Member Reviews

The writing and prose are magnificent. I got hooked right away, though my attention and enthusiasm waned toward the middle of the book. The ending however was unexpected and left me wanting more of Theo.

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I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. I’m not great at writing reviews but I will definitely recommend this book!!

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I really liked the story, will definitely recommend to others.
This book does need some editing done especially towards the end of the book!

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Aspiring authors. Coffee shops. Small town. Conspiracy theories. Extremists. Doomsday Preppers. Secret agencies. Murders.

If any of these keywords piques your interest, I recommend The Mystery Writer. This book packs a punch and makes you question everything you think you know.

Theodosia ‘Theo’ Benton leaves Australia and her spot in law school to move in with her older brother Gus in Kansas while writing her first novel. While in town, she meets a fellow author named Dan and quickly develops a close relationship with him.. until Dan is murdered in cold blood.

Things start closing in on Theo as she begins questioning those around her, who she can trust, and why the evidence has begun to pile up against her and Gus.

I really enjoyed the way this book used chat room conspiracy theorists to make you question everything. The author uses right-wing extremists in this book in a way that I initially thought would cause readers to RIOT, but by the end of the book, I found them to be oddly endearing. The book took some time to gain momentum, followed by a time jump and then a few chapters of excessive action, which all felt a little jarring, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you to Sulari Gentill, Poisoned Pen Press, Sourcebooks Inc, and NetGalley for my advanced reader copy.

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The build up of this was great. Great character development, intriguing story about a woman who leaves her life behind to become a writer and befriends a mysterious older man who turns out to be a famous author himself. And then he turns up dead. It twisted and turned from there and I got lost a bit and felt it started to rush. But overall it was an interesting read and I enjoyed it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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There's nothing easier to dismiss than a conspiracy theory―until it turns out to be true.

This was a good, fun little mystery. I liked the characters and the twists and turns were fun.

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This book is the author’s latest after the excellent “Woman in the Library”. Unfortunately it does not live up to that novel. It’s a rather silly premise with an annoying main character, Theo. The premise could be fun but Theo brings it down. An okay read but I’ll look for better from the author.

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill is about an Australian woman--Theodosia Benton--who is in law school and suddenly abandons it, fleeing to live with her brother, who is an established partner in a law firm in Lawrence, Kansas. Theo has dreams of being a writer, and soon becomes known to locals in the coffee shop/bar that she chooses to write in (Benders), and she meets another writer named Dan Murdoch whom she befriends. They become lovers, a relationship that is quickly severed a day later when Dan Murdoch is murdered.

This book was so so good . I finished it in one sitting. I was intrigued from page one . The ending coul have been better. Still it was good.
I'd definitely recommend it.

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A huge thank you to the publisher for this ARC. I started loving this book after the first 20%. The way the story picked up from there is worth every minute spent reading it.

This was one of a kind. A unique mystery book. I didn't think I would finish it in two sittings, but yeah, I did. Overall, I am satisfied by how this turned out.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the author's first book and was looking forward to reading her second.

Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed, the first half of the book was engaging and quite compelling but the second half of the book just became confusing, and wildly over the top, conspiracy theories abounded and the story became ridiculous, I don't mind suspending belief for a good story but this was too much.

Also the timeline, a good two-thirds of the story was in the present and then the last 10% seemed to go a few years in the future!

I am sure I will be a minority when I say I finished the book, but it wasn't for me at all

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill is about an Australian woman--Theodosia Benton--who is in law school and suddenly abandons it, fleeing to live with her brother, who is an established partner in a law firm in Lawrence, Kansas. Theo has dreams of being a writer, and soon becomes known to locals in the coffee shop/bar that she chooses to write in (Benders), and she meets another writer named Dan Murdoch whom she befriends. They become lovers, a relationship that is quickly severed a day later when Dan Murdoch is murdered.

This above is basically what I expected from Gentill, as I also read her book The Woman in the Library and quite liked it. This book, however, continues on and leans heavily on conspiracy theories for the plot base. There was the briefest line of that in the synopsis, so I suppose I was expecting something entirely different than what this novel turned out to be.

This book also out of necessity for the above-mentioned conspiracy theories plays into stereotypes of Americans. The main character is astonished and frightened that there are no gun signs on cafes and how often she runs into people who are polite and friendly but carrying guns. She is warned not to just wander into people's homes, because she may be shot (that just seems like good advice in general to me). One character, Mac, has an entire doomsday prepper family, who are happy to chatter about evil Democrats and are believers in basically every whacko theory you can imagine. I think that this portrayal may rankle some people--actually I know it has judging by some of the other reviews--and I admit it got under my feathers a bit as well because it seemed like there were more crazy people to represent America than just sane, regular folks.

The novel also devolves a bit at the end into a conclusion that is over-the-top and frankly incredible in an unbelievable way. I won't give away the plot here, but it's definitely something. Also near the end it went back and forth between Theo and Mac and her brother Gus without any breaks or anything, and when I first started to read it, I got confused until I worked out that it was jumping back and forth.

All that to say that I still like her style a lot. I didn't know she'd written a previous book (other than Library) which I'll have to check out, and even though this one didn't hit the same sweet spot for me as her Library book, I would still be thrilled to check out future productions from her. I just think this book might have people immediately turned off by the premise, dependent on their sensitivities or political affiliations.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Supremely Satisfying..
Another cleverly woven and wonderfully constructed mystery of many threads from this very talented author who never, ever fails to please. A mystery within a mystery within a mystery as our protagonist Theo determines to solve a murder, but does not fully appreciate the complications that lie way too close to home, in the bookish world of writing and novelists. Masterfully done, perfectly presented and supremely satisfying.

