Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

5/5 stars

This book was so wholesome and I loved getting a front row seat to Winnie and Case’s story! I really enjoyed how the author portrayed the grief in this book and how Case worked through it.

Winnie was picking up the pieces of her family with no help. She was used to doing things on her own and it was hard to accept help. Winnie showed a lot of growth throughout this book. I loved that she finally made herself a priority and enjoyed watching her pursue her passions.

Case was a mess. He had a lot of grief to work through and it was tough. The author did a great job with talking about the grief and blame. I enjoyed reading Case’s story and seeing how it unfolded. I also enjoyed watching him break out of his shell and look at the world around him.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and reading about Case and Winnie. The romance was there but didn’t overshadow what both of them were going through. I loved Winnie’a siblings and Queen Mab. It was just a really fun read!

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Overview: Case has lost his best friend and, with that, some of his purpose. Walker was his partner in crime at the rodeo where they were two promising young bull riders. But when Walker passes due to his terminal illness, Case has to figure out how to face life alone. Winnie is holding the world together. After graduating high school early and getting a job on Case's family ranch to help support her family, she's burning out at 19 from all the responsibility. She's an undeniable talent on a horse, but what no one seems to understand is that Winnie doesn't have the same luxuries of choice others do. Eventually, though, Winnie will have to figure out what she'd do with her dreams if given the chance. When Winnie and Case's paths intersect, they immediately recognize they have plenty of lessons to learn from one another. Overall: 5

Characters: 5 Ugh. Case is my favorite kind of YA hero. He's sensitive and well versed emotionally. While he's a bull rider and has grown up on a ranch, he's not a stereotype, and he doesn't give into the expectations of how a "teenage boy" has to be convincingly written. Case is the kind of guy I want to hang out with. He's given a tough journey over the course of the book learning to build a life without his best friend in it, and he faces each lingering echo of grief with bravery. Part of that comes out in wanting to help others with an intensity because he doesn't know how to help himself. He's also given a lot to learn about privilege over the course of the novel as he's forced to look outside the bubble he's lived in.

Winnie is sassy and smart and self assured, a quintessential Erin Hahn heroine. She has barrel racing talent oozing out of her, and she has the confidence in her abilities. That's never a question. Winnie's hurtle to climb is giving herself permission to dream and finding the trust in others to get there. Having heaps of responsibility given to her in the form of essentially raising her younger siblings, she's always had a weight on her shoulders that would be strange to lose despite the burden. While I've never faced challenges or responsibilities as hefty as Winnie, I related to her journey of giving herself permission to make up lost time being a kid as an adult after taking life way too seriously. Learning to trust is hard, and it's a journey that takes an entire book to chip away at.

There's a rich world of characters surrounding Winnie and Case. Case's friend Pax steps in to support him from behind the scenes. Case also negotiates a somewhat tense relationship with his dad, eventually coming to understand him better by the end of the book, and he gets support from their housekeeper who raised him, Kerry. Winnie has her younger sibling, her moody teenager brother who has a good heart and her genius fourth grader sister who wants to live life by her side. There's also her father who Winnie has to care for like a third kid. And she gets support from her horse trainer in and out of the arena as well.

Plot: 5 What I really love about the plot of this novel is that it subverts regular romance expectations. Every place I thought it'd take a predictable and slightly irksome turn, it stayed the course and did its own thing. While Goodreads calls it a romance and Winnie and Case's love story does play a significant role, I don't see this as the actual genre. Their romance isn't the point to me. It's a part of the larger development. And the tension and plot points of the novel honor that perspective. This is a book about navigating grief. It's a book about learning to depend on a community you've never had before and understanding that your dreams are as valid as everyone else's. I like that Case and Winnie were allowed to just develop their connection as a healthy, safe, supportive refuge.

Writing: 5 If you've read my blog for a while, you know that Erin Hahn is an author that I love, particularly when it comes to YA. I'm definitely sad that this is the end of her YA run for now, but it feels incredibly full circle though. She shines the most when writing about worlds encapsulated in country songs, and this book has me thinking a lot about You'd Be Mine. This book warmed my heart. I loved the rodeo setting and the message and the execution. While the topics are heavy, this isn't a sad read. There's so much hope and love and laughter woven in between that it leaves you with that classic YA sense of hope. It never goes dark. And, much like my experience with the first time I downloaded Erin's debut book off NetGalley on a whim, I devoured this book in a day, not wanting to let go of the story. Fantastic characters, great sense of world building, funny banter, and a solid heart – what's not to love?

Also, it's a little wild to reflect on time through these books. I was reading up to the eighteen year old characters when You'd Be Mine came out, and now I'm a year older than Winnie is in the book reading and living right along with her.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this one,. The title and cover art caught my eye. I'm so glad I gave it a read. It was really enjoyable.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced digital copy.

