Member Reviews

4.25 stars!

Even If It Breaks Your Heart is my fourth novel by Erin Hahn and once again she has written an emotional story that pulls at my heartstrings. While it technically sits in the young adult genre, I thought this dual point of view novel read older with weighty subjects and mature teens who’ve already graduated from high school all wrapped in the fascinating world of ranching and bull riding.

Set in my home state of Texas, this is not a part of Texas I am familiar with. I grew up in a small town that is now much bigger, and while I went to school with kids who lived on ranches or farms, I have never ridden a horse and I’ve only been to the rodeo a handful of times. So it was fun to experience a different kind of Texas.

We meet Case six months after the death of his childhood best friend Walker who has died from a years-long terminal illness. Walker had a list of things he wanted to accomplish and when he didn’t get to finish it, he left it to Case. This is my second book this year with the list trope and I read a few last year, as well, and I’m actually hoping to get a break from them for a while. It’s a cute and practical technique, but I don’t know how realistic it really is. Thankfully this story doesn’t rely too heavily on the list, and it’s more of just a thing that enhances the main plot.

Case is in a bad way, making bad decisions until he gets to the last point on Walker’s list—befriend Winnie Sutton, a former classmate who is employed on his father’s ranch. Walker and Winnie had been casual friends and he knew she was having a hard time and could use a friend, much like he knew Case would in the future. Sweet, right? I did find it a little hard to believe that Case didn’t know Walker and Winnie were friends when Case and Walker were described as inseparable. It was also a little hard to get past the fact that Case didn’t know Winnie existed even though he attended school with her and she’d worked on his ranch for a few years. Part of me wanted Winnie to keep ignoring the entitled cowboy.

But Case does manage to change his bad boy ways. Although, a little too quickly in my opinion—I wanted a bit more of a transition. And Winnie finds it hard to resist the charming sad cowboy, recognizing a kindred spirit who also needs a friend.

Winnie has less time to worry about Case, though. She’s been raising her two younger siblings on her own because her father works nights and doesn’t do much to help out. Since Case has finally noticed Winnie, he has also noticed that she’s excellent on a horse and thinks she should be competing, making it his mission to help her try.

While this book is sweet and perfectly fine as a young adult novel, I kind of wish it would have been written as an adult one. The characters could have been aged up a few years, and with the heavier subject matter, the author could have leaned into that a bit more.

I was mostly satisfied and happy with the ending—and I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record here—but I wish some of the relationships between our main characters and the side characters hadn’t wrapped up quite so neatly. I know most readers want their endings wrapped up with a nice shiny bow, but I am discovering that’s not always me. Sometimes I want books to reflect real life just a bit more.

If you’re a fan of Hahn’s or need a sad cowboy love story in your life, pick up Even If It Breaks Your Heart. Compelling, romantic, and different, I think it’s one that will stick with me for a good while.

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Erin Hahn is one of those auto-read authors for me. I got approved for this one like a week before release , but this was such an easy read to crush through.

You fall in love with Case and Winnie almost instantly. I can see both of their stories being incredibly relatable to readers their age.

It was heartbreaking, beautiful, and amazing watching these two grow through their grief and troubles, and overcome their obstacles together.

I cannot wait for more from this author!

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In a world where so many books are fully of cynicism, Erin Hahn's books stand out for all their heart. I know that seems counterintuitive with the title, but it's the tender way Hahn deals with love and grief in this book that makes it life-affirming,

This is the most real and lovely depiction of a young man's grief I have read. Case Michaels is still reeling over his best friend's death. Throughout the book, even after he thinks he's let all of his pain go, Case deals with how much he misses Walker. Case tries to follow Walker's bucket list, but struggles with whether this list is really for him, or for Walker. He's trying to make his own way after Walker's death, and he really struggles. It's a beautiful struggle.

Along the way, Case befriends Winnie Sutton. She comes from a pretty broken family, with an absent mother, and a barely present father, and two younger siblings to care for. She works at Case's family's ranch, and is at first very put off by Case's privilege. The way these two young people come to know each other and depend on each other feels like such a soft landing for both of them. It feels very earned. Yes, there's Romance, but I don't think that's necessarily the point of the book. I am just rooting for them the whole time.

