Member Reviews

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Sulari Gentill for providing this twisty murder mystery for my honest review. This is the second book I have read by this author and it won’t be my last! I loved every minute of this book. Very little surprises me anymore after having read so many mysteries, but this one did! I love how twisty and entertaining this book is all the way throughout. And, of course, I love books about writers! Thank you again for allowing me to review this book. I can’t wait for the next one by this author!

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The mystery writer is an action-packed thriller by author Sulari Gentill that kept me interested from beginning to end.

It starts with our protagonist, Theodosia Benton, arriving at Lawrence, Kansas, after leaving Law School in Australia to become a writer. She lives with her brother Gus and his dog Horse, and starts working on her novel at a nearby café.

She then meets a famous writer who becomes her confident and mentor, and the story takes its breathtaking development. Theo will witness murders, corporation deals and all sorts of plot twists in her own trajectory.

The mystery writer is the kind of thriller that fascinates the reader with the combination of the literary world and police investigation, manuscripts and murders, associated to a bit of conspiracy theories and paranoia. A perfect combination for the fans of the genre.

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Really…3.5 stars.

Well. That was a wild ride. Let me start with… I did not read the description of this book first. I requested it due to having read another book by the author.. Conspiracy theories come to life indeed. If you’re into conspiracy theories and want to see what happens when a literary agency goes wrong, really wrong… this is for sure your book. I did enjoy it. My biggest issue with it was one of the main characters. Specifically, Theo. I just didn’t like her and wanted to reach through and give her a smack like Gibbs does in NCIS. I found her to be whiney and although her paranoia was justified, she just did things that made me cringe too much to relate to her and her plight. I won’t lie, it also irritated me that guys seem to fall over themselves for her… she shows up on her brother’s doorstep and doesn’t have/make a lot of friends but the two non-related to her guys that she regularly interacts with both get romantically involved with her? I feel like maybe it wouldn’t annoy me so much if she wasn’t such a plot device… a normal person would have had a few more friends/non-romantic relationships which would have made her seem like a more well rounded and relatable character.

Overall though, not a bad read. I would recommend it to people that are into this type of fast paced not super realistic fiction.

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Thank you very much to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the ARC copy to review.

This book took such a turn from the expected. One of the reading group questions was about how you thought the book was going to go from the first portion. Having read one of her previous books I had an idea that a first-time reader might not have. Let's just say the other person would have been more correct. This review will have slight spoilers as I have to about some issues.

The bulk of our story takes place in Lawerence, Kansas. With the majority being in a café/bar, which is an interesting business idea, due to this, we don't get much detail about the location itself. A few things that did stick out and made me need to Google though. First, there were so many cafés with writers in them, sure it’s a college town but is it big enough to support that? Next, her lawyer brother's firm would have that many dealings with New York or the proposed flight time between Kansas and New York. The answer to both is probably not in the real world. Either way, moving on.

In this novel, we follow Theo and Gus Benton. For the most part, we are with Theo as she arrives in the US after having dropped out of law school to become a novelist. Theo believes in her dream of creating a story, and that she is a bright person. However, throughout the book, she makes dumb decisions. Some of the actions are slightly what we see in mystery novels and other times things don't add up at all. Then there is Gus Benton, a partner at his law firm, and supportive older brother. The Benton siblings had an interesting childhood growing up with hippies in Australia (apparently they call them ferals). Then late in the story, we start to see from Mac Ethridge. He is a longtime friend and somewhat colleague of Gus. Mac is a very easygoing person who takes all the craziness happening quite calmly.

After a stint of manic cleaning and doing minor house repairs Gus loving tells Theo to get out of the house and write. This is how she meets the man that will become her mentor. After months of discussing the craft of writing and working on her manuscript, Theo gives him the finished draft. Only to find him dead the next day. What transpires is a series of horrors all with Theo at the center. Can the Bentons prove their innocence before being targeted by the real killer or arrested?

Much like her other novel(s?) each chapter begins with an excerpt of something else. In this book's case, it is chat room messages. In the beginning, I had thought this must be from one of the novels being written. Quickly though it proved to be something that was supposed to be taking place in real time with our characters. This gave the book an interesting vibe to be sure because of what these were based upon. In this one, we are focusing on conspiracy theories. It was interesting to see one of the chat room participants enter into the story itself. Also highly amusing that his particular theories were considered the strange ones out of the rest of his family.

I'm not sure it would be considered the pacing but possibly it would, something felt off with the timeline. I do understand fast-forwarding through the months she is writing her novel and only showing snippets. However, due to that decision, I didn't feel any of the chemistry Theo was supposed to have had with her romance (or even the second one really). Her first entanglement felt more like he took advantage of the mentor status more than anything else. It was an ick thing to happen and then the rest of the book she said she had loved him. As for the second one, it just seemed too soon after meeting Mac or the death of this guy she "loved". I get falling for Mac of the two of them, just wish it hadn't kept going about the "love" of the first person.

