Member Reviews

I started reading this as an audiobook and felt very confused on where it was going. I had to stop due to this and also not really finding any joy within the book either. I possibly will read it if it's in a physical copy or as an ebook, but not anytime soon.

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This story had lots of action.... and murder.... and F words! Wherever Theodosia Benton goes a murder seems to follow. However, when Theo goes missing for several years, will the killings stor or will they escalate?

Only four stars because of the language and the periods that it seemed to move too slow. It picked up during the second half and held my attentiion, though. Thank you, NetGalley, for the early read.

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had very high hopes and expectations for this book and unfortunately some of them weren't met, i didnt like how the pov would constantly change, i had to keep checking back to see if i had missed something every two seconds like there was even a time jump of five years that was only mentioned ONCE and thats it? it never developed whatsoever, had me wondering what couldve possibly happened to the characters in those five years like that plot hole couldve been filled with something but i guess not. i liked the idea of this book actually, the plot was really nice, there were a lot of twists and turns here and there, theo was amazing i adore her, i mostly liked mac and his chaotic family they were very fun. nonetheless i enjoyed this book, not as much as i hoped but it was definitely something!

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This is the first book I have read by this author. It started out well with likable characters and an interesting story line. But then I think it crossed over into an unrealistic plot line. The premise just didn't seem believable. However, I will say that is was well written and if you are able to suspend your disbelief, you might enjoy it.
The story involves a young woman who has dropped out of university in Australia and shown up on her brother's doorstep in Kansas. Hoping to escape family criticism, all she wants to do is find some quiet time to write a novel. So she ends frequenting a cozy local pub where she can sit and write undisturbed. There she meets a fellow writer, one who is already has a successful career. They hit it off and all is going well until it isn't.
When she goes to meet up with her friend and finds him dead, the trouble starts. Too much conspiracy theory here for me.
I was enjoying the book until the last part when the plot resolution just seemed too far fetched.

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This book is about a woman who decides to go against her parents and grandparents wishes to become a solicitor like her brother Gus. Theo was raised in a compound style living environment. Theo decides she wants to be a writer and moves to Lawrence to be closer to her brother and try and get a writing contract with a top publisher in America. Throughout this book we meet a variety of different characters some of them mysterious, dangerous, likeable and some of them very unlikable. This book was well written but I felt it could have ended at least four different times. To be honest the actual ending made no sense to me. It made it seem as if there was more left to be said. I’m really not sure how I feel about this book, as it was my first book by this author I always give an author another chance and read another book before I make a decision not to read again. I found most of the main characters likeable, and even relatable. Overall, this story was fast paced, but the ending just fell flat for me. I felt like the action ended up being in the last 50 pages or so and it was crammed in for a grand finale. I just reviewed The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill. #mysterywriter #NetGalley
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This one started off as your typical murder mystery as an aspiring writer tries to discover who killed her friend and best-selling author lover only to quickly devolve into an over the top conspiracy theory ladden action-driven adventure. Recommended for fans of movies like Enemy of the state and people who like creative, somewhat implausible plots. This was good on audio and definitely entertaining if not quite believable. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Theodosia Benton arrived from Australia on her brother Gus' doorstep in Lawrence, Kansas, completely unexpectedly. Theo had quit her law course at the University of Canberra to pursue a career in writing. She didn't let Gus know she was coming because she thought he'd send her back. His successful career as a partner in a law firm was something Theo no longer was interested in, for herself. Gus was happy to see his kid sister, and had no intentions on sending her home. As Theo settled into her daily writing at a nearby coffee bar, where other authors also congregated to write, Theo met up with well known writer, Dan Murdoch, and he became her mentor. But then he was brutally murdered, and Theo found his body.

When the police decided Theo was their #1 suspect, Gus immediately stood by her as her lawyer. And his good friend and work buddy, Mac, also worked at their side. But another person was murdered and with evidence thin on the ground, the police continued to question Theo. But Gus was in the frame as well, and suddenly Theo was missing; nowhere to be found. What had happened to Theo? It seemed that she had vanished into thin air...

The Mystery Writer is another brilliant mystery thriller by Aussie author Sulari Gentill which I could NOT put down. Conspiracy surrounded all players with intrigue and control at its heart. As I turned the pages toward the end, I wasn't sure what would happen - but it couldn't be good! I always love Ms Gentill's writing, and this one sure didn't disappoint! Highly recommended to all who love a twisty, intriguing thriller!

