Member Reviews

There isn’t anything I wouldn’t read by this author. She could write her grocery list and I would think it would be the most emotional read of my life. She’s that good at creating characters that become a part of your heart and a story that gets engraved into your soul. This book is beautifully tragic. It’s the kind of book that takes your heart and breaks it into pieces but puts you back together by the end.

This story felt very well balanced. It was a story that is equal parts the journey of Case and Win growing up and the individual challenges they faced while also perfectly intertwining a slow burn romance and how they matured through each other's love. There is so much honesty in the dialogue that the pages felt raw with pure emotion.

Case’s growth from grief was inspiring and written in an unadulterated way that shows the rollercoaster of emotions one person goes through on a daily basis. His internal struggles were not diluted with theatrics but rather handled in a way that was genuine to a person dealing with the death of a loved one. Win had her external struggles in a constant battle with her inner heart, but she was written in a way that made the reader feel empathetic not only towards her but with family.

Where this book shines is how well the reader can enjoy the main characters as individuals as well as rooting for their happily ever after. There’s a personal attachment you feel towards Win and Case and their quest to find more than what hands they have been currently dealt. This truly was a great book that all ages would enjoy.

Thank you NetGalley and Wednesday Books for this ARC

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Erin Hahn has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I know she is moving into the adult space next, but I was glad to see so much heart in her last YA for now.

This book felt like home for me. I'm from a rural area and the characters and setting popped for me. It was easy to envision what was going on and why.

The book is emotional in a Sarah Dessen way. I would recommend to contemporary readers who want to be hit in their feels, but who also just want to exist in a fictional space that feels authentic. The stakes are both quiet and loud in that they matter so much to the characters.

I highly recommend!

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A huge thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin publishing for allowing me to read this amazing book in exchange for an honest review.

Now I’m not a huge cowgirl/boy fan, but when I first read the synopsis, to me it sounded like Heartland, but in Texas, and I was there for it. I read this in one sitting, and the stars speak for themselves. This book just blew all my low expectations out the window. I really connected with both Case and Winnie for various reasons, and thoroughly enjoyed the banter between the two. The side characters were hilarious, and the challenges all the characters face felt incredibly real to me as someone who has seen the aftermaths of losses. And Walker… Walker is this force of change throughout the book, and he was woven in beautifully. Erin Hahn, I applaud you, and can confirm that I will be buying this book when it releases. I will forever recommend this book.

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Case wants to finish his best friend Walker's list of things to accomplish after his death. Winnie wants to keep her family together and ride horses in her spare time. Case sees her riding and ropes her into competing for the ranch. They fall in love along the way.

This is a very emotional book and filled with some difficult topics. But it's all worth it. Case and Winnier are wonderful characters. And there's a happy ending despite the difficult topics...

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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DNF, too much language for me. Loved the premise, and had so much potential, but unfortunately can’t recommend in good conscience to teens. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an early copy of this book! Below is my honest review.

What a cute and great read--just what I needed. This book follows the friendship, which leads to a relationship, between Case and Winnie. Case is the typical rich, ignorant boy and Winnie is the poor girl who is taking care of her younger siblings. Both face big adversities. Case lost his best friend, Walker, to pneumonia and Winnie struggles to be a teenager when her father and mother are practically useless in taking care of her siblings. Their lives intertwines when Case tries to fulfill one of Walker's wishes (Walker left him a list of things to experience/do after he died): befriend Winnie. They start off hostile towards each other, but then slowly turn into really good friends who can be honest with each other.

If you're looking for a really cute read about growing up and discovering who you are and how you fit in the world, this one is for you. This book is geared towards young adult so there aren't any explicit sex scenes or tons of swearing. Family dynamics and coming of age are big parts of this story as well, so you're not just getting the romance/friendship building.

Would I recommend this book? Yes!

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This book seemed very one note for me... there weren't any highs or any lows that captivated me. It was good, but not great in my opinion. I was waiting for a climax to end the story... but it just stayed the same.