The backdrop to all of this is a beautiful Texas ranch, and the rodeo world. Fans of horses and Yellowstone and nature will enjoy this aspect of the book. There is so much to enjoy overall. I highly recommend.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really love Erin Hahn's writing and her YA books, even as an adult reader. Her characters really resonate with the younger years of my life and navigating my own growth. This story was focused on grief and family dynamics with a love story included. I really enjoyed how the teenage romance between Case and Winnie added to the exploration of finding who they were as people. There are several heavy topics in the plot but, as always, Hahn navigates them with such sensitivity and skill. I highly recommend this book to YA readers but really all readers alike. I think everyone will find a connection here.

Thanks so Erin Hahn, St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this eARC.

Even If It Breaks Your Heart follows teens Case and Winnie, who find friendship and love with each other as they both go through difficult times in their lives.

This was such a cute read! Though it was a romance, this book dealt far more with themes of grief, family, and responsibility, as well as individual identity. I loved that while the romance was a feature of the plot, it wasn't the entire plot, and instead Case and Winnie had rich, interesting lives separate from their romance with each other. In all, I felt like this book really nailed the emotional depth of the story -- Case's grief over his friend's death, Winnie's struggle with filling in for her absent parents -- and felt remarkably well-rounded and beautifully realized. This was my first Erin Hahn book, and it certainly won't be my last.

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Thank you to Wednesday Books for the ARC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I am so excited to get this book on the shelves at my school library!
When given early access to the latest book by one of my favorite authors, why did I put this one off until almost pub day?! It was so hard to set it down once I finally started!
Winnie works in the stables at Case’s dad’s ranch, and even though they went to school together, they've never run in the same crowd, or even in tangentially-related crowds. Case is dealing with the grief of losing his best friend and fellow bull rider, Walker. I felt like I was in the chute with Case - Erin did her research for this book! Referred to as “sad rodeo” book, Even If It Breaks Your Heart covers heavy topics beyond Case’s attempt to move past Walker’s teenage death, including parental abandonment (both physically and emotionally), toxic masculinity, class, and privilege. But it isn't as sad as I expected it to be, actually. Did it make me cry? Yes, multiple times. But that's because I grew to care so much for these characters!
Erin Hahn writes the best characters. This is her last YA novel (for now, at least), and that saddens me because she is able to articulate the YA experience in a way that remains accessible for adults. I fell in love with her YA writing first, so this was a bittersweet read for me - I think that's probably a subconscious reason I put off reading it. And I’m happy she will continue to write adult romance, at least! While many of her books feature music as a key plot point, this one doesn't include as much music. However Erin mentioned that Winnie’s character is inspired by the song Fast Car by Tracy Chapman - and that she wanted to write a character worthy of such an epic song. And she definitely did!

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I loved built to last and friends don't fall in love, also a huge YA fan and couldn't wait to dive into Erin Hahn's latest! Y'all this book. 🥰🫠🥰 all of the feels. Winnie works as a farm hand on Case's family's ranch (he's a bull rider on the rodeo circuit) and when they finally meet they get off in the wrong foot. But Case's late BFF left him a list of things he wanted him to accomplish, one item on the list, befriending Winnie. Winnie, who could be an upcoming barrel racer but is held back by familial responsibilities, raising her siblings after her mom runs away. The two form an unlikely friendship, unflinching (IYKYK) support for each other and their, what might be unconventional, dreams. The story follows their no holds barred friendship turned feelings [I'm sorry when he turns up on her porch with wildflowers to take her to a party and she's rendered completely speechless 🫠🥰🫠] and they didn't even have to pivot to more because they were already long past being that person for each other.

For those in their cowboy era that also love YA. No third act break, closed door but SOOO many feels that I just loved every minute of it.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books, for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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Loved it! It’s not my favorite compared to a couple of her other books but I will continue to read anything Erin puts in front of me!

