Member Reviews

My lungs begin to burn, and I surge to the surface, shaking my head and making everyone scream and laugh. How f*cked up is it that no one can even tell I'm crying? You're right, Walker, I think wryly. This was a great idea.

What you'll get:
Rodeo riders
Absent parent
Wrong side of the tracks
TW/CW: Death of a teenager due to ongoing illness.

Setting: Texas

I knew that Erin Hahn was calling this one her sad rodeo book but holy crap. This was excellent.

This book kind of opens with a punch in the chest because Case and Walker are drunk on the roof of the corn silo talking and joking around until someone sends a fireman's ladder up and everyone gives him the weirdest looks on the way down. Turns out it was only Case up there because Walker died a bit ago. Case is not doing well, his grief is absolute and he's seeing Walker everywhere. Not in glimpses. Full conversations that he's not sharing with people.

Case's going through the motions, following the list of items his dead best friend gave him to complete and the hardest item on here is to befriend Winnie Sutton. He never really noticed her before but she works in his family's stables and made friends with Walker during downtime when he was healthy. She has enough going on that she doesn't have time for Case's spoiled attitude until she actually gets a few good looks at him and sees what's going on.

This had everything I love in a book. She has absent parents and is almost singlehandedly raising her two younger siblings. Her goals are for later until she gets these kids raised because who else is going to do it. Case is lost and realizes that all of his rodeo aspirations died with his best friend even though he promised he would compete. They're both ready for a change and don't even see it coming. I loved that they started out with absolutely no romantic interest in each other but keep showing up for each other.

I'm not a big book crier but this got me a couple of time. I'm still a little misty over a week later just writing this about the one scene where Case decides how he wants to picture Walker for the rest of his life. When you get there, you'll see.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve read some other books by Hahn that I’ve enjoyed. This one easily went pretty high in my ranking of her books.

It was a little slow at the beginning, but once I got into it I really enjoyed it. I especially loved the rodeo aspect and seeing that world. In a world full of so many romances, it was nice to have a different setting in a world not used in books much.

I really enjoyed the characters and the deeper aspects of their lives that Hahn dug into. It wasn’t all fluff and I appreciated that! Enjoyable read!

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Oh my gosh, I ate this book up.
I’m a sucker for horse/cowgirl books, and this one was so perfect!
I felt so immersed in the story and instantly connected with the characters. They are real and feel so human. Both Winnie and Case are carrying grief, expectations, and burdens but in a way that I think many people are going to be able to relate to.
The story flows so seamlessly and I was lost in it. Erin Hahn has such a beautiful style of writing that is very easy to digest, but also is deep enough to make you think about life and such.
This is a delightful book full of family, grief, friendship, loss, and having to grow up before you should.
Winnie is a character that I resonated with. Her inner dialogue was so similar to my own, and as the oldest sister in my family too, I can understand what she’s feeling and going through.
I really loved that this book had dual pov’s because it made understanding both Winnie and Case so much easier and gave me a glimpse into their minds.
I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend! (I already preordered my own physical copy!)

Thank you to St. Martins Press and Net Galley for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday books for an advanced copy.

Cowboy romance but make it YA.

This story follows Case and Winnie. Case is struggling with grief after losing his best friend. Winnie is struggling financially to keep her family together. They meet when Winnie gets a job on Case's family ranch.

This was a sweet heartwarming YA story. The enemies to friends to lovers romance is so sweet and feels real. The side characters are nicely developed. The overall themes of hardship and friendship are ongoing and really tie in the individual storylines of the characters.

The pacing was a little weird to me, although the book is on the shorter side it reads really long because the timeline is spread long.

There is a guaranteed happily ever after.

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This was incredible. I knew going into it that it would be amazing, because Erin Hahn can do no wrong. The vibes of this book were just what I needed and wanted. Case Michaels might just hold the title for new book boyfriend. This story shows how two broken people with two very different lives.. stumble upon each other and find love not just with each other but with themselves too. Its a story about courage and bravery. Found family. Loss of a friend. Loss of a parent. Neglectful parents. Cowboys and nurses. This story has it all. The meaning and messages in this book strike deep, and I just love this story so much and it truly was an hour to read it before the rest of world does.

