Member Reviews

I love any Pride and Prejudice retelling, and this one was a really wonderful, queer remix! Adored the voice, characters, and romance. Can't wait for more in this series!

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Oh my gosh - I cannot explain to you how much I adored this book. I love Pride and Prejudice. It is one of my favorite classics and one that I've returned to many times over the years. I adore the book, but I also love the film adaptations. I think a lot of women my age consider Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy to be the definitive Darcy. I won't pretend that he wasn't the image I had in my mind when I conjured up Novoa's version of Mr. Darcy. It's the ultimate romantic comedy.

So when I saw that a new remix was coming out and it was based on Pride and Prejudice, I knew I had to read it. I expected to enjoy it, but I had no idea that I would end up loving it.

In this remix, the character of Elizabeth Bennet is a trans boy named Oliver. This whole story is now about his experiences dealing with the expectations his mother has for him, that society expects, but wanting desperately to live his truth. I worried that it could potentially derail the story, but not at all. If anything, the new context made it somehow better. I loved this version of the Bennet family, Mr. Bennet especially.

The characters were all done well, Wickham is particularly heinous, and the relationship between Oliver and Darcy is fantastic. The way the author was able to not just retell Pride and Prejudice, but enhance it, and create a whole new story while still hitting all the main beats...I loved it, most ardently.

If you haven't picked up anything in the remix series yet, please do!

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I. Loved. This. Book.

I am a long time Pride and Prejudice fan and when I found out about this book I knew I needed to get my hands on it /immediately/. I loved reading Oliver’s story and seeing the similarities between this story and the original Jane Austen book. As soon as I started it I knew I would not be able to put it down.

If you are a fan of queer historical books, this is a must read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Feiwel and Friends publishing for the ARC.

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Most Ardently is an absolute gem of a retelling. Novoa took an already beloved story (Pride & Prejudice) and injected it with a beautiful new queerness. Oliver is wonderful and his strong sense of self in a time and world that would shun him is something great to watch. He knows who he is, refuses to settle and dreams of being freely himself. Darcy is a swoon in this book just as he is in every other rendition and I absolutely loved him. I think this book will be greatly enjoyed by many and can even help those still grasping and struggling with themselves to find a new determination and strength through Oliver and his tale.

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Most Ardently was just a wonderful read for me. I love Pride and Prejudice so I knew I would most likely enjoy this. I really love seeing all of these queer retellings of classic stories. Makes my heart happy! Definitely would recommend.

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*Received as a free ARC*
Tough topics, easy read! Oliver and Darcy were delightful. I've been aware of this series, but never read any and it's delightful! I continue to love queer historical books and this was excellently and thoughtfully done. The trigger warning at the beginning is important for readers, but I'd recommend it to anyone who is dealing with dysphoria and identity issues.

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I enjoyed the writing style and I like many of the choices that the author made in this retelling, but it's overall a 3.5 rounded down for me. I just think that the pacing could've used some work. It was still fun to see Darcy and Oliver in this context, but I do think that some moments could've been better handled.

I also feel like the juxtaposition of Charlotte and Oliver was giing to be tough to deal with in general, but with Lu being introduced as a character as well as Mr. Collins's role in this book in particular, the commentary made by Charlotte seemed really ill-fitting. Wickham also felt a tad too hamfisted. Mrs. Bennett served her purpose well, but got too overbearing at times.

Loved Jane, Bingley, Caroline and Mr. Bennett though, as always. 😂

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Myth: 5/5

I love Pride and Prejudice. This remix was so unique — capturing the spirit of the characters while using many of them differently than the original. My absolute favorite part of this remix was the relationship between Oliver and Mr. Bennet. It was so true to the spirit of the original I found myself nodding my head along, saying, “Yes, that would have happened that way.”

Magic: NA

Not our usual genre. This is historical fiction, retelling a classic. No magic here, but it’s definitely a great read.

Overall: 5/5

It is a very different story, showing a new perspective. This remix was so enjoyable. While it had challenging scenes, it was overall heartwarming.

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Huge thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Children’s/Feiwel & Friends for allowing me to read this early!

I have been dying to read this book since I first heard about it. Not only is the cover stunning but the whole concept and of this remix is. This is the first remix I have read within this collection, though I have been reading classics retellings for a while. This will be added to my list of favorite retellings. While I am not trans and cannot speak to the experience I truly think this book does a great job at retelling this classic story for a new generation of individuals who need it. Retelling Pride and Prejudice was the perfect choice for a trans story to be told as there are so many overlapping lessons, and feelings. Gabe Cole Novoa has done an amazing job and has solidified Oliver Bennet as a character that is forever cemented to the Pride and Prejudice story, world.