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Erin Hahn can do no wrong!

Yet again, another stunningly emotional novel in the YA sphere. Her characters are always flawed, human, relatable, and Case and Winnie are no exception. She weaves a plot so full of moments that reflect the true nature of reality—and isn’t afraid to bring up tough topics in such a compassionate way. I came for the author but I stayed for the characters.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this one early. Opinions are my own.

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I think I’ve read almost all of Hahn’s books, “Never saw you coming is my favorite and I’m afraid I measure the others with this one.
Now, the first thing I need to say is that I’m so glad that Hahn went back to writing Y/A this is the genre for her.
The story has a compelling plot with complex issues, families’ issues, tragedy, and horrible parenting, the characters have a great ARC, however, some realizations come out of the blue, and "the end" seems to me a little in your face.
I gave the book 4 stars for how it made me feel, how much I enjoyed and how well done was the happy ending.
I received an ARC from St Martin’s Press& Wednesday Books through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. And I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I swear I saw Erin Hahn call Even if it Breaks Your Heart her "sad cowboy romance". That is the perfect description of this book. It's a sad cowboy romance with a lot of hope. It wasn't a happy read at times (obviously), but it was a great one.

Case is not dealing with the loss of his best friend to cancer. He's stuck in a cycle of making poor choices. All he has left of his best friend is a list of things Walker wants him to do. Winnie is starting to crumble from the pressure of helping support and raise her siblings. She's more mom and dad to them than her own parents. They both need someone to help lift them up and Walker helps them find it in each other. 

I loved the friendship Case and Winnie built. They gave each other support they desperately needed and also a hope of the future they had both lost. Case and Winnie were attracted to each other from the start, but it was nice to watch their feelings for each other build over the course of the story. Their romance was really sweet. There was also a ton of personal growth for each of them. I loved how they grew emotionally together and learned a lot about themselves. 

Even if it Breaks Your Heart was a very special YA romance that brought hope in a couple of very tough, emotional life situations. I'm sad that Hahn has declared this book her final YA release, but happy I had the chance to read and experience it. It was such a good book. 

CW: childhood cancer, parental abandonment

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"Even If It Breaks Your Heart", by Erin Hahn, is focused on two teenagers right on the cusp of adulthood who are looking to find their place in the world. Case Michaels, award-winning bull rider, has just lost his best friend and is determined to make that loss make sense. His friend left behind a bucket list for him to complete, but his mental health has taken a big hit. Winnie Sutton, a hard worker at Case's family ranch, has problems of her own: her dad is a deadbeat and her mom took off years ago, leaving her to take care of her younger brother and sister. When Winnie and Case cross paths at the ranch one day, neither of them think much of it. But when their paths continue to cross, they quickly learn that they have more in common than they originally thought. And what will happen when sparks begin to fly?

This was a fun, quick read and I look forward to reading more by Erin Hahn. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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not my favorite of hahn’s but definitely still good. i liked the characters, i just think the story didn’t suck me in as much as her others have. pacing was nice; i especially liked the progression and beats of case & winnie’s love story. it complimented the STORY story (their professional lives, family lives, hopes & dreams) rather than one overshadowing the other, which i think is the desired outcome with ya. i think case’s grief and the pressure winnie was under with her family were bigger, heavier themes that hahn handled well, as well.


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I'm realizing that Erin Hahn is going to be a consistent slam dunk for me, and that thrills me to no end. Her use of language and storytelling just works in a way that makes you heave a happy sigh by the time you turn the last page.
This one deals with heavier topics like childhood illness and death, but with Hahn's trademark deft strokes. In the end, the story revolves around living, not dying. Living your dreams, finding your path, and falling in love along the way.

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Erin Hahn has done it again. This book is filled with heart and empathy. Be prepared to laugh and cry. The love and friendship between the main two characters is everything one could hope for in love.

Fall in love with Winnie and Case.

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When I learned I had the opportunity to read this, I dropped everything and read it in one night. I love Erin Hahn's writing so much.

