Member Reviews

3.5 🌟 rounded down

I really struggled on whether or not to give this a 3 or 4 stars. Ultimately, I decided 3 would be better, only because at times I was a bit underwhelmed and it was a bit confusing at times. It was still a great read. Murder and mystery without the gore.

Here's the synopsis of the books publishers:

When Theodosia Benton abandons her career path as an attorney and shows up on her brother's doorstep with two suitcases and an unfinished novel, she expects to face a few challenges. Will her brother support her ambition or send her back to finish her degree? What will her parents say when they learn of her decision? Does she even have what it takes to be a successful writer?

What Theo never expects is to be drawn into a hidden literary world in which identity is something that can be lost and remade for the sake of an audience. When her mentor, a highly successful author, is brutally murdered, Theo wants the killer to be found and justice to be served. Then the police begin looking at her brother, Gus, as their prime suspect, and Theo does the unthinkable in order to protect him. But the writer has left a trail, a thread out of the labyrinth in the form of a story. Gus finds that thread and follows it, and in his attempt to save his sister he inadvertently threatens the foundations of the labyrinth itself. To protect the carefully constructed narrative, Theo Benton, and everyone looking for her, will have to die.

USA Today bestselling author Sulari Gentill takes readers on a rollercoaster ride in The Mystery Writer, a literary thriller that turns the world of books and authors upside down and where a writer's voice is a thing to be controlled and weaponized, to the peril of everyone who loves a good story.

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This book is an absolute whirlwind in the best way possible, an ominous, underlying mystery that gradually evolves into a careening, fast-paced thriller. Gentill is great at laying out all the sinister characters but leaving it up in the air who is responsible for each element of the crime, a quality I also adored about The Woman in the Library.

I don't know if there is such a thing as a cozy thriller, but, if so, this book is a masterclass of the genre. Like, yes, multiple people get murdered, but the investigations take them to charming local bars and the protagonist copes with the trauma by reading, ordering takeout, and wearing comfortable socks. If you like your comforting reads to come with a small (or, probably more accurately, a moderate) amount of violence then you should definitely give this one a try!

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Holy doomsday preppers!! What a book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder,a few great who done it, a bunch of doomsday preppers, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me

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I like bed The Woman in the Library but The Mystery Writer felt like it was half-education Australian stereotypes and half-diving into conspiracy theorists stereotypes. The first half of the book had potential, but the second half was a full-on mess with time feeling like it was sped up 5x and things just being thrown at the reader.

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This is the story of Theo Benton, law student who abandons it all to move in with her brother and become an author. She meets a fellow author who becomes her mentor and introduces her to the world of agents and publishers. From there, the story completely blows up. Murders, crimes, conspiracy theories are all connected to create a perfectly weaved web of mystery. Everything comes together at the end in the most unexpected and mind blowing way.

This book was filled with information and details but it was presented in a way that it was easy to follow while still getting that “ah ha” moment when your mind starts to connect the dots.

Crime, mystery, conspiracy theories and a little smudge of romance made this book completely addicting.

Add this one to your TBR!

Publication date : March 19th 2024

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an ARC of yet another wonderful stand alone mystery by Sulari Gentill.
Is there anything Sulari cannot do? She has a full series of historical fiction mysteries that are well researched, fun, and true to their times. Last year she wrote The Woman in the Library, an immediate best seller. She has the imagination of an Agatha Christie and the guts of Ruth Rendall. As I was about two-thirds through the book, I thought she could do John Grisham proud. Both shine a light on the greed and manipulations involved to keep something worth millions of dollars going.
Literally, the book is about Theo Benton, a young Australian, dropping out of law school and running to her older brother in Lawrence Kansas. She doesn't tell her parents who are the epitome of again hippies as they would give her no support one way or the other.
He brother, Gus, takes her in happily and since Theo wants to be a writer, she has soon set herself up living at Gus' home and writing in a nearby coffee shop. There she makes the acquaintance of another writer, Dan, a best selling author, who guides and teaches her. They become close friends.
Then the author is killed. The police suspect Theo or her brother or both. Then the author's gardener is killed. Theo and Gus move to Gus's friend's, Mac's, house to hide out. But she is found by a reporter who is going to get her story.
At this point, there are so many interesting characters involved: Mac's family who are living on a well protected farm awaiting the inevitable end of days, the staff at the café, the agent who represented Dan and now wants to represent Theo, and a wonderful slobbery dog.
Theo has no one to turn to. She has made no friends, other than Dan. As she realises that Gus is spending more and more time on her case, and his 'real' work is suffering as a consequence, she is not only afraid but full of guilt that because of her landing on his doorstep uninvited, his life is being turned upside down.
This book is so well written and though you know who the "culprit" is long before the end, you have no idea how it will end and that keeps you reading. I read this book in two days, lost a whole night's sleep. It is a winner.
I've certainly joined the Sulari Gentill BookClub.

