Member Reviews

Okay I feel conflicted giving this review. It did take a while for me to fully get into the book, it was quite a slow burn. The characters were interesting and likeable and the storyline was good. I felt the book really hooked me in around the middle and kept me questioning everything until the end. The idea behind the book is so magnificent and really makes you think if this could actually happen today? I rounded up my review as it deserves more than 3 stars but not quite 4. So..
4 out of 5 stars for me

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Sadly this is a DNF for me. I tried a few times but it referenced too recent of political events I wasn’t ready for. Which just isn’t my cup of tea- I like mysteries that exist in a different kind of timeline. The recent events wasn’t mentioned in the blurb or else it wouldn’t have been a pick from me.

I think if you enjoy books feeling like they are happening right now then this is up your alley.

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I think the last 20% was the most interesting out of the entire book and where I see that the title comes from but the rest was rough to get through. There were sections of conspiracy theorist postings that didn't really make any sense to me or the small sections of Caleb because you weren't really given any context of who he was until halfway through the book and even then I feel like it really didn't add anything to the book. After everything started happening to Theo, it was just one thing after another on a loop and then out of nowhere she disappears for years. It just felt odd and didn't really flow very well.

The Mystery Writer follows Theo, who decides to drop out of law school to pursue being a writer. She coincidentally finds a bestselling author, Dan, in the coffee shop she frequents in a small town where her brother lives. After spending some time together, she ends up finding him dead in his home. Everything in her life and those around her starts to fall apart as people are looking at Theo for the death of Dan to the point where she ends up finding herself in real trouble forcing her to make some difficult decisions.

Thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

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If murder, conspiracy theories and doomsday prepping undertones are your thing, this book is for you. As a KU grad and someone who visits Lawrence often, the author is spot on with the references and capturing the feel of the town. Im excited to see what’s next for Theo, Gus and Mac.

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What a cozy read. This one was easy going, unlike most mysterious thrillers. The characters were well written and quite realistic, down to the protective and caring nature that’s only seen between siblings.

It’s not that typical whodunit. The flow and pacing either moved too fast, or slow in the beginning, though the plot was well explained and the ending left no loose ends, but fell short for me. I think it needed a little more umph for the amount of building up was done.

Between prepping and conspiracy theorys, the story does truly keep your attention. Great read to those new to the genre!

Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press, Sourcebooks Inc., and Sulari Gentill for the eArc!

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Thank you, Poisoned Pen Press, for the advance reading copy.

Some general tips if you are planning to pick up this book when it comes out:

1. You will like this book if you’re looking for a cosy mystery thriller kind of read involving authors and writers.

2. You will like the book more if you are NOT looking for stressful hardcore fast paced thrillers.

3. Yes, you will love the book if you love reading about realistic lovely adult siblings being protective of each other.

Well, if you have checked all these three things please do pick up this book. The plot is explained well. But do not expect a killer gasp-out-loud twist towards the end. But you will really appreciate the explanation provided. The story has a good closure and well developed characters. Even the side characters are well fletched out.

The writing is slow to start with but it picks up towards the second half.

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Just finished reading the new "Sulari Gentill" book called "The Mystery Writer".
Her book is adult fiction.
A young girl named Theodonides (Theo) leaves her home in Australia and shows up at her brother's house in the United States.
She has decided to quit law school and become a writer instead.
She spends most day,at a cafe writing and meets a fellow writer named Dan.
One day Dan doesn't show up at the cafe,Theo finds his body.
The story then takes a difficult route, with more dead bodies found and Theo blamed for all of it.
From the moment I started reading, I couldn't put it down.
Ms Gentill definitely knows how to tell a story and keep the reader captivated.

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Overall, I enjoyed this book and could NOT put it down, finishing it much faster than I usually would have. It isn't a traditional, clear-cut whodunnit and goes a little gonzo, but you know what? Even if I didn't love where it went, I applaud and appreciate reading something different!

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Couldn’t put this one down! I stayed up way too late reading and it was worth every second. 5 stars! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A book where the main character stops here study at university to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. In the process she befriends a bestselling author, who becomes like a mentor to her. Then suddenly this mentor gets killed, and the police thinks our main character has an important role in this murder. Together with her brother she tries to solve the mystery before she gets sued for the murder.

This description is exactly what you get, and more… And that is exactly why I could not give the book a five star rating. The first 70% of the book was about the solving of the murder. It really focused on this aspect. Where there many different crazy little things that had somehow a part in the story? Yes. But it was still a fun part of the story to read. It really sucked you in as a reader because of all the things that could be found out about the characters.

But, then came the last 30% of the story, and suddenly there was a disappearance, three years passed in a few pages, and the story became kinda crazy. I won’t say more because it would totally spoiler it. But it a;; just became a bit too much, and yet, also a bit predictable.

In the end it was still a fun story with versatile characters and a fun storyline, it was all just a bit much. In the end I rated it 3.75 stars, rounded up to four stars.

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Thank you Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to review The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill that will be released on March 19, 2024.

