Member Reviews

I read Court of Claws immediately following Queen of Roses, and while I had a difficult time getting through Book 1, the sequel had more romance, more spice, and I enjoyed the love/hate banter between the main characters.

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Briar Boleyn, you did it again! Nothing could have prepared me for the fantastic twists and turns that Court of Claws had. This book was perfectly paced and super addictive. The detail that went into every scene was flawless too. From the competition to the world-building of the Siabra empire, I was hooked.

The main highlight for me was the phenomenal additional characters we met. After Mogran's exhaustive journey in the last book, it was a relief for Morgan to form relationships/friendships and heal. Crescent was my favorite, and every time he appeared, I was thrilled! I also enjoyed many of the characters' different types of magic and characteristics.

After all of this, Morgan and Draven deserve a vacation, and I hope they find their way back to each other. I know they will, but that cliffhanger has me wanting to know what happens next!

Whenever I put this book down, I wanted to pick it back up. This was a terrific addition to the series, and I cannot wait to read the next one in November! Thank you to Starwater Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read it.

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Usually sequels are more difficult for me to read, but Court of Claws did not disappoint! After the semi-cliffhanger from Queen of Roses, we dive more into the fae world of Draven and Morgan. Their relationship quickly grows with new and surprising discoveries on both sides. The storyline definitely held my attention and I was quickly turning pages until the very end! There were some parts where I felt that the plot was almost too fast, but overall I was happily invested in the book. I'm excited to see what happens next.

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Absolutely loved this book, some people are saying things like it had potential it didn't meet..... But honestly it has everything I need in a book, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and can't wait for the next one.

• We have more backstory
• Our morally Grey Bae is more than he seems..... Duh, love it
• Our main Fae Bae is more than she seems.... Again, love it
• We are given a jealous bitch character to loathe right off the bat....
• And then we are given back story and a complex personality and choices to challenge that loathing.
• We have more fantastical creatures, more loathing directed towards the perpetrators of animal abuse
• We have a Throne room scene which seems to be a brief nod to another we know...... IYKYK
• We have a glorious, wholesome family dynamic with sweet casual intimacy "well done my love" 🥰 Gawain
• We have an evil step mother
• We have new characters to love, we have characters cruelly taken from us and are left questioning our life choices
• We have a forced bond and decimated trust
• We have honest words and open communication, destroyed by piss poor timing
• We have smalls nods to traditional Arthurian legend
• We have vicious and corrupt court intrigue
• We have loyalty and love

And I assume we have the beginning of the "We Hate Tabar" club?

To summarize.... The sort of book you don't wanna put down but you never want it to end. I was left heartbroken and relieved simultaneously and I need more.

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Book : Court of Claws
Blood of a Fae, Book 2
Author : Briar Boleyn

Thank you NetGalley, Starwater Press & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Do you enjoy:
- Hero’s found family
- Enemies to lovers
- Fake Relationships
- Steam that builds
- Magic
- Hunger games type throne competition

Then you will absolutely love this book!!!!!!

First off, I fell head over heels with book one, queen of roses! When I opened this book up I could hardly wait to dive in and see where these characters were going to pick up at. I was already in love with Morgan and loved the mystery surrounding Draven.

I love that we are taken into a completely new kingdom with all new amazing characters to get to know and storyline regarding Dravens competition to sit his throne. We watch Morgan grasp her magic that we caught a glimpse of near the end of book 1 and strengthen it.

We watch the roller coaster of a relationship between Morgan and Draven and my heart aches over and over in so many different ways with them. This book ended on such a cliff hanger that I’m holding on anticipating the 3rd book because so many huge things are going to happen. I will forever recommend this series to all my fae/kingdom/creature loving friends. One of my favorites this year absolutely!

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Book Review
Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn

Briar Boleyn — you ma’am are quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

Book 1 was beautiful storytelling in a way that made me almost forget about the original Arthur/Camelot story.

In book 1, I lived learning about Arthur’s court and the delicate balance that was barely being held together.

In book 2, we open up into an entirely new court an ocean away and EVERYTHING is new and strange.

The future of the court, the competition, the new friends, the new enemies and the plot twist at the end — standing ovation here. The only reason I’m not giving a full 5 stars here is for the book's last few pages. Hopping to a different character's POV has its purpose which I’m sure will be revealed in book 3 but I definitely wasn’t done with Morgan and what she had just done.