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I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

Theo drops out of law school in Australia and turns up on her brother Gus' doorstep in Kansas, where she proceeds to write a novel. She is encouraged in this by Dan, who turns out to be a famous (but private) author himself. Then Dan is murdered and Theo becomes a suspect.

I was quite enjoying this for the first two-thirds: Gus' dog Horse was an attractive character, and then there was the entire extended family of Mac, Gus' PI, who were preppers and conspiracy theorists and gun nuts. However, the last section jumps forward a couple of years, which completely destroyed the tension of the plot, and was so utterly unbelievable that I lost patience.


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This book was phenomenal! in the beginning of the book I was a bit confused and not sure what was going on. About 25% in I became hooked and I couldn’t read it fast enough. There are so many thrillers these days, even ones that include authors. So I was also excited that this premise was unique and kept me guessing. By far the best book I’ve read by Gentill so far!

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I was very excited to read this book. It caught my attention right away. I really liked how the book started because it wonder what was going on and kept me wondering. As the story progressed, it moved along quite nicely. It gave just the right amount of suspense needed to keep the reader hooked. This book surprised me with wondering who the villain might be.

When I was about 1/2 way - 3/4 of the way through, I started to get a little confused. It took quite a jump and it caught me off guard. I even re-read some parts to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I honestly enjoyed this book up until the last quarter because of the setting changes.

I think those who like lots of twists would really enjoy this book.

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A fun mystery with murder, conspiracy theories, a secret publishing company, and a strong protagonist.
Theo has dropped out of school and plans to write a novel. She shows up at her brother's house, hoping he will house her and he does. She meets a fellow writer, makes a connection wiht him, and then tragedy strikes. It sets off a string of murders that all tie back to Theo. She realizes she is ruining everyone's lives and putting her brother in danger. Her only recourse is to go into hiding. Her brother has no idea where she is and is convinced she is dead. Can Gus and his employee /friend find Theo?

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Within this book, you’ll find a publishing house full of mysteries and conspiracies!

I was really looking forward to this book, but felt underwhelmed. Overall, this book was not what I was expecting and would need to re-read or re-assess in the future based on my reading tastes.

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Theo decides she doesn't want to be an attorney and returns home to her brother, Gus, to pursue a career in writing instead - after all, she already has a novel started. But then her mentor, a successful author, is murdered and of course Theo wants justice - but then she learns that her brother is a suspect in the case. Naturally, Theo wants to protect Gus; she then discovers that the author has left a trail of clues in the form of a story. But to solve the murder, Theo and Gus realize there is something much larger at hand. This book was really great because you never really knew what to expect or where things were headed, and I always prefer my mystery reads to not be predictable or formulaic.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill

Who has done it? Who committed it? What the .... about that ending? Yup, it was a great book and I'm reading it over and over because that twisted ending really "killed" me. Love it all! Make sure you grab this when it's released, it really messes with you throughout.


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An engrossing murder-mystery-whodunnit that is packed with intrigue and doesn't disappoint. A plot full of twists and turns that compares favourably with Agatha Christie. The best yet from Sulari Gentill!

My thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for granting this e-ARC.

