Member Reviews

This book is cute but I expected something more. It’s a good retelling, yes, and the chemistry between Darcy and Oliver is so good, but I quite don’t understand why Darcy was such a ass*ole with “Elizabeth” but his manners change completely with Oliver. Really he sounds a little misogynist because there is really no explanation for his behavior.
I don’t quite sing with the other characters who seems a little off, like they have to be in this book because they are in the original book, but they don’t want to be here.
However, the story is soft and Darcy and Oliver are really cute together and the rep is really great, so this book is worth reading.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, for the e-arc!
This is exactly what I wanted from a queer pride and prejudice retelling. It has all the emotion and turmoil of the original story but with amazing characters and representation. Gabe Cole Novoa did a stellar job bringing new energy to such a beloved classic.
Oliver is such a strong and intelligent character and seeing their interactions and chemistry with Mr. Dracy was so touchy. The story has always been the most perfect slow but deep romance with so much passion and understanding between the two. I honestly cannot stress how much I enjoyed reading this story. It had me giggling and beaming at all the cute parts.
Lastly, the acceptance and happiness that Oliver finds are unmatched. I love queer books that feature such a full view of gender issues. While we see his gender dysphoria and his pain at being forced to present as the wrong gender, this book also focused on his joy at finally presenting as himself to the world. The joy and pain really hit home and make this such a unbelievable read.

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This book was SO GOOD. If you want a queer retelling of Pride and Prejudice this is it. I loved the main character Oliver who is a trans man struggling to survive in a society that sees him as a girl. For almost the entire book I was giggling and kicking my feet. Books like this make me understand the love around historical fiction.

(If you liked A Lady for a Duke by Alex Hall you'll adore this book).

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I loved this book so much. It had such wonderful representation and it was such a beautiful spin on a classic. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite books and it was such a refreshing remix of a classic tale. I loved Oliver and his story, I thought that the character was flushed out very well and showed excellent representation of the trans community.

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4.5 stars

It’s London 1812 and Oliver feels trapped. Not just by the strict rules of society, but by the fact that everyone knows him as a girl named Elizabeth. Thus, he’s forced into dresses, to attend balls, and to look for a future husband. But pretending is getting more and more difficult.

Oliver finds solace in the moments he’s able to be out and about as himself. It’s there that he finds a connection with Darcy, and a glimpse into the life that he could have. However, his mother is getting more and more insistent about Oliver finding a suitor, so he will have to choose: a life of safety or a life of freedom.

Thanks to NetGalley and Feiwel & Friends for an advanced copy of Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa to review! I will admit, I have never read Pride & Prejudice, but I know the general gist of the story, so I didn’t feel too lost. From what I know of Jane Austen, I felt like Novoa captured the tone and the essence pretty well! The characters especially are where the writing shines.

What I love about these remixed classics is that it takes a literary canon that is pretty straight and white washed and makes the stories more diverse. So, teens who are reading these things in school might pick up one of these and see themselves in the story. I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve read so far, and I’m sure I will continue to enjoy them!

My only complaint about this book is that the ending felt a bit rushed. There were a few characters that did a complete 180 at the end with not a lot of build up to it (like Oliver’s mother), and I would have liked a little more development in those areas. But for the most part, the characters were well developed, even if there were a lot of them to keep track of.

I’d say if you love Pride & Prejudice, definitely check out this retelling when it comes out early next year!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for a review!
Most Ardently was a fun and lighthearted book. It did tackle some themes like homophobia and deadnaming, but there were no graphic scenes or gratuitous content.
This book was simply a cute retelling. The plot changed slightly, which is expected of a retelling, and became more simple than the source material.
Most Ardently was a lovely and quick read. Fans of Alexis Hall and Jane Austen could expect to enjoy this book.

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I've been absolutely loving the Remixed Classics series, so I was very excited to see P&P on the list, and for the most part, Novoa pulls off this remix so well, reimagining this as a gay/trans love story that gives some context on trying to live in society while queer.

As a Pride and Prejudice remix, Most Ardently sticks fairly closely to the main plot beats while keeping the themes of expectations - both familial and societal - and assumptions from all sides close at hand (though we do drop almost all of the social climbing or monetary aspects). Oliver, as a trans boy, knows better than most the pressures and pains of not adhering to expectations and the desperation of wanting something different than what everyone assumes he wants. Each time someone assumes he is female or wants to be more feminine, or deadnames him, we feel his anguish that he will never be able to live as he chooses, though at every turn there is also a light between the clouds, those moments where he is recognized and accepted as a boy, the affirmations that he is not alone. I also really appreciate that Oliver never gets recognized as "Elizabeth" or vice versa and while there are some plot pressures for him to come out, it is always his choice to tell his truth when he does.

