Member Reviews

A really cool retelling with compelling characters and a fun, albeit heartwrenching, romance at the center. I really enjoyed reading this and it’s made me want to check out the author’s other work for sure!

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The classics remix series has been a joy to see being published. I especially enjoyed this remix of Pride and Prejudice as written by Gabe Cole Novoa. The transgender and queer experience feels real and emotional through these characters who are just trying to be their honest selves in a world that may not always be accepting of who they are. I am glad that books like this exist, both for teens who are finding their way in the world and for adults who are finally accepting a queer identity that may have been impossible for them in the past.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I adore Pride and Prejudice so much and this remixed tale did a wonderful job of reimagining this amazing novel. I loved the concept of changing up the story to have Elizabeth actually be Oliver, a trans man. I thought this was very well done and I loved Oliver and his strength. This was a very enjoyable book that captured all of the great elements of the original classic.

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Oh, this is so good.

Definitely one of those YA books that adults can happily read — aside from a heightened interiority and (slightly repetitive) inner monologue focused on body image and identity, nothing really struck me as too YA, which makes sense because it’s adapting an adult book. It much more closely follows the beats of an adult historical romance but without the sex scenes. (At times Oliver does seem young and naive, but in really similar ways to the original story). But teens will definitely love it too!

The romance is 😙👌🏼. I love what Novoa chose as the central misunderstanding/tension between Darcy and Oliver.

It’s a hard balance to have Oliver consistently angry at being treated like a woman without having him seem to look down on women in moments (especially because in some ways the original Lizzie Bennett is very “not like other girls”), but Novoa overall does a great job. There’s one especially great scene where he says “I am not a young woman, but even if I were I’d never want to be treated as inferior,” which I think is such a great way of putting it. (I’ve seen that people have called this book misogynistic, and I think that’s just wrong, and also probably transphobic).

I cried so much at the end! It’s a bit fantastical, but the author makes a good explanation of the context in the historical note, plus it’s a romance! It needs a HEA! I loved it, overall.

I got this originally as an ARC from Netgalley, and of course didn’t read it nearly in time for the pub date. But I appreciate it nonetheless!

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I am a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice, so I am always on the hunt for a retelling that does the original story justice and has a flair of its own. In this case, Most Ardently delivers and does a good job of keeping true to the original storyline while creating its own story. I loved how this was given as a source of hope and history to trans people because, as the author says in the author's note, trans people have always existed. We just aren't able to say in what way they did historically.

Oliver is able to create the life he wants, and I love that in doing so, he finds support and love from his entire family. I have always loved a well-written Darcy, but the acceptance Oliver's family showed him made me love this story so much.

When reading this story, be sure to check content and trigger warnings, and beware that Oliver is deadnamed consistently throughout the book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Three words to describe Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa:


I absolutely loved this trans retelling of Pride & Prejudice! While I’ve never read the original, I have seen the perfect 2005 movie, and feel as though Novoa does a fantastic job of maintaining the spirit of Jane Austen’s original story.

If you love a good slow-burn with plenty of yearning and fantastic LGBTQ+ representation, then don’t hesitate to pick up this remixed classic!

Thank you MacMillan Children’s Publishing and Feiwel & Friends for the review copy!

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I have no words for the love I feel for this "Remix" series. Thoguht the classics are just that for a reason, these remixes I believe could have a becutiful place in classes taught alongside the classics to talk about the evolution of themes as they apply to the modern world.

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Both true to the original Pride And Prejudice and also refreshingly different.

As someone who grew up with my claws tightly gripped onto the Kira Knightly Pride And Prejudice I was super excited to read this queer reimagining. The author managed to hit all of our favorite beats of the original story while giving us a trans main character and a happy ending that we all deserved.

I struggled a bit with how bleak the beginning of this novel was, the regular dead naming and the level of uncomfortable our main character was made my skin crawl at times but the ending is so, so worth it.

I recommend the audiobook highly! The narrator does an amazing job of bringing this story to life. I also want to thank netgally for providing me with the Arc!

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Such a refreshing take on an Austen classic! Novoa doesn't justice to Austen's beloved characters, while also breathing new life into them. Their motivations may be shifted than in the original, despite the intentions shifting.
It was a tender romance about how there isn't really such thing as a right time to be yourself, but there is such a thing as a right way to be yourself.

