Member Reviews

Review of Advance Reader’s Edition

Traveling from Sydney to Lawrence, Kansas, Theodosia Benton shows up on her brother’s doorstep. She explains to Gus that she’s left law school and wants to pursue her interest in writing. Theo settles in and, at her brother’s suggestion, finds a café-bar in which to sit every day and write.

Staking out a table at Bender’s, Theo settles down to write but soon strikes up a friendship with another author who is a regular at the bar. He is the acclaimed novelist Dan Murdoch . . . and he takes an interest in Theo’s writing. But when Dan is murdered, Theo becomes a suspect, as does her brother, Gus.

Who killed Dan Murdoch? And why?


Most chapters in this enticing thriller begin with snippets of conversations from conspiracy theory chat rooms, creating an undercurrent of uncertainty and apprehension that is perfect for this unfolding narrative. Filled with secrets, lies, and misdirection, the unfolding tale keeps readers guessing. Suspenseful, imaginative, and complex, the telling of this tale is so captivating that readers will find it difficult to set aside before turning the final page.

Theo is a likable protagonist; characters are nuanced and believable. Strong characters populate the narrative; the relationship between Theo and Gus is both genuine and heartfelt.

Readers who appreciate thrillers and mysteries will find much to appreciate here. The unique plot of this intriguing narrative brings more than a few surprises as it twists and turns its way to a delicious denouement.

A guide for reading groups is included as is an informative and interesting question-and-answer conversation with the author.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#mysterywriter #NetGalley

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First off, thank you to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for an eARC for my honest review.

Loved this! From the first chapter I could not put this down! It’s completely different than what I expected. The cover made me think Contemporary Fiction, but it was a very in depth, unique thriller. I loved Gus, Theo, and Mac. I was hoping and praying throughout that Mac would not end up an antagonist. I won’t spoil it for you and say either way.

I put that it was slow paced just because it was very thorough. I enjoyed the small details and the glimpses of just normal life not detrimental to the plot. I’m jealous that they were able to live on pizza, burgers, and grilled cheeses the entire time.

Content warnings: excessive cursing (99% being F bombs.) no details with sex but mentions of past rape.

4.5 ⭐️

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A story that combines the world of writers with a good old whodunnit! This is one that I absolutely could not figure out before the story's resolution. Love the ride!

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Sulari Gentill writes a FUN mystery. The pacing, the plot, the people--it's part SNEAKERS and part Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. I am absolutely tickled by the LFK details--from the Pig to Stull, it was well done. If bodies are going to start dropping in Lawrence, I am glad Gentill is responsible.

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"The Mystery Writer" is a thrilling page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story follows Theodosia Benton, a writer who gets caught up in a real-life murder mystery. As she tries to solve the crime, she uncovers a hidden world of secrets and lies.

I loved this book because it's full of twists and turns that keep you guessing. Theodosia is a relatable and likable protagonist who is easy to root for. The writing is engaging, and the story is well-paced, making it hard to put down.

The book also explores themes of identity and the power of stories, which added depth to the mystery. It's a great read for anyone who loves a good thriller, and I highly recommend it.

"The Mystery Writer" is a gripping and entertaining book that will keep you up late turning pages. With its surprising plot, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes, it's a must-read for fans of the genre.

Thank you Netgalley for a an advance copy ♥️

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The Mystery Writer was a slow starter to me but it didn't take me long to become engrossed and then there was nothing slow about this book.

An aspiring writer, a murdered mentor and a community of online conspiracy theorists who may know more than anyone believes all come together to make a non stop mystery chase which keeps the pages turning.

I wasn't sure when I started The Mystery Writer if I was going to finish it but I am so glad I read a few more pages and discovered a really good mystery.

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This one was a little out of my comfort zone. I'm not big on mystery-thrillers, especially when they focus heavily on cults and conspiracy theories but I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.

For me, it started out a little slow and I think the book could have been ended a lot faster than it was, but the middle was done well enough to keep me reading.