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You ever read a book that makes you feel like you're in it?? That's what this book does for me. Erin Hahn is quickly becoming an auto-buy author for me. I have just LOVED what she's been writing recently.

Winnie, dearest darling, Winnie. The oldest daughter/oldest child angel that you are. God, her situation SUCKED, but she was so resilient and resourceful and strong. She did what she had to, at the sacrifice of what she wanted, to take care of her siblings when her mother ran out and her father was unreliable. I relate to her so much, even though my situation wasn't near as extreme. I loved watching her learn to rely on others and accept help. I loved watching her bloom into who she became. I just love her.

Case made me wanna BAWL this whole book. His relationship with Walker, while most of it wasn't even really on page, was so real and tender and JUST UGH. I loved that story with the two of them and how Case had to learn to live his life for himself. It was gut-wrenching and healing and sweet at all once. And he was just fricking funny. I laughed out loud multiple times at some of the stuff this guy said. And his love and respect and care for Winnie had me SWOONING.


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Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a sweet teenage romance more appropriate for older teens and young adults due to language and some adult situations. Case Michaels is struggling with his best friend, Walker’s death. Spending his time trying to do things on the bucket list Walker left him, Chase keeps getting into sticky situations. The last item on the list is to be friends with Winnie Sutton. Winnie trains horses on the Michaels’ ranch and is responsible for her younger siblings. Graduating early, Winnie went straight to work to help her absentee father buy food and pay bills. Both are struggling with their place in life and their friendship may be their saving Grace. Sweet and at times sad, Winnie and Chase win over the reader and leave you cheering for them both in a heart warming HEA that ends way too soon. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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There's a reason why Erin Hahn referred to this book as the "sad rodeo" book. It's so deep and touching! I found myself welling up in empathy for the characters several times. What a fantastic view of what loss and grief and healing and repair can look like. And what a setting!

Thanks for letting me get to know Winnie, Case, and their families!

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Erin Hahn is one of my auto-buy authors. I will read anything she writes, so when I saw this title available on NetGalley, I had to snag it up!

Even If It Breaks Your Heart takes place on a ranch and follows the POVs of Chase (who lives there) and Winnie (who works there). Chase is grieving the death of his best friend, Walker, who left him a bucket list of sorts. One of those items is to befriend Winnie. Since he hasn't been able to keep up with his bull riding without Walker, Chase is determined to follow his best friend's list.

Winnie graduated early from high school in order to get a job so that she could take over caring for her family. She has a 14-year-old brother who is determined to not go to school, a 10-year-old genius of a sister, and a dad who works the night shift and relies on Winnie to be the parent.

When Chase and Winnie begin to form a friendship, the paths they are on start to go in a different direction... hopefully for the better.

This was super cute, light and fluffy, and just what I needed to read during a stressful work week. I have no experience with ranches, bull riding, or cattle racing (other than some other books I've read), but I will still able to understand what was happening. There was only one aspect that took me out of the story; Winnie and Chase decide to learn French for Walker's list. I know absolutely no French, so their conversations and jokes in French were lost on me and slowed me down.

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Wednesday Books for allowing me access to this early copy!

*This review will be posted to Goodreads as well as a video review on TikTok closer to publication date**

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What a book! Be prepared for tissues y’all because this one is a doozy.

Case Michaels is a teenage rodeo star struggling to make it through each day after the death of his best friend, Walker. But before his death, Walker put together a bucket list of things he didn’t get to do that he wanted Case to complete. Slowly but surely, Case starts trying to work his way through each experience in an attempt to start living again (albeit without Walker). Winnie Sutton is also struggling to survive as one of the primary breadwinners in her family (and secret aspiring barrel racer). When Winnie and Case finally cross paths (over a year after working for his family’s ranch), the two quickly clash with one another (and not in a good way). Slowly, the two form a tentative friendship that has them learning more about each other (and themselves) than they ever thought possible.

I really loved Erin Hahn’s adult books and can safely say that I love her YA books as well. This book was so emotional and full of teenage angst (perfect for a YA book). The growth of Winnie and Case’s characters was evident throughout the book. I also felt like we got to know each of the horses that Case and Winnie interacted with. Overall, I really enjoyed the book!

Many thanks to Wednesday books and NetGalley for the ARC!

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"Even If It Breaks Your Heart" by Erin Hahn sounds like a heartwarming and emotionally charged romance that explores themes of loss, courage, and self-discovery.

The novel's premise, with Case Michaels trying to fulfill a list of goals left behind by his late best friend, Walker, is immediately intriguing. The grief and sense of responsibility that Case feels add depth to his character, and the promise of a transformative journey as he follows Walker's list holds great promise for the story.

