Member Reviews

In The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill, protagonist Theodosia Benton abandons her legal career to pursue writing, leading her into a hidden literary world where identity can be reshaped for the sake of an audience. When her mentor, a successful author, is murdered, Theo becomes embroiled in a complex mystery. As suspicions fall on her brother, Gus, Theo takes unconventional steps to protect him. The novel expertly navigates the labyrinth of literary conspiracies, introducing eccentric characters and weaving familial dynamics into the plot. Gentill's deliberate pacing builds tension, offering readers a cozy mystery thriller without gratuitous gore. While the story lacks a dramatic twist, the explanation is satisfying, and the well-developed characters, particularly the sibling relationship, add depth. The Mystery Writer is a captivating blend of mystery, family bonds, and the intricacies of the literary world, ensuring a satisfying and engaging read.

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Another intriguing and unique plot from Sulari Gentil. Good follow-up to The Woman in the Library.
I very much appreciated a story that doesn't feel like I have ever heard it before.
Theodosia is the heroine who shows up at her brother's home in the US. She abandons her career in law and wants to be a writer. The back story of Theodosia and Gus is revealed as the story progresses and it was most interesting .
Theodosia connects with a published writer and others in the literary world. The writer is murdered just as they seem to be beginning a romance.
I found the plot clever and shocking! The conspiracy part of the story was at first confusing but the reveal of the significance was pretty amazing. There are little blurbs/exchanges on social media scattered through the story that build to this.
What I did not particularly like was the bit near the end where Theodosia "disappears" for a very long time. I thought this detracted from the impact of the story.
I really enjoy the author's plot process and character development.
Very unique book!
Thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the ARC to read and review.

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The Mystery Writer was an easy-to-read, quirky story. The action was steady and there were several surprising twists and turns leading to a good mystery.

Thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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"Perhaps the dead are afraid to live as much as we are afraid to die."

I might have rated it more if not for the ending. This is a story of Theo, who left her promising career as a lawyer to become a writer. There is not much plot building for her passion so this feels rather spontaneous decision than a thoughtful and provocative one. At no point we come to realise how powerful of a writer Dan Or Theo herself are because to be honest , there is not a single thing to prove so other than how their books are instant international best sellers.

Characters are many , the plot is confusing and when I was quite intrigued in the mystery, the story took a turn for the worst. It was like after writing and giving so many twists and characters, writer was not sure how to end it to make it interesting. Even though ending is full of action, I had lost interest with sudden twist which was just not so interesting and did not even make any sense.

It's like she did not know how to add up everything in the end. Even after about 400 pages of writing, we did not know for sure who had actually committed the first murder which led to whole story. This felt overthought and pointless even. The whole publishing conspiracy theory did not add up.

Also Theo is one of the most infuriating and frustrating character I have come across. She is dumb, falls in love with every man she comes in contact with and totally attention seeking. I mean if she did not want anyone to know anything then why did she leave the clues towards the end?

Mac and Gus were good but I wanted them to move on from Theo coz she might have got them killed with her stupidity.

Overall okay read but not great.

Thanks Netgalley and poisoned pen press for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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I enjoyed this one. Siblings living far from their parents in Australia become tied up in a murder mystery. Theo decides not to pursue a career as a lawyer and chooses to follow her dream of becoming an author. Unfortunately, she becomes caught up in a murder mystery that threatens her family and her future.

I found this to be a quick read that kept my interest and the till. I liked the characters and although some of the plot seemed far fetched, I was into it. This story took a look at the things people are willing to do to keep their secrets and pursue their dreams.

