Member Reviews

DNFed at 48%

Unfortunately, the premise of this book enticed me but the writing pushed me away. The sub plot of the subreddit was confusing to follow and was not introduced well enough- I simply did not care about it. The characters were not fleshed out and the intentions and acts where confusing. I was surprised that I made it so far before DNF because I was bored of this book from the beginning

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Theodosia (Theo) Benton left law school to pursue her true passion – writing. Meeting writer Dan Murdoch in a local café, she befriends the man who will become her mentor. When Murdoch is murdered, Theo’s brother Gus becomes suspect number 1. What follows is a trail of clues that lead to some murky places, with questionable people and ever-present danger.

Throughout the story are constant references to a conspiracy, represented as online chats between people with hidden identities. They seem to be just background – until conspiracy becomes the story and Theo gets tied up in it. The conspiracy seems over the top, but isn’t that what conspiracies are all about?

Gus and his friend Cormac Eldrige are important characters, as are Cormac’s family. The Eldriges are preppers and so are well equipped to handle any conspiracy, plus they add plenty of color to this story.

The brother-sister relationship was also central to the story. Theo and Gus are motivated by their love for one another, and their actions go above and beyond what they might imagine a sibling would do.

The Mystery Writer is a twisty, dark mystery. Some parts were predictable, but there were also plenty of surprises. And by the way, the title, The Mystery Writer, doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Through Netgalley, the publisher provided a copy of this book. My review is my honest opinion.

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This was one twisty, turny ride! Theo comes home from university, having decided that she does not want to finish her degree. She's worried that her brother will not understand and make her go back, but Theo has a half written novel she wants to take a chance on, instead. She meets another writer while working on her book out at a bar and she hopes that this more experienced, successful writer can help her on her path, but he seems reluctant.

This book was crazy--it takes everything you know and turns it right on it's ear like....all the time. Things you dismiss as wild conspiracies turn out to be not so wild. Theo is a really likable character, but it fees like everyone in her life is working against her. Well, her brother, despite Theo's initial misgivings, is on her side.
Gentil is a master of twists and turns--I did not see Theo's writer friend's plot coming at all. I thought it was just one of those weird, wild things that people say that always just end up a perversion of the basic truth. Nope, Gentil takes that and spins it on its head and gives us twists I've never seen before in a thriller (and I read a lot of thrillers).

I really enjoyed this book.

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This is an addictive and unputdownable mystery thriller. I loved the writing and how the plot unfolded. The characters were mysterious and a lot of things were happening in the book in the midst of conspiracy and never ending mystery.

Theo Benton abandons her career in law as the idea of working in a law firm doesn’t entice her anymore. She shows up at her brother’s doorstep with an unfinished novel and tells him that she is not interested in pursuing a degree in law but she is more interested in becoming a novelist. Gus always supported her and he let her stay and work on her novel. Soon she starts working on her novel and meet a renowned author Dan Murdoch. He motivates her in an unexpected way. As writers, they share about their source of inspiration and what works for them and soon they form a close bond but the unexpected and mysterious death of Dan shocks Theo and makes her the suspect. In the web of conspiracy, suspense and mysteries, people are becoming victim. Everyone is trying to fathom why would anyone wanted to kill Dan but mystery gets deep when another person is found dead and Theo goes missing and some unthinkable things happens as well. But despite everything Gus tries to find Theo until the end. The twists and turns kept me on edge and revelations at the end were shocking.

Many Thanks to the Author and Publisher.

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'The Mystery Writer' is about Theodosia Benton who, upon dropping out of law school in Australia, travels to New York to live with her older brother and pursue her dreams of becoming a writer. She begins her novel and quickly befriends a fellow author at her local coffee shop who becomes her mentor. and beau. Things become complicated, however, when this fellow author winds up dead.and Theo is the one to find the body. She finds herself the primary suspect in an increasingly complicated situation convoluted by conspiracy theorists.