Erin has a special talent for writing tough topics in an honest, heartfelt, and emotional way and I am here for it. She rips your heart out, and helps you learn how to heal it yourself.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

I am a fan of Erin Hahn, and I think this book may be my new favorite! Right out of the gate, you are gripped with such an emotional response and your heart is continuously tugged throughout the book. Our main characters both have such heartbreaking stories, but their growth of character through adversity was life affirming and genuine. I absolutely adored Winnie and Case (book boyfriend alert!). The two were just so raw with an underlying sweetness together that was pure magic. This book has a lot of deep issues throughout, but watching the two become friends then something more captured my heart. The side characters were a brilliant addition, and I was fully invested in their parts of the storyline, too. I could see some of them with their own book (and maybe one with Walker and his lost love...sniff, sniff.)

Be prepared, this book just makes you feel all the feels...unflinching perfection!

5 stars

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Even if it Breaks Your Heart is full of hope and heartbreak and we are here for all of it! Case and Winnie are both struggling. Case is grieving the loss of his best friend Walker and Winnie is drowning in responsibilities while taking care of her younger siblings. They both need a shoulder to lean on and a friend to lend some support which they eventually find in each other, thanks to a little help from Walker.

This story isn’t all sadness and loneliness though. Case is left behind with a bucket list of sorts from Walker and by completing the tasks, he is able to deal with his grief. His arc is inspiring and realistic. Winnie goes through a similar arc where she gets to pursue her dreams and finally learns to ask for help. Their struggles and how they dealt with them was very hopeful in the end. They also weren’t completely alone. Even though they had difficult home lives, they also had people who loved them, like Winnie’s little sister Garrett who was our favourite.

The slow burn love story felt authentic, organic and sweet. We loved that they are past high school and just figuring out the rest of their lives. It makes everything a little more relatable for us as we are well past our high school days! They had a rocky start to their friendship but their journey made our hearts squeeze. There were some tears shed but that just means we really loved this book!

Read if you like:
▪️YA romance
▪️Rodeo stars
▪️Friends to lovers
▪️Ranch setting
▪️Slow burn

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Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a young adult novel about loss, grief and forging your own path.

Winnie and Case, the main characters went through quite a lot, but Erin Hahn handled it all with the utmost care as she told their story. I felt like the stories unfolded in a realistic way and this can be difficult to do, so I applaud Hahn for this. There are a significant amount of triggers present in this story, so I would recommend checking out the warnings prior to reading the book. I knew a bit about bull riding and barrel racing prior to reading, but I enjoyed learning more about the sport throughout the book.

Another aspect I enjoyed was the slow burn of the romance between Winnie and Case. It felt like it was right for them as a couple. It was also great to see the relationships that Winnie had with her sisters. Overall, I enjoyed this fun and sweet young adult romance.

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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thank you netgalley and the publisher for an earc! absolutely adored this ya book. books about death and grief really hit home for me. while there were things about this i didn’t love (some of the writing, dialogue, etc) there was so much i did. the character development was great, the relationship progress was great. one of my biggest issues was getting about 60% through before the background plot with the rodeo picked up, but every arc of the book was entertaining and fun. a quick, short read that anyone could probably find relatable.

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Erin Hahn is INCREDIBLE, and I have read every single book she's ever written. She started out writing YA, but then she also began writing adult romances (which are *chefs kiss* perfection). Even If It Breaks Your Heart is her final YA book, and let me tell you, she found the perfect story to go out on.

Teenage bull-rider extraordinaire, Case Michaels is floundering after his best friend Walker dies, just shy of his eighteenth birthday. It's been months, and he is still feeling so lost. He can't even imagine getting back on a bull without his wild, fearless friend beside him. In the meantime, Walker left him this list of things he'd wanted to do but didn't get the chance, and Case has been trying to cross things off for him. One of them, though, is proving difficult: befriend Winnie Sutton.

Winnie Sutton had to grow up fast after her mom left, becoming both sister and mother to her two younger siblings. She works at the Michaels' ranch, mucking the stables and training and exercising the horses. And she is the most naturally gifted barrel racer Case has ever seen. (She's also prickly AF, and she doesn't think very highly of Mr. Rich and Popular.)

But this unlikely friendship grows into more (obviously--it *is* a romance), but it's the most beautiful, organic thing I've read in a long time. She struggles with trust and asking for help. He's out to prove she can rely on him. He doesn't want to make rodeo into a career--that was Walker's dream, not his. So he's trying to figure out how to keep living--on his own terms.