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I extend my gratitude to Net Galley and Poisoned Pen Press, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc., for granting me access to an advanced copy of this novel.
As I ventured into Sulari Gentill's literary landscape for the first time, I was immediately entranced by the author's distinct writing style and narrative finesse showcased in "The Mystery Writer." The story's intricate web of unexpected developments kept me thoroughly engrossed. I look forward to reading additional books from this author.
The story follows Theo (Theodosia), who boldly steps away from her pursuit of law to embrace her passion for writing, embarking on a journey that leads her to visit her brother Gus unexpectedly in the heart of Kansas. As she immerses herself in her writing at a local coffee shop, she encounters the renowned author, Dan Murdoch, sparking an unlikely friendship that holds promise for her aspirations. However, her hopes for a coveted introduction to Murdoch's editor and publisher are dashed when tragic circumstances befall the author, plunging Theo into a gripping mystery.
Simultaneously, an enigmatic online conspiracy forum, led by the elusive figure Primus, creates an atmosphere of impending conflict as their leader inexplicably disappears, leaving the forum members in disarray.
Theo finds herself entangled in the ensuing police investigation, becoming a focal point of suspicion. With her brother Gus rallying support from Mac, an investigator from his law firm who boasts doomsday prepping skills, the trio endeavors to uncover the truth behind the unsettling events. Yet, as they delve deeper, adversity befalls Gus, with job loss, break-ins, and inexplicable occurrences adding layers of complexity to the already intricate plot.
Gentill masterfully crafts a narrative rife with unexpected twists and turns, ensuring that readers remain constantly engaged and surprised throughout the journey. In conclusion, Sulari Gentill's storytelling prowess shines brightly in this enthralling novel. I thoroughly enjoyed the intricacies of the plot and the well-crafted characters, and I eagerly anticipate sharing my recommendation of this captivating read with fellow book enthusiasts.

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I was really intrigued by the title and premise of this story. It actually starts off pretty damn good.

Theodosia (who goes as Theo) just left law school in Australia and has surprisingly showed up on her older brothers doorstep in Lawrence, Kansas. She's had enough of law school. She doesn't want to be a lawyer, she wants to be a novelist.

So she starts writing a novel.

Suddenly, and mysteriously, her mentor gets murdered. Life begins to unravel in crazy ways. The murder mystery becomes really darn intriguing as Theo, her brother and his friend all try to figure out what the heck is going on.

That last for about 80% of the book, at which point it jumps the shark.

Here's what, to me, it seems like happened... Sulari came up with a really good premise for a story and did a general outline of it. She then began writing the story and kept thinking of intriguing new elements to bring in.

She got 80% of the way through the book and suddenly realized she didn't have a way to end it and didn't have a simple way to tie all the different characters into some sort of simple conclusion. So she spent the next 20% of the book finishing the story in a way that was so incongruent with how things happened in the first 80%. Still not able to bring it to a close, she came up with a complicated explanation in the last few pages for each character that, frankly, required too much thinking for me to care about.

I sure wish this book had stopped 80% of the way in. It would've been so much better.

#netgalley #themysterywriter

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Giving up her studies to become a lawyer, Theodosia Benton leaves Australia to join her brother in Lawrence, Kansas, with the dream of becoming a writer. She soon meets and becomes romantically involved with renowned reclusive writer Dan Murdoch. When Murdoch is brutally murdered in his home, Theo and her brother, Gus, find themselves in grave danger as the body count rises.

I’m a huge fan of Gentill’s Rowland Sinclair series but have so far been disappointed in her standalone mysteries. This story feels disjointed, the pacing is off, the characters feel flat, and the plot is convoluted and confusing. The plot involves doomsday preppers and conspiracy theorists, an angle that should have been interesting, but they weren’t well integrated into the story. Most of the action takes place in the last 20% of the book when things move very quickly and are confusing.

The characters felt flat and overall I just didn’t really enjoy my experience with this novel. I don’t think I’ll pick up further standalone novels by Gentill but continue to highly recommend the Rowland Sinclair series.

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This was an interesting read. Different from what I normally read, but was still enjoyable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~

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My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐💫3.5/5

Dive into a conspiracy theories-fueled thriller with multiple cadavers and plot twists! After deciding to leave her studies in law to pursue a career as a writer, Theo Benton finds herself living with her brother Gus in Lawrence, Kansas. A chance encounter with a famous writer, who eventually becomes a mentor, throws Theo into a spider web of narratives that she struggles to understand and control. Can she find out who is the killer in time?

🗺️ Set in unassuming Lawrence, Kansas that plays a central role in this book, with doomsday conspirators and pubs named after serial killers (look up Bloody Benders 😲). The location serves as a getaway for aspiring writers and folks who want to escape their pasts.