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I would love to support your authors, but unfortunately it seems as though St. Martin's Press and Wednesday books would prefer to stay quiet about the vile posts made by your employee. These statements were anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, Queerphobic, and made even more vile by the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people. Your influencers want to know that St. Martin’s Press is committed to the safety and well being of ALL of their influencers, employees, and authors.

This is not a reflection on the author or the story in any way, shape, or form.

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I had a really fun time reading this YA cowboy romance! It’s definitely slow burn which isn’t always my favorite but I enjoyed diving into this story and seeing the depth of grief and how it affects us all differently.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the E-Arc!

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Thank you Netgalley and Wednesday box for an earc in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed Even if it Breaks Your Heart. I found this book to be so heartwarming and it made me so giddy at points. Case and Winnie were so cute with each other and I really just loved reading their journey, not only with each other but their individual growth as well. I found the grief Case experienced and the neglect Winnie experienced to be such an important part to the story. I felt like it added so much depth to the story and I just felt so much more attached as I felt so much more empathy for the characters.
I really enjoyed everything about Case and Winnie. Once they started interacting, I was hooked. I really enjoyed their friendship and how they continuously support each other. I also loved all the side characters, including Queen Mab and how they contributed to everything.
I had so much fun with this story. It was so lighthearted and made me giddy at times. It was nice to sit and relax while reading this. I can’t wait for when it comes out!

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How do I describe my love for Erin Hahn's last YA book. Unending!!!!!!!

Hahn's "sad rodeo" is everything I was looking for and didn't know I needed. Granted the topics touched (death, grief, guilt, poverty, parental abandonment) are all issues that could be heavy handed and distract the reader from the overall plot. But Hahn's talent is most evident when deftly handing these sensitive areas. She's created a world where the main characters are more than their surroundings, even if those places can be spots of beauty (ranch, rode0).

I will be purchasing copies of this book for family members for years to come as I think it elevates the genre as a whole.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books, and Netgalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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Erin Hahn does it again. While this might be a Young Adult book this 40 year old enjoyed it too! Hahn has a way of writing the most captivating characters and sweeps you up into the story where you find yourself staying up way too late for just "one more chapter!"

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I don't normally like cowboy books. Or YA. But this is my favorite Erin Hahn book she's written! The characters felt exactly their age, maybe Winnie felt older than she was but she does talk about it in the book. Obviously, the dads were not good dads - showing a dichotomy of what a "good" dad is. I think Chase Jr. could have been better to show the juxtaposition between Chase's upbringing compared to Winnie since neither had mothers. I was upset for Winnie when her dad finally stepped up, it did feel like she was being punished for doing the right thing. I also wanted more about how Winnie and Chase were going to have a relationship and be in completely different stages of life. I think six months after the book, they probably broke up.

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I was drawn to this book by its cover & because I have always loved a story with horses.
I stayed for Winnie & Case.

A barrel racing girl who has given up everything her whole life for her siblings. A bull riding boy who has had everything but somehow never taken anything for himself. A sweet, sometimes sad, but heartfelt novel about loss and love and figuring life out.

The relationship between the two main was characters pure & their banter cute. Might've even shed a few tears ;) Pacing in the middle through me off but it all came together at the end & for that 3.5/5 stars for Even If It Breaks Your Heart. Thank you NetGalley & St Martin's Press for letting me explore the ranch and ride along with Case and Winnie a bit early!

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Erin Hahn wasn’t kidding when she nicknamed this book ‘Sad Rodeo’. “Even If It Breaks Your Heart” pulls at the heartstrings from the first paragraph. Hahn’s writing is emotional, at sometimes even gut-wrenching. There’s no way you could ever not connect with these characters. Their struggles are realistic; their behaviors typical of young adults finding their stride. Each chapter brings us further and further into their experiences until we’re well in it and have to see it all through. By the end, you’re rooting for every single character as if they were your best friend.

I would have liked a few more flashbacks of Walker and Case’s friendship, but that’s a selfish request. Hahn writes a beautiful story and I live for all the lives I get to live through her words.

