Member Reviews

I really wanted to love this book and while it was entertaining and enjoyable, I couldn't help but feel like parts were oddly similar to "Lock Every Door" by Riley Sager (they were totally different and I was way off base, but it was still distracting!).

I listened to this novel on audio and the narrator was good. I would have preferred multiple narrators for the historical flashbacks and her voice for Sarah was grating, but otherwise the narration was really well done.

This book was complex and there were a lot of characters. We had the struggling actor, the struggling author, the inherited multi-million dollar NYC apartment, the odd neighbors, the ghosts, the weird doorman, the dead bodies, the flashbacks, and so much more. The many layers and subplots made the book feel a bit long for me in parts and honestly I probably could have entirely done without the flashbacks. Most of the twists didn't feel all that surprising but I did really enjoy how everything came together and played out.

All in all, this was entertaining but probably won't stick with me. Thank you to for the audio and to Harlequin Trade Press and NetGalley for the copy.

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t has taken me weeks to come to terms with the fact that “The Couple in 5B” just didn’t do it for me.

This is my second book by Lisa Unger (and definitely not my last) and I was completely hooked from start to finish on the first, “Christmas Presents.” So it made me quite sad that I can’t give a rave review for this one.

Rosie and Chad inexplicably inherit an opulent apartment in a historic NYC building. Rosie is quickly faced with a unique cast of neighbors, hotel employees, encounters a potential haunting, and deals with many untruths dealt to her by Chad.

While it was well written and engaging I never was able to fully immerse myself in the story. The supernatural elements weren’t impactful enough for me, and the mystery within the walls and the characters has been done better in better ways.

But all that to say, it was perfectly fine, just not a book I feel strongly enough to evangelize.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Park Row Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A predictable but entertaining tall tale, not one of Unger’s best. I have to believe that the reviews that fail to mention Rosemary’s Baby are by people who haven’t read or seen it, since the inspiration is a bit too obvious.

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New Yorkers Rosie and Chad Lowan are shocked when they inherit a luxury apartment at the historic Windermere from Chad’s late uncle. However, a dark history lurks behind the walls of the Windermere, and upon moving in Rosie begins to feel like something is off. After one of their neighbors turns up dead, Rosie becomes even more suspicious and hopes to uncover the truth behind the Windermere.

This was a unique novel, incorporating the elements of a mystery/thriller/suspense book with a touch of paranormal activity. I love an NYC setting, and there was a great cast of characters making for plenty of potential suspects. Definitely pick this one up if you’re looking for a captivating read with a touch of spookiness!

Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row Books for my gifted e-ARC!

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This has to be my favourite Lisa Unger novel. This one reminded me a little of Riley Sager's "Lock Every Door." This book was fast paced and a lot of fun to read. I loved the main character, Rosie, and how well developed her character was.

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Rosie and Chad are just getting by when they inherit a luxury apartment from Chad’s late uncle. However, it becomes very obvious that the building has a dark history that is continuing to plague the residents.
As people start to die around her, Rosie tries to uncover the truth about the Windermere. Hopefully before it’s too late.
Highly recommended.

* I received this advanced reader’s copy of this book from NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row in exchange for my honest review

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4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The New Couple in 5B
Author: Lisa Unger

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC! Lisa Unger’s newest release you will not want to put down. It was a perfect mix of thriller, with some paranormal creepy vibes. Our main character Rosie and her husband Chad inherit an apartment in a super luxurious building. They are super eager to move in because they are struggling to make ends meet. Things start to get weird though when people start winding up dead.. 💀 Also, Rosie is an author and she’s writing a book on the history of the building. In her research we also get some POVs from another couple that lived in the building many years ago. Somethings not right… but you will have to read the book to find out what it is 😉

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3.5 star read - loved the setting and the vibes. I did guess some aspects of the book but it was still a super entertaining read. It’s a medium paced, medium/long chapter mystery. Not much else I can say without spoilers!

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Rosie and Chad Lowen inherit a luxury historical apartment at the Windermere. It has a reputation for gruesome crimes. When a neighbor turns up dead, Rosie wants to dig into the history.