I really enjoy Sulari Gentill's writing and in particularly loved her most recent work, 'The Woman in the Library.’ Gentill writes clever plots with likeable and nuanced characters who are fun to follow. I enjoyed all of the main characters in this novel and found myself engrossed in their story. I was surprised by the ending and did not see it coming, either. I love books about books and enjoyed reading about an author seeking publication. I will definitely be picking up more of Sulari Gentill's future works!

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for access to this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was a wild, chaotic mess, but an interesting mess nonetheless. Theo, a young Australian woman, decides she’s done with her career path & moves in with her brother in Kansas to pursue being an author and thus chaos ensues. What a wild ride. Moral of the story . . . Ask your lover a few questions first!!! Actually ask a lot of people questions, your lover, your potential boss, random people in cafes, etc. . . . Theo just missed a lot of those cues and we ended up where we did - conspiracy & murder!

*Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Poisoned Pen Press for this advanced copy of Sulari Gentill’s newest book, The Mystery Writer.

I finished this in one day but I found the plot to be chaotic at times. As a reader, I felt that it went every which way. From a hopeful writer starting to fall for her unofficial mentor to conspiracy theories and doomsday preppers, this book has everything.

It felt a little convoluted in some areas and like the writer just threw in the whole kitchen sink. While I personally did not love this book, I could see others getting on board with the concept.

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The premise of this book is excellent. The story begins with the protagonist leaving her home and law school in Tasmania to crash at her brother’s home in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. She has suddenly decided that she does not want to become an attorney and arrives in the USA with a dream to become a writer, somewhat of a plan for a book, and uncertainty as to whether she will receive her trust fund money that hinged on her completing law school. She finds a spot at a local pub/cafe where she spends her days writing. She meets another writer who has been quite successful and they become friends. He gives her advice on her book as well as the business.
As the plot unfolds in this story, I found things to love and things that made me stop and question how realistic a scenario this was. For instance, I loved the relationship between the siblings and their unconditional support for each other. I loved the intermingled plot lines that you know will merge. I had to question the decision to make the protagonist both confident enough to move halfway around the world leaving everything behind (alone) and her naivety with the various situations that she founds herself in. She seemed worldly and mature in one situation and childlike and overly trusting in another situation.
The other issue was the seemingly jumping in time and place without warning or explanation. This made the plot difficult at times to follow. The ending was also rushed although in the story, many years separate some of the events. The ending could have had more devoted to it.
Overall, I enjoyed reading this and would recommend it. However, it was a good book and felt like it could have been a great book with editing.
#mysterywriter #NetGalley #PoisonedPenPress

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I liked this book, even though I felt lost in parts and couldn't figure out what was going on. I think I would still recommend this book. I got the jest of the story line.

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I was curious about this book because it has a great title and cover and I also 3njoyed her previous book. However, this one I found a bit complicated and confusing and I didn’t enjoy it as much. Thanks for the opportunity to read it.

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I went into this story based on my enjoyment of the author's last book, The Woman in the Library, but completely blind to the plot of this story.
And it took quite a few completely unexpected turns Theo(dosia) has left law school in Australia and turned up at her brother Gus' doorstep in Kansas because she has realized the law is not for her - she wants to be a writer. Her brother, who actually is a lawyer, lets her crash and supports her in her endeavor. She starts writing at a local coffee shop and meets an older established writer ...
A tentative potentially problematic relationship starts and soon after she stumbles on his dead body. This starts the mystery and his agent and her highly restrictive rules are especially intriguing. The whole story takes place over a matter of weeks, moving quickly until there's a skip of a couple of years towards the end which felt a little jarring. This book delves deep into the topics of public perception of authors and conspiracy theories, this was intriguing.
I'll continue to think about this book for a while.
Thank you so much to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the eARC of The Mystery Writer!

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This author was a recent discovery, I really enjoyed the woman in the library and her follow up did not disappoint. Great mystery and intrigue- really clever meta narrative that sets it apart from every other crime novel.

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A change of pace was the following of Theo B, until you couldn't! Her dead mentor created an early point of puzzlement, too. Writerly processes were included, and brother Gus was a plus. Can't say too much, or the cat's out of the bag!