👥 Gus Benton, Theo Benton & Mac Etheridge form the unlikeliest of protagonists with unconventional backgrounds. Two Australian-born siblings with hippie parents and a friend with doomsday preppers for a family, these characters set the tone for the book quite early on.

🔏 Packed with a series of unexpected events, this entertainer rapidly evolves into an extraordinary and grand narrative. It's sure to captivate your attention right up to its conclusion.

🖊️ Sulari Gentill's engaging, plot-driven style shines in this book. She cleverly adds unexpected twists (like a sudden dead body) to revitalize the plot, as she revealed in an interview. Her observational approach, placing characters in varied scenarios to see their reactions, is effectively showcased here, keeping the reader hooked throughout.

💥 Snippets from conspiracy theory chatrooms add an intriguing aspect to an otherwise engaging tale, enhancing the overall storytelling experience.

💫 This heart-racing entertainer with a unique premise and non-traditional characters, makes for a fast-paced read with a few plot holes. A great book for both thriller and crime fiction lovers.

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Lots of twits, interesting characters. I don't want to give anything away, but this is a must-read.
Thank you, NetGalley, and the publisher, for the opportunity to read this book.

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Theodosia Benton abandons her pursuit of a law degree and her home country of Australia when she has an altercation with a professor, which mirrors a childhood trauma. Theo appears unannounced on her brother Gus’ doorstep as she looks for a new start. She meets author Dan Murdoch while working on a novel at a coffee shop. Murdoch helps Theo with her writing and as their friendship grows, Murdoch is murdered. Theo is pulled into a a dark conspiracy that threatens to destroy her career and life.

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Thank you for sending. I enjoyed reading and will be recommending to patrons. This literary thriller kept me engaged and I think that other readers will find Theodosia interesting to read about.

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Gentill has an entertaining and original idea going on here, but the execution just was not there. I think many readers will be able to figure out “whodunnit” early on, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing until you find yourself reading so much unnecessary information about people who end up not adding much to the story. The entire story hinges upon the Idiot Plot, or Theo’s lack of self preservation and common sense. The last third of the book was so convoluted and confusing — with the protagonist disappearing, the random time jumps with Gus & Mac, to the “action scene” and POV switches mid paragraph — that I really think this book needs another round of developmental editing.

I found the excessive and heavy handed opinions on Americans, American values, guns & Americans carrying guns to be grating after awhile. I understand that the author is Australian, the protagonist is Australian, and Australia has strict gun laws, but scenes where she fixates on the “no guns” sign in the cafe, pausing to remark upon the guy who grew up in a doomsday prepper family knowing a lot about guns, and when Theo wonders if Mac’s brother (who is a doctor) wears his holster while he does rounds in the hospital…Like girl, come on now.

It’s clear that Gentill is a student of the mystery writer game, and she is no doubt a great writer with entertaining & original ideas, but it almost felt like she was trying to do too much in this one story.

Thank you NetGalley for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Note: I'm using the CAWPILE system, invented by the booktuber "Book Roast." CAWPILE is an acronym for the criteria she rates books on: Characters, Atmosphere, Writing, Plot, Intrigue, Logic, and Enjoyment. Each category is rated 1–5, and the average out of all 7 categories is the overall rating. I'm so excited to use this system and review this book, so let's get started!

I love the characters so much, although the cast was pretty small. The main characters consisted of Theo, the protagonist, Gus, her brother, and Mac, a cute private-eye. The sibling relationship between Theo and Gus was so realistic and the protective-older-brother dynamic really enhanced the novel. We also met Don Murdoch, a fellow writer who Theo eventually came to know quite personally.
Therefore, I'm going to be giving the characters a 5 star rating.

I was immersed in this novel. This was the kind of book that most readers would want to stay up during the night to read. It was marketed as a mystery, but it had more of a thriller vibe due to the plot twists, writing style (more on that later), and energy. If I had to capture the ambience of this book in a few words, I would describe it as the result of heavy dark academia mixed in with some cozy lofi mystery.
I was able to picture the setting, and characters well, and the energy in the scenes was usually palpable. Therefore, I would rate the atmosphere 4 out of 5 stars.