There was an odd POV change in Chapter 38 that may be fixed in the final printing. It just jumped back and forth rather suddenly. When it changed back to Gus and Mac they were in a car chase that felt like we were already supposed to know about; this made it feel like a scene was missing.

I still enjoyed how the novel went mostly because it was so very different. Sure, a lot of things made no sense even after the end was revealed. Or at least let's say they didn't make sense for a smart person like our characters or the police to do. The big end reveal was also so out there but that is somewhat the point of the book.

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I may well be an unpopular outlier here, but I really did not enjoy this book and almost stopped reading it several times. Having read several books now by this author I had quite an expectation that I felt was not at all delivered.
Rather than recount the plot I will try to summarise why am left feeling this way. I could not relate to the characters in particular Theo (aka Theodosia) and her brother Gus, I didn't find them particularly likeable and was frustrated that they couldn't seem to see what seemed perfectly obvious to me. The conspiracy theories, which were more a strange aside that didn't ever really come to anything significant. The really poor light that is shone on publishing companies (was there a message in there?). The very prolonged storyline which seemed to diffuse any sense of urgency or danger. The lack of parental concern/input from Theo and Gus's parents.
Suffice to say, I didn't feel I could give this a good review, however I am still looking forward to future books by this author and I hope I am in a minority with my opinion on this particular book.
Thank you Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Publishing for the opportunity to read this digital ARC.

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Book Review: The Mystery Writer
Stars: 4 X 5
Author: Sulari Gentill @sularigentill
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press @sourcebooks and DreamScape Media @dreamscape
A big thank you to @netgalley for both the book and audio version of the ARC

Young 22 year old Theodosia Benton arrives at her brother Gus’ door. She came from Canberra Australia to Lawrence Kansas. Gus is a partner at a law firm and Theo has come to the US after leaving Law School. She wants to be a writer.
Gus agrees to Theo living with him and attempting to write her book. Theo ends up heading to Benders a coffee shop/bar to write during the day. It is here that she ends up meeting fellow writing Dan Murdock. Dan has authored many books and is writing a new book himself. Dan and Theo befriend each with Dan acting as her mentor. They become close friends. Theo finishes her manuscript and she fantastic. Theo and Dan have become extremely close and she ask Gus if it is ok to invite Dan to the house to celebrate. Gus is good with this and when Theo is unable to get hold of Dan by phone she goes to his house to invite him. When Theo gets to Dan’s house the front door is ajar and she enters assuming Dan left it open by accident. Theo enters the house looking for Dan and ends up finding his body in the kitchen and he has been murdered. As the police investigate Dan’s death, Theo’s life is turned upside down as she becomes a suspect. This not only affects her life but also Gus’, his coworker and fellow lawyer Jackie and best friend/investigator Mac. Theo decides to try to find out why Dan was murdered. She also believes that this online conspiracy forum Dan was involved in may have been involved. As time goes on and the four of them now delve into the circumstances of Dan’s death it become perfectly clear that their lives are in jeopardy. They must do anything to survive and find Dan’s killer.

The beginning of the book was a bit slow which is to be expected as the author was setting the backstory of all these characters. But I will say once you get through it is an amazing read/listen. I ended up just reading the last third of the book and could no put it down . I will just tell you the ending is amazing. This a great book to read or Listen to. The Audio Narrators do a fantastic job with the audio version too.

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2.5 stars. I enjoyed the Woman in the Library, and I was excited to get an early copy of Gentill's latest. Unfortunately, this one was just not nearly as good. There are so many plot points scattered throughout the book (Theo's history, Gus' history, the preppers, Mac's history, Theo's love interests, the agency, the expectations of the agency, and more) that the author attempts to bring together at the very end, but there was little cohesiveness to all of it, and I felt like there were still so many questions at the end. Also, I had a huge issue with the way the author tried to portray the characters as healing from trauma when they really have done nothing to heal from that trauma. The character development is also subpar. Theo's character is portrayed as hugely immature and naive, and her cluelessness is PAINFUL at times (especially because the author was often pretty obvious about the direction the book was heading). Gus and Mac are overly masculine characters who show zero regard for Theo and her capabilities. Since this one is not part of a series, I would recommend passing on it in favor of other more engaging and well developed books.

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Thank you so much to netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review! I really loved this authors other books so I was excited to read this one.

However, this book was definitely not for me. I did not finish it. I found the conspiracy theories throughout really distracting and confusing. I was confused most of the book and I just couldn’t get into the story. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and the plot just wasn’t making sense to me.