There are parts of this that feel extremely YA - the characters are aged down, for one, which makes some of the marriage pressure a little odd, but the characters also /feel/ quite a bit younger, in both their actions and their speech, which is also at times jarringly modern. While I appreciated the inclusion of Charlotte and Lu's storyline as a way to illustrate that queer existence was often an in-between of finding ways to outwardly meet societal expectations while living a private life that was true to themselves, when pitted against Oliver's need to live as himself, it comes across as something that can't ever be truly joyous, which feels very black-and-white. The Wickham storyline gets changed in some truly baffling ways that gets rushed through the end of the story and somewhat undermines some of the previous conversations in what is probably the largest departure from the original. I'm also not sure why this is set in London, but okay. At the end of the day, this is a sweet remix of a classic that emphasizes the importance of seeing people for who they are.

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4 stars

The 9th in Feiwel and Friends' Remixed Classics series, Most Ardently reimagines Pride and Prejudice as a queer Regency love story between Oliver, a trans boy forced by society's expectation to live as a woman, and a book-loving, socially awkward Darcy. Being a young adult retelling, the characters are aged down slightly, but the familiar beats of the original story - with all of its miscommunications, misunderstandings, and societal pressures - are still intact and even amplified in Novoa's tale as our couple struggles to find common ground when forced to play their roles whilst falling in love when allowed to live as their true selves.

I was greatly moved by this book multiple times as Oliver overcomes personal fear, the prejudices of others, and society's boundaries to live and love as his truest self. Even the last line of the author's note left a tear in my eye! While I did find myself at times wishing that we could get a broader scope of the world and characters beyond Oliver and Darcy, I completely recognize that this story needed to be far more focused than Austen's in order to truly capture the important story being told here.

Thank you to NetGalley and Feiwel & Friends for an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review!

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Thank you to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book early!

Charming and fast-paced, this was a great romantic book for fans of queer retellings. I love the surge in books retelling classic, and much beloved, stories but centering queer perspectives and experiences. Following the plot of the original almost to a tee, I still had a great time with these characters.

For a comforting and heartwarming read, I highly recommend!

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This was a great addition to the Remixed Classics series! I loved the trans rep in it, being in Oliver's head was such an honest and heartbreaking experience, but everything ended on a very lovely and positive note which I was so thankful for. I did get a little lost in the middle of the book with all of the politics and drama, and I definitely wanted a lot more emphasis on the romance between Oliver and Darcy. But other than that I thought this was excellent!

🌈 Queer rep: trans man, gay man, MM gay main relationship, bi/pan side characters in a FF relationship

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This was such an incredible retelling. I loved the change up with the main character as a trans boy & the way that component changed the story. It had all of the things I loved about Pride and Prejudice but with a fresh take on the characters. I especially loved the relationship between Mr, Bennett and his son Oliver. All of the scenes with the two of them had me tearing up. I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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This is such an important and heart-warming book, and a really interesting spin on a classic story. Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for sending me this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this - I know just enough about pride and prejudice to have appreciated this as a retelling without being bored by knowing every beat in advance (and it is a retelling, so while many of the beats are familiar, it functions quite well as its own story). Mostly this was extremely compelling as a coming of age/coming out story with a very articulate and sympathetic narrator.

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I absolutely LOVE the Remix Series of classic novels. Where authors paint their novels with bold and bright characters and give a fresh inclusive version for a new generation of readers. Making a space for young readers who want to see themselves reflected in the fictional characters they can call their own.

Most Ardently is a remix of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, where a trans boy, Oliver, works through his identity, trying to find a way to be himself, be accepted by his family, and enjoy all the thrills and twists of falling in love.

Nova’s novel focuses largely on the internal struggle Oliver has between his true self and the person society (and some of his family members) deems him to be. Readers will feel the sting whenever Oliver’s deadname is mentioned, and the sickening way he is forced to wear clothes that make him feel uncomfortable. Or how hard it is when his mother adamantly constricts Oliver to a version of himself that is not his own.

While Novoa provides a fresh new take in his reimagined version of Pride & Prejudice, I would have loved more pages dedicated to Oliver exploring his world and interactions as himself. I fully enjoyed the chapters where he was able to interact with the other main characters like Bingley and Darcy (especially Darcy). I wish there had been more page time dedicated to these experiences. Flushing out insecurities (both for Oliver and Darcy) and fully developing that budding relationship between Oliver and Darcy.

Where readers experience that thrill of clashing rivals-to-lovers, both strong willed and stubborn, but also discovering new characteristics of these two boys that make them both beloved characters.

Happy Reading ~ Cece

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Most Ardently is a queer YA retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennet is now Oliver Bennet a trans man living in 1800’s England and under constant pressure from his mother to marry a respectable man. Oliver’s mother and most of his family don’t know that Oliver is trans and only contribute to the angst and emotional upset felt by Oliver every day.
This is an accelerated version of P&P that zips along as a very quick read. I really enjoyed this book. I love how the author combined the comforting feel of the original book that we all know and love with the trans experience. I really enjoyed Oliver as a character and his developing relationship with Darcy.
Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan for the opportunity to read and review this book. I’m giving it 4 stars and will absolutely recommend this book on my social media closer to the publication date.