I didn't find it easy to connect with the characters, but the mystery and the hints at what was going on throughout the book were enough to keep me hooked, which I appreciate since this isn't my go-to genre. I won't lie - the fact it was a story about a writer drew me in as well. As a reader, putting something about reading or writing in the title and on the cover is usually enjoy to convince me.

This was the first Gentill I've read but I would definitely pick up something else by her.

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it's time to bust out your tin foil hat for this one.

the Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill taps into conspiracy theories and the hidden world of book writing.

Theodosia Benton, leaving her law career to pursue writing, finds herself entangled in a murder mystery when her lit mentor is killed and her brother becomes a suspect.

I guessed a major plot point early on [making it less of a mystery for me] but the journey through the book's multi-layered narrative was still good.

the alternating perspectives add depth to the story, leading up to an array of plot twists at the end -- a few felt rushed but the epilogue rounds out the story, providing that satisfying closure .

thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the advance reader copy. Mark your calendar for this release in March!

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I really liked this book, it was different than anything else I've read which was a breath of fresh air. I will be recommending this to my friends, and auto buy this author!

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Thank you to netgalley for a copy of this arc in exchange for an honest review. This book really surprised me. I put off reading it for quite a while because I thought it was a cozy mystery. The cover doesn’t do justice to the story. I really enjoyed this and it’s not a cozy mystery. It’s a suspense involving doomsday preppies and conspiracy theorists. I kept reading wondering what on earth is going on. I thought the plot was original and well thought out.

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A well written thriller with a fresh premise. I enjoyed how the plot flowed — it was quite a rollercoaster to be reading this story. It was as if you were there with the characters and witness the events unfolding. (Round off rating - 4.5 stars)

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The book goes to a million unexpected places. The story starts out well when Theo gives up university and goes to visit her brother so she can write her first novel. She meets a fellow writer and from that point the whole goes wild. You literally can’t even guess what will happen next. Some parts seem like a spoof, other parts a really bad far-fetched movie, but what you actually have is a book with real page turning quality, that you have to know what happens in.

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"The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill is a captivating addition to the world of mystery fiction, seamlessly blending the lines between reality and imagination. Known for her skillful storytelling, Gentill takes readers on a journey into the intricate mind of her protagonist, creating a narrative that is as mysterious as it is intellectually stimulating.

The novel introduces us to a seasoned mystery writer grappling with the complexities of their own life while navigating the creation of a new fictional masterpiece. As the author delves into the creation of a gripping mystery within the novel, they find themselves entangled in a real-life enigma that mirrors the intricacies of their own storytelling. This clever interplay between the fictional and the actual is a hallmark of Gentill's writing, keeping readers guessing until the very end.

Gentill's characters are a strength of the novel, with the protagonist standing out as a multifaceted individual with a compelling blend of wit, intelligence, and vulnerability. The supporting cast adds depth to the storyline, each character contributing to the overall richness of the narrative. The author skillfully explores the psychological dimensions of her characters, making them relatable and engaging.

The pacing of "The Mystery Writer" is well-executed, with suspenseful moments expertly interspersed with reflective interludes. The plot unfolds gradually, maintaining a sense of tension throughout. Gentill's prose is eloquent, creating a vivid and immersive atmosphere that enhances the reading experience. Whether describing the writer's creative process or the settings within the fictional world, the language employed is both evocative and accessible.

Beyond being a gripping mystery, the novel also delves into profound themes such as the nature of creativity and the impact of one's own creations on personal identity. Gentill prompts readers to reflect on the blurred lines between fiction and reality, adding a layer of intellectual depth to the narrative.

"The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill is a masterfully crafted mystery novel that captivates from beginning to end. With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes, Gentill has delivered a work that stands out in the genre. Fans of mystery and those who appreciate a narrative that challenges the boundaries of storytelling will find this novel a delightful and compelling read.