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So good! I couldn't put this book down. Totally odd wrap up of the story and maybe a little farfetched but I really needed to get to the end to find out how it would all come together.

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Bookish mysteries make me feel all cozy! This was no exception. My first from Sulari and I desire more. The content had me fast paced reading until the end! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Great cover as well.

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what a great book. Well written story with those twists. I enjoyed it so much that its a book you will want to go back and reread it again...a bit slower and enjoy every minute. would recommend you read this book when it is published.

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I found immense pleasure in immersing myself within the pages of this book, effortlessly completing it within a mere few days. The narrative's captivating and accessible nature, coupled with its subtly sophisticated prose, greatly contributed to my reading experience.

The central character, Theo, undoubtedly captured my affections with her endearing qualities, her portrayal so finely etched that it was as if I had formed a personal connection with her. Her decision to abandon her law studies in pursuit of her true passion for novel writing lent an air of authenticity to her journey. Seeking refuge at her brother Gus's abode during this transitional phase added a layer of complexity due to their shared family obligation. The resultant tension from this familial pact, combined with Theo's courageous dive into her writing pursuits, evoked both empathy and satisfaction.

While Theo penned her novel within the confines of a cafe, her awareness was drawn towards another frequent occupant, the author Dan, with whom an unexpected companionship blossomed. The subsequent revelation of his fame, only after his tragic demise, added an intriguing twist to the narrative. Theo's plunge into an alarming and violent ordeal following Dan's murder heightened the stakes, engaging me further.

The author's skillful craft in shaping Theo into a multi-dimensional character resonated deeply. The portrayal of her past trauma, handled with grace and subtlety, stood out. Gus's protective stance, stemming from a place of genuine concern, was masterfully portrayed without veering into melodrama. Theo's inner turmoil, questioning her role in her past trauma, was heartrending yet relatable.

Gus and his companion Mac both emerged as authentic and compelling characters, their dynamics seamlessly interwoven into the story. The glimpses into Mac's eccentric family added a touch of whimsy that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The narrative's twists and turns, punctuated by moments of anguish during Theo and Gus's separation, drove the plot forward with riveting momentum. The author's adeptness in weaving parallel plot threads that eventually coalesce added an extra layer of intrigue to the narrative tapestry.

Despite being a novice to this author's works, this book has undeniably sparked my curiosity, propelling me to explore her other offerings, particularly her standalone mystery novels. Without reservation, I wholeheartedly endorse this book to fellow readers seeking an enthralling literary journey.

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3.5 stars for me, rounded up to 4 for the writing!

This was a super compelling read. Read it in three days or less. I loved the first half of this book. Theo, Mac, and Gus are unique characters and probably the best part of the book for me. The horse is also excellent. I enjoyed the camaraderie between those four.

Now, on what I liked less, the last second part to me felt less strong. 80% in, I was just desperate to get it over with-- -the time jump, although I see why it was needed, didn't click for me.

That said, the author is mega-talented, and I wouldn't hesitate to read another of her books.

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I really enjoyed reading this book, and finished it within a few days. It's so readable and engaging, and feels well-written in a sort of understated, effortless way.

The main character, Theo, is very likeable and is written in such a way that I really felt like I knew her personally. She's quit her law course because what she really wants to do is write novels, and has turned up at her brother Gus's house to see if she can stay with him during the transition. There's a complication with quitting her course because they are both involved in a family agreement to do it, so there's quite a bit of stress about this. However, Theo gets started writing and seems to be happy.

Over the course of writing her novel in a cafe, she becomes aware of another author who writes there, Dan, and strikes up a friendship, only later realising that he's actually quite famous. But when Dan is murdered, Theo finds herself sucked into a very frightening and violent situation.

I liked how the author has created Theo as a very believable and rounded character. She's previously suffered sexual assault and I thought the way this was described, and the response of her brother Gus to be overprotective of Theo, was very well done. It isn't written in an over the top or melodramatic way. And it's slightly heartbreaking but all too familiar when she has times when she wonders if she is somehow to blame.

Gus is a great character too, again very believable, along with his friend Mac. I also enjoyed the descriptions of Mac's slightly wacky family.

It's a great plot with lots of twists and turns, including some very anguished parts where Theo and Gus are separated. The writer introduces different elements of the plot simultaneously before bringing them together later, which makes for an interesting read.

I've never read anything by this author before but will now be looking at her other books, especially her standalone mystery novels. I definitely recommend this book.

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill
Published by Poisoned Pen Press Coming out in 2024

Imagine a plot twisting a love story into murder into a world of espionage and conspiracy theories. Then sprinkle in some likeable protagonists, supportive friends, quirky survivalists as well as bohemian Aussie parents and you will understand the pull of “The Mystery Writer”.

The story centers on Theodosia Benton, her brother Gus and Ben’s friend Mac. Theo, a naive aspiring author, has a sad history with abusive men until she meets Dan Murdoch. Murdoch, a reclusive accomplished author hiding out in Lawrence KS, becomes Theo’s mentor and lover until he is violently murdered. The story continues as other individuals linked to Theo are murdered, making her the police’s sole suspect.

Sulai Gentill had a deft hand with the prose of this book. The writing was exciting and the characters came alive on the page. I generally enjoyed the pace of the book; the beginning and the end had me enthralled and, even though the middle section bogged down a bit, it did not stop me from jumping headfirst into the end. I am eagerly looking forward to reading other of her books.

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I was impressed with the growth Theo showed throughout the book. I didn't expect the plot twists and turns that showed up. Definitely a conspiracy theory I would never have thought of!

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