The number of quotes I highlighted!! I'm not exaggerating--this book had me tearing up over and over again. Hahn has such a magical way with words. She captures perfectly little snapshots of time--those teenage moments--with honesty, finding beauty and strength even in the middle of immense grief. Having lost friends close to me, I am so proud of Case for finding ways to honor Walker and yet also live his own life. And Winnie. Precious Winnie, carrying a weight she was never supposed to carry--I'm proud of her, too, for learning to trust and rely on other people. As Case says, "It's okay to accept help. The world won't fall apart it you're not holding it together."

This book is a treasure. 10/10. No notes.

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I was so pleasantly surprised by this book! I'm a horse girl at heart but the premise didn't really do a ton to sway me. Case's best friend and partner on the bull riding circle has passed away, leaving him a list of things he wants him to do to live for him. One of the things on the list: befriend Winnie Sutton. Winnie works on Case's family's ranch to support her younger siblings due to her absent parents. She sacrifices much of her happiness for her family and it isn't until she and Case get close that she decides she can shoot her shot at rodeo stardom.

Don't get me wrong - this isn't one of those 'rich boy saves poor girl' stories - in a lot of ways it feels like so much more than that. Winnie helps out Case just as much as he helps out her as they become friends and eventually more. This is a slowish burn which I really appreciated. The two of them learn about each other, learn to be friends with one another and are able to help each other without being it being a romance until it all of a sudden is one.

There isn't a ton of external conflict in this book - a lot of that came before the book started. Instead, this is such a great character-driven book about coming of age and becoming who you are meant to be and surrounding yourself with people that will support you and care for you.

I loved Case and Winnie and all of Winnie's siblings and just everything about this book was exceedingly lovely. If you liked Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood I think this is similar vibes.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the opportunity to read an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the author Erin Hahn, publishers Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for an advance digital copy of EVEN IF IT BREAKS YOUR HEART. All views are mine.

Opening Quote: The less you have, the tighter you hold on. Loc.1910.

Three (or more) things I loved:

1. The writing is strong. I've read at least a dozen similar opening scenes– A young person speaking through a first person narrator, reflecting on life and love while succumbing to death– but this really had my attention. Even the narrator's self effacing

2. For me, the details make this story easy to connect with. I understand these characters, particularly Winnie, through these smoothly interconnecting details.

3. Once the plot of this story opens up, it's pretty excellent!

4. Hahn gets pretty intensely at the heart and agony of neglect. Eventually, you become protective of that tiny, muddy, shit-filled backyard. Because it’s yours, and because all you love in the whole world is in that space. Loc.1908.

5. There's a *lot* of it and I'm not convinced it all needs to be there, but I do love all the horse racing and bull-riding details. It's exciting content!

Three (or less) things I didn't love:

This section isn't only for criticisms. It's merely for items that I felt something for other than "love" or some interpretation thereof.

1. Some interesting fourth-wall breakage around loc.497 where the first person narrator directly address the audience in a parenthetical paragraph. I almost love this to bits, except that the tone shifts substantially within the parentheses, at least at first. Great examples at Kindle locations 497 and 1297.

2. I'm still not really sure what this story is about, and I'm a third of the way in. The story isn't coming together fast enough. (This resolves at about the halfway point.)

3. Not a fan of casual name calling– "dummy," "idiot," etc.

Closing quote: I’ve never been happier . That she might not feel the same . . . Doesn’t matter right now. She matters. Loc.3390.

Rating: 🐎🐎🐎🐎 bucking broncos
Recommend? Yes!
Finished: Feb 4 '24
Format: Digital arc, Kindle, NetGalley
Read this book if you like:
💖 young romance
🐴 ranch stories
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family stories, family drama
👭🏽 sister stories
💇‍♀️ girl's coming of age
🏇 horse racing and rodeo

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I've been a fan of Erin Hahn's last several books that I've read - my favorite being Built to Last.

"Even If It Breaks Your Heart is about two teens finding out that sometimes, the hardest part of discovering what you want is getting the courage to pursue it."