Winnie Sutton's character, with her determination to keep her family together and her passion for riding, complements Case's journey beautifully. The contrast between their backgrounds and personalities suggests that their interactions will be both compelling and emotionally charged. Winnie's desire to pursue her own dreams while shouldering familial responsibilities is a relatable and admirable aspect of her character.

The setting of a ranch and the world of rodeo competitions add a unique and evocative backdrop to the story. Readers who enjoy stories set in rural or Western environments are likely to find this aspect of the book appealing.

Erin Hahn's ability to weave together themes of friendship, romance, and personal growth is a hallmark of her writing, and "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" appears to be no exception. The book's exploration of pursuing one's dreams and finding love in unexpected places will likely resonate with readers who appreciate heartfelt and emotionally rich coming-of-age stories.

Overall, this novel seems poised to be a captivating and emotionally charged romance that explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the healing power of love. Erin Hahn's storytelling prowess and the relatable characters make this book one to watch for readers who enjoy contemporary YA romance with depth and heart.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!
This YA has a good balance of light fun and realistic/heavy topics like grief, and the latter also helps it to be a relatable and worthy read even for someone long past their teen years.

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Erin Hahn always does a masterful job catching the teen perspective so well. Case is such a great typical teenage boy that I know many will relate to and in YA we absolutely need that more and more. Winnie's situation with her family and having to take control as the mom of the family is one that unfortunately we see way too much and too often. All in all, I think this story is one that teens will relate to. It's light without being too flippant but captures the right amount of grief, hardship and pulling yourself up despite the odds to capture your dreams.

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Erin Hahn's "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" is an absolute treasure . I'm utterly captivated by this book, which weaves together horses, country music, cowboy boots, and rodeos all set against the backdrop of a slow-burning, heart-melting romance.

The emotional depth in this story is simply outstanding. Erin Hahn crafts a brilliantly poignant young adult romance that delves into the themes of growing up, chasing your dreams, dealing with love and loss, and finding the strength to move forward after tragedy strikes. The narrative starts with a heart-wrenching death and evolves into a tale filled with hope, resilience, and the power of self-discovery.

As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisp, this book is the perfect companion for fall. It captures the essence of the season, making it the ideal time to immerse yourself in the world of Case Michaels and Winnie Sutton. Their journey is both heart-buckling and heartwarming, and it's guaranteed to leave you with a warm feeling long after you've turned the last page.

If you love Young Adult Contemporary Romance that's beautifully written, emotionally charged, and filled with unforgettable characters, "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" is an absolute must-read. Erin Hahn has created a literary masterpiece that you won't want to miss. Fall in love with this book this autumn!

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“I mean for simplicity’s sake, you can call me your boyfriend. If you want.”
“And you’ll call me your girlfriend?”
“Every chance I get.”
Even If It Breaks Your Heart by Erin Hahn

✨PUBLISHED: February 6th, 2024✨


OH MY GOODNESS!!! This book deserves all the stars! This book absolutely took my heart and is now my favorite book! I absolutely devoured this book and didn’t want to put it down! I want to re-read this book every month it’s so good! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this! Okay this cover is absolutely gorgeous. A cute lil rodeo romance book but also shows the characters going through struggles but still working hard as hell to achieve what they want. Rich boy-poor girl story. I love that I get both Case and Winnie’s POV and get a view into them both. The plot was amazing and I love how this story played out! I was absolutely rooting for Case and Winnie the whole book! The ending was so so good and I think ima need a second book to this to see more into the future of these characters! I would absolutely devour a second book! Case and Winnie have stolen my heart with their love and determination to reach their goals! Words can’t even describe how much I loved this book! I’m absolutely floored and don’t know how I’m going to find a next read that I’ll love as much as I loved this book! This is one of those books I’d absolutely love to be seen turned into a movie!!

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Erin Hahn describes this book as "sad rodeo book," and I'm happy to say, at least for me, that's a slight misnomer. While it's definitely moving, I didn't think it was particularly sad. I expected the climax to be some sort of drama at a rodeo, which fortunately was not the case.

Winne Sutton essentially runs her house. Her dad works third shift and is clueless when it comes to the goings on at home, and her younger siblings need someone who actually cares. She works for a ranch/resort run by Case Michaels' family. Once he stumbles upon some of what Winnie handles, he can't help but care.

The thing I appreciated most about this was how it was a far cry from insta-love, but it isn't exactly enimies-to-more. It's that sweet spot in the middle, and it totally works in this case. I'm a bit biased because I love Erin Hahn (Michigan natives have got to stick together), but this YA is definitely one of her best, aside from possibly Never Saw You Coming.

Thanks, NetGalley!