With thanks to Poisoned Pen Press via NetGalley for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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My head is still spinning after finishing this book! Conspiracy theories, corruption, murder, ruthless corporations —The Mystery Writer has it all!
Theodosia Benton is a fledgling writer, and a good one. When her mentor is brutally murdered, Theo, her brother Gus and his friend Mac all become suspects. Gus is shot by the police when they go to arrest him, and after visiting him in the hospital, Theo disappears. Two years go by and Gus and Mac continue to search for Theo. One day Mac reads a bestselling book, and realizes that it's Theo's novel., published under someone else's name. The race is now on to find her, before her publisher decides to silence her permanently.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Sulari Gentill for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for The Mystery Writer coming out March 19, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I really wanted to love this book! I loved the first book and was definitely excited to get the second book. The first half of the book awesome. I loved the way the story was progressing. The last third of the book felt like a completely different book to me. I really didn’t understand where things were going. I wasn’t a fan of the time jumps and plot. I was rooting for Theo in spite of a few little things, but I just couldn’t get behind her choices at the end.

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The Mystery Writer is entertaining if increasingly outlandish. It’s a story about a conspiracy theory that’s written as though the author is meant to be critical of conspiracy theories, but ends up creating an absolutely outlandish one in the form of this story. Early on I was intrigued, but by the end I was reading just to see how ridiculous it could get.

Thank you Sulari Gentill, Poisoned Pen Press, Dreamscape Media, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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When Theo Bennett left law school and moved in with her brother Gus and Lawrence Kansas she was nervous about her reception by her brother but soon she fit in like a well-made glove and he loved having her there she would walk to a local café called Bailey’s every day to do some writing and got to be friends with the servers Laura and chick and eventually even befriended unbeknownst to her a published author named Dan Murdock. The more time they spend together the more she liked this older man and although Jack Chase would always be her favorite author years ago he had been canceled by the social powers that be wasn’t riding anymore something she also shared with Dan they were just friends until the night they took it a step further and became something more but it would be the next day that she found him dead on his kitchen floor. The day before his death would mark a lot of first for Theo, the first time she finished a novel the first time her and then made love in the first and last time she embarrassingly begged Dan to introduce her to his publisher. He said his publisher wasn’t right for her and that he wouldn’t introduce her to them something that embarrassed and kind of hurt Theos feelings but more than that she didn’t want Dan to think that’s why she was friends with him to get to his publisher so when she went to ask him over for dinner and to meet her brother it’s when she found him in his kitchen. The day after finding him when she was done with the police station and sleeping off her shock she goes to Bailey’s to tell everyone there but it seems everyone already knows and surprisingly to Theo his publisher was there and wanted to speak to her about her book she shared her book with Dan but didn’t know he was going to share it with his publisher it was even more surprised that the publisher wanted to have lunch. It was when leaving Bailey’s that the strange event started happening even though she didn’t connect The dots immediately even when she went to lunch with the publisher and listen to their exclusivity agreement she thought it weird but sometimes when we want something bad enough we will overlook red flags and this is how Theo found herself in the middle of a conspiracy theory like the ones Dan told her all about and she just smiled thinking conspiracy theories aren’t even real, but they are in soon she is smack dab in the middle of one. Leave it to Sulori Gentill to give us a book we’re right in the middle of it you think there’s no way she’s going to be able to pieces all together… But trust me she does there’s way too much to this book to give a really good summary just know if you’re looking for a great thriller and like conspiracy theories you definitely love this book, I know I definitely did! I love the way the author always tries to give us something original and it seems she always succeeds this book isn’t your every day trope in there is even a slight romance and a big old handsome dog name horse this was a great great book and I know I keep saying that but what more can I say it’s an awesome book and one I definitely recommend I gave it five stars and it definitely deserves every one of them. I want to thank poison pin press and net galley for my free art copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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This was one of the oddest books I've ever read. It was way too convoluted in trying to explain a ridiculous conspiracy of writers becoming assassins for a literary agency from the eyes of a budding novelist who gets in too deep. I kept wanting more because the writing was interesting and I quite liked the characters but it just dragged on and on. There is a lot of violence in this book and the ending was not satisfying at all. I hope you have better luck!

Mystery Writer comes out next week on March 19, 2024, and you can purchase HERE.

