Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the review copy of this title.

I really loved this story. A great follow up to the woman in the library.

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You're not in Kansas anymore. I take it back. Maybe you are. Theo quits law school and heads to her brother's house to crash and figure out what she wants in life. She wants to write a novel. She finds that she does her best writing in a coffee shop where she meets the town celeb who is an author. The author becomes her mentor. The next thing we know the mentor gets murdered. I could tell you the rest, but then I would have to kill you. This was an entertaining read, but about 50 pages too long.

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Interesting plot

This starts with chat room postings about conspiracies. New chats are included throughout the book, Although they ultimately made sense and show how people are influenced by others through them, I found them a bit disjointing.

The plot was good. A young Australian woman, Theo, longs to be an author. She meets a successful author, Dan, while spending her days writing in a restaurant. After spending many days writing and talking with Dan, she thinks she might be falling in love with him. When Theo tries to get Dan to submit her finished manuscript to his publisher, he refuses. She is hurt and and embarrassed. When Dan does not show up in the restaurant the next day, she goes to his house to talk to him and finds him murdered.

The story wasn't very tight. Some parts were very jumbled and I hope will be corrected in further editing. I thought this was a good first book. Then I looked up the author and found she has written many novels. It could definitely use more editing. The part in Dallas was very confusing when it switched between characters in nearly every paragraph. People were exiting a hotel before the alarm was activated. It was kind of a mess and could use a lot of clarification.

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Thank you net galley for an ARC of The Mystery Writer in exchange for this review.

The Mystery Writer follows Theo, who has recently left her law school program in Australia and flown to Kansas, where her brother lives, in order to pursue her dream of becoming a published writer. Her brother immediately suggests that she find a place where she can focus on writing her book and Theo ultimately meets another writer at the coffee shop she works at each day. The story develops when she finds a dead body and tries to unravel the murder mystery. Theo’s brother and business partner both come to her aid and soon all three find themselves caught up in the unfolding action.

The setting of The Mystery Writer is mostly, Lawrence, Kansas, with some action occurring in Australia. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to those who enjoy thinking about authors’ processes, and following twists and turns in a mystery novel. The characters in this book are believable and likable, which makes it easy to spend hours in their company.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the advanced reader copy of Sulari Gentill's "The Mystery Writer".

The is one of my 5 star rated books of 2023 and one of the few arcs I will be buying a physical copy of to add to my bookshelves.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to read this arc.
I was really looking forward to reading this book! It was well written and I do recommend it to others that enjoy slower novels. I felt that it was hard to get started but the middle was great. Ending was a bit rushed.

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THE MYSTERY WRITER by Sulari Gentill was a thrill ride with dips and turns around every corner. I LOVED IT!

When Theo Benton leaves Uni in Sydney, Australia and shows up in Lawrence, Kansas at her older brother, Gus’s house, all she tells him is that she left Uni so she could write her mystery novel, UNDERNEATH. She takes up shop in Benders Bar where she meets fellow author Dan Murdoch. They begin a love affair but when Dan dies, public opinion is that Theo was involved; maybe even a suspect. After Dan’s death, Theo is approached by his publisher about her book. But they represent some serious secrecy rules, etc. Will she sign with Day Delos & Associates even though Dan tried to steer her away from them? And is someone stalking her?

Meanwhile, attorney brother Gus and his PI, Mac Ethridge are trying to protect Theo from protestors, gamers and the police. With all of Theo’s problems, Gus eventually losses his job and faces other horrible consequences. Then Theo admits to a crime she didn’t commit in order to save Mac and Gus. Then she disappears.

There ARE a lot of characters in this book, so bring your dance card, but they all fit so neatly into the story. I felt like a fly on the wall of Benders and while hiding out from everyone after me. I enjoyed the writing style with a bit of sibling banter thrown in for good measure.

Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and Netgalley for this ARC opportunity. All opinions are my own and given voluntarily.