I read this ARC provided by Netgalley and the author. ❤️ Opinions are my own.

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Briar Boleyn is quickly becoming one of my favorite romantasy authors! At this point, the third book is a need, not a want. I loved the pace of the second book and the budding romance between Morgan and Draven. The way he cares for her is so cute although I wish their relationship was less tumultuous. The spice in this book was top notch and a pleasure to read. The lore related to the realm setting, especially involving the fae and Morgan's history with them, was a little difficult to follow but I am hoping it will be cleared up in the next book!

This series is a perfect quick, intense, and fun read for all romantasy lovers! I definitely recommend adding it to your TBR!

Book Three of the Blood of the Fae series comes out on 11/23 so be sure to pre-order it now!

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Wow. This book was even better than the first one.
I actually felt more connected to Draven and Morgan in this book. They seemed to fit better together as the story unfolded. Their chemistry was undeniable.
In this one we also find out where Draven actually came from and it was close to what I was thinking as well as an unexpected twist when it came to Morgan.
We are introduced to a new cast of characters that I really enjoyed meeting. Crescent, Osessa, Beks and even Lyrastra. They became more people Morgan could trust and she really needed them.
I don't want to give away any spoilers but the ending left me wanting more and I seriously hope the 3rd book is not too far off.
I want to say thank you to netgalley and Briar Boleyn for the book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Wow!! I was completely captivated from the beginning and couldn't put the book down and was sad I had to say goodbye to my book friends when I got to the end. The author kept me on the edge of my seat through the twists and turns, ups and downs and incredible romance.

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Everyone please give Briar Boleyn a standing ovation because this book is a masterpiece. Queen of Roses was one of the best books I read this year so I was majorly hyped for the sequel and it did not disappoint.

Straight off the bat we were thrown into a fast paced, high stakes competition where the winner gets the Siabra throne. Books with competitions are my all time favorite so I was thrilled to see it was the main focus of this book.

“I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”

Draven and Morgan have amazing chemistry and banter. I can’t even handle some of the things he says to her. I would literally get mad at my book when Morgan wouldn’t believe Draven was telling her the truth. Like girl! Open your freaking eyes! He clearly loves you!

But let’s all take a moment to appreciate the true hero of this book: Nightclaw. I need more scenes with the exmoor. Also please can some make some fan art of him???

After that ending I’m dying for the best book. I can’t believe I have to wait until November to find out what happens.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC to review!

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4,5 ⭐️
The second book in the series takes us deeper in the story of Morgan and Draven.

This one had it all. Worldbuidling going strong, new characters added and well developed.
All the tropes were masterfully written.
Action packed , fast paced. Everything i needed !

The only reason i didn’t give it 5 stars is because the FMC got on my nerves a bit. I had a semi permanent eyeroll. Her ignorance and stubbornness grated on me a bit.

Overall great book ! Great series!

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Book 2 picks up directly after book 1 - and the pace continues at where it left off. Draven saved Morgan and they're now in his home - his true home.
There is a lot more romance in this instalment, lots of swoonworthy places - there are a few good tropes woven into the story too:
- enemies to lovers
- forced proximity
- one bed 😉
- he falls first

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I couldn’t put this down!! Are bits of it taken directly from ACOTAR and TOG? Yes. Is it super predictable at times? Also yes. But here’s the thing - I didn’t even care. I really enjoyed reading it. Looking back, the first book definitely feels almost prequel-y, because this one is where things really got going. I need more information regarding Morgan’s family and I genuinely can’t wait to read the next one to find out more!

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Court of Claws does not disappoint as the second in this series by Briar Boleyn.

Usually when reading the second in a series you have to read though a recap of the previous book, but this one jumps right in from where Court of Roses ends. (Yay!)

We find Morgan awakening to being frozen in place by magic again. Draven comes in and is not pleased and it goes from there. Morgan finding out that Draven is Siabra. The two of them having to learn to trust each other when they aren’t being completely honest with each other. Navigating the Court of Siabra.

It’s a lot when Morgan is trying to come to grips with what happened to Lancelet, missing and needing to get to Kate and Galahad and so much more.

There are terrific new secondary characters in Beks and Javen, and holy moly, I would like an Exmoor, please and thank you.