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Sometimes an author makes a swing for a the rafters with a stylistic choice or plotline and I'm like "okay, go off" and other times I'm like "go off less. pull it back there buddy" and this is one of the latter times. This kept me turning the pages just because I for the most part had no idea what was going to happen next, but not necessarily in a yay excited way, more in a baffled way. While I liked the main character pretty well, and the relationship between the siblings, I didn't love some of the narrative choices - I'm down for some chapter to chapter POV switching, but sometimes the writing decided to randomly be omniscient, which was disorienting. And when we mostly lose the MC's POV the secondary characters were not really interesting enough to make up for it.

Along with an iffy understanding of money (how exactly was Mac so rich?) and jobs (shouldn't Gus have been able to sue?), there were some uncomfortable overtones with regard to the initial romantic relationship that I'll go into more on Goodreads since we can't spoiler tag here. I admire Gentill for trying to do something out of the box that tackled contemporary issues of cancel culture and conspiracy theories, but this was ultimately too muddled for me.

My thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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🦋The mystery writer

When Theodosia Benton abandons her career path as an attorney and shows up on her brother's doorstep with two suitcases and an unfinished novel, she expects to face a few challenges. Will her brother support her ambition or send her back to finish her degree? What will her parents say when they learn of her decision? Does she even have what it takes to be a successful writer?
What Theo never expects is to be drawn into a hidden literary world in which identity is something that can be lost and remade for the sake of an audience.

I’ve never read from this author but I’ll be sure to read again from her because her writing is amazing.

The book starts with a romance then it becomes a murder mystery while it develops another romance.

I loved that the book didn’t focus on the romance but on who did it? Who killed Dan Murdoch? And the peculiar of it was that it was made to keep you hook so it doesn’t let you rest so you have to find out.

It all comes down to unmarking someone who had put on a mask on everyone who readers are not waiting for. Then it comes the conspiracy theories.

Thank you NetGalley for letting me read it in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a whodunit mystery. It follows Theodosia, who arrives at her brothers house because she's decided to abandon her law career and pursue her dream into becoming a writer instead. The connection between brother and sister was beautiful. Theo soon finds herself entangled in a dangerous situation. This was very well written and thought out. It was a fast-paced thriller and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I really enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to read more by Sulari.

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This book is coming out soon., The Mystery Writer.... it is not as amazing as her two previous stand alone mystery novels, but I will not complain. I love the work of Sulari Gentill... I have written about all her other books here, the Rowland Sinclair mystery series that takes place in Australia before World War II.

Then there are the stand alone mysteries where Gentill defies the accepted rules of mystery writing. This newest novel follows the rules of mystery novels but creates a very far fetched scenerio that is complicated to follow, but sounds feasible in 2023 and our current political climate.

This story is about a young woman who leaves law school in Australia and goes to live with her brother , a lawyer in Kansas. When Theo quits law school, she wants to become a novelist. Gus her brother suggests she get out of the house and write in the local coffee house. There Theo meets another well known author who mentors her and they become fast friends. When he turns up dead, Theo is under suspicion for his death and Gus is also being targeted. Thus begins the race to find the real killer and get their lives back in order. Easier said than done. Bringing in conspiracy theorists and dooms day survivalists makes the story more surreal.

All of this can be scary in and of itself, but do not fear, Gentill has written a truly entertaining and original idea that will keep the reader engaged and trying to figure out who could possibly have committed the crimes until the very end. Her ideas are all fresh and outside the box.

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Was not a moving enough book for me. Stalled out and could not find my way into the story. Tried multiple times to pick it back up and try again but no such luck. Just not what I was expecting based on the book description. DNR.

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This is the second book I’ve read by Sulari Gentill. The first being “Woman in the Library “. This book is also about books and authors. Theo Benton arrives at her brother’s doorstep after leaving school to write a novel. She meets an author in the coffee shop she frequents and they develop a friendship. The book has conspiracy theories and murder. Theo decides she wants to investigate this murder and brings problems to all those around her. It was an entertaining but highly unlikely series of events. Many thanks to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review. Publishing date is March 19, 2024

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This is the first Sulari Gentill work that I've read, but it definitely won't be the last. Skillfully plotted and well characterized, twists and dead ends provide the interest, and while a bit long, held my interest throughout.

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