I will read anything Erin Hahn writes. Auto-buy author for me. Please keep them coming. I’m ready for whatever comes next.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4.6 rounded up to 5/5.

Erin Hahn is quickly becoming another author that all of my money will be going to in the future. I am at the point where I don't even hesitate to request anything by her that I see on Netgalley.

Erin Hahn takes readers on a heart-buckling ride of romance and self-discovery in "Even If It Breaks Your Heart." The novel explores the poignant journey of two teens, Case Michaels and Winnie Sutton, as they navigate grief, love, and the courage to pursue their dreams.

The story revolves around nineteen-year-old Case Michaels, struggling to cope with the loss of his best friend, Walker. The only thread holding him together is a list of Walker's unfulfilled wishes, guiding Case to find purpose in the midst of his grief. Reluctant to continue his rodeo career without Walker, Case stumbles upon the determined and hardworking eighteen-year-old Winnie Sutton.

Winnie's life revolves around shouldering the responsibilities of her family on the Michaels family ranch. Graduating early, she works tirelessly to support her siblings and a negligent father. However, her encounter with Case Michaels sets her on an unexpected path, intertwining her destiny with his and challenging her to pursue dreams beyond mere survival.

One of the book's strengths lies in the slow-burn romance between Case and Winnie. Hahn masterfully crafts a genuine connection, allowing the relationship to develop organically. The portrayal of their struggles is honest and level-headed, adding depth to their characters. The author skillfully weaves various tropes, including the rich boy/poor girl dynamic, a rare absence of a third-act breakup in a romance, a slow-burn narrative, and themes of grief and healing.

The characters of Winnie and Case are endearing, and readers easily become attached to their journeys. The novel excels in depicting the nuances of grief, showcasing how Case gradually releases his pain over time. The exploration of the rodeo circuit and the equestrian world adds a unique flavor to the story, enriching the narrative with passion and authenticity.

While the slow-burn romance is a highlight, some readers may find that the internal monologues occasionally overshadow the action, creating moments of pacing imbalance. However, the sweet and heartfelt nature of the story compensates for this minor drawback.

"Even If It Breaks Your Heart" stands out as a sad cowboy romance that resonates with its readers. Erin Hahn's storytelling prowess brings home the tough, emotional realities of life, making this novel a compelling and memorable read. The characters' journey toward healing and love is a testament to the power of resilience and the pursuit of one's dreams, even in the face of heartbreak.

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This is the kind of book my readers ask for - hard-hitting, real life, but with the touches of beauty that make life worth living. Erin Hahn's Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a story of grief - after losing his best friend, Case Michaels struggles to find his place on the bull riding circuit - he knows he wants to honor his friend's memory, but Case has to start thinking about himself as well. The only problem is that Case has a to-do list from his friend and it has one very specific item on it - make friends with Winnie Sutton.

Winnie graduated high school early to help take care of her younger siblings. Her mom left, her dad isn't around, but Winnie's a hard worker on the Michaels' ranch. Winnie has dreams of her own, but she can't drop the ball when she has a brother and sister who need her. Working at the ranch gives Winnie a chance to ride horses and taste a bit of freedom during trail rides.

Two worlds collide - worlds of privilege and need - but the story is beautiful.

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This author does it again!!!!!!!! I love her books and I knew I was going to love this one. This book I packed with so much emotion, grief, following your dreams, and romance, it was perfection. Case and Winnie have gone through it, Case losing his best friend, trying to find his footing in the world now that Walker is no longer around, then finally finding his passion through the storms in his life. Then Winnie is a teen who is holding down her family, graduated early, started working to pay bills and support her siblings. I loved how Case was there to support her in her new career, how they were there for each other, and how their romance blossomed, it was perfection, this book was so inspiring, and so heartfelt, I had to hold back tears at times. This book is worth the read all the way.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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EVEN IF IT BREAKS YOUR HEART is an upper-YA romance that deals with more than just two teenagers falling in love. Winnie has had to step up as a parental figure in the lives of her younger siblings, and the only break she gets is working at Case's family's ranch, training horses and mucking stalls. Case is dealing with grief from the loss of his best friend and rodeo partner, Walker, and Winnie ends up being there for him. The romance in this story is very slow-burn (and starts out as enemies-to-lovers, but I didn't see much justification for the enemies portion, haha), which gives time for the characters to work through their own grief, stress, and disappointment without being reliant on a partner. I loved getting both Case and Winnie's perspective; it only amplified their development as individual characters. The discussion of grief and absent parents was prevalent throughout the story, so be aware of that, but it was done well in both cases. The ending--particularly regarding Winnie--was a bit abrupt, but I am happy to report there is no! third! act! breakup! The ranch and rodeo circuit as a backdrop was also entertaining. If you enjoyed the show "Heartland" or have any interest in Texas ranches and rodeos, I highly recommend this one!

