Member Reviews

Thank you, NetGalley, for an advanced copy of The Mystery Writer in exchange for a review.

I’d give this 2.5 ⭐️ overall. The premise was interesting and unique, but there was somehow too much and not enough happening at the same time. I didn’t connect with any of the characters and had a hard time staying engaged.

In short, I really wanted to love the book based on its premise, but the execution of it was a miss for me.

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What an engaging read! Sulari Gentill is a plot creater genius! The twists and turns were captivating. While I have to confess I "figured it out" early on - the author kept me wondering, maybe I was wrong. I really loved the character development and the interesting biological family back stories. I'm pretty sure this was written as a stand alone book but I'd love to see these characters in action again. Now, off to read other books by Sulari Gentill.

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I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley.

This novel is a suspenseful mystery/thriller. It centers around a female author (Theo) seeking a publisher. When she has a brief affair with another author, it sets off a series of murders that may or may not be connected to Theo. Who is behind these murders? What are the motives? Are Theo and her family and friends in danger?

The characters in this book are ones that few readers could relate to. The book is more of a thriller than a mystery, as Theo's world is turned upside down by events surrounding her. The author takes us to the dark web, to a family of survivalists and a world full of conspiracy theories. Quite spectacular but not very believable.

This book will resonate with readers of fantasy thrillers, but not someone like me that likes character-driven stories.

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This kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through! I highly recommend this to any thriller book clubs out there!

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I have read two of the author's standalone novels and loved them. This one is just as good.. I liked the three main characters. The chat room parts threw me at first, but they made sense after a while. I found the ending to be exciting.
This is a good mystery that I read in one day. .I recommend it to those who like mysteries and stories about writers and writing.

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Wow- this book was not what I expected! The cover had me expecting a whodunnit type mystery. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure about this one for awhile. I was afraid it was going to go in an odd “lizard people” “election was faked” type of direction.

But it didn’t- and by the halfway point I was hooked.

Some things were a little predictable- I pinpointed the villain pretty early on, but that’s ok. Overall, it was fun and I really enjoyed this book.

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A very stunning and captivating read by Sulari Gentile! Having read her other book The Woman in the library, I was interested in reading the upcoming book The Mystery Writer. Well written, intriguing to read for the development of characters and story line keep you guessing to the very end. I love a good thriller mystery and this book has all the goods! I highly recommend this book but most importantly this author is phenomenal!

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This book has me curling up with my hot chocolate and a blanket and reading like there was no tomorrow. It was only made more perfect by the fact that it was a rainy day. This is a rainy day, summer day or beach day read.

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I enjoyed this one! Quick read that hit the relatable on several accounts… a tip of my tinfoil hat to the fellow “conspiracy theorists”, Lol.

But truth is stranger than fiction, as they say.

Aspiring author meets famous mystery writer, conspiracy theorists / theories, dooms day preppers and “researcher” (a.k.a skilled hacker) with murder, mystery and mayhem that kept me guessing.

If that looks to be up your alley then I’m sure you too will enjoy! 😂

Many thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy. The Mystery Writer is scheduled for release on 3/19/24.

Trigger warnings: sexual assault mentions

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The Mystery Writer was a wild ride from start to finish! I was hooked on the premise of a burgeoning writer caught up in the dark web and conspiracy theories. I loved Theo’s development and her relationships with her brother and Mac. All the supporting characters are well developed and interesting, especially the Etheridge family. This book has so many timely themes packed into it, but the writer makes everything easy to understand and compelling. I was a fan of Gentill’s The Woman in the Library, and this is a fantastic follow up that cements her place as an author to follow.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I've read by this author, but it won't be the last. The story flow is very good and the characters gel together very well. I loved the touch where Gus opened his toolbox and removed various cards of trades people - brilliant!
That being said, there is a lot of tell as opposed to show in the book and a number of errors which should have been spotted by a good proof reader. For example:
In chapter 3 the sentence read 'And now she wanted other people love it too'. There should be a 'to' placed in between 'people' and love'.
In chapter 6 'Gus shrugged. "Twelve to fourteen." Are we talking of minutes, seconds, hours, years or what?
In chapter 35 'The public's interest in the lives of writers had increased with the accessibly...' and yet moments later the correct term is used - accessibility.
In chapter 38, there are a few occasions where scenes are 'tumbled ' together, making no sense at all.

As I said , this did not detract from my enjoyment of the read, but this will need correcting before readers are expected to pay for the book.

Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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While not as good as their first novel, this was still a very interesting story with a fun plotline and I enjoyed the who done it aspect a whole lot!

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Theo leaves law school in Australia and travels to the U.S. where she moves in with her older brother. She spends her days writing in a local café. There she meets a famous writer who mentors her and a friendship develops. Just when things start to heat up, the writer is murdered and Theo is the prime suspect. As time passes more characters end up dead and Theo and her companions find themselves deeply embroiled in the mystery.

