Member Reviews

Mystery Writer frustrated me. The intro segments (to the book and most chapters) were Qanon-esque snippets of online chats. It takes a very long time to figure out why these are part of the story. The book's first half moved slowly for me - and I couldn't grasp where the author was going. Then the author resorts to some ginormous time jumps, and in the last 10 or so chapters, the novel turns into a sort-of but not quite thriller. And the entire premise, when it is finally revealed, is pretty ridiculous. So, nope, this book wasn't for me.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an electronic ARC in exchange for a review.

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Sulari Gentill knows how to write page turners, and I appreciate her use of writers as main characters; it gives one a look at the writing life. So I liked The Mystery Writer a lot. I was surprised at the setting -- Australian lawyers in a Midwest city -- and I found the final plot quite contrived. I didn't guess until nearing the end at what was happening, however, and I enjoyed the ride along the way.

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I truly enjoyed following Theos adventure. In the begging I thought I was reading the rough draft of Theos because the conspiracy theory's were so extreme. As the story progressed I enjoyed seeing how everything tied together. This a book you will not want to put down!

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I really wanted to like this book, but it just didn’t work for me.

I was not a fan of the conspiracy theory plot or the time jumps toward the end and overall the pacing was too slow for me and I found myself not connecting with Theo or any characters and not really caring what happened.

Bonus point for the sibling relationship, because I did like that a lot. I just do not think I’m the right audience for this book.

**Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Advanced Reader Copy!

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What happens when conspiracy theories come true? I really enjoyed this twist on a thriller about the power of words- A really enjoyable read!

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Thank you Net Galley for this book! If you like conspiracy theories, and a gentle mystery that goes along with them, then this story is for you.
This story unfolds as Theo leaves university because she wants to become an author. She lands on her brothers doorstep hoping he will let her stay. She meets another writer and then things go a little “unplanned”.
Murder? Mystery? Suspects? Conspiracy?
As I turned the pages the story was not exactly what I expected, and for me not the depth in character and plot development that I appreciate from an author, however, if you are looking for a mystery without the blood and gore and a different style this is your book.
3.5-4. Happy reading!

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Gentill crafts uniquely written stories, with prose that stands out and slow-burn plotting that leaves plenty of room for character development. This multi-layered story took a few chapters to really get into the mystery, but once I was in, I enjoyed the literary stylings and Theo's quest for the truth of who murdered Dan Murdoch.

I'd best categorize this as a high-brow literary mystery, brimming with suspects, including conspiracy theorists, a compromised PI, threatening journalists, and lots of buried secrets.

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I finished The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill with a held breath and rapidly beating heart. Wow! What an incredibly, creative read!

Publication date: March 19, 2024

I have to be careful not to give spoilers with this review. I don’t want to giveaway the surprises throughout the story.

Theodosia (Theo) Benton leaves her safe law career and travels to Kansas and her brother, Gus. She jump full time into her dream career…writing her first novel. Her days are spent plotting and writing and making friends with locals, especially Dan Murdoch. When Dan is brutally murdered Theo and Gus find themselves trapped in a world of lies, deaths, controlling executives, good and bad cops and attorneys, and bizarrely, humorous characters.

Character development is a true talent for Sulari Gentill. Each character introduced plays a vital role in the twists and turns as the story unfolds. I loved Mac and his gun-toting family and Gus’ dog, Horse. They are all unlikely heroes.

My advice after reading The Mystery Writer-Be careful what you wish for and be mindful of conspiracy theories even when they seem outrageous.

Happy Reading-remember to breathe!

I was given the opportunity to read this book in advance through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Finished this 12/22 but with Christmas chaos just got to the review
This title and description had me excited to read it but at first I was questioning if I had the right book. In all honestly the start /opening had me so confused and I was about to put it down because I didn’t get it and I don’t do the Q-anon type stuff but I persisted and it was worth it. I promise as you read it the pieces will come together and it all makes sense and it is so well done!!! It def includes some sadly all to real conspiracies and types of people (still can’t believe that could even be reality) but mainly and most importantly speaks to the power story tellers and writers have also speaks to what I think is the most valid which is how our news is controlled and manipulated ! We will never really know the truth only what they want us to know or want us to think I always challenge people to watch, listen, read from various sources and if they can go view / experience it themselves
This was a great ride of murder , conspiracy, mystery and a bit of love and romance sprinkled in ! Also a wonderful character named horse lol
Honestly a great cast of characters that are weep developed and draws you in! Highly recommend you give this and her others a read !