This one kept me on my toes, especially in the wrap-up.

*A sincere thank you to Sulari Gentill, Poisoned Pen Press, and NetGalley for an ARC to read and independently review.* #mysterywriter #NetGalley

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After reading The Woman In the Library, I was super excited to get approved on NetGalley for The Mystery Writer.

While enjoyable and worth the read, it fell a little flat for me and I struggled to get through several sections.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and Poisoned Pen Press for the advanced digital copy.

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The Mystery Writer is another stand-alone mystery by Sulari Gentill whose freedom from the Rowland Sinclair series has led to wildly inventive, somewhat improbably story lie this one. It begins when Theidosia quits college and Australia, heading to the US and her lawyer brother. She wants to write a novel and her brother is supportive

She starts going to a coffeehouse/bar to write, sitting at a corner table typing away on her laptop. She meets Dan, another writer, one she admires, who goes to the same coffeehouse/bar. Soon they share a table daily and Theo feels like she if falling for him. But in an extraordinarily bad coincidence, once she sleeps with him, he is murdered. Of course she is the suspect.

Meanwhile, her book is coming along well. She may have a literary agent, the agent her murdered author lover said was unsuitable. Her brother’s private investigator friend is on the job, but because the police seem incapable of detecting the gaping opening of a paper bag, soon her brother, the detective, and she are variously and together suspected of the murder.

The Mystery Writer is one of Sulari Gentill’s best novels. She creates characters that are plausible and likeable. It was going great with moments of humor, but the last part leading to the resolution is improbable. The tone of the story is abruptly changed from a domestic cozy to a espionage thriller. It’s jarring and far too unlikely. I loved the three quarters of the book and my rating reflects that. The last quarter, well the least said, soonest forgotten.

I received an e-galley of The Mystery Writer from the publisher through NetGalley.

The Mystery Writer at Poisoned Pen Press | SourceBooks
Sulari Gentill author site

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3.5-3.75 stars

The plot of this book was intriguing. The portrayal of American characters and their guns was satirically funny, and I enjoyed most of the story. The ending, though…talk about a conclusion that seems to come out of nowhere and that is way over the top. Entertaining, but also a bit ridiculous. Definitely an adventure.

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I was a bit disappointed in this book. I've read Sulari Gentill's two previous books and I loved them, but with The Mystery Writer, I feel like the last 10-20% of the book was so out there that it affected my enjoyment of the novel. I will say that the author is very skilled, especially with writing realistic and dynamic characters. The plot twists just weren't for me.

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"A Mystery Writer" delves into the intricate world of crime fiction with finesse. The author crafts a riveting narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Through skillful character development and atmospheric storytelling, the novel transports readers into a realm where nothing is as it seems. The protagonist, a seasoned detective grappling with personal demons, adds depth to the plot, while the intricate web of clues and red herrings keeps readers guessing until the final revelation. A must-read for fans of the genre, "A Mystery Writer" is a captivating tale that will leave readers craving more.

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The Mystery Writer is a mystery story of sorts that includes an unusual mix of writers, the publishing world, and crime. Add to the mix conspiracy theories and you have an interesting combination that Ms Gentill handles superbly. I found myself fascinated by her story.

The Mystery Writer is a clever story that is well-written and twisty. The characters are interesting and some are ever-evolving, which gives the plot added depth. It’s a complex story that is well-conceived and well-presented. The setting is Lawrence, Kansas which is an unusual place for a mystery, but it works well. And, since I’m familiar with this location, it made the story even more enjoyable. NetGalley provided an advance copy.

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This story was weird and forgettable; writing this review less than a week after finishing the book, I barely know what to say. I had suspicions immediately about certain characters, some which proved true and some which didn't. I could not identify with the female lead character really at all, and so I didn't find myself especially invested in the story. The prepper/conspiracy theorist plot was bizarre and frankly uncomfortable for me. All in all a middle of the road book; I don't regret the time spent reading it, but it won't leave a lasting impression.

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