Member Reviews

If you like conspiracy theories then this is the book for you. It started off a little slow but is full of twists and turns. Get caught up!

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I loved this mystery! It was a great time to read and follow the plot and the twists and turns of the story. I would definitely recommend and will do so!

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This was a very satisfying literary mystery—it really kept me guessing. Can’t wait to dive into Gentill’s backlist books now!

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for the ARC.

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Compelling and fast paced but a bit contrived. Does any literary agency make enough to finance this?

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3.5 stars
I received a free e-arc of this book through Netgalley. It started off a bit slow, but then pulled me into the story. There are some weird jumps in time a couple places through the book where it seems like the transition could be smoother. Overall, it was a book that kept my attention.

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The twists and turns kept me hooked in this compelling mystery!twisty mystery! I will definitely be reading more by this author soon.

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I usually love a good psychological thriller, but I really couldn't get in to this book... the "suspense" gave me too much anxiety! Maybe others would like that better, but it just wasn't for me.
The story was more than a little over the top too; just too much. to0 unrealistic, too chaotic.
This had the potential for being a good book, and I am sure plenty of people will like it, but it just didn't work for me.

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I enjoyed the first half or two-thirds...then it fell apart. I didn't like the turn the story took, yet wasn't surprised by it either. Very poorly edited at the end too, though I realize this is a galley.

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If your into conspiracy theories & how they can impact peoples daily lives because of things in their past & present ........then this is a book for you . The start resonated with me because it seemed similar to something I'd heard or read before , but it was well constructed although somewhat far fetched in area's hence why I have only given it 4 stars. #NetGalley, #GoodReads,, #FB, #Instagram, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="200 Book Reviews" title="200 Book Reviews"/>#<img, src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Reviews Published" title="Reviews Published"/>#<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>.

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This book was a really great twisty mystery! I feel like some books are just recycled stories, but this was new and fresh! The author did a phenomenal job of making me care about the characters and root for them until the last page. I especially loved Gus and Mac, they made me laugh and worry for them! This was a masterfully-told original story and I can’t wait to read more from her!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. This is the first book I have read by this author and I was blown away. This story takes so many twists and turns, just when I think I had it figured out it goes another direction. The character development was great, I was highly invested in the three main characters. If you enjoy a good mystery I highly recommend this book.

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While I enjoyed the book overall, there were parts of the book that I had a hard time with. Especially toward the end. It felt very rushed through about three-four chapters to get to the end. I did really like Theo, Gus and Mac and Macs family were funny. Overall this is a solid book.

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Interwoven with the story of a young Aussie writer who leaves law school and decamps to Lawrence Kansas to live with her brother, an attorney, is the story of a prepper family, conspiracy theories, and a controlling agent. Very twisty with several unexpected turns, there is not much to say without giving away too many plot details. A roller coaster of read that had me wanting to finish in a hurry!

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The Mystery Writer kept me on my toes from start to finish. This was a twisty, delightful read. I really enjoyed Theo and her friends and family and the well crafted plot elements used to pull the story together. Highly recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book! I loved the "Woman in the Library" but this just fell flat for me. I was so excited to read this one, but was disappointed. I just did not connect with any of the characters and the plot didn't pull me in. There are patrons that would enjoy this, it just wasn't for me.

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Theo is an Australian lawyer to be, who drops out of school to travel to Kansas to stay at her brother’s, who also is an attorney. She decides instead of being a lawyer, that she will write the next great novel. She meets an author who becomes her mentor (and more). She finishes her novel and the mentor is murdered. His publisher decides to represent her and her first book. Then everything falls apart and goes off the rails. People around her are killed, her brother and his friend try to keep her safe. Then the book get a little over the top.
The first three-quarters of the book is really good. But along the way, there are allusions to conspiracy theories, compounds and preppers. The last quarter of the book becomes a jumble and becomes more of an action packed book. We are suddenly seven years in the future and Theo has been missing the entire time after confessing to one of the murders. People end up not being who we thought they were and others in the publishing agency have ulterior motives.
I really liked the first part of the book, but was disappointed in the ending and how the mysteries were resolved.

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Theodosia Benton, aspiring writer and law school dropout, shows up on her brother's doorstep with two suitcase. an unfinished novel, and finds way more than she bargained for.

This is a keeps-you-guessing mystery thriller that I really enjoyed. I found Theo and her brother Gus to be pretty well fleshed out protagonists, and the underlayer of conspiracy theories in the vein of forum posts at the beginning of chapters helped set an enjoyably tense mood. My only critique is that the last third of so of the book drags, only to then ramp up in action very suddenly and a little chaotically.

Thank you to Sulari Gentill, Poisoned Pen Press, Sourcebooks Inc, and NetGalley for my advanced reader copy.

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Theo shows up on her brother Gus's door out of the blue one day. She's abruptly dropped out of law school in Australia and dreams of being a writer. He's supportive, she stays in Lawrence, and begins working on her novel every day in a local bar where she eventually meets and befriends a famous writer. After Theo's novel is finished and her friendship with Dan works its way out of the friend zone, everything goes off the rails. I can't say much without spoilers, but crazy conspiracy theories and murders turn Theo and Gus's lives upside down. Is the way it plays out believable? My inclination is to say "no", until you think about the actual wing nut conspiracies that real people actually buy into right now. Overall, the story covers a lot of time with a sizeable year jump at the end that felt a little lengthy to me. It tends to drag in places, but the idea behind the conspiracy was unique and kept me reading.

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Wow! What an amazing book!!
Would love to read more from the author.
Thankyou netgalley for the Arc!

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Thrillers are filmable. This labyrinth of characters takes the reader deep. In this novel, a seemingly secondary character becomes the main one. An intricate story written by a skillful pen that I recommend reading. the plot is dynamic, interesting..characters are strong, dominant. congratulations to the author and publisher

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