This had the perfect level of creepiness that really snuck up on you a little bit at a time. I love the concept of a place retaining energy from the past, and it has that feel to it with the building. It was a slower pace than I would have excepted from a thriller, but I know many appreciate that with a gothic type suspense. This was my first Lisa Unger; not my favorite book, but definitely I will be trying more.

“Some folks don’t get to leave the Windermere. Some of us are destined to die here.”

The New Couple in 5B comes out 3/5.

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thank you netgalley and harlequin for the arc. i really liked this one up until the last 2 parts. unhinged doesn't cover it, it's also ridiculously cliched-having the mystery being the creepy, older neighbors. of course it's always about the apartment that someone wants and will kill for it. of course it's always the husband.

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I did enjoy this story, especially the Rosemary's Baby parallels, but I did find it a bit predictable. There were parts of the book that took a few turns that were a surprise and kept me reading. I enjoyed the description the author gave of the surroundings - it made me feel like I was there. And the characters were believable and well thought out. I may pick up another by this author, this was my first of hers.

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Lisa Unger officially came onto my radar when I read and absolutely loved SECLUDED CABIN SLEEPS SIX. I also read her holiday thriller novella CHRISTMAS PRESENTS and overall enjoyed it. THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024!

THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B is a slow-burn mystery about a couple who inherit a luxury apartment at the historic Windermere building in New York. The Windermere has a dark history, but Rosie and Chad couldn't be more excited to settle into their new home. But as soon as they move in, Rosie starts to notice strange happenings.

The first half of the book was pretty slow-going for me and I found myself losing interest at times. I felt like there was a lot of talk about Rosie and Chad's marriage, and I wanted the story to be less romance and more mystery/thriller. With that being said, I enjoyed the second half of the book more. There were a few twists that I didn't see coming, but the ending was somewhat predictable.

I will continue reading more by this author. I have a few more of her books on my TBR and look forward to reading them!

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Unger has such a captivating writing style that made me blow through this book. I love the way she writes her worlds and characters. I really enjoyed Willa’s story and found myself really being drawn to her character. What worked less for me was the motive of the perpetrator which is why I ultimately rated it what I did. The ending after the ending was satisfying (if you’ve read it you know what I am talking about) - I was worried that was all going to be a red herring so I am glad it was cleared up. I jumped between the audio and reading and enjoyed both formats equally.

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The New Couple in 5B was good and I liked the idea of having the apartment in an older building as central to the story. However, even though it moved along well, it didn’t excite me.

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While not as fast paced as most of Lisa Unger's offerings, I greatly appreciated this slow burn psychological thriller shaded with a supernatural sheen.

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I’ve enjoyed many of Lisa Unger’s books in the past and while this one had all the hallmarks of her writing, I did find it a tad slow and too close to the popular Rosemary’s baby. Of course, Unger puts her on spin on things and I liked how this one added in a supernatural element which is not something we normally see in her books, but I wish it didn’t feel so familiar to me. If you like atmospheric, supernatural thrillers then I’d say give this one a try! Especially if you’re looking for something similar to Rosemary’s Baby!

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An exciting, spooky, and thrilling read! Hard to put down. There were unexpected twists and turns, and I appreciated the connection between the characters, both past and present.

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Wow! I couldn't/didn't want to stop reading this book! This suspenseful nail-biting thriller, set in an old NYC apartment building, drew me in from the beginning chapter! Plenty of twists and turns connecting the eerie past and present timeline will have you staying up late anticipating the next page! My first Lisa Unger book and definitely not my last!!

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately, I was disappointed with this book. There was not enough mystery/thriller in it for me. There was too much emphasis on the apartment, I was not a fan of the characters, and the book essentially just need more umph to it. At the end there was a lot of "whys" left unanswered. I like my mystery/thrillers to be completely tied up in the end.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The New Couple in 5B gripped me from the beginning where the main character Rosie witnesses a tragic accident. I don’t typically like unreliable narrators, but I found myself rooting for Rosie when everyone was telling her she was crazy.
There is a dual timeline which I found very interesting and love how it tied in. So much foreshadowing that had me questioning everyone and their intentions. (I had my eye on Abi and Chad the whole time.) I also really enjoyed Rosie’s visions, as it made the story even spookier.
I would recommend this thriller.

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