A tagline for this book is "There's nothing easier to dismiss than a conspiracy theory - until it turns out to be true." Our main character Theo comes to America from Australia to visit and stay with her brother Gus. She has left law school to become a writer which turns out to be her true passion. During her stay she picks a bar/cafe to go every day and write, and there she meets another writer that literally changes her life. (Not in a good way) If you as a reader, who appreciates a story involving preppers, conspiracy theories, writers, mystery and suspense with a little bit of small-town life and romance thrown in, then this is the book for you.

My interest while reading this book ebbed and flowed. At times I was incredibly invested in the story and other parts seemed confusing and/or too rushed, but also slow if that's possible. I loved all three main characters (Theo, Gus, and Mac) and was definitely invested in what would happen to them. The plot and climax at the end of the story was not strong enough for me after reading all the led up. On the other hand, I did still enjoy the book and would recommend to thriller, mystery/suspense readers. I gave this book a solid 3.5 star. The Mystery Writer will be released in March of next year.

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The Woman in the Library was one of my top three books last year and The Mystery Writer has officially cemented Gentill as a must read author for me. Her plots are inventive and gripping without ever crossing the line into unbelievable or ridiculous, and she’s one of the few mystery writers who crafts fully developed characters and is truly gifted with words.

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I think I have read every book written by Sulari Gentill and I must say I have really enjoyed them, their style and the the twist, but this one, for me, did not hit the mark. A well written book, an enormous twist and very thought provoking. ending. Thanks you NetGalley and the publishers for the DR .

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Finished this book in 2 days. It was captivating with a plot that I have never experienced before. Yes, there was murder and mystery but until about the last few chapters, I had no inkling of who was behind everything. It was fun reading about the chaos unraveling but keeping it light and both stressed for the main characters. There were parts in the book at first that made no sense and I was confused why it was in there. I skipped it initially but later on, everything was wrapped up in a nice bow so I had to go back. The ending was thought provoking and made me reflect on process of writing and publishing a book.

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Mystery thrillers aren’t usually my gig - I really enjoyed this. It was well written and intricate plot with lots of twists and turns. 3.5 rounded up. Good read. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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I loved Sulari Gentill's most recent novel, The Woman in the Library, so I was excited to get an advance reader copy of The Mystery Writer. Like the Woman in the Library, The Mystery Writer a very clever and meta look at writing and publishing, which had me smiling as I read. Both the plot and tone shifted from mystery to thriller part of the way through, which was a bit jarring, but I was glad I kept reading for the satisfying resolution.

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I liked the first 20% of the book, but when what was happening became apparent, I was less interested - felt a little ridiculous (and maybe it was supposed to be?) I think this just wasn't the right book for me.

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Theo or Theodosia leaves her career as an attorney to finish a novel. She shows up at her brother's house asking to stay with him. The person she admires the most (a very successful author) is murdered and she is determined to find the killer.

Theo's brother Gus, becomes a murder suspect while Theo continues to try and solve this crime. This book is thought provoking and fast- paced, one that keeps the reader turning pages. Powerful, Enthralling and Thought- Provoking! 3.5 stars!

Many thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy! The release date is 3/19/24.

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Before I begin, I want to express gratitude to Poisoned Pen Press, Sourcebooks Inc., and Sulari Gentill for giving me an Advanced Reader Copy of The Mystery Writer.

Abandoning a lucrative career as a lawyer, Theo appears with her two suitcases at the doorstep of her lawyer brother, Gus. Why? Because she wants to be a writer. With an unfinished novel and a supportive brother, Theo finds time to write at the Benders.
An extraordinary stroke of luck brings an accomplished author, Dan, to become her mentor. Only, he ends up brutally murdered. And then chaos ensues; people start turning up dead. Gus is implicated and interrogated. To protect Gus, Theo must do the unthinkable; she must die. But there's more at play than what meets the eye.
Amidst dying hope and danger, Gus and Mac must untangle the web of lies surrounding them.

I loved the central characters: Theo, Gus, and Mac. They were engrossingly alive and endearing. Their aspirations, actions, and quirks made them relatable.
The coffee bar setting, the detailed references littered throughout, the writer community representation, the influence of writers, the Lawrence vibe, and the Christmasy mood, I liked it. The element of absurdity introduced by the conspiracy theorists was a very creative move that was well executed.
The first 75% made me enjoy the book. However, the last 15% undid the entire mood. At that point, there was no mystery; the narrative suddenly became very caricaturish, and then random stuff happened to create a climax.
This book was very close to becoming a whodunit that you re-read for the mood, the setting, and the themes.

Though I was disappointed by the ending, still, it was a good first read. Readers who are new to the genre or occasional readers may really like it. It has debut-writer vibes, relatable characters, and a cozy mystery mood, that make it charming.

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I enjoyed this book so much, it was an ARC I received from Poisened Pen press, and I appreciate the opportunity to give my honest review.
One thing that stood out to me about this book was the realistic portrayal of what it would be like to be an actual writer , or at least how I envision it in my mind. The other thing that I enjoyed was the relationship between Theodosia and her brother - it’s not often a relationship that is non romantic has such depth, and I loved that!
The ending was a nice synopsis of the tire book. I really enjoyed the ending.- even though it was totally not what I expected!

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