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I was very pleasantly surprised by this Pride and Prejudice remix, I went into it thinking that it would be a line by line retelling but that was not the case at all. I really enjoyed all the added scenes and the dual identity aspect that was added to the story. Watching Oliver and Darcy connect together on their own outside of social obligations was so heartwarming and I loved seeing how easy it was for Darcy to open up to Oliver. I'm not trans, but I really felt for him every single time he was misgendered or felt trapped by societal expectations. I loved that he and Darcy got the happy ending they deserved and that Oliver was able to inherit Longbourn. And nothing for you Wickham and Collins!!!!!!

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
At long last, Remixed Classics takes on Jane Austen, with Gabe Cole Novoa’s compassionate trans-inclusive remix, Most Ardently. While the series can be hit-or-miss when it comes to authors who don’t have a background in writing historicals, Novoa was actually a great choice here, with a clear understanding of the nuances of the Regency era, and especially its queer culture, and combining that with a subversive reimagining of arguably one of the most retold works of fiction.
Elizabeth Bennet being reimagined as Oliver is beautiful, and I loved the care with which this was rendered. From the start, with the note that some people in the story will misgender and deadname him, but he’s consistently referred to by his prefered name and pronouns by the text itself was a solid compromise, highlighting the transphobia of the era, while showing that trans people have always existed, and affirmation for them back then wouldn’t have looked too different from what it looks like today. And while I’m pretty well-read on the nuances of the era, even I didn’t know that birth certificates did not exist in the Regency (although that does check out, given how poorly records were kept of births of common people in times past), thus presenting the possibility that, with the support of a compassionate physician to vouch for them and family supporting them, trans people could indeed “pass,” perhaps many more than we’re even aware of.
Oliver’s identity also adds some interesting nuances to his relationship with Darcy. While Darcy is still very socially awkward in his initial encounters with Oliver when he’s presenting as “Elizabeth” in public, I love the addition of scenes between them in a Molly house, highlighting how both of them act with their guards down. And while I feel like it was a missed opportunity to not have Darcy have some sort of inkling as to Oliver’s secret, given he does still ask “Elizabeth” to marry him, there’s still a plausible reasoning given, albeit one tinged with irony.
The supporting cast is also beautifully reimagined as well. Jane being a supportive ally is only to be expected, given the two eldest Bennet siblings are thick as thieves in just about every incarnation, although I did feel her relationship with Bingley got sidelined for the sake of time, with Bingley not even really appearing after his untimely disappearance…which sucks, since early scenes really built up the possibility of a friendship between him and Oliver, while exploring the tension between Oliver and Darcy. On a similar note, the younger Bennet sisters are basically nonexistent in this book…Mary and Kitty were already pretty irrelevant, but with the ending changed, Lydia is also similarly boring. But thank God no one marries that awful Wickham…it’s just a shame Charlotte’s still tied to Collins.
However, I did like how Mr. and Mrs. Bennet were written. Mr. Bennet, being disposed to favor his second-eldest child to begin with, has a lovely relationship with Oliver, and I really appreciated his compassion when Oliver came out to him, especially in wanting to take his time to tell his mother. While Oliver’s transness is kept secret from Mrs. Bennet for most of the book, and I feared the worst due to her marriage-minded nature, she surprised me by proving to be incredibly open-minded and accepting, with her affirmation being particularly heartrending.
This is a beautiful reimagining, balancing a largely beat-for-beat rendering of Pride and Prejudice with the story of a trans boy’s coming-out and coming into his own in the face of immense societal prejudice and obstacles. If you’re a fan of the original, but are interested in a version that is more explicitly queer, I’d recommend checking this out!

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Every time I read a Jane Austen retelling I can never decide if I'm grateful that I haven't read the originals or if I am missing out because this book was fine. I really love the transjoy of it all but I didn't love it as a whole. I think maybe I'm missing some context but this one was an enjoyable read but not a favorite.

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I am obsessed with all things Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice, so I was so excited to read this book! I have read queer retellings of Pride and Prejudice before, but they are normally changed to a modern setting, so this book was so unique and fun! I loved Oliver's character and how he refused to be anyone else, even as the world saw him as the second daughter of the Bennet family. It also made his relationship with Darcy so interesting! Darcy did NOT want to court Elizabeth (not HANDSOME enough to tempt me has a whole new meaning in this book) but was falling quickly for Oliver, putting Oliver in an uncomfortable position. This book was so sweet and emotional, and I really enjoyed how the characters stayed true to themselves, even with all of the changes. Wickham was still the worst, Mr. Bennet was still the best, and Charlotte Lucas was still queer (let's be honest, she always was). This was a great retelling and a very emotional but enjoyable read!

Thank you to Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Most Ardently does a great job of reimagining Pride and Prejudice in a way that still feels true to the original writing. I really liked how the author included actual queer history that is in line with the times and showed us how a trans man might find ways to exist as himself in that time period.

I liked how Wickham's actions changed, but he's still as despicable as ever. I felt like all the characters still felt like the originals and their reactions seemed in character (except for Mrs. Bennett at the end-- you'll know it when you read it). I did think that the ending was rushed, and I would've loved a little more there. Overall, I really enjoyed this read!

