Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

Erin whyyyyyyyyyyyy??????? How can you write such a tragically beautiful book and just let us read it? This story follows Case and Winnie, in alternating points of view, as they struggle with responsibility, loss, and opportunities that could change their world. I (somehow) didn’t cry while reading this book, but my heartstrings were significantly tugged. This book balances the hurt and pain of unfair life situations with the optimism of youth that needs to be protected & cherished. This book takes place post-pandemic, and recognizes the pandemic as a world event, but doesn’t do it in a way that feels forced or jarring. The points of view were balanced – I would love more of both, but I didn’t feel like it was lacking in any way with either POV. I want to note that there are trigger warnings primarily for childhood death and parent abandonment, but it is handled in a beautiful and careful way. As always, I want more from the world, the characters, more everything from Erin. All of the new books she is releasing are just 100% insta-buys for me and I will reread them when I need to feel something. 10/10 will read and be emotional again.

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This is a story of friendship, young love, and finding yourself when it feels like the universe has turned its back on you. The author created a beautiful story about two characters I won’t soon be forgetting.

Right off the bat in this novel I have mixed feelings about Case. At first he comes across as a snobby rich boy who just wants to party, drink, and sleep with every girl he can find (but only once). Then we see him with Winnie and he is a complete gentleman and even stands up for her when Christine starts to say horrible things about Winnie and her family. Then, he goes back to party and finding a woman mode…it was quite the tilt-a-whirl.

Winnie is such a strong character. I liked everything about her. She has to take care of her family, but at no point does she either want people to pity her or acts like she can’t accept help from anyone. I like how she interacts with Case and does not instantly fall in love with him.

The alternative POVs really worked in my opinion. I also liked how we sometimes got more from Case rather than Winnie.

Winnie’s siblings and home life really added to the story. I was frustrated with Jesse but I’m happy he stepped up when he needed to. Garrett was a funny, smart character I hope someday gets her own book.

The romance aspect of this book was not the main plot. I found this interesting, but it absolutely worked. At the 60% mark I said, “huh, there’s been no romance so far. Hmmm.” I realized this is because Case and Winnie first had to establish their friendship, spend time together platonically, and figure out what they wanted in life before venturing into the romantic aspects of their life.

I adored this book. It’s a light read and will make you evaluate many aspects in your own life while hoping this young couple figures things out. I will 100% be reading this author again.

**An ARC was provided from NetGalley and the Publisher for an honest review.

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3.5 stars

I think this book had some really sweet moments and some emotional high points, but the dual POV just didn't work for me.

I liked Case, but I didn't need to be in his head. I feel like because we had to split the time between two characters it really stilted the plot. It just wasn't efficient and I think we could have had a stronger plot and more fleshed-out secondary characters if we didn't have the dual POV.

As always, thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a good book. I read it in one day! I loved the development of the characters and the storyline! I would definitely recommend this book!

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No matter what Erin Hahn writes I love. Although Even If It Breaks Your Heart is YA it’s a perfect read for any age.

Themes of loss, parental neglect and abandonment are present but it doesn’t define the story.

The characters a lovable and though they are teenagers they show the vulnerability of having to act older than they are.

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The amount of excitement I had for this book was met with the sad, cowboy romance of my dreams.

I’m not sure how she does it, but Hahn is able to capture your heart with these characters without any warning. As I read, I found myself growing more and more attached to Winnie, and especially to Case. She knows how to tug at your heartstrings, make you laugh, and also pull you back in time to the feeling of first falling in love with someone, or honestly, yourself. The way grief was handled was also something that stuck with me. Case was so dynamic in his feelings and the way he showcased them — I felt for him and his struggles. While the path wasn’t linear, it was eye opening and a joy to read about him healing.

The romance was pure and sweet and funny. Thank you authors that write sincere men! That write women who don’t want to change themselves in order to gain approval!

I shed a few tears and really savored my time reading this. Working my way through all of Hahn’s stories is going to be a blast.

(Also Erin, if you see this, please have mercy and give me a Brody book. I beg of you.)

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📌 eARC Review 📌

🔥 Never before has a title been so on point for me with a book! Erin Hahn does it yet again! The story of Winnie & Case is so perfect that it breaks my heart to read that this is the last YA book from Ms. Hahn.