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This book turns the literary world upside down! The Mystery Writer is a unique addition to the genre. Gentile braids together contemporary topics with likeable characters drawing the reader into this clever mystery.

Hoping to become a writer, Theo drops out of law school and lands on her brother, Gus’s doorstep. She spends her days writing at a local cafe where she meets another writer, gradually realizing that Dan is a highly successful author. The two develop a writing routine while he becomes her mentor until one day he is murdered. Theo vows to find the killer as she quickly becomes immersed in a secret literary world where authors' identities are hidden and the publisher controls all the work.

Gentile turns the world of publishing on its head with this unique outlook on the world of books and the power of words. A masterfully written mystery that builds in suspense with each page. The author includes thought-provoking present day themes. The plot is full of twists and surprises while the character development brings each person alive.

Thanks to Poison Pen Press, Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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I feel like I should write 3 different reviews.
The first portion of the book —the set up of how the protagonist, Australian Theo, finds herself in Kansas, reunited with her lawyer brother—is far too long. The entire book could have ended sometime around the moment that the successful novelist she has befriended (and just slept with ) dies. Around that point in the book I pondered quitting it.

But the intrigue builds, and bit by bit, a somewhat unsatisfactorily constructed frame-up noose begins to tighten around Theo, her brother and his friend Mac. Nothing about this part of the story hangs together except for the malevolence of the dead writer’s agent—who is becomes inexplicably attached to Theo. The agent is so obviously the source of evil that it was virtually impossible to even try to co spider other “suspects”. But, there are lots of red herring potential suspects to consider. It’s just that they all seem hapless rather than homicidal.

There is woven throughout a back story of horrible abuse, parental neglect, a criminal history and all kinds of other detail from Theo and her brother’s Australian upbringing. None of it really matters to the story. And so, throughout I keep waiting for all of that to matter too. It never did.

Up to that point the book is standard fare mystery/ frame-up thriller. But then, with only the advanced notice of a new chapter, everything has changed. Theo is gone. Where? No one knows. The brother and friend have been respectively hospitalized and imprisoned. None of this is narrated. It is announced. Maybe this would have felt less utterly clumsy had there been a “Part 1” and “Part 2”. But, as a segue from one chapter to the next it was jarring, and weird (not in a good way).

For some reasons, the brother and his friends go looking in Australia. Nothing about this part of the story is additive—or even makes sense. Honestly, I think the whole Aussie back story would have been better saved for a later book—maybe one that takes place in the Antipodes?

And then there is part 3… when Theo is found (returned from the weird prison of her new life?)

From there, it felt like the author just wanted to wrap up the book and get done with it. And frankly, I felt the same way. The overall concept of an evil literary agency that “rehabilitates” fallen author reputations by turning them into prisoners is an ok premise. But it feels vaguely like a poor attempt at science fiction here. There is no explanation of the extraordinary feat of getting an (ostensibly) brand new author launched to the level of success they had in their previous authorial lives. The agency is seemingly omnipotent, and the literary world so meritocratic that good writers ALWAYS make it. And so this Uber-powerful agency can make any writer into a global phenomenon simply by representing them.

I can’t recommend the book. It seems like a good idea that had no real editorial guidance. Had it been rewritten and restructured a few more times it might have been great. But as it stands, it doesn’t really feel like a cohesive piece of work.

My thank to New Galley for an advanced review copy.

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At first, I thought of DNF-ing this because it was not the usual murder mystery books that I read but I said to myself, “you know what, I think it’ll get more interesting.” And it did!

I think that this book has its target audience and like a new dish, it’s an acquired taste. The beginning was a bit slow and had me in question marks, especially that it started with a conspiracy theory. But as the story progressed, my interest in the story and its characters grew.

I also think that the ending part was a bit rushed, kind of like a flash-flood, that’s why I’m rating this book a 3.75.

Thank you NetGalley for approving my request of an ARC!