The author's views on political matters, particularly Americans and g*n issues, was so evident in the novel. Even though I agreed with some of it, this put me off. The one-dimensional political analysis made the Theo look so innocent. Like, she's was just a lost, little Australian, shocked by the guns in America! This was sad is because I thought the book was going to be a lot deeper when I started reading.
Despite this, everything else was great. The dialogue to narration ratio was very good, and the story flowed very easily and felt beautiful but effortless at the same time. The writing deserves at least a 4 out of 5 stars.

There were parts of the story that I thought were dragged on and things got a bit tedious, especially in the beginning. However, the last 1/3 was very fast-paced heavy with the plot twists. In fact, the difference was so stark that if you took the first segment and the last segment, it would seem like a completely different novel, which was odd.
The ending was certainly unique from the other books I've read, and it did surprise me, but that's primarily because it was so random and out of the blue. It's not a bad book, but I would rate the plot 3 stars.

For me, at least, this thriller wasn't the kind of book that had me wishing I was reading it 24/7. Instead, it took me some light mental convincing to pick it back up. That being said, I was definitely intrigued to see where the story goes, what happens to the characters, and how things evolved.
This story held my attention throughout. Therefore, I'm rating the intrigue as 4 out of 5 stars.

The characters acted in accordance to their motives, and I never found any plot holes. Because this book was set in the real world, there was no excess worldbuilding. Everything fit the story, setting, motives, and backgrounds perfectly, so I'm rating the logic 5/5 stars.

I've portrayed this book in a negative light during some aspects of this review, but I actually did enjoy this read. It was captivating, with relatable characters and fun plotlines. This book definitely a 5/5 for enjoyment.

The average of all my ratings was 4.29 stars, which will be rounded down to four stars. I really enjoyed both reading this book and writing this review, so thank you for sticking until the end! I really appreciate it. Like last time, I know I wrote a lot, but I hope that, somewhere between my critiques and praises, you found out whether this book was for you. Netgalley gave me a free review copy (but as always, my opinions are my own) and I owe you all a lot for reading my posts :)

Paige, signing off

Post Date: November 25, 2023
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The Mystery Writer is a great layered mystery novel and I loved all of the character and world building the Sulari Gentill added to the novel. I will definitely be re-reading to find even more details.

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Thank you for the advance copy.

I really enjoyed this book. I went in blind and I think that was a great choice given the odd nature of some of the concepts that really make the book unique. I did find some aspects predictable, but it didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all. I found myself unable to put the book down and sacrificed other tasks to just keep reading and see what’s next. Great work by the author, will enjoy seeing what other works they have out there!

*marked as read with four stars on Goodreads.

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Aspiring writer Theo leaves law school in Australia and heads to her brother’s home in Lawrence, Kansas where she hopes to become a writer. She soon meets a successful author, who takes her under his wing. When the author is found murdered, Theo and her brother become the prime suspects. The Mystery Writer is a bit of a jumble, as it mixes in a confusing subplot involving conspiracy theorists with a basic murder mystery. The plot is far-fetched and strained, and fails to sustain any suspense and was difficult to follow at times. While this type of story may appeal to others, it wasn’t for me. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Although Sulari Gentill is a great author, 'The Mystery Writer' lacks spark. The book is almost meta, in examining the world of writers and books through Theo Benson and her brother. The main character leaves school to finish a novel and is drawn into a murder, but she subsequently finds her brother as a suspect and takes drastic steps.. The story is too fantastical - balanced on minutiae and the 'brilliance' of Theo and her brother. The characters were very interesting but everything was just 'too much' and as a reader, it was impossible to remain in the story. Will definitely try other books by Gentill and hope for more engrossing stories.

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Despite the title, this really isn't so much a mystery story as it is a slow-building thriller.

Sulari Gentill is fast becoming a favorite author for me. She has a gift for wild plot twists and intricate story-telling. The Mystery Writer kept my attention throughout while weaving unexplained deaths, internet trolls, doomsday preppers, and conspiracy theories into a surprisingly easy-to-read book. Our heroine, Theodosia "Theo" gets involved in a murder and the story hurtles along until all of the threads unravel.

I was a bit disappointed in the ending which after all of the wild craziness, felt anticlimactic and rushed. Still a solid stand-alone book that I recommend!

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