Member Reviews

An engaging mystery with intricate plot twists and rich character development. Gentill’s writing style is elegant and captivating, immersing readers in the world of the protagonist. However, I found that pacing occasionally falters, slowing the momentum of the story. Personally, I prefer a bingeable book that I can’t put down. Would definitely recommend it for mystery enthusiasts seeking depth in character development and well-crafted storyline.

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The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill is well written and the storyline is excellent. The Mystery Writer is easy read and I feel in love the characters. The characters were likable. I give this book 5 stars and recommend it everyone who likes a good read.

I received this complimentary copy from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

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I first discovered Sulari Gentill on NetGalley with The Woman in the Library, so I was excited to read her next novel! Once again, I loved the plot and the setting. Gentill did an excellent job of fully developing the characters -- it truly hooked me until the very end. A great way to cap out my 2023 ARCs!

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Thriller about writers and books, what could be better? This is my first book by Sulari Gentill and the Mystery Writer gave me similar vibes to Ruth Ware’s work.

Theo Benton just turned her life upside down. She quits her job as a lawyer, moves in with her older brother, in hopes of finishing her first novel and becoming a successful author. While writing in a bar, she meets her favorite author, who slowly turns into a mentor and possible love interest. That is until he is brutally murdered, and Theo is in the center of the investigation.

This was definitely a slow burnnn. I enjoyed the beginning but got lost towards the end. 3 out of 5 stars ✨

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Thank you to Net Galley and Sourcebooks Publishing for an early copy of The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill

Theodosia (Theo) Benton arrives at her attorney brother Gus's home in Lawrence, Kansas after leaving law school in Australia. Theo has plans to be a mystery writer.

When she befriends fellow writer Dan Murdoch at a local coffee shop, their relationship takes on a new meaning when he reads her manuscript, they become lovers and he is found dead. From that point, Theo's life is forever changed.

Additional murders, an inept police force and a wealthy private investigator with apparently no other cases enter Theo's precarious situation. Add to this a publishing house bent on controlling every aspect of Theo's life, and a confusing, out-of-control set of actions point to a conclusion which will likely lead to more crimes.

The plot is uneven, particularly in the second half of the story where the time lines are fragmented. Is this the following day or months later?

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I had high expectations for this book, but unluckily it was just not my piece of cake.

The plot seems interesting but nothing made me connect to the characters in any way, they seem kinda flat. Sometimes I felt a lack of details for the characters' development, but at the same time, I felt there were too many unnecessary details for the story. Maybe it was the opposite way I would ended up liking this book more.

But I’m sure many people will enjoy “The Mystery Writer”! The twists are good, and the story is interesting. Just - again - not my type.

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Well it's definitely a mystery novel and so well written. So many twists and turns with a well developed female lead. Refreshing, original storyline.

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Book did hold my attention and was not run of the mill. Would recommend and would read other books by this author when written

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Theodosia Benton is a young woman who is flaying in life, she doesn’t want to become an attorney, so she heads off to visit her brother and begin again as a writer. Writing from a local coffee shop, she begins to meet people, but when she meets a famous author, little does she know what lies ahead of her. When she finds him dead, she becomes the prime suspect and to save herself, her brother and friends, Theo must die.

I found the concept of this book fascinating, I won’t give away any spoilers but let’s just say this is certainly your typical murder mystery concept. I love a good mystery so having this play out like it did made for a engaging read. If you enjoy feels like a secret agency spy novel but it’s not, has a bit of romance but it’s not, a bit of coming of age but it’s not, then this is the book for you. Utterly confused, no worries, read the book and it will all be revealed.

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I like this book. Hell, I wanted to LOVE this book. Sulari Gentill has created an engaging story, well-crafted and original if a bit confusing at times. It starts out pretty simple: Theo Benton has decided that she’d rather be a writer than an attorney and leaves her native Australia to travel to America to board with her brother while she polishes off her first novel. Whilst doing some writing in a bar—c’mon, we’ve all done it—she happens to meet Dan, a really successful author, who offers to read her current work in progress. But Dan is more than what he seems…

…anyway, sparks fly betwixt the two wordsmiths, and then..death enters the picture. It’s a MYSTERY story, remember? Someone has to die. It’s the LAW. And in this case it’s Dan…and Dan apparently has quite a cadre of fanatical followers, who are prepared to exact revenge on whomever they believe to have been the culprit. Which is, of course, Our Fair Theo.

Theo's attorney brother tries to help, with disastrous results, and his firm’s ‘fixer’ Cormac (named after the novelist McCarthy, surely?) turns out to be WAY more than he seems as well. And then there’s the publisher and the agent…of whom we won't speak in this missive, as it would take too long and give away too much. Suffice to say that as a prospective author, I sincerely hope that they're not real-life examples of what the publishing industry has become...