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Gah! Hahn promised sad rodeo and boy did she deliver! I absolutely loved this! The whole package just really worked for me - and it's a sum of great parts. I loved the rodeo aspect, and even though I didn't know a lot about the rodeo, it was presented in a way that made sense and didn't detract from the story. And whew - Winnie's story just packs a PUNCH. I ended up loving her whole family (well, dad can kick rocks, but that's beside the point). The characters just leap off the pages - I truly could not put this down!

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Even If It Breaks Your Heart is another brilliant young adult romance from Erin Hahn. It’s about growing up and chasing your dreams, love, loss, and trying to move forward after tragedy. It starts with a death, and ends with hope. Hahn brings her hallmark style once again, with a musical soundtrack and three-dimensional characters with flaws and deep emotions. 

Eighteen-year-old Case Benton Michaels III comes from a wealthy family and lives a very privileged life; Winnie Sutton’s life is stark in contrast. She works as much as she can on Case’s family ranch to support her younger siblings. At first glance, they have nothing in common, but they both have a love of horses and secret dreams they’re afraid to chase. They also had the friendship of Walker Gibson, who recently died at the tragic age of seventeen.

Walker was Case’s best friend, and the two grew up together riding bulls. Walker made a bucket list, but at the end he shifted purpose and gave the list to Case. What started out as a list of things Walker wanted to do before dying ended up being a reason for Case to keep living. He’s broken and miserable when he tackles the strangest item on the list - befriending Winnie.

She doesn’t know she’s on that bucket list, and he didn’t know she was Walker’s friend. As he attempts to crack her armor, Case realizes she’s on the list for him. “…[Walker] knew she needed a friend, too. I lost my best friend, but she doesn’t have one either.”

Case and Winnie both have their whole lives ahead of them, but neither has been planning for the future. They do what’s expected of them, putting one foot in front of the other, keeping their dreams closely guarded secrets. Walker’s list changes both of their lives.

Even If It Breaks Your Heart is an emotional wringer from beginning to end; it’s also another must-read by Hahn. Rumor has it this will be her last YA romance, as she successfully transitioned into adult romance novels. No matter the genre, Hahn hooks readers from the first page and keeps them wanting more. I’ve read all of her books, and highly recommend them. Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a must-read.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC. This story follows the lives of two teens impacted by the untimely loss of a friend. Through grief and determination, they find each other and new outlooks on what living is about.

This is the first YA book I’ve read of Erin Hahn’s and I loved it. I’ve read new adult fiction she’s written and loved that as well. Both genres have distinct voices but the telltale Erin Hahn qualities that make then special.

This worked really well as a dual POV and was well paced. The character development was thoughtful and believable.

A few times I found the dialogue a bit confusing and had to reread to ensure I understood.

I loved the conclusion of this book and hope there will be more stories to tell in this fictional world.

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I have enjoyed the Erin Hahn books I've read up to now but have always hovered around the 3-4 star rating. This is the first one that I was very comfortable giving a 4 star rating without hesitation. I liked the characters, and felt that there was some good development of the two main characters. The folks around them stayed secondary and that worked fine for the plot, with the exception I guess of Winnie's sister who gets a bit more of a presence. And maybe a reason I liked this one so much has to do with the horses. Because, I do love horses.

Case was a likeable character, even when he was being stupid, mainly because he recognizes his flaws and tries to figure out how to get past them and to be a better person. Not just for Walker. In fact, while he does a lot of things to get over losing Walker and to fulfill the Walker bucket list, Case actually works on himself. Which is the objective of Walker's list I suppose.

There were some good chuckles. Some growth in the characters. And none of the crazy insta love that you sometimes get. And I was very moved by Case figuring things out at the end. There was still a chapter to go, but I felt like the book could have ended in a few different spots and been equally good. Not that having the rodeo stuff wrapped up a bit more at the end wasn't appreciated.

All in all, I really liked this one. Almost a 5 star read for me.

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Would love to see a sequel to this book! What does the future hold for Case and Winnie? Case is dealing with the loss of his best friend, Walker. He has a bucket list Walker made for him because Case has no friends. Winnie has the responsibilities of making sure her younger brother and sister are fed and going to school. When Case and Winnie begin talking at Case’s stables they realize they both have dreams of bull riding and barrel racing. Case realizes he needs to start living his own life his own way. Winnie wonders will she always feel she has to take care of her family? Could Case and Winnie end up as more than friends?

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I know absolutely nothing nor have I ever cared about barrel racing, bull riding, horses, or ranches in Texas; but this author’s “show not tell” ability kept me totally entranced. During each rodeo event, all of the adrenaline-rushing experiences drew me in. But trust me, there’s more. How about the heartbreaking story of a seventeen year old girl entrusted with raising her siblings? A nineteen year old boy having lost his dearest friend to cancer? A beautiful love story? I know it sounds trite, but in the hands of this talented writer, it adds up to a wonderful reading experience. At least, for me, it certainly did.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing for letting me read this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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