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A young woman drops out of law school and travels across the world to surprise her brother in America with the news. He takes her in to live with him and encourages her to follow her dreams of writing a novel.

She meets and befriends a well known author, who guides her as she writes her book. She in turn inspires him to overcome writers block and start a book about a conspiracy theory group. Then he ends up dead.

🌟🌟🌟 I enjoyed reading the book, the characters were awesome, but at some point the plot became a little too far-fetched for me, and sometimes a little underdeveloped.

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The Mystery Writer
A Novel
by Sulari Gentill
Pub Date 19 Mar 2024
Poisoned Pen Press
General Fiction \(Adult\)| Literary Fiction| Mystery & Thrillers

Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press sent me a copy of The Mystery Writer to review:

Conspiracy theories are easy to dismiss, until they're proven true!

It's not easy for Theodosia Benton to move out of her brother's apartment with two suitcases and an unfinished novel when she abandons her career as an attorney. Is her brother going to support her or send her back to finish her degree? When her parents find out about her decision, what will they say? What does it take to be a successful writer?

What Theo doesn't expect is being drawn into a hidden literary world where identity can be lost and remade for the sake of the audience. When her mentor is brutally murdered, Theo wants justice and the killer to be found. After the police start looking at her brother, Gus, as their prime suspect, Theo does the unthinkable to keep him safe. But the writer left a trail, a thread out of the labyrinth.

Gus finds that thread, follows it, and in trying to save his sister, he inadvertently threatens the foundations of the labyrinth. Theo Benton and everyone looking for her will have to die to protect the carefully constructed narrative. 

I give The Mystery Writer four out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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This was a truly unique plot! Part thriller and part conspiracy theories mixed with the story of an author findingbthere way madenfor a genuinely new book. Though having finished this book last night, I'm still not sure what I think about it. The chat room style messages were a little odd and I'm not sure that thread got completely finished, but that may have also been the point. It kept my interest and I was invested to know Theo and all that happened to her!

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This book was not the book i thought i was going to read lol! It starts out pretty straightforward but you can tell theres another layer to it, with conspiracy theories and i wasn't thrilled. I had to put it down a few times because it just didn't grab my interest. BUT I'm glad i came back to it, i love the strength of the relationships between the characters and the book really pick up in a great way in the middle. Overall i did like this book a lot.

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I just reviewed The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill. This was another slow read it was hard to get into at first. It didn’t keep my interest in the story. I don’t think I would recommend because it is not as interesting as the reviews read. I was a little disappointed in this because I looked forward to reading it.

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Theodosia Benton ditches law for writing, expecting a few challenges. Little does she know, a hidden literary world awaits, involving a mentor's murder and her brother as the prime suspect. Desperate to protect him, Theo unravels a risky narrative in "The Mystery Writer." Sulari Gentill crafts a personal, thrilling journey into the power and danger of a writer's voice for story lovers.

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I wanted to enjoy this book. I tried multiple times to start and no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get engulfed in this book. The writing was great, but I just couldn’t resonate with the story.

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Giving "The Mystery Writer" four stars! This book explores the life of a young writer from Australia who moves to Lawrence, Kansas. It's got a writers' cafe, a mysterious publisher, a murderer targeting writers, and insights into off-the-grid living and U.S. survivalists. The pacing is a bit uneven with occasional time jumps, but if you like quirky conspiracy theory mysteries, you'll enjoy this one.

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I really wanted to love this book but I had the hardest time getting into it and staying engaged in the story. It took me a long time to finish it. Unfortunately it just was not for me, but I’m glad that so many others liked it!!

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It took me a bit to get into this one, but the middle of it was really interesting and had me hooked! The last quarter of the book skips a ton of time very suddenly, and I was very thrown off. The abruptness of everything that happened at the end was jarring and really made me dislike the ending. There were a ton of characters that just disappeared with no explanation of what happened to them, and others that served no purpose but were mentioned repeatedly. This book was pretty confusing and meandering, so it wasn't one I enjoyed.

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