Thank you to Feiwel & Friends for the ARC!

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I first saw this book on an ad in instagram and immediately RAN to netgalley to see if they had it! The day I was approved was one of the best days of my life. Reading the first line was amazing as I believe any sort of pride and prejudice adaptation should have the iconic “it is a truth universally acknowledged…” As for the book it was absolutely wonderful. I was captivated the whole time and I love reading stories of trans joy especially now. I can’t wait until it comes out so I can buy it day of!

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Overall, this was a great adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, which is not easy to do. I liked the writing style and especially how closely it stuck with most of the original plot. I enjoyed how the character of Darcy felt like it stayed very true to the original and the slight changes fit in seamlessly. I enjoyed that we spent more time with Darcy at the beginning than we do in the original. However, the book's primary focus was on Oliver's gender dysmorphia. It was understandable that it would be forefront to his thoughts, especially at that time period. But for this retelling specifically, not enough time was spent on the romance at the end. It was nice that Oliver's family accepted him, which might not have been realistic but it helped with the necessary happy ending. I thought it was well done but I was also hoping for more.

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Pride and Prejudice but queer?? Babies, I'm already at the finish line I ran so fast!

We have our cast of characters from the OG P&P minus one. The MC is Oliver Bennet. A trans boy who does not want to live a life as anyone other than himself. And being someone's wife is not it. But it is 1812 London and only a select few of his loved ones know (and accept) who he really is. Then he meets Darcy as his true self and sees a side of him not many get to.

I found it to be a quick read. I basically read it one weekend. I will say that maybe the second half could've have been a teeny bit more fleshed out. But also I am a huge P&P fan so I have something to compare it to in my mind. As it is a popular story that would be hard not to. My initial reasoning for picking the book was the remixing of the Austen original. TBH it read more like the movie than the book (and I don't mean that in a bad way as I watch the movie 987 times a year.) All in all, I loved this book and I'm super happy to have gotten an E-arc of it.

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I was apprehensive about this one because I *adore* Pride and Prejudice and retellings don't always hit the mark for me. This one though, was perfect. I might even like it even more than the original which is saying a LOT. I will definitely be rereading and it's one of my favorite reads this year.

Gabe Cole Novoa managed to create an incredibly faithful retelling that is also very much its own thing, hitting all the familiar beats but changing things just enough to make this version feel perfectly plausible.

Of course Elizabeth is a trans man named Oliver. Of course Darcy is gay. It makes so much sense? The writing was loving and careful and clever. Oliver's dual identity was handled brilliantly as well.

I do have to include a trigger warning for misgendering (unknowing for everyone important to Oliver) and gender dysphoria. It was so vivid to be in Oliver's thoughts and his discomfort and pain at being addressed over and over as a woman (with sexism thrown on top) and being forced into dresses. I really felt for him. It felt real.

I really really identified with Oliver. My own discomfort with femininity made his struggles really ring true. The more he let himself present as a man, the more right it felt and the more painful presenting as a woman became for him.

I absolutely adored the additions of his interactions with Darcy while presenting as a man. That really deepened their connection and made their love story that much more believable.

I am also really, really glad that while most of the conflict in the story is internal as Oliver struggles with whether to come out to his family, they ultimately embrace him. Being nonbinary myself, with the way the world is today -- we need all the happy endings and affirmation we can get.

The audiobook narrator's performance was brilliant and it was so easy to get pulled into the story with all the easily distinguishable voices. I finished it in one sitting and promptly pre-ordered my own copy of the audiobook.

*Thanks to NetGalley, Feiwel & Friends, and Macmillan Audio for providing an early copy and early audio copy for review.

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**I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.**

The newest installment in the Remixed Classics line is Most Ardently brought forth by Gabe Cole Novoa. An evident Pride and Prejudice retelling, the "Elizabeth" of the story is Oliver, a young trans man who is struggling to navigate staying true to who he is along with societal expectations of the Regency era. Coupled with a Darcy whose brusque qualities are, in part, due to his utter disinterest in female companionship, this remixed retelling shines.

Because Oliver is closeted to most people in his life, he is frequently referred to by the incorrect name and misgendered. The author addresses this in an author's note prior to the start of the narrative, but any readers who struggle with dysphoria may find this story hits close to home. Novoa, as a trans author, is able to put into words the feelings of not fitting into one's own skin and the pain of not being seen. It is, to me, beautiful representation from inside the the trans community, though some folks may find it all the more difficult for its accuracy.

The queerness of Oliver and Darcy truly is the change-up for this piece as it otherwise remains pretty true to the original work it retells. I was grateful for Novoa including a support system for Oliver, both of family and friends who knew him as himself and the development of new people coming to know him as himself and reacting well.

Overall, this was a fun retelling which was exactly as advertised and I already have a copy pre-ordered for my own library.

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I loved the concept of Most Ardently and have enjoyed most of the classics remixed in this series, and while overall I really enjoyed this the pacing was glacial

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