I am conflicted on this one. While it did keep me interested, overall it was a bit disappointing. I figured out “whodunnit” (although not why) very early in the story. The only mystery for me was how Theo (and frankly some of the secondary characters as well) could be so gullible and naïve. Even though the red flags practically screamed at her, she ignored them, oblivious to any potential danger she might cause. The preponderance of typos and grammatical errors will hopefully be fixed before the final book is released. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill presents a unique blend of mystery, literary exploration, and conspiracy, making for an intriguing narrative. The story revolves around Theodosia Benton, who abandons her legal career to pursue writing, leading her into a hidden literary world where identity is malleable.

As Theo delves into this enigmatic literary realm, she is faced with unexpected challenges, especially when her mentor, a successful author, is murdered. The plot takes an unexpected turn when Theo's brother, Gus, becomes the prime suspect, prompting Theo to take drastic measures to protect him. The narrative unfolds with a blend of suspense and intrigue as the characters navigate the complexities of this hidden literary world.

The novel raises questions about the power of storytelling and the lengths to which individuals are willing to go to control narratives. The concept of identity as a mutable entity within the context of the literary world adds a layer of complexity to the storyline. The stakes are raised when Gus follows a trail left by the murdered author, inadvertently threatening the very foundations of the labyrinthine narrative.

Sulari Gentill weaves together elements of a literary thriller, exploring the impact of storytelling on individuals and society. The narrative challenges perceptions of truth, identity, and the consequences of manipulating narratives for personal gain. "The Mystery Writer" promises readers a thought-provoking journey through the intricacies of the written word and the mysteries that lie within its constructs.

If you've had the chance to read "The Mystery Writer," feel free to share your thoughts on how the novel explores the power dynamics within the literary world and its impact on the characters' lives.

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*Thanks to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved The Woman in the Library, but this book was really hard to follow and did not have that same magic. The plot really goes off the rails at about the 75% mark and I'm still not sure I fully understand the ending. The premise was interesting but ultimately this wasn't for me.

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I really enjoyed this book up until about 70% in, when I felt like it went off the rails. There was a lot of interesting, well thought out buildup until that point, and had me definitely on the edge of my seat. But the climax had so many things happening at once that I felt a bit of whiplash. And the ending was less than satisfying, including the final scene from an online message board. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to take away from this book, to be honest. I felt like Gentill threw her characters under the bus because, while she built up an interesting backstory, the arc just wasn’t strong enough to carry it through to the end.

I loved her book the Woman in the Library and it felt like Gentill respected her characters in that story and gave them a satisfactory ending. But in this book I felt like she lost interest 3/4 of the way through and started throwing spaghetti at the wall until she hit her page quota.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing this ARC!

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Three Stars
Cover 5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC.

This is a bit fantastical for my tastes, but it's still a fun read, if too long. I'm not sure I bought the twists but they were unpredictable.

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This is my first time reading anything by Sulari Gentill but you had better believe that this won’t be the last as this was a beautifully written and engaging novel that I couldn’t put down!

The Mystery Writer is an utterly thrilling page turner with an intricate plot, likable characters and brilliant immersive writing. I also have to say that Gentill’s pacing is sublime. The whole novel was fairly fast paced but it slowly built the tension and I never felt rushed reading just utterly gripped.

I absolutely adored Gentill’s approach to interweaving conspiracies throughout and I thought this was such an interesting take showing just how pervasive conspiracies can be. While ultimately much of the novel, especially the final conspiracy twist, felt unlikely I thought that this perfectly fit the novel as don’t all conspiracies seem unbelievable until they’re proven true?

I thoroughly enjoyed The Mystery Writer and if you’re looking for a thrilling page turner with a mystery that will keep you hooked until the final page then I wouldn’t highly recommend you give it a read.

This book is coming out on the 19th March 2024
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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A thrilling page-turner, “The Mystery Writer” by Gentill is set in the most benign of American cities - Lawrence, Kansas. Despite the locale, murder, mayhem, and conspiracy theories abound. While the novel’s dénouement can only be described as unlikely, the journey to the volume’s conclusion is more than fun.

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The Mystery Writer is an enthralling mystery thriller that captivated me from the very first page. The author crafts an intricate plot that kept me on the edge of my seat, guessing until the very end. The story unfolds with precision, weaving a web of suspense and intrigue.

What truly sets this book apart is the author's ability to create well-developed, relatable characters. Each individual is intricately crafted, possessing depth and flaws that make them feel incredibly human. As the mystery unravels, the characters come alive, making their journey, fears, and hopes palpable to the reader.

The pacing is also excellent, ensuring that the tension steadily builds, keeping you hooked and eager to unravel the enigma. Twists and turns are expertly placed, adding layers to the mystery and leaving you constantly reevaluating your assumptions.

Sulari Gentill's writing style is engaging and vivid, immersing the reader in the atmosphere of the story. The attention to detail and descriptive narrative paint a vivid picture of the small town setting, intensifying the overall reading experience.

Overall, The Mystery Writer is a riveting and compelling read that mystery and thriller enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy. It's a testament to the author's skill in storytelling and their ability to keep readers invested in the plot until the very last page.

I really enjoyed this book and would readily recommend it to anyone seeking a thrilling and captivating mystery.

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