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Okay, so I freaking love Pride and Prejudice. And I am obsessed with the cover of this book. And I'm a huge advocate for queer representation. So I had extremely high hopes. And this book DID NOT disappoint. I was engaged through out the entirety of this book. Even though I knew generally how it would go, I couldn't help turning the pages, desperate to read what would happen next. The original Pride and Prejudice characters hold such a special place in my heart that I was scared these characters wouldn't live up to them, but they were so well written. Oliver Bennet was well rounded and lovely. Darcy was just as soft and warm and beautifully misunderstood. The other characters did seem to fall away a bit in this book, and as much as I adore them and would have loved to see them more robustly present on the page, the emphasis of this book was on the internal growth of the main couple and this book would have had to be 5 times as long to dive into the complicated relationships Oliver would have had to navigate if we focused on the side characters. So it didn't really bother me. All around this was a great read. The language in this book is also so much more accessible that Austen's original work so I feel like I can get my friends to finally get the story of Pride and Prejudice. So I love that.

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This was everything I could have asked for in a Pride and Prejudice retelling. I’ve always loved the romance of that era but never get to see media in that time period about queer people like myself. Although I knew the general story of Pride and Prejudice, this story still kept me on the edge of my seat with each roadblock that Oliver hit throughout the plot. Will definitely be handselling this to customers.

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I loved this book so much. Funny, moving, and such a well done Pride and Prejudice retelling. Can't wait to start recommending it to students in the library.

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Review of Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa

Projected Release Date: January 16, 2024

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group for providing me access to an eARC of this incredible book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Gabe Cole Novoa’s novel, Most Ardently is a most enjoyable reimagining of Jane Austen’s beloved novel, Pride and Prejudice. In this version, the second eldest Bennet child is named Oliver Bennet and his mother’s goal for him to act as “Elizabeth” at social gatherings and one day become a wife. Oliver isn’t entirely sure what his life will look like in the future, but he knows he doesn’t want to one day become a wife. In this story, Oliver meets Mr. Darcy twice. Once during a ball while he’s pretending to be someone else and another time when he’s dressed as himself. They hit it off the second time and become friends with major chemistry. They even end up meeting by chance at a secret bar for queer folk. As Oliver spends more time not just with Mr. Darcy, but as himself in this gorgeous secret society, he begins to wonder if he doesn’t have to become a wife…if he can just exist as himself.

I love that readers get most of the beats of the original novel but they’re edited to make more sense. For example, Jane’s shyness is still taken for aloofness, but in addition to trying to mend Jane’s love life, one of the big problems that Oliver faces is the threat of being outed.

One thing I love about this book is the reactions of family members. His dad’s reaction was my favorite of them all. I loved the way that queerness is handled in this book in general. You get the understandable stories of some of Oliver’s friends who stay in the closet and don’t take any risks which is valid. But you also get Oliver’s story. There’s something very hopeful about the way the story goes. And I love the note that Novoa leaves for readers saying that it would be nice if this could be someone’s real story, but we’ll never really know because it’s the past. We do know that queer people have always existed and that’s why I personally have such a soft spot for queer historical fiction. Anyway, I loved the ending.

Check out Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa on January 16, 2024!

5 out of 5 stars.

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"Most Ardently" presents a fresh and remixed take on the beloved classic, "Pride and Prejudice." This reinterpretation, aimed at young adult readers, successfully blends the elegance of the Regency era with a modern and accessible language, making it a delightful read.

I would give this book a rating of 4 to 4.5 stars. It falls into the category of "regency lite," offering a balance between the historical setting and contemporary language. However, it's important to note that the authors took some creative liberties with specific canon events from "Pride and Prejudice," which may surprise readers familiar with the original story.

One of the standout aspects of "Most Ardently" is its unique perspective. The story offers a captivating glimpse into a transmasculine perspective, with Darcy now portrayed as Oliver (Elizabeth). This refreshing take on a well-known love story adds depth and diversity to the narrative. While there are minor inaccuracies in terms of locations and historical details, the story is well-crafted and thought out.

What truly shines in this book is its theme of trans acceptance and success. Oliver's internal struggles and trauma are sensitively portrayed, and the overarching message of acceptance and support is heartwarming. It's a story that resonates with the importance of embracing one's true self and finding love and understanding in the process.

Additionally, "Most Ardently" introduces readers to lesser-known aspects of the Regency era, such as Molly Houses, providing valuable historical insights. The inclusion of a brief explanation of queerness in the Regency era is informative, but the addition of a discussion question section at the end of the book could have enhanced its value for educators.

In conclusion, "Most Ardently" is a unique and engaging reinterpretation of a classic tale, offering a fresh perspective on love, acceptance, and the complexities of identity. It successfully navigates the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, making it a recommended read for young adults. While it may have some minor deviations from the original canon, it serves as an important exploration of themes relevant to today's society.

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