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I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My 1st ARC of 2024 was an absolute delight. Erin Hahn writes beautifully. This would be considered a YA /NA with closed door/ faze to black love scene.

Case Michaels just lost his best friend, Walker, who left him a bucket list. One of the items is to befriend Winnie Sutton, the stable hand at his dad's ranch. The two don't start off on a great foot. Case is rich and privileged and hungover from too many benders. He "sees" the ghost of his best friend, Walker. Winnie lives in a trailer with her dad and 2 younger siblings. Money is tight. Winnie wants to barrel race horses and is incredibly good at it. Case is a well-known bull rider. To be honest, it wasn't something I was super interested in or could picture, aside from the horse back riding I did in high school, which I loved.

I could relate well to Winnie and her struggles. There was a passage about hope that really resonated with me. Erin Hahn has a way with words. Case is struggling with grief and purpose, and life direction. When he makes a decision about his future, I was very proud of him.

There's obvious chemistry between Case and Winnie. They start off as adversaries, then friends, and finally, something more. I was just a little frustrated with the fade to black love scene. I really wanted this moment to be captured, but I guess my imagination will have to do. I also liked the side characters, especially Winnie's little sister Garrett and Kerry.

Trigger warnings for death of a parent, death of a friend, abandonment by a parent, money struggles, alcohol use.
4/5☆ out February 6, 2024.

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This book was exactly what I love in a good YA read. Wholesome, sweet and fun, but also packed with emotion and depth. I felt this was just as much a coming of age story as it was a romance, and I adored that aspect. Seeing our two main characters, Case and Winnie, grow and develop not only together, but separately, throughout the overall story was truly special and I will be thinking about them for a while to come.

I felt the author did an amazing job of fleshing out both characters, and I loved that we got dual POV between the two. This really added another dimension to the story and I felt I truly knew the characters and their motives, emotions, etc. by the end. Hahn tackles tough topics that many of us deal with in life, not only as young adults, but as grown adults as well, making her characters relatable and approachable to all ages. The way she captured grief through the eyes of Case was beautiful, and I loved watching his journey throughout this story.

I also really enjoyed the modern references, which I felt made the story feel like it was developing in real time. However, I will say more attention could have been given to developing the overall setting within the scenes. I felt much of the book was dialogue heavy, and it was a lot of telling versus showing with the writing style.

Overall, I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who is wanting a wholesome, fun, and flirty YA cowboy/cowgirl romance, but who also enjoys a little depth to their romances!

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Case Michaels has just lost his best friend and needs to feel something again. Determined to cross off Walker’s last wishes on his list, Case finds himself having to try and make friends with ranch hand Winnie Sutton. Winnie knows Case is a talented bull rider with all the money and opportunities she doesn’t have. She has had to be the primary caregiver for her two siblings after their mom left them. When Case sees Winnie’s potential as a barrel racer he is determined to change her life for the better. As they spend time together and get to know each other they turn to conversations about grief, familial obligations and dreams that seem out of reach. Will Case ride for the national title again and will Winnie get the opportunity to both support her family and barrel race?

There are so many things I love about this book, but the most lovely and unexpected elements were the numerous vulnerable talks about grief and the familial pressures all kids can relate to in their teens. The way Case and Winnie open up to each other is so sweet and beautiful, specially when they both begin to realize their assumptions about each other were so wrong. Not to mention how they become the steady constant that each of them desperately needs. I was blown away by the depth of this YA novel and cannot recommend it enough!

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