It’s all intriguing, sure, if by ‘interesting’ you actually mean ‘convoluted’. But that’s okay, because it’s also entertaining as hell...if occasionally it’s pretty hard to follow, with Theo effectively dropping out of sight about two-thirds of the way in only to reappear mysteriously under a different name, nationality, and gender. Hokey smokes! Plot twist fu! And then there’s Mac’s wacky prepper family…

I have to give Gentill high marks for a story that is hugely original. Yes, it IS hard to follow at times, sure, but she's good at what she does, and I genuinely cared about what happened to Theo…I wish I’d been in Dan’s shoes, at least so far as meeting her while writing is concerned. Based upon what I’ve experienced here, Sulari Gentill has some truly wild story ideas, and we’d probably get along famously.


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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: Mar. 19, 2024
“The Mystery Writer” by Sulari Gentill is a clever and suspenseful look into what happens when the publishing world goes creepy and dark. Replete with conspiracy theorists, authors with dark pasts and a very corrupt publication company, Gentill provides a unique and addicting read.
Theo Benton abandons her burgeoning career as an attorney to pursue her dream of becoming an author. She shows up on her brother’s doorstep with suitcases and an unfinished manuscript, in the town of Lawrence, Kansas, but even she can’t write the drama that unfolds soon after her arrival. After befriending a secretive local author, Theo is just beginning to see what her manuscript could be when the author is murdered, and because Theo found the body, she is suspect number one. Theo is desperate to find out what happened to her mentor, not least because she is a suspect, but after hiring her brother’s friend, Mac, a private investigator, to look into the murder Theo begins to realize that there is far more at stake then just reclaiming her innocence.
I love books ABOUT books- whether the setting is bookstores or libraries, whether about authors or librarians, it is almost a must-read if it features something of the literary world. Gentill’s previous novel, “The Woman in the Library”, caught my attention for this reason (and I loved it!) and I could not resist the chance to read “The Mystery Writer”.
The novel starts off with messages communicated between unidentified people on a message board, and then the story shifts and Theo takes over narration. Initially, I was confused, with no idea how the two seemingly opposite plotlines could have any connection at all. Gentill not only connected the dots almost immediately, she made it seamless.
“Writer” is action-packed, which is not what you would expect from a novel about an upcoming writer, but there is constant tension and excitement right off the bat, and I was pulled in instantly. The relationship between Theo and her brother, Gus, is heartfelt and charming, and even though it was predictable, Mac and Theo were perfect for each other.
“Writer” started off strong and continued to entertain. Gentill tied all the pieces together and made sure that her ending was complete and resolved. I was thrilled by this creative plot and sharp characters. After reading “Library”, I was not sure what else Gentill could deliver, but I am so glad that she brought “The Mystery Writer” into the world and I can’t wait to read her next one.

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The pace is a bit slow for the genre, and some parts were a bit confusing due to seemingly unnecessary conspiracy plot points. I struggled to stay engaged. The political angle was more than I'd expected, and it did turn me off.

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This was an interesting book. I found myself intrigued by it and the characters, but felt that I got a little lost sometimes.
I can see this being a good book club book as there is a lot left up for discussion.

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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Quick read, a little bizarre in the beginning but it smoothes out. Interesting brother and sister relationship.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Very interesting and unique concept and story line. The characters are well developed and likable as well. I knocked my rating from 4 stars down to 3 stars because the writing style and way the story was told was a bit confusing at times. I "think" it all makes sense in the end, but I was often left with questions during transitions in the story lines.

Thank you Netgalley for my copy of this book. My review is my own and unbiased.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, for this book.

Wow! This was an exciting book. Murder mystery books have caught my interest lately and the title and cover drew me in. I really enjoyed this book.

The author was unknown to me, but I see she has a long list of successful and highly recommended novels.

The book was a little confusing to me at the beginng, but was able to figure it out and became invested in Theo and her brother, Gus.

This was a light, cozy fas read. Perfect for a rainy day or snowed in relaxing read.


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This cozy, intricately plotted mystery built around conspiracy theories will appeal to fans of the traditional mysteries.

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People will kill to be a published author. In this book, authors are managed, to their deaths at times, by an elite, secretive publisher.

Theo doesn't know this. She's dropped out of law school in Australia and moves to the US to live with her brother and take up a nascent interest in writing.

What Gentill shows next is a stunning satire of the US's proclivity for guns and conspiracy theories as Theo finds herself enmeshed in a wild ride after her very new boyfriend, an author, is killed.

The story is very compelling but the last quarter book fast forwards to quickly as if the ending had to be fit into a few last pages. Know it's not perfect but otherwise quite interesting. Would be a 4/5 if not for that.

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The Mystery Writer by Solaris Gentill was truly an original mystery. The plot was exciting and the twists were thrilling. This book read like a thriller with slow burn buildup of the message forum who seek to follow Primus and quick action sequences with the main characters. The relationship between brother and sister was genuine and reminded me of my sister and all that I would do for her. Check triggers prior to reading.

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Loved this book! I was hooked right from the first chapter. The book combined my fetishes in books, writing, and mystery. It also boggled my mind in weaving the mystery component of the storyline. Superb!

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