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I requested this books cause of 3 reasons: the cover, the title and the description. I thought It would be a supper sweet novel about a writer, but it wasn’t. It was a shocking thriller written by the master of Suspense. I love books where the main character is a writer(Little Women, for example) and The Mystery Writer isn’t an exception. It was very inspirational for me while writing my YA thriller, Golden Keys, about a writer that researches the “death” of her father’s. Very good and brilliant. 5 out of 5.

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As an avid reader with a well-established reading routine, I recently stumbled upon a literary gem that has left a profound impact on me. "The Mystery Writer" by Sulari Gentill possesses qualities reminiscent of the brilliant works of Agatha Christie, and I found myself utterly captivated from start to finish.

What struck me most about this book was the clever interplay of a familiar "deja-vu" feeling, as the plot brilliantly weaves contemporary issues of violence into its narrative. Sulari Gentill displays an exceptional talent for crafting a storyline that not only keeps the reader on the edge of their seat but also prompts introspection about present-day challenges.

The suspense in "The Mystery Writer" is masterfully constructed, creating a sense of urgency that intensifies with each turn of the page. The author expertly weaves a web of intrigue that draws ever tighter around the main characters, leaving readers both enthralled and eager to unravel the mysteries entwined in the tale.

I sincerely hope that Sulari Gentill will consider sharing her expertise on plot development in a conference. I would be genuinely interested in attending such an event to gain insights from a mind that has woven such a compelling and engaging narrative.

While "The Mystery Writer" is presented as a standalone, I cannot help but hope for a follow-up. This novel has earned me the title of a true fan, a description I seldom use, but this time, I wear it proudly. I am keen on following Sulari Gentill's future works and will wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking exceptional storytelling.

In a world where understanding and questioning current events are crucial, authors like Sulari Gentill play a vital role. "The Mystery Writer" serves as an exceptional vehicle for fostering communication, exploring the realm of fiction, and highlighting the significance of intricate plot development.

I want to clarify that all opinions expressed here are solely my own, and I take pride in recommending "The Mystery Writer" as a captivating and thought-provoking read. Thank you to Sulari Gentill for this remarkable piece of literature that has left a lasting impact on me as a reader.

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This book caught me off guard a little and I had no idea I'd get so engrossed in it! Theo is writing a novel for the first time when she strikes up a conversation with Dan, a bestselling author and things begin to develop between them until...tragedy strikes! Now we're off and running as her brother, Gus takes her in when odd people/things begin to permeate her life--and her sanity. Is it all part of a conspiracy theory, a secret cabal, or just the musings of the Doomsday Preppers who are ready for the apocalypse? Such a wild ride that kept my head spinning until the last page! This book takes you anywhere and everywhere you have no idea what to go in blind and be swept away by this incredible plot!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Writers’ circles can be murder.
Another quirky mystery from Sulari Gentil about an odd bookish woman navigating the literary world and an unfortunate death. At this point, she’s a master of this craft. Easy five stars.

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Sulari Gentill is a genius. The Mystery Writer is a literary thriller/suspense. I love the way Sulari brings writing full circle in her novels. The passion of the characters resonate with the authors passion.

I adored the character of Theo and her strong will. I enjoyed the banter between the siblings and I want to meet Macs family!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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I'm an avid reader and reading is part of my routine. But, and this did not happen to me for years, I just could not put down "The mystery writer" by Sulari Gentill. There are many qualities only to be found in Agatha Christies' books in this gem. The cleverness of a feeling of "deja-vu" because the plot is linked to contemporary violences, the quality of building up simultaneously a crescendo of suspense and a cobweb getting narrower and narrower on the main characters. I don't know if Sulari Gentill will make any conference on how to build a plot, but I'll be very interested to listen to her on that matter. This book is presented as a one-off apparently, but I seriously hope for a follow-up. Again, it is against my habits to describe me as a fan, but, this time, I'm not ashamed to say I'm keen on following Sulari Gentill, and I will recommend her anytime I can. We need authors like Sulari Gentill, we need to understand and ask the proper questions about what is happening today, with no hate or anticipation. The mystery writer is an excellent way to sensibilize people to the importance of communication, fiction, and the elaboration of plots.
All opinions are mine and only mine !

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