the next book in the series!

Big thanks to Netgalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn!

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Book Review 📚
Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn - 4/5 ⭐

Wow. What a sequel. After the 1st book ending with a huge cliffhanger, I could not wait to dive straight into this one. It certainly didn't disappoint. Now, to patiently wait for the 3rd 😭

Just like the first, the world building is phenomenal! Boleyn has such a talent in being so descriptive. It's a new location this time around but it's written so well that it's so easy to imagine where you are at any point in the book. The link to Camelot was superb and it blends together so beautifully.

I really enjoyed the character development of Morgan and watching her grow more and more with every page. She's runs into some new characters along the way which sets for an even more creative imagination but it's something Boleyn does effortlessly. The characters are amazing once again.

After reading book 1 and book 2 I can safely say that if you are a Maas fan, or even a fantasy fan in general, this book will not disappoint you. It's been hard to find anything as good as ACOTAR and Fourth Wing so thank you Boleyn for being a literary genius!

Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for an ARC of this book for an honest review.

I had the privilege of reading the ARC for book 1 in this series and was excited to get the ARC for book 2. Boleyn has drawn me into this world. The world building is handled in a way that doesn't feel like a ton of front loading of information and given that the side characters in this book were completely new, I was still able to grow attached to them, maybe even more so than those in book one. Lots of twists, turns, and spice!

Posted review to goodreads on 7/6

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Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to to review this book as an ARC.

Court of Claws follows Morgan after the events at the end of Court of Roses (Blood of a Fae #1). Morgan wakes up in an unfamiliar room surrounded by complete strangers who are trying to hurt her. Confused and scared Morgan tries to get answers. The strangers stop suddenly as someone walks into the room, Draven, he tells them to stop and leave.

Draven is not who we thought he was in book 1 Court of Roses. It turns out that he is a Fae Prince and has taken Morgan back to his home land after the attack so she can heal. Not only is Morgan in a strange place but she has also been given the title of the Princes Paramour which gives her a certain level of protection but Morgan is not happy as it means will be be seen as Draven's whore.

Because Draven has returned the kingdom is readying for the Blood Rite which is a tournament where participant's compete to become the next Emperor or Empress of the Kingdom. The Blood Rite consists of differing trials from combat to solving riddles all of which will lead to most contestants dying.

This book has:

Fake Relationship
Magic Training
Enemies to Lovers to Hate to Love
Deadly Competition
Self Growth
Battle Scenes

This book did not disappoint at all. I was hooked from the very start and need the third asap.

The world building of the new location was just superb and learning their lore and how it linked with Camolet was so interesting.

Morgan's growth into her power and finding out more about herself was explored throughout the whole book . It took us as readers on the journey with her and allowed us to experience her emotions and triumphs.

We are introduced to many new characters from Dravens' past, most of which is his family, and this provide an insight to his past and why he is the way he is towards Morgan.

This is a book I thoroughly enjoyed and could not put down. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for book 3.

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I posted this review on GoodReads and Amazon!

If you are a fan of Sarah J. Maas and Carissa Broadbent, then you will love this book (and the entire series)!!

This book has it all: lovable characters and great character development, amazing world building, political intrigue, action and adventure, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, found family, and lots of twists and turns! It gave me similar vibes to ACOTAR and the Serpent and the Wings of Night while still having a completely unique storyline in a fantastic fantasy world.

Briar Boleyn keeps you on the edge of your seat and feeling all of the emotions while you read this. I cannot wait for Book 3 to be released!!

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Thanks again to Netgalley for sending this book to my Kindle!
What can I say... it starts with a bang! Let's finally find out who this mysterious Kairos is and we definitely won't be disappointed hahahah We'll discover a new Morgan side too and I like it The discovery of a new continent, a new kingdom and new friends! I definitely preferred this book over the first one. This book is better than the first and I can't wait to read the next one and what adventures lie ahead!

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Oooh I was so thrilled when I received this ARC. And I couldn't put it down once I started it.
At the end of Queen of Roses, Morgan has been attacked, and is left on the verge to death. And Draven drives her to an unkown kingdom. And is that antlers that she can see in his forehead ?
So in Court of Claws, Morgan awakes in a totally new world. A world of Faes. Where apparently, Draven is a prince.
Begins then a mortal trial to determine who will be the next Emperor of the Fae. And while she heals herself, mourn her best friend, regain her strength and frees an exmoor from the Menagerie, Morgan learns also how to wield her power. And above all, she learns to trust herself, to gain confidence, and to be able to leave everything she has learnt to love for the sake of her country.

Great rhythm, steamy scenes, banter, enemies to lovers, a total new world to discover, and a strong female character who learns to be heard. I am at the same time really pleased by this book, and also a little bit pissed off. Because I didn't realize that there is an other one coming. And now, I have to wait till NOVEMBER to read it...

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I had so much fun reading this! I got to giggle and roll my eyes and gasp in shock.

This series reminds me a lot of From Blood and Ash and some aspects of it remind me of Gild (The Plated Prisoner series).

At times the relationship between the main characters felt a little fake (and I don't mean the fake dating trope), sometimes I felt like the MMC wasn't himself and he was saying this he didn't really mean. Their chemistry was kind of on and off. (But I'm a sucker for a book like this so I didn't let it bother too much.)

The worldbuilding and myths and legends got more fleshed out in this book. In the first book it seemed like a lot but now that the central pieces are becoming more apparent it's easier to follow. I still feel like there's a lot of material for future books to develop, though, and I think that's a good thing (at least if there's going to be several more books).