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Theodosia Benton abandons her lawyer career, shows up at her brother's doorstep with two suitcases and an unfinished novel. You'd think it's a typical career switch, right? Well, not until Theo is plunged into a hidden literary world where identity is a plaything, and murder becomes a real plot twist. When her mentor, a successful author, is murdered, Theo dives into the mystery, unwittingly putting her brother Gus at the center of the investigation. This book is a rollercoaster of a literary thriller that messes with your mind. The twisted ending? Let's just say, it “killed” me – in a good way. The quirky mysteries, odd characters, and a brilliantly crafted plot make it an easy five stars. If you're up for an unusual mystery with a touch of romance, threats, and chills, this is the book for you. Trust me, it's not your cookie-cutter mystery; Sulari Gentill knows how to keep you hooked from start to finish.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book!

I really enjoyed the premise and the mix of conspiracy theory forums with different third person perspectives throughout the book. The main characters were all likable and I liked that the background of the characters wasn’t homogenous (even if some of them were a little outlandish, it didn’t feel unbelievable).

My only qualms are that it felt like it resolved too quickly and neatly vs how slow it was in the beginning (I.e. pacing issues) and some of the details felt a bit unnecessary to the overall story. If some of these details were moved it could have improved the pacing if the climax wasn’t squeezed right at the end.

Overall, the reading experience had me on the edge of my seat so it’s a 4/5 for the minor issues mentioned above.

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Definitely not as engaging as her previous novel. I don't think that our general adult thriller readers will be interested in the subject either. It's gonna be a harder sell.

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2 disappointing stars

I went into this one with high hopes based on an earlier read by this author. I must say that I was disappointed with this one. The plot is hard to follow, the ending felt rushed and jumped around, and I can’t say that I enjoyed the ride.

Theo and Gus grew up in Australia and Tasmania, although Gus has been in the US for years. Theo decides to leave law school and shows up at Gus’s house in Lawerence, Kansas.

Theo is writing a book and befriends a successful writer at a local coffee shop. The two grow closer until tragedy strikes.

Gus is an attorney and looks forward to spending more time with his sister. However, it isn’t meant to be a sweet reunion as bodies start piling up around Theo, and she becomes a suspect.

Filled with conspiracy theories and murder, this one was too complex and uneven. I did like the big dog in this one, Horsey, and Gus’s friend Mac. There was also a supportive sibling relationship between Gus and Theo.

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Let me just say... this story did not go in the direction I was expecting and I think I enjoyed it far more because of that.

Main character Theodosia "Theo" Benton abandons her law studies to seek a career as a writer, moving from Australia to small town Lawrence, KS to live with her brother, Gus. With a tumultuous past lingering the background, Theo soon immerses herself in the world of writing upon meeting famous author Dan Murdoch.

First comes love, then comes murder. Theo is thrust face-first into scandal when she discovered Murdoch's body and a missing manuscript. Now, Theo and those around her are all threatened as they seek to find the reasoning behind the murder and just how far people will go in their beliefs.

Truly, I was not expecting the lesson to be brought out of this. The novel was intricately woven together, a multi-layered masterpiece that digs deep into the world of writers, conspiracy theories, and the power of words and their influence on society and beliefs. This is a timely suspense thriller that starts slow but builds up to a huge finish, tying it all together in a beautiful way.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to read this Advanced Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I have a habit of automatically requesting books from authors that I have enjoyed before-often without even reading the premise! Next year, I will have to be more discerning, and start reading the synopsis to determine if the particular story is REALLY a fit for me, despite past positive experiences with the author!

Had I done so in this case, (and the synopsis really shares too much!) I wouldn’t have requested this book, as I know that I rarely enjoy a story about conspiracy theories or the people who believe in them. But, unfortunately, the plot wasn’t the only issue that I had with this book.


Theo Benton has left the University she has been attending, convinced that her career path as an attorney is the wrong path for her, and shown up on her brother's doorstep in Kansas with two suitcases and an unfinished novel.