Can love conquer distrust and can we find happy endings for the people in the epilogue (!!!!)? I sure hope so and cannot wait to read the third installment.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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Here we go book # two! Briar Boleyn’s second installment is here, and bam, it starts with all of the greatness we’ve come to expect from book one. Morgan’s story and revelations are utterly compelling. Once again I loved Boleyn’s book right out of the gate, and it’s really hard not to include spoilers right now. 😆🖤 But let’s just say my weekend was spent ferreting myself away to read, carving out pockets of time to devour this book — it was fabulous, heart wrenching and completely worth it!

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[mostly spoiler free] I read this book in basically one sitting because I couldn’t put it down!!! In Queen of Roses my interest was hooked on the enemies to lovers dynamic between Morgan and Draven and book 2 did NOT disappoint. Reminded me of A Court of Mist and Fury or Heir of Fire a bit for any SJM fans. Moving at an action packed pace, I liked the inclusion of the deadly competition for the throne in the midst of the steamy fake (but not so fake 😉) relationship postering. I’m also a sucker for magic training with girlbosses. If you’ve read Wicket Beauty by Katee Roberts it gave the same Hunger Games style competition to the death.

I literally swooned and giggled when we got a few “good girl” moments and love a man who falls first 😍.

The twists and cliffhanger at the end were finger licking good, can’t wait for the next one. Might be a new favorite series of mine!

Reviews will also be posted on TikTok/Insta/Goodreads/Amazon

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First, I want a bear cooking for me and an exmoor. I think I would enjoy riding and flying an exmoor so much! Finished this in a couple of hours because it’s 🔥🔥🔥!

Loved how the 2nd book picked right up where the first one ended and it only gets better and better! Looking forward to when the 3rd book comes out. That cliffhanger makes me want to read the next book now!😭

Morgan wakes up in a whole new realm slowly trying to remember all that happened. When she sees Draven, she is a bit stunned to find out his true identity and history.

Morgan and Draven are so beautiful together! While things are not ever normal between them. Watching how they grew together and then their powers together were beautiful. The battles were intense and satisfying.

I loved Beks so much. All the new characters were very fun to get to know. I laughed a lot during the book too. The mouth on Morgan was enjoyable. Of course, I can’t get enough of Draven. It was nice to finally understand how he knows so much about the history of Faes.

So much happens in this book, you won’t be able to put it down. I kept trying to figure out what was going to happen next and putting clues together, especially about the bond.

Some of my fave quotes:
“And while we’re at it, when are you going to tell me where the fuck I am and since when have you had horns on your head?”

“For once, I agree with you Sephone,” I remarked. “Not interested in ruling. Not interested at all.”

“Your brother and his court?” They had no idea who you really were, or what you were capable of. But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine”

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for the EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts. This review will be shared on my Instagram (@Alexandriavwilliams_) shortly.

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Ok, I remember kind of liking Queen of Roses but for some reason the Arthurian slant really jarred me with this one. This is not a bad book. In fact if you’re looking for very romance heavy fantasy romance with a light sprinkling of mythological retelling, you’ll love this. It didn’t really land for me but I suspect I’m well outside the target audience.

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So thankful to Briar Boleyn for an eARC of Court of Claws in exchange for an honest review. This is the second book in the Blood of a Fae series, and it did not disappoint. Our story picks up in a new realm, right after Morgan almost lost her life thanks to the treachery of her now burnt to ash ex-boyfriend. Draven, now out as a Sibra Prince (we love a man with horns, right?), whisked Morgan away to his kingdom to save her life. Showing up in his kingdom presents a bit of a challenge for Draven and Morgan, as he had been banished from court after killing his brother, the future Emperor. Our two main characters must learn to trust each other and work together to outsmart this duplicitous court. And trust is a bit difficult when the big broody male keeps too many secrets, has too many unspoken plans, and likes to scheme every situation to the most advantageous outcome. So of course we have quite a lot of banter and fuck yous. "What part of 'I hate you and want to stab you in the face' do you not understand?"

This story is fast paced, evenly spaced, and a lot of fun. If you know me, you know I love a good death game, and this one is a bit more deadly than I anticipated. There are so many wonderful new character additions, and I loved watching Morgan's relationship with her new found family. Can't wait for book 2!

We've got - one bed and forced proximity, quite a few 'good girl's, touch her and die, mate bonds, enemies to friends to lovers to enemies, fake relationships, Hunger Games-style death competition, found family, and some magical training.

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