Member Reviews

This was a different type of thriller/mystery that held my attention. It was definitely unpredictable. I’ve never read a book focusing on conspiracy theorists so I did enjoy that part of the plot. Toward the end, so much is thrown at you that I had to reread a few pages just to see what was happening. It was a rollercoaster and I would recommend it to anyone looking for something different.

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill is a captivating thriller and mystery. Theodosia (Theo) arrives at her brother’s doorstep in New York without any advance warning. Gus is understandably perplexed by his younger sister’s appearance. He thought she was still in law school in Australia, but welcomes her into his home. Theo wants to be a writer, not a lawyer. While working in a coffee shop, she is befriended by an established author who provides insights into her writing. But when he is murdered, the story picks up the pace as both Theo and Gus try to determine who killed her mentor. After reading this book, you will think differently about publishing houses and writers’ contracts. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy both suspense and a good mystery. Thank you to NetGalley for providing a digital advance copy of this book.

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The Mystery Writer review
Theo had been attending law school in her native Australia. Then she suddenly arrived at her brother’s apartment in Lawrence, Kansas with 2 suitcases full of clothing. She announced that she had dropped out of school and wanted to be a writer instead of a lawyer.
Her brother Gus was a partner in a small law firm who reluctantly supported her choice but welcomed her into his home nonetheless.
Theo started writing her manuscript at a local coffee shop where met Dan , a best selling author. The two became friendly and he was soon giving her writing tips.
Then one day Dan did not show up at the coffee shop. Theo went to his house where she saw a man leaving quickly. When she entered the house, she found Dan dead in a pool of blood. She spent the rest of the book trying to prove her innocence and find the killer.
This book deals with conspiracy theories and those who espouse them. Also the dark side of the publishing business. There are many surprises and coincidences.
I enjoyed the book as it kept my attend till the very end.
I received this ARC from the publisher and Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Mystery Writer was a great novel - it was a wonderful break from all of the similar themed thrillers that are coming out these days with a fresh new take on mystery.

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Wow, this is the second book by Sulari Gentill I’ve read and the second I’ve loved. This book is so complex with so many things going on. The main character is very likable, as re her brother and their friend. You can’t really trust anyone though, it’s hard to tell who’s telling the truth and who is evil. Their is also a conspiracy theorist storyline, hat is scary in itself, because people actually think this way. The book keeps you guessing till the very end. A very good read.

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Grabbed me right away and kept me reading. Couldn't figure it out. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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Gentill has written a mystery that I thoroughly enjoyed. Theodosia Benton, a law school drop out (who wants to be a writer) ends up on her brother's (who did graduate from law school) doorstep hoping he'll understand and support her decision. The trust money which has been paying her school bills was only to put her through law school. What ensues are several murders, pointing to either her or her brother, Gus, or his private investigator Mac.
While the plot continues to twist and turn Gentill manages to weave in a little light romance. It is nothing to detract from the overall storyline, just keeps it hopeful and helps to provide some normalcy in their lives.
It is a refreshing read and one to enjoy between heavier topics.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from Poisoned Pen Press via NetGalley.

Theo Benton, leaving her legal career behind to pursue her dream of becoming a writer, embarks on a journey filled with unexpected challenges. She faces questions about her family's support, her own abilities, and the potential backlash from her parents. Little does she know, her life is about to take a startling twist when she becomes entangled in a secretive literary realm where identities are fluid, shaped to captivate an audience.

Tragedy strikes as her mentor, a renowned author, is brutally murdered, leaving Theo determined to find the killer and ensure justice is served. The situation takes a darker turn when her brother, Gus, is wrongly accused, prompting Theo to take extreme measures to protect him.

Intriguingly, the deceased author has left a trail, a story that becomes a lifeline out of the intricate maze. Gus, following this narrative thread, inadvertently threatens the very foundations of this enigmatic labyrinth. To safeguard the intricately woven tale, Theo and those searching for her must confront deadly consequences, making survival an uncertain proposition.

At first, I was genuinely excited by the intriguing premise of this book. It had all the makings of a captivating story with a well-defined plot and character development that promised to be engrossing. The narrative immediately drew me in, and the relationship between Theo and her older brother Gus was a highlight, portraying a touching and relatable connection.

But as I ventured further into the story, my initial enthusiasm dwindled. The last three-quarters of the book took a perplexing turn, descending into chaotic and nonsensical territory. What began as a promising mystery involving a writer's death and the suspicion falling on another writer eventually morphed into a bizarre, almost farcical narrative. It introduced a dizzying array of elements like conspiracy theorists, preppers, and malevolent corporations, which, rather than enhancing the story, left it convoluted and hard to follow.

The characters, although well-crafted, couldn't salvage the plot's descent into this bizarre realm. Sadly, Theo, the central character, didn't live up to the expectations of a strong female lead. In the end, the potential for a normal, engaging mystery lost out to the peculiar and unconvincing turn of events, ultimately leaving me somewhat unsatisfied with the book.