In every single one of Erin Hahn's books I love both main characters and their relationship and I can fully get behind them. Winnie and Case are no exception. The depth of their emotions is palpable and drives the story so well. Winnie's love and care for her siblings and the tension between her responsibility to them (and genuine desire to make sure they are taken care of) and her own dreams was so well-written. Case likewise figuring out what he wants for himself, working through grief over Walker and the need to remember him, and at the same time needing to untangle himself from Walker was also really well done and compelling. I also adored the closeness of Winnie and Case's friendship and how that was built so strongly before either of them made any move romantically.

Every time Erin Hahn deviates from the traditional romance template it's away from something that annoys me in most romance books (e.g., third act breakup; "you betrayed me" and estrangement when a secret is revealed, especially if it relates to their relationship) and towards something I absolutely love, and she has never let me down. Also, I know zero (0) things about rodeo and maybe 2-5 things about horses if pressed, but this did not stop me from enjoying the book at all.

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Well, it’s no surprise, Erin Hahn has written another amazing book! I swear, she never misses!

Anyway, Winnie and Case! Goddamn this was good! I instantly fell in love with them both. Case immediately captured my heart with all of his sadness and loneliness. He was just so hurt and trying with every ounce of him to feel again. I felt like I related so much to Winnie with having to measure up to something more than what you are. Having to put the boots on of a role that shouldn’t be yours.

The side characters made the book that much better. Garret was everything! So fricken cute.

Just another out of the park book by Erin Hahn, and kind of sad that her YA running is coming to an end, but her adults are just as amazing!

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Erin Hahn had dubbed this book "Sad Rodeo" and it is the perfect way to describe Even If It Breaks Your Heart. I absolutely adored this book and Erin Hahn has such a wonderful way to write her YA characters and stories.

I loved Winnie and Case. I loved how sweet and wonderful this book was. While it's YA, it's the right balance of sweet romance, being 19, unsure of your path, finding yourself and the courage to pursue it. Case's best friend has died and left him a list of things to do after and he's at the reckless part of grief and unable to get back in the saddle in the rodeo circuit. Winnie works on Case's family ranch and is trying to keep her family together. When Case sees Winnie riding he first works on forming a friendship and then convincing her that she should chase after her dreams.

I loved this book so much. It was real and the emotions in the characters were there. I cried a few times while reading this and I loved how they were friends and then the friendship turned into something more and how they supported each other's dreams and were there for each other through the hard moments.

love love love!

A must-read when it comes out in 2024!

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First book that hooked me enough to finish in one sitting! I really liked this book. Very brilliant characters you can’t help but root for withcute romance, both separately and to end up together! Would highly recommend if you’re looking for a amazing contemporary read.

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press & Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This story grabs your heart like grabbing a bull by its horns. It's ride of growth for Case & Winnie who have to find who they are after living for others. I loved the trail traveled in thus and how it all played out. 5 solid gold belt buckles!!!

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// "So that's not a thing. We're not a thing. Which is freeing, because it allows me to concentrate on being a good friend to her. Or, at least, to convince her to be my friend. Or convince her to want a friend in the first place, useless as I may seem. But if I'm ever presented with the option of being a friend who gets to kiss her, I absolutely volunteer."

Erin Hahn's sad rodeo book (Even If It Breaks Your Heart - coming out 02.06.2024) is perfection. I have been waiting for this one for forever & it was well worth the wait. Case Michaels' best friend Walker died and left him with a list of things to do after his death & one of them is befriend Winnie Sutton. Given that she does not seem to be interested in being his friend, things are bound to be interesting.

This book is beautiful. It's filled with grief & growing, lots of horses & cowboys, a boy & a girl who become friends and....well, you know how it goes. It is full of super hard moments but super sweet ones and Winnie & Cash are just the best. If you like rodeos, a swagger worthy boy & a girl who puts him in his place, horses or a heartbreaking but courageous look at grief, pick this one up next year. It is just amazing.

Huge thanks to Erin Hahn, Wednesday Books & Netgalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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