She decides to finish her book at cafe/bar called “Benders”, which happens to already have a highly successful “writer in residence”, Dan Murdoch, who quickly becomes her mentor-until he is brutally murdered.

Could his senseless death have anything to do with the Conspiracy Theories he has been researching?
Was he involved or is there another agenda at work?

Theo is determined to find out.

Despite her good intentions, I could not connect with Theo, who comes across as a weepy, naive “damsel in distress” who needs continual rescuing from her brother Gus, and his friend and associate, Mac, whose family are “Doomsday Preppers”.

Also, as written, you would believe that all Americans run around armed with a gun.

In addition, despite 400 pages, the last 30% has several ABRUPT time jumps, to move the story to its denouement, making the ending feel extremely rushed- and over the top!!

“After She Wrote Him” earned 4 stars from me, and “The Woman in the Library” earned 5 stars and a place on my FAVORITE READS shelf for 2022, so I am sure this is a one off and I am still looking forward to seeing what Sulari Gentill pens next.

2 stars ⭐️

Available to those who might be the right audience for this book on March 19, 2024.

Thank You to the Poisoned Pen Press for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF at 11%. I really hated the 'relationship' between Dan and Theo. It feels out of place and a little too predatory for me to be okay with reading. I figured Dan would be murdered because of this and after checking the blurb it seems I was correct. The problem is that the tension and the pull of Theo into Dan's death doesn't need them to have a romance-- even if she just had a crush on him it could have a similar response. Let alone, the fact that he's already her mentor which should be enough of a reason to pull her into the murder investigation. Either way, their romantic relationship is needless.

I was also hoping that she'd use the murder investigation to write her book or her book as a method to help her solve the mystery, but no she just writes it in it's entirety before anyone is even killed. Which means that 1) the book writing becomes a subplot, when it could be excellently woven into the A-plot (the murder) and 2) that the murder takes way too long to begin. If I'm reading a murder mystery of course there needs to be some introduction to the plot, but I feel like this one had too much before the actual plot started.

Overall, I can see ways to make these problems better-- like if it's discussed later on in the book just how the relationship is problematic or her book gets rejected and she has to rewrite it. However, I just can't deal with these problems long enough to see if those things do happen.

The point where I officially gave up on this one was when it started going into some weird pro-American statements about how kind Americans are.

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I really enjoyed "The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill. The reader had to pay close attention to unravel the mystery in the plot, which was very intricate. The writer's style was excellent and the characters were very believable.

I would recommend it to fans of mysteries, thrillers, and writers. I also enjoyed the author's previous book "The Woman In The Library" and look forward to reading more novels by this author.

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill

I enjoyed the author's last book and was looking forward to this one, which started out okay and then took a drive off a cliff. I held on to the end but wasn't enjoying the ride all that much. My favorite characters were Gus, Mac, and a dog named Horse but with a plot that went haywire, I didn't have all that much fun with them.

Theo has dropped out of school and had shown up at the doorstep of her brother Gus and the sweet dog, Horse. There is a will involved and Theo is breaking the stipulations of the will. But Theo wants to write, to be a great author, and she's come to Gus for a place to live.

Life turns very bright when Theo meets the famous author Dan Murdoch at the coffee shop where she writes. He becomes her friend and mentor and life is good until it's not good anymore. Someone has murdered Dan and Theo and Gus are suspects!

Throughout the story we see social medial posts from some strange usernames saying strange things. Since I couldn't connect the dots there wasn't much I could do with those posts. But then the whole story goes strange on me. I need more of an explanation to enjoy such a long book when I've for sure lost the plot (maybe I never had it?) and feel totally at sea. And then there are some very unpleasant time jumps. There is too much book in some places while there are also places where a lot of years have been left out. The moving forward in time are the quickest and most jarring time jumps I've read. By the time I'd gotten to the end, it was hard to care that I got there.

Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you for allowing me to read this advance copy. I finished the book in one sitting because I enjoyed the characters. I thought that the end premise was hard to believe. I’m sure some people will like it more than I did.

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Sulari Gentill creates a winding web of deception. It took me a while, but I was sucked right into the conspiracy that Theo and her brother Gus faced. There were so many different parts, and I was left constantly trying to piece this puzzle together.

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