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After dropping out of law school, Theo heads to her brother's house in Lawrence, KS to write a novel. Theo and her brother Gus are originally from Australia. While looking through the town for a good place to write, she finds a combination bar/coffee house called Benders. While writing there, she meets Dan Murdoch, a fellow author who has already been published, and they become friends. When she finishes her novel, she begs Dan to introduce her to his agent and to submit her novel. He originally says "no." Not finding Dan at Benders one day, she heads to his house to look for him. When she enters, she finds Dan dead. Of course she touches him and gets blood on her so when the police come and she's washing her hands she looks suspicious. Enter Gus who is a lawyer and his friend Mac, an investigator (who has a bunch of end-of-the-world preppers as family). What happens next is a combination spy/assassin/conspiracy theory story including a cult like following of Dan Murdoch who blames Theo for his death. Each chapter begins with a conversation between conspiracy theorists that is very 1/6.

This is a totally different type of story than The Woman in the Library but still about books. I really had to take time to think about this before I gave it any type of rating on either Goodreads or in Net Galley. There were many clever ideas in this story (which I can't talk about or you would be spoiled). Some might say these were too cute. In the US where January 6 will be talked about for years, the conspiracy theories will ring true. While I know "preppers" exist, it is interesting to think of people who are so crazy about an author that they would become violent upon hearing of their death (even in the case of murder). While I enjoyed this story, I would say there may have been too many weird things piled up on each other for me to love it as much as The Woman in the Library. 3.5 stars rounding up to 4 for creativity.

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Another five star read from Sulari Gentill.

I love love love Gentill's books!!!

This is a great follow up to The Woman in the Library.

Gentill has securely placed herself in the literary mystery world.

Get the book on your TBR list! It's a must!!

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Thanks to Netgalley & the publishers for my ARC! Unfortunately, I had to DNF this novel, just like Ms. Gentill's previous novel "The Woman in the Library". I just couldn't get into it, and it felt like it was going to be very slow. I love libraries, and while you shouldn't run in them, I prefer my books to be fast & get right to the point. Life is just too short to read books you don't want to. 3/5 stars since I DNF.

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this premise sounded sooooooo good, but unfortunately, neither the plot, the writing, not the characters warmed themselves to me, so i have given up in finishing it. Such a shame as I was very excited to read it. I love A Christie so I hoped it would be a bit like that!

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The idea.of a mystery about a mystery writer involved in another mystery or two is ingenious. I liked the book a great deal. The structure, the plot, the characters. Well worth a read.

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Theodosia Benton abruptly decides to quit law school in Australia and head to Lawrence, Kansas, where her brother lives. She dreams of being a writer instead and finds a local cafe/bar where she spend her days writing. Lots of would-be writers and actual writers spend their days at Benders and one in particular, Dan Murtaugh, takes an interest in Theo. They become friends and he encourages her writing, but when she asks him to send her manuscript to his agent, he balks and tells Theo, they are not right for her. When Dan, a highly successful author is murdered, the police think Theo's brother Gus has something to do with it. This begins a whirlwind of activity as other surrounding the writer are murdered and the net around Theo and Gus tightens, A tense, taunt mystery with many ins and outs and twists. Excellent reading.

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One of my favorite books is by Sulari Gentill: After She Wrote Him. And I also loved The Woman in the Library. So I come into a book by Sulari Gentill with high hopes. And this book didn't quite deliver. It felt preachy at certain points and dragged in some places. I enjoyed the secret society and conspiracy theories.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. I was not familiar with the author and had not read any of her other books, but was intriqued by the description.

I liked the book up until about the 75% point. I liked characters and I was intriqued by the story line. But then it took a big jump in time and seemed to veer off track. Frankly I got very confused with the conspiracy theory storyline. Also, I don't like when movies have long chase and action scenes and I felt like that's what happened toward the end of this book. I feel like it got very convuluted at that point or perhaps it was because I honestly lost interest in it.

Unfortuantely, this book just didn't did it for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. So the summary and title of this book really made me excited to read it. I expected from the summary that there would be a bit of mystery with it and there wasn’t at all.
The book was ok but there was just nothing in it that I had expected to find. I kept reading expecting something to happen but nothing did. This one just wasn’t really for me.

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I was so excited to get a chance to read an ARC of The Mystery Writer through NetGalley. I really enjoyed this book! I knew I would like this book because I loved The Woman in the Library.

Theo moves to the US to be closer to her brother and pursue her dream of writing a novel. As she is working on her Novel she meets Dan, an established author, who becomes her friend and mentor. Theo's world is turned upside down when she finds Dan murdered in his house, and she becomes a suspect.

I thought this novel was well-written and a great story. It kept my attention and kept me wanting more. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a fast-paced thriller and to those who love trying to figure out the endings. It was definitely an ending I couldn't have guessed!

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There’s nothing better than a cozy murder mystery and The Mystery Writer definitely delivers. Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? Especially when it leaves you questioning things. This is a multi layered story with some great twists and turns. I’m excited to have discovered this author and look forward to more from her in the future.

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A woman, manuscript and her suitcases arrive at her brothers door. He takes her in and she continues to work on her book.

Her mentor is murdered and her brother becomes the primary suspect.

This book includes conspiracy and doomsday theories, examines what siblings will do for each other and lots of twists and turns as life begins to replicate art.

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