I would say that content warnings should be heeded when reading. While I personally did not feel triggered, the content could cause uncomfortable feelings to arise.
CW: misgendering, deadnaming, dysphoria, homophobia, transphobia

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A worthy addition to the wider Jane Austen universe, Mostly Ardently is a delightful Pride and Prejudice retelling. Oliver Bennett, our gender-swapped protagonist is charming and intelligent, carrying the story forward in unexpected directions. His experience as a young trans man offers a rare queer insight into England’s 17th-century high society. I thoroughly enjoyed the reading experience and will pick up whatever next Gabe Cole Novoa writes!

Spoilers ahead! The plot, while following the first half of Pride and Prejudice, takes an easy way out in resolving several storylines within the novel. Without knowing the source material, I imagine it would be hard to understand the motivations of certain characters, including Darcy and Wickham. Because of that, some characters, like the younger Bennett siblings, come across as red herrings rather than full characters.

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one of a couple of queer Pride and Prejudice remixes I happened to end up reading around the same time, and I absolutely loved it.

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I have been absolutely loving these remixed classics and Most Ardently is a standout. This books asks the question of what would it have been like for Darcy to meet his match in Oliver Bennet, a trans boy who is known to the wider world as "Elizabeth". Oliver wants nothing more than the freedom to be himself and he and Darcy seem to bring out the best in one another. Pride and Prejudice is well known for sequels and retellings from alternate perspectives and this retelling is delightful addition that centers queerness within the beloved classic.

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When I first saw this book on NetGalley, I instantly requested it because I thought it sounded interesting, but once I started reading it I had trouble staying focused on the book. I hope to come back and give it a better review once I have been able to finish it, but for now I'll take it two stars. Update to rating hopefully coming soon,

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Pride and Prejudice remixes are all over the place and this one was done interestingly I think especially for a queer perspective.

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"Most Ardently: A Pride and Prejudice Remix" by Gabe Cole Novoa is a refreshing and poignant reimagining of Jane Austen's classic, set in 1812 London. The story centers on Oliver Bennet, a trans boy who feels trapped by societal expectations and the gender roles imposed upon him. Unlike the original, this remix focuses on queerness and trans identity, exploring Oliver's struggle to live authentically in a world that sees him as Elizabeth, a girl destined for marriage.

Novoa's adaptation diverges significantly from Austen's work, transforming it from a novel of manners into a queer YA romance. The author takes artistic liberties with history and character dynamics, emphasizing the unique challenges faced by Oliver. The central tension revolves around Oliver's refusal to conform to the role of a dutiful wife, highlighting the impact of identity on one's experiences and interactions.
The romance between Oliver and Darcy is charming and well-developed, with Darcy initially appearing rude but later revealed to be kind and intelligent. The novel addresses themes of transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny, yet balances these with moments of support and understanding from Oliver's close friends and family. The ending, while heavy on wish fulfillment, offers a hopeful respite from the harsh realities faced by the trans community today.

Overall, "Most Ardently" is a delightful and heartwarming read that successfully blends the essence of "Pride and Prejudice" with a modern, inclusive twist. It is a testament to the importance of diverse narratives and the power of love and authenticity in the face of societal constraints.

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Nice retelling through a trans lens. I did feel a certain sense of whiplash while reading, as the book bounced back and forth between details/interactions that were very close to the source material one moment and then suddenly in an entirely different universe. I think readers less familiar with Pride and Prejudice will find it a smoother experience. The characters were great, with both Oliver and Darcy feeling like genuine young people finding their place in the world. There is a LOT of dysphoria from Oliver, so if that's a trigger for you, please proceed with caution. But it does capture really, really well the difficulty of the trans experience when coming out is scary or not an option. I think a lot of people, especially teens, can really find things to connect with here. The ending was very sweet and satisfying. I honestly think my favorite bits were all the parts of Oliver and Darcy together when they were both totally free to be themselves. Let's aspire to make a whole world where that's the norm for everyone.

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I really liked this! It felt like fanfiction but in the right ways. I liked how it rewrote the story beats of P&P but in the context of this other world where Elizabeth is trans and Darcy is gay. Good read, I'd pick up another one by this author!

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I was skeptical about this Remix series, but I enjoyed the twists that this adaptation offered. I definitely saw the connections to the source material.

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I'm a hardcore fan of Jane Austen, and it's very hard to find retellings that keep the spirit of the work. This one does, and the few places where it doesn't are choices that I agree are an improvement.

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