➡️ Fulfilling the bucket list of his late best friend, Case befriends Winnie, who couldn't come from a more opposite background than he does. While Winnie doesn't realize she's part of the bucket list, Case realizes his late friend put her on there for him.

🫶 “….[Walker] knew she needed a friend, too. I lost my best friend, but she doesn’t have one either.” 🫶

💗 Their story is one of growing up, finding yourself, holding on & letting go. It's a rollercoaster that will have you rooting for Case and Winnie as individuals and as a couple. Well done as always, Ms. Hahn. I tip my cowgirl hat to you yet again.

⭐️ 5/5
🗓️ Releases 2/6/24

Thanks to #NetGalley & #StJamesPress for the eARC.

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I adore this author’s YA books. I loved how, here, the setting felt like it’s own character. Their journey towards each other was so sweet. The moments of self discovery and growth sprinkled in made the story feel all the more real! The secondary characters felt real and relatable as well and added heart and depth to the story! The plot was paced well and had me invested in the story from the beginning. Highly enjoyed it.

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Even if it Beaks Your Heart by Erin Hahn is a great easy read in the YA romance genre . The characters face some very tough situations and I thought it provided extra depth to the romance that made it unique in the genre. I loved the growth of the characters and how they evolve through the course of the novel.

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For a YA romance, this book was so beautiful. Seeing two characters with different struggles come together to grow as a couple and as individuals really made my heart happy. The author tackled very tough subjects such as loss of a friend and parent, difficult family dynamics, financial insecurity etc in a real and meaningful way. Nothing was sugar coated, but it was still written in a way that gave hope to the readers. I loved watching Winnie and Case become friends and really want success for each other. I do think there could have been a little bit more about the bull riding and horseback aspects since that was one of the main themes, but it was still done tastefully! The writing was done very well and wasn’t too cliche. For a YA book, it did read well too and didn’t feel like I was reading a middle schooler’s journal or something. I wanted to laugh, cry, hug and root for all the characters in the book as they all worked for their own versions of success. It was a great read that I could not get enough of!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for and Advanced Readers Copy.

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I usually avoid books that might make me cry, but I love Erin Hahn enough that I picked this one up anyway. And I'm so glad I did - I adored Winnie and Case, and although sad in parts this story was overwhelmingly heartwarming. A beautiful coming of age romance!

Thank you to the publisher for providing a review copy

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i loved this book it was such a fun read and you could feel cases heartbreak for his friend and you could feel Winnies maternal instincts for her siblings and how both of these people are going through something at the same time and also helping each other be better.

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3.5 ★ This was giving chestnut springs but make it ya 🐎✨

Case and Winnie are going throooough it. Case is a rodeo star grieving the loss of his best friend and working through the crazy bucket list that Walker left for him. On that list? Befriend Winnie Sutton 👀 Winnie works with the horses at Case’s family ranch and is just trying to keep her head above water while playing parent to her two younger siblings. They are both ignoring their dreams for other people but, despite their many differences and constant head butting, make the sweetest support system for each other 🤌

I was pleasantly surprised by this. The romance was definitely slow burn and very tame but it still felt like a mature story. Both characters are dealing with A LOT and the portrayal of their struggles was really honest and level-headed. Nothing too dramatic (although I maybe would have liked a little more drama heh).

I do wish there were a few more scenes between Case and Winnie. Maybe it’s just because I’m in a slump and took wayyy too long to get through this, but it felt like a lot of internal monologuing and not a lot of action. But when they do finally get together??? The CUTEST.

ALSO random note/content warning: the vague covid mention caught me so off guard lol. Idk about y’all but I have a bit of a trauma response when it comes to the big c. So just know that that’s in there.

Overall a very cutesy but heartfelt lil rodeo rom. Or, as Erin Hahn herself describes it: sad cowboy romance.

If you like:
- rodeo & horses galore
- rich boy/poor girl
- grief and healing
- slow burn
- terrible parents
- she works for his family
- a cute 8-year-old genius
- no third act breakup
- rock music

Then you should definitely add this to your TBR for next February!! 🤠

Thank you to Erin Hahn, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early! This review reflects my honest thoughts.

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uuuggghhh I loved this book. the drama, the cowboys, give me all the teen angst. I know nothing about the rodeo but I was on the edge of my seat. I loved Winnie and Case's relationship, especially how they helped each other grow. I was rooting for them the whole way.