After losing his best friend to a lung disease, 19 year old Case is just trying to keep his head above water. He is working to complete a to do list that his friend left behind for him, which includes befriending Winnie Sutton, who works on his father's ranch. Winne is 18 and she is struggling to keep her family together, with a younger brother in trouble for truancy, a child prodigy of a little sister, and a dad who is mostly working or MIA.

This book read like a YA romance to me, low on the steam factor which is okay with me. I thought the relationship/connection between the two main characters was lacking for me, but I enjoyed watching them each find their way in the world separately and together.

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Even if it Breaks Your Heart was an amazing read. I never would have thought I would be so invested in a book about rodeo and horses, but I was. Because, it was SO much more than that. It was a story about loss and grief, but also about friendship, family, love and dreams.
We have Case, who recently lost his best friend and who’s struggling to continue with his life and trying to fulfill a bucket list that Walker left for him. Then, we have Winnie who’s struggling to keep her family afloat. Slowly, they learn there’s more the them that they have thought.
All the characters were incredible (except for the dads), I loved Case and Winnie both individually and together and I loved Garreth too. I really enjoyed reading this story, it gave me all the feels.
It is such a heartfelt and sweet story. I loved how wholesome everything felt. I am not the biggest fan of YA stories anymore, but EIIBYH proved me wrong because it was gripping and overall just lovely.

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in return for my honest review.


This book hit me so hard. And I just wasn't expecting it.

Winnie and Case. I dare them not to pull at your heartstrings. I mean - Winnie breaks your heart with all the trauma she has suffered, plus the fact that she is 18 and has to put her hopes and dreams aside to ensure that her younger siblings are taking care of. Case has lost his best friend and is in that year afterward - if you've ever lost anyone close to you, you know what I mean - the year of fog: where consequences be damned, just getting through the day is the challenge.

But they find one another, and as they slowly build their friendship you can see that they are exactly what the other person needs. And for all the set-up of Case being a rich kid from the right side of the tracks - he's dependable, kind, empathetic and sweet. Winnie is strong and independent and tough as nails. Her fearlessness and grit are exactly what Case needs. You can't not cheer these two on - because together they are magic.

This story is going to break your heart, put it back together again and then break it again a little. No 3rd act break-ups -- just life being life, and these kids facing their grief head-on. Joined by a cast of wonderful characters (Garret needs her own story - seriously - let's see where she is when she's 20) and I love how everyone was there for one another.

This reminded me of Jennifer Niven's "All the Bright Places" and John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars". Raw, messy, heartbreaking but uplifting all at once.

I am so glad I picked this up.

Also - and completely randomly - but Winnie's love of horses reminded me of Jilly Cooper's character Perdita MacLeod (from the book Polo). They seem to share the same fire and determination towards horses and racing.

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Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a beautiful story about finding love, finding yourself, and and finding friendship. Winnie's mom left when she was 9, and her dad hasn't stepped up to be a father to Winnie and her two younger siblings. Winnie graduated early from high school, works full time, and takes care of her siblings. She works at the ranch, and she secretly dreams of barrel racing one day. Case's best friend, Walker, passed away, and he is struggling with the immense loss and grief over Walker's death. Walker left a list of things for Case to do, and Case starts trying to accomplish them. One of those things is to become friends with Winnie.

Winnie works on Case's family ranch. They start to develop a friendship over time, and she even lets him help her with her family responsibilities. They are like two lost souls clinging to each other, but they don't want to admit that yet. Their friendship develops into feelings for both of them, but they don't want to ruin the friendship by saying anything or doing anything about it.

This story has some heavier topics, but they are handled beautifully. It's a story of two teenagers who long to have a connection with someone who will really understand them and be there for them. Winnie and Case find that with each other.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC.

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In solidarity with the SMP Boycott I will be withholding my review for this title (which I was given prior to the boycott) until SMP acts on the following:

1. Address and denounce the Islamophobic and racist remarks from their employee.
2. Offer tangible steps for how they are going to mitigate the harm this employee caused.
3. Address how, moving forward, they will support and protect their Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian influencers, authors and readers, in addition to supporting their BIPOC influencers, authors, and readers.

This is not a reflection of the author personally, nor is it a call to boycott buying this particular book. And this star rating is a reflection of how much I enjoyed the book.

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