Theodosia Benton stood on her big brother Gus's doorstep, pausing to enjoy the relief of a long journey's end. But the breath she let out was snatched back as bedlam exploded onto the porch in the form of a massive hellhound of some sort. Though not, as a rule, frightened of dogs, Theo was unsure of her welcome, and tired, and still a little overwhelmed by the enormity of what she had done, and so she disintegrated a little, pounding on the door in tears and panic as the dog tried to raise the dead. A few neighbors poked their heads out to investigate what was apparently a murder in progress.

Gus Benton had been entertaining. After a few moments of scrabbling for clothes, he opened the door.

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A little too farfetched! It was hard to believe Theo was so smart but yet so dumb! Readers who enjoy conspiracy theories and Doomsday preppers will most likely be entertained with this tale. A little too crazy.

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Overall, I did enjoy this mystery! 🔍However, there were a few things that kept me from rating this higher! 👀

For the most part I enjoyed the characters; that FMC though… 🙄 I mean, I’m sensitive but I don’t cry over every little thing like this girl does. She comes across as very weak, with no backbone, and so gullible - it’s unfortunate. I also felt the ending was a bit far-fetched and rushed to a degree. 🫣

Still would recommend if you like a mystery involving the publishing world and conspiracy theories! 🤓

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for giving me the opportunity to read the eARC in exchange for an honest review! ❤️

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I had high hopes for this book as it sounded very intriguing, but starting this had me sooo confused from the very beginning. I don’t understand what’s happening and I just can’t get with the writing style, or the long chapters. Unfortunately I will not be finishing this book. I would like to thank the publisher, netgalley, and the author for the chance to receive this arc but I will not be able to review this any further.

I won’t speak about it on my socials since I’m sure it’s perfect for someone else, just not for me.

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Started off a little slow, even after some bodies started to drop. But then becomes kind of fun, in a “everything is falling apart” kind of way.

I had my suspicions about what was happening and I was proved correct on all fronts. But I never mind guessing the “twists” as long as they’re fun to puzzle out along the way.

The reveals that come could seem outlandish.. except, nothing would surprise me these days. It makes enough kind of sense where I wouldn’t be surprised if stuff like this does eventually happen. (I’m being intentionally vague about the stuff to not spoil it).

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The Mystery Writer is a whodunit that is center around a killing of a famous author. So when Theo digs deeper, she discovers layers of secrets and unexpected connections.
This is a great whodunit that will keep you guessing.
If you enjoy Agatha Christie’s works and appreciate unexpected plot twists, you’ll find this books for you.
I thoroughly enjoy this.

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A mystery involving a would-be lawyer, an almost-published book, mysterious disappearances, and conspiracy theories should be highly intriguing and action-packed. This book was not.

The writing never managed to catch my attention. The characters were not easy to connect with, and I struggled to care about their stories.

I kept reading, waiting for the story to pick up, but more unnecessary characters were added and the storyline kept getting far-fetched. Overall, I’d skip this one.

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This was a really nice, cosy mystery read which kept me guessing.

The narrative follows Theo, an attorney who decides to become a writer. She finds herself in a sticky situation after her mentor is brutally murdered and her brother becomes a suspect. The book's premise was something new to me and this made me want to delve in pretty quickly. I felt that the characters were warmed up a significant amount and this really allowed me to picture scenarios clearly in my head, something I tend to struggle to do.

This narrative kept me guessing until the very last minute and it honestly had me thinking every theory in the book was legitimate.

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I was immediately drawn into this story about Theo, a young woman who leaves law school in Australia and travels to Kansas to be near her older brother Gus and get his support in her decision to abandon law school to become a writer.

Gus welcomes her into his home but soon finds Theo isn’t focused on writing because she is cleaning his home. He suggests Theo find a coffee shop or bar to make her “office” and Theo soon finds a nearby pub in which to write.

It is there that she meets Dan, a local writer who turns out to be her mentor and also a writer she has loved for years. She has read every book he ever wrote. They eventually become friends and the relationship soon becomes more. But almost immediately after Theo is intimate with Dan, he is found dead.

Theo’s life soon becomes a game of cat and mouse and I was completely into the story until the point where everything seemed to come to a standstill. Years go by and the mystery of Dan’s death is till a mystery. The time lapse caused the story to lose momentum for me, so that when things finally were resolved it just didn’t seem to have the climax I was expecting.

Not to mention that there were still a few things left up in the air, which leads me to believe a sequel might be in the future.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Poison Pen Press for allowing me to read an advance copy. I am happy to offer my honest review and recommend this to mystery readers.

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