Thanks to NetGalley, Wednesday, and the author for the eARC in exchange for my review.

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I was definitely not prepared for all the cowboy talk, but I liked this one!!

📖The Details:
Even if It Breaks Your Heart
By Erin Hahn

⏱️Quick Summary:
Case and Winnie come from very different backgrounds but have a few things in common - their love of life on the ranch, and a mutual friend, Walker. After Walker dies, Case struggles to find his way, but working alongside Winnie has them both starting to heal from their issues.

💁🏻‍♀️My Take:
This was cute! It also had some heavy themes - grief, family drama, teen drinking, etc. But it was basically an YA story about teens and their dreams of riding horses and rodeos (and a LOT of other terminology I did not understand). Overall, it leaves you rooting for the main characters and it definitely had a lot of sweet moments - between the MCs, family members, and friends.

Recommend for those that love a good YA 👍

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Bull rider Case Michaels has recently lost his best friend, Walker, leaving him devastated and aimless. Walker left Case his bucket list to complete and made him promise to win a gold buckle at the NFR. But after a disastrous night trying to complete one of the bucket list items, Case doesn’t know how to move forward with the list, his career and his life. Then he runs into Winnie Sutton, an employee on his father’s ranch, a former classmate, and the last item on the bucket list. Walker wanted Case to be friends with Winnie and he sets out to make it happen, even though Winnie wants nothing to do with him. Winnie works hard to help support her family because of an absentee mother and checked out father. She cares for her two younger siblings while pushing aside her own needs and dreams of becoming a champion barrel racer. Busy Winnie has no time for Case and his rich boy shenanigans, but Case is persistent and wears Winnie down. The two form a deep friendship that has the potential for something more. Will they be able to sustain a relationship or will life deliver them another heartbreak?

Erin Hahn writes beautiful young adult stories. Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a breathtakingly gentle look at loss in its many forms-death, parental absence, and loss of dreams. Hahn deals with grief in a very realistic and sensitive way, showing how it changes and shapes us. The writing is smooth and soothing. The topics are hard but the angst is low-there is no big, bad drama. The characters were amazing and fully fleshed out. Case is charming, but so patient and kind. Winnie is a firecracker, determined and hardworking. They are both so sweet and caring. Careful with each other and understanding of each others feelings and hurts. Case and Winnie’s relationship was just so swoony and tender. A perfect story about finding your way in life. Heartbreaking and heartwarming.

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Thank you to netgalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy!

Erin Hahn has done it again, which I’m not surprised about since she has been an auto-buy author for me since her debut, YOU’D BE MINE.

This book is something special! EVEN IF IT BREAKS YOUR HEART had me crying on the first page, which has never in my life happened before, but the grief was so real and evoked so much emotion and understanding from me. Case had my heart the entire time. I loved seeing him in all his flaws and it was a pleasure to watch him grow into the best version of himself, one that treats Winnie like absolute queen she is and is a dependable man who doesn’t shy away from a challenge. Winnie is hands down one of the best YA girls ever. She loves her brother and sister so fiercely, always putting them before herself while yearning for a life of her own, one where she isn’t a mother to her own siblings.
Together, they were perfect, the best friends with the slowest burn until they became more and I loved every second of it. 5 stars! I love this book so freaking much!

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Erin Hahn does it again! She never fails to write a great story that makes me want to laugh, cry, and hug the book all at the same time. When I see one of her books up for request, I don't even have to read the synopsis to know I'm going to love it. Her skill at creating characters you fall in love with rivals...well, everyone.

Both characters are working through their own issues and soon find they have each other to lean on. The romance felt raw and organic; I do love me slow-burn! Winnie has a responsibility to her family while putting her dreams on the back burner and Case's grief over losing his best friend affects his future in the rodeo circuit. Both find healing in each other and that's beautiful.

This is another winner from Erin Hahn!

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I really enjoyed Case and Winnie's story. It was heartfelt and sweet. They bond through their struggles in life and recent events. I absolutely loved the dual pov and all the secondary characters felt just as important.

I would definitely recommend to a friend!

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This author is hot or miss for me. I thought this book had great potential from the description but I'm really not into cowboys and rodeo, it turns out.

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