I hope others love this book and I will continue to check out more of this authors work. This one just didn’t work for me.

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This is a thrilling novel that I could not put down. The characters were all intriguing and engaging. The plot was interesting and I genuinely did not know where the story would go. It was pleasant to be surprised by a story that could have been formulaic. I look forward to reading everything else this author has to offer.

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I very much enjoyed the first 70% of this book. I think the story line is very good. There are quite a few typos and grammatical errors throughout the book.

The last 30% of the book seems very rushed and thrown together. Starting at chapter 27 where Mac and Theo are talking with Laura about Benders. From there, it feels rushed. It does continue to follow the story line very well, but I feel like the timeline of events that happen are so far spread out with no indication of when they actually take place that it gets confusing.
Chapter 38 jumps around a lot, like it originally was 2 separate chapters and got accidentally combined into one or a glitch happened and a piece accidentally was inserted into the chapter and it shouldn’t have been. There was no breaks in it to indicate that it was jumping from Gus to Theo and back again.

Altogether, the book was a good read. The story line was great and I can honestly see something like the plot in this book, taking place in our world today.
Thank you to the publisher, the author, and to NetGalley for the ARC of The Mystery Writer.

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This is the second book I have read by Sulari Gentill, and I think she just made it to my automatic tbr list.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There were so many times where I thought I had it figured out, just to be thrown for another loop. It kept me engaged from the very first chapter.

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I was not invested at all in the plot, it was oddly put together and felt very random and far fetched. I couldn’t bring myself to finish this one even though I was 78% done.

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Theodosia Benton turns up in Lawrence, Kansas, on her brother's doorstep, having left her university in Australia. She has decided to become a writer instead of a lawyer. Theo starts writing daily at a bar in town where she meets an older author whom she starts a friendship with. When she doesn't see him one day she goes to his home and finds him murdered. This starts a string of issues; more murders, conspiracies, blackmail and the need to disappear for several years before nearly everything starts to finally make sense.

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Theo aspires to be a writer. She goes to live with her brother Gus while she is working on her novel. She ends up meeting a author named Dan and forming a friendship with him. Dan is found dead by Theo and then it becomes a story of who is the killer and why.

First I want to say thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for an ARC ebook in exchange for my honest opinion. Even though this book was a conspiracy theorist book I enjoyed the mystery of it. I did feel Theo was a damsel in distress most of the book with her brother being the main rescuer but with everything that kept happening I think even the strongest women would fall apart. This book had non-stop murders that kept me gripped and wanting to know more. When it all came together in the end, I was dumbfounded.

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I think the topics in this book were just not for me and my lukewarm feelings about this book were mostly a reflection of that. I enjoyed this author's prior book and I should have read the synopsis of this one!

I am certainly open to somewhat out-there conspiracy theories when they relate to things happening in the real world, or things that are not otherwise easily explained. Grassy knoll? I'll hear you out. White fiat uno? Tell me more. Owl attack? Weird, but explain it.

The conspiracy theories in this book have to do with doomsday scenarios and doomsday prepares, which I am very much less enthralled with and (to me) fall more into the cult category.

My true star rating would probably be a 3.5 but unfortunately Goodreads and Netgalley won't allow that half star!

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4.5 stars / This review will be posted on today.

I’m a fan. Sulari Gentill writes fabulous crime novels that don’t feel like crime novels. The Mystery Writer tackles social media conspiracy theories and murder.

When Theo shows up on big brother Gus’s doorstep unexpectedly, she has no idea how this major change in her life is going to affect her and everyone around her. Theo has dropped out of law school in Tasmania because she now wants to be a writer, not a solicitor. Her big brother Gus lives in the US and is a defense attorney at a firm in Lawrence, Kansas.

Gus gives Theo a bedroom and a timeline that she must stick to before she gives up on university completely. He also agrees to keep ‘the ancients’ (their hippie parents) out of the loop until Theo makes a final decision about her future.

Theo finds a writing ‘office’ in a local cafe & pub, which apparently caters to other writers as well. She strikes up a relationship with another author, immediately reads all his published works, and asks him for advice and guidance. But when their relationship becomes more than just peers, and he is discovered murdered, Theo and her brother become the main suspects. And they become exposed to a very dark side of the publishing world they never could have imagined.

As I said, I’m a huge fan of Gentill’s writing. She is a master of sucking you into the story and world she’s created. I’ve never been to Lawrence, Kansas, but it sounds like an amazing place (the same goes for Tasmania!) Her characters are three dimensional and unique. I know I’ll continue to enjoy her novels for years to come.

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I was intrigued by the premise of this book.