I hope the next books would focus more on the lore and the worldbuilding than the romance. Morgan has such a journey ahead of her, just learning about herself that I would love to learn more about the world through her rather than the MMC just giving her information as the story progresses.

The last third of the book was AMAZING! So much happened and I had to keep reading. I eventually went to bed at 3AM because I couldn't put it down. I really badly want all the ARC's of this series. This is a perfect book to read in a day or two (or four if you have to work). Ugh, I just love this so much despite it's flaws. It's got so much promise and I had so much fun.

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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Briar Boleyn for approving this ARC for me personally the day before it released. If work and a friends wedding hadn't been in my way, I'd have finished this in hours.

Yet again, this is another unputdownable book. This is just a grand slam, strong sequel of a book and I am just as obsessed with this one as I was with the first. Now my only complaint is I actually will have to wait for the next book.

The story and the characters have sat with me all day. I finished the book on my first break and just thought about this book until I got off and could put words into a review.

I am utterly obsessed with our morally grey Draven. I thought I had an inkling about what he did at the end of the first book and when it was confirmed, I absolutely melted off my chair. And yes, I do understand Morgan's feelings on it and why she does what she does and says what she says...but also. I.WANT.TO.SHAKE.SOME.SENSE.INTO.HER. Ok, shouty unspaced letters done. I swear Draven has the best lines in the series so far. They are the most!! to say the least...without spoiling anything.

I just want to say I am bursting with how much I love this series.

Morgan really came into her own in this as well. Even while not understanding her own past and powers, her arc is absolutely fun to read. Even when I want to shake her. And I honestly did want to quite a few times. After the garden scene being the first of a few. But her confidence in other parts? Ahem. YES PLEASE.

I have enjoyed all the side characters so far too. The way certain ones have shown us a side of them we may not have expected in the beginning. And Beks. Can we all have a mischievous little slippery eel like him in our lives?

And last but not least, that ending. And epilogue. I can't even. No, seriously. I just can't.

I'll be here beside myself with anxiety until the third book drops. Please check in on me at some point. Probably I'll have to just reread the first and second books because I have absolutely not gotten my fill and need more right now.

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I requested this after purchasing book one, but unfortunately did not like book one and will not continue reading the series.

That being said, my dislike only stems from the story itself. The author is a great writer, the book flowed well and the story did seem interesting. It just wasn’t for me.

I wish this author success, I have a feeling a lot of people will enjoy this series!

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Thank you for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

First off, fantastic. I LOVED the first one and this one did not disappoint (other than another cliffhanger for an ending lol)

I love the characters and the fact that we get to see them grow. Morgan is such an interesting twist to the classic Morgan Le Fey. I love that she is slowing seeing more and more into her past and her true self as well as slowly coming into her powers.

The Siabre court is. .interesting. Very intriguing take on Dark Fey. I like the new characters that were introduced as well as the intricacies of the new court and politics.

I will say that I am a bit annoyed at how this one ended, not with the fact that he finally admitted they were married and that she was. ..well, less than pleased. But rather that she STORMED off. I get that she has another country to worry about and people that she needs to help save but I just think that the way it was handled was a bit too rash.

I am glad to see that Lancelet is doing well, though I think that that was a given as it would have been too soon into the story of these characters for her to have passed. Especially without having met her match yet.

Overall, absolutely fantastic. It keeps you wanting more and I cannot wait for the next one to come out!

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Wow! What a book!
I have to say that I liked it more than the first one. I am still shocked at some of the twists that it had.

I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed the development that Morgan has. She grows and takes on so much this time around, it is really great to see.

I enjoyed the romantic relationship and thought it was well paced, I was incredibly surprised by the turn of events on their part.

I am also grieving the characters that are gone now…another thing I was not expecting.

Every action scene had me at the edge of my seat and I just can’t wait to know what happens next!

Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for allowing me to read this book in exchange of a review

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An excellent follow up to Queen of Roses. A new and interesting take on the Arthurian legend which has Morgan discovering and embracing her fae power, and her romance with Prince Kairos of the underworld city of shadow and flame. Engaging fantasy romance. Looking forward to part 3!

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This sequel to Queen of Roses did not disappoint. I had such a hard time putting this book down, I finished it in less than a day. Court of Claws picked up right where we left book one and this time is set in Draven's home. It's as fast paced and action packed as book one but with a whole host of amazing new side characters including Crescent, Beks and even Lyrastra!

Court of Claws is a fun, fast-paced adventure, perfect for fans of Danielle Jensen, Claire Andrews, Laura Thalassa. I will be impatiently waiting for book 3.

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I enjoyed book 1 of this series immensely (it was a 5 star read for me) and book 2 was even better. I loved getting to see Morgan's relationship with Draven become deeper, and also loved the friendships Morgan formed as she figured her way through this new court she was begrudgingly thrust into. Draven is definitely morally gray, but his love for Morgan is so sweet and swoony. Some scenes have some pretty graphic violence that can be hard to read about but I think it was necessary to include those details to understand how brutal this court is. The ending had my jaw on the floor, and now I'm anxiously awaiting book 3!

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This book was even more riveting than the first! Morgan and Draven are in a new setting with new challenges and new faces. The banter is still wonderful and feelings begin to emerge as the slow burn comes to fruition. My heart is still shattered over certain events at the end of Queen of Roses, and we see Morgan wrestle with the feelings of grief and guilt associated with that.

My favorite of the new faces, I believe is Odessa. She’s fierce and loyal, trusting Draven every step of the way. She’s a fighter and just… amazing.

It was just absolutely incredible and I’m so sad I’ve finished it so quickly. I wasn’t able to put it down. Come on November!!!!

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