Young aspiring writer Theodosia (Theo), drops out of law college in Australia and arrives at her brother Gus's home in America, looking for lodging and help. Gus, a lawyer, encourages her, and she finds a local cafe where she writes during the day and befriends a well known author, Dan Murdoch. Dan is working on a new novel, and confides in Theo that he follows conspiracy theorists as part of his research. When Theo visits his house, she finds him dead...

Theo of course, is intent on trying to find the murderer, with the help of her brother and his best friend, Mac. Mac's family are Domesday preppers, and partly because of that, and partly because of Theo's closeness to the dead writer, the police have Gus and Mac as suspects.

Add in the conspiracy theorist's posts on the web, and the uneasy sense of Dan Murdoch's publisher being involved, and you have a complex plot with some interesting twists.

Parts of the book fell a little flat to me. Theo had just dropped out of law school, and so was clearly an intelligent young woman, but she didn't act that way at several times. The ending seemed rushed, with sudden time jumps forward, and several years fly by in a few pages. The ending didn't work so well for me.

However, I enjoyed the involvement of Mac's crazy family as light relief.

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The Mystery writer is a murder mystery that started very slowly. The “world building” lasted for approximately 50% of the book, then the pace sped up rapidly and the next 30% of the book were exactly what I wanted - lots of mysteries, questionable people, weird motives and overall a fast paced thriller. But then the last 20% got me questioning if this is how a brother would react with the connections that he has.
I was hoping for a stronger story line and better use of the characters. Not to mention that the person behind the murder(s) was very obvious from the first official meeting.
I will highlight also my favourite parts: Horse the dog who has learned to growl and appear vicious on command, but actually is the biggest sweetheart, Mac’s nuts family (however, their involvement was a bit questionable to the plot of this book, but I enjoyed their weirdness either way) and of course the weird murders that happened around Theo as they created the tension that I was craving in the first half of the book.

FMC: Theodosia Benton
MMCs: Gus Benton, Mac Etheridge
single POV (Theo) - but after 70% or so also Gus and Mac, third person, single timeline.

Thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with the ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Strap in for a wild ride with "The Mystery Writer," where even the plot twists have plot twists, and the characters have secrets worthy of a daytime soap opera......…..

Book Information

The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentillis a 400-page mystery/thriller novel with a planned publication date of March 19, 2024. Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with an Advance Readers Copy for review.


When Theodosia Benton ditches her law career for writing, she wonders if her family will back her and if she's any good at it. But she gets tangled up in a secret writer's world when her mentor is murdered. When cops suspect her brother, Gus, she steps in to save him. But things get messy as Gus follows clues left by the dead writer, putting them all in danger. To keep their secrets safe, Theo and her crew must face a deadly threat head-on.

My Thoughts

In "The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentillis, I found myself immersed in an entertaining tale that kept me eagerly turning pages. Despite its length, the story's intricate plot and surprising twists held my attention throughout. The Mystery Writer is a literary journey that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Gentillis skillfully builds suspense, gradually unraveling the mystery as the narrative unfolds. While the beginning may seem slow, the tension steadily mounts, keeping me on the edge of my seat. I looked forward to moments in my day when I could reopen the book and read just a few more pages. Though some aspects of the book felt exaggerated, such as the portrayal of the publishing company and the conclusion, the overlay of conspiracy theories added depth to the story.

One of the novel's highlights is its exploration of sibling relationships, which adds emotional depth to the plot. The bond between the adult siblings is portrayed with authenticity, enriching the story's dynamics. Additionally, the inclusion of the prepper family and their unique perspective added both nuance and humor, while the presence of Horse, the lumbering dog companion, added a touch of warmth.

The one challenge I had while reading the book was that the shifts in point of view were disorienting, requiring me to pause and reorient myself within the narrative. Additionally, some elements of the plot may strain credibility.

Overall, "The Mystery Writer" is a well-crafted novel with a thought-provoking plot and compelling characters. It offers readers an engaging and suspenseful reading experience that lingers long after the final page.


"The Mystery Writer" is a captivating book that keeps you engaged with its suspenseful plot and unexpected twists. With its intriguing characters and gripping storyline, it's an entertaining read all the way through. If you're a fan of mysteries and suspense, this book is definitely worth picking up.


4 Mystery Stars

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As someone who judges a book by its cover, I was really surprised by this one. It wasn’t what I expected at all, and sadly, it was not my favorite. I really struggled, so much so that I requested the audio ARC and the print copy. I tried reading, listening and combining the two. Unfortunately, this one just fell short for me. I didn’t find any of the characters likable, and the lead was quite gullible. I’m not even sure who died and who lived if I’m being completely honest. Just not my type of story I guess? It read like a cozy mystery, but not quite. I can’t even pinpoint what went wrong here, but